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Author Topic: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport  (Read 2199 times)


Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #80 on: February 27, 2012, 07:49:50 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
A while back (before this conversation had even started) I was traveling with a group in the brech mountain, not hard to do to my character at the time, but I was out of time (already late by 30 minutes) and asked a gm if I could be bailed out. I was then told, "sorry I can't do that because we can't teleport someone out of a danger zone". Which pardon me for saying so, applies for 99% of the deep :p. Now on the other hand I've seen gm that were in the group (down in the deep) log out and bail people out, but what I'm talking here is consistency.

So I think if it's Always possible as stated, it should be made clear to the entire team and that certain situation (like having to log in an urgency) be permitted no matter where you are. Of course that pauses a possible exploit to happen, but I'm sure you guys can track that well enough.

I won't even bother trying to respond to your particular situation, because the context is gone, and as such I clearly don't know what exactly was going on....and it doesn't matter for the sake of this discussion.

In general, however, GMs make calls based on judgment all the time. Sometimes the results may differ. There is no checklist as to when it is and isn't OK to give someone a port. Like I said, it's usually a judgment call. There is no One Absolute Rule.

It is true that we generally will not take someone out of an active combat situation just because they ask. I know I wouldn't. It really goes against the spirit of things, and we would never know if there is truly an "emergency" or if a character is just in over his/her head.  

Now, having said that, if there is something urgent, take yourself out of combat and log out. Don't wait around for a GM.  Worry about that when it's time to log in again. Post for GM assistance or get onto IRC and ask there. If someone's available, they'll help you out of wherever you are. We do this all the time.  We try not to ever penalize players or characters due to the urgencies and interruptions of real life. Many of us have families, jobs, pets possessed by Evil, children and/or any other number of potential interruptions that can happen at a moment's notice.  It happens. We get that.  Don't worry about it.

So in an emergency, log out.  Try not to do this in active combat. There's a number of reasons for this. Get yourself to the side or somewhere known to be safe and log out. This is ultimately no different from the case where someone crashes or has a network failure or whatever.  Do not, however, log out to avoid the current, active combat.  This is an abuse, and it's mentioned in our rules.

When you're ready to log in again, ask for a GM. We'll help you out if we can.

Quote from: Pen N Popper
I think you meant player, not character. It's the player that has the emergency.

I like the idea, though I would probably abuse it. There are times when a group heads off and I know I'm not going to be able to do the entire trip uninterrupted. I'd jump into the fray and play as long as I could, then bail out. This would increase the chances of playing with groups but may not be what the team wants to see in the world.

No, we mean character, because we want to prevent characters from using something like this to make an easy escape from...the Deep, for example...laden with gems and ores, then skip happily along to craft up one's take.  That would be an abuse.   We understand it's the player with the emergency, but it's the character that stands to benefit most from someone who would use this system for no other purpose but to get back quickly and keep playing.

The whole point of this would be to address the complaint that people have about wanting to join excursions like this and not being able to due to the time some groups may take in doing so (i.e. the aforementioned extra loops for a full take of ore and gems).  So no, you are incorrect in your analysis of why we would do this (if  we do this) and what it is we want to see.

Chances are, for people like you and others who would want something like this, it wouldn't matter if we limited the character or player from logging in again, because they wouldn't be able to play anyway. But say for example, one person in the group had time to get back but no one else did.  That person could still use the system, jump into a new character and keep playing in some way or the other.

The whole point for the delay is to deter the hardcore player from abusing the system by requiring them to give up something they don't want to give up: time.  On the flip side, the time matters little to someone who has no more time to spend at the moment, so it works out well overall and prevents the real abuse.

Guardian 452

Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #81 on: February 27, 2012, 09:06:29 pm »
That last paragraph sums up exactly what I had a vision of.
Emergency exits are separate. They can and are already taken care of by GMs. This system is about those who dont have the time for an entire trip. And we are all in agreement here (i hope) that if you made it to wherever it is. Making it back isnt a challenge.... its just more time.

Also remember the EXP given up if one chooses to call out vs. fight out. If we got a call home system. Me personally... I'd would have to weight using the call home vs. all the EXP I am giving up on the return trip. And time will be the deciding factor every time. ;)

Guardian 452

Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #82 on: July 02, 2012, 01:23:43 am »
Quote from: Dorganath

The whole point for the delay is to deter the hardcore player from abusing the system by requiring them to give up something they don't want to give up: time.  On the flip side, the time matters little to someone who has no more time to spend at the moment, so it works out well overall and prevents the real abuse.


Is there any official word or update on this proposal?

Thanks !


Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #83 on: July 03, 2012, 05:52:11 pm »
Such a system could defeat the point of gathering a balanced party for a difficult mission, by making it less likely that the remaining members of the party could succeed in getting out safely.  I think wise players would be a lot less likely to travel with someone who would bug out on them for convenience.

Guardian 452

Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #84 on: July 03, 2012, 06:18:08 pm »
I would agree 100% if someone simply "bugged out" due to they got what they wanted and said see ya.... others would become leery of grouping with them in the future. But they are going be giving up playtime (lockout timer) and XP from the return trip (which in some cases is huge)... not to mention most parties "loot split" after the trip is over. So IMO that is a lot someone is giving up!!!

Player "X" has 2 or 3 strait hours to play maximum. That means player "X" will simply NEVER see certain areas of the game. If he had a call home device that would allow him to see areas he normally wouldnt because of the total time to get in and out. Sure that character of his will then be "locked out" for 6 hours... but that wont be a big deal for player "X" because he cant play again for 10 to 20 hours anyway. Remember that player "X" is now also going to give up half the XP of the round trip... which in some cases could be upwards of 100,000 Experience for round trips into the deep for example. And as I said before most groups "loot split" afterwards. So their is somethings they are sacrificing above and beyond the 6 hour lock out.

Also I dont think they are cheating death by "calling home" if they could handle whatever it was once on the way in... they should be able to handle it again on the way out.

I realize right now anyone can simply log out anywhere and later on ask for GM assistance to be removed from where they were. But honestly a call home with a lockout timer on it. Basically runs itself, and polices itself by locking them out for 6 hours. No GM assistance needed.


Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #85 on: July 04, 2012, 12:10:34 am »
For the players that have restricted time to play, which I now fall under due to my business and home renovation, this would enable us to play without having to fear of the "what time is it, and how long do I have left?" syndrome.

Guardian 452

Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #86 on: July 04, 2012, 01:53:06 am »
I wanted to add to what I said above...

Player "X" wont be hurt by the 6 hour lockout after he calls home... BUT!! Mr XP grinder, and Mr. I want the CNR and get out... will both feel it now. Since they will be locked out for 6 hours (the character that called home will be locked out not their alts).



Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #87 on: July 04, 2012, 06:23:39 pm »
But the rest of your party will have to get out without you.  Unless you were unnecessary in the first place, they'll be in trouble.

Guardian 452

Re: Couple more ideas, Lockout timer & teleport
« Reply #88 on: July 04, 2012, 06:32:11 pm »
Your example is correct. Now if for further example I was the one who couldnt go the whole round trip. I would have the courtesy to tell the rest of the group of my intentions at the start. Leaving the group to then decide if I would be invited or not. If I went along... then left early. The others as you said would have to fight their way out... or... also "call home". I am not pitching the call home as an emergency RL bail out of the game... we already have that. Just log out where you are and ask for a GM to snag you at their convenience. However... it would in fact work as RL bail out too. (if you could accept the lockout)

What about other examples? I am going to guess we have more that a couple Layo players who have never seen areas of the game because of the time it takes round trip. A call home would enable them to make a group and they could all call home, when they decided to end the adventure.

Quite frankly its a shame that we have areas that only a select few can go to because they can devote hours and hours at their PC. Id almost go as far to say its quite unfair. Aside from that pulling an all nighter seem to somehow upset my wife... go figure!  LOL ;)

Maybe its just me but my excitement kind of fizzles after 3 hours down into the deep and knowing we have 3 hours of killing again before we can get out. Id gladly sacrifice the XP, coin, loot, and time locked out to have a choice to call home.  

Anyone else?