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Author Topic: Earning A Level Per Month  (Read 3296 times)

Pen N Popper

Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2012, 12:48:14 pm »
@silverblades As a long time player, how much do you currently play? Are there things that prevent you from playing? Are there things that might encourage you to play more often?



Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2012, 02:46:30 pm »
Maybe consider daily quests?

You have some of the quests (like the bugs in the cellar quest) as daily. This is so you can have the ability to complete the quest a few times. However, maybe make it so you can only complete 5 daily quests a day. I can understand that this would most likely be difficult to programme!


Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2012, 04:24:47 pm »
 then I think it is over to your side of the fence to see what is agreable but I think the general idea is pretty interesting. For me making some lore and people's invented past be drawn into the series as it unfolds could offer a nice way of adding depth - but thats just me, I think there must be alot of new things to try in this.
 Noted and sounds good - GMTers can walk tall this summer.

Pen N Popper

Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #63 on: August 13, 2012, 05:43:40 pm »
I'll bump this thread yet again. The arguments for potential abuse and GM oversight required don't hold water for me any longer: There are only a handful of players online, who's going to abuse anything? The argument of "they didn't earn it" also rings hollow: I earned it by participating in the world. Period.

If a new or old player knows that they will be guaranteed a level just for being online and contributing to the community, that seems like a win for everyone. They can choose to grind up levels, or just kick back and relax and level "slowly."


Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #64 on: August 13, 2012, 08:42:09 pm »
I completely agree with PnP.

I realize my playtime is erratic which makes it basically impossible to level some of my characters, hence why I have a stable full of level 8-11 with one exception a level 21 who I started 5+ years ago!

The times I can play is when no one else is on, so I craft... there's no XP in that, but I do still play!

But..... I know my characters are basically stuck at or near the levels they are now, which at times makes it seem pointless for me to log in. I know its a RP server, but I do like leveling!

I would love one level per month for one character, NOT ALL of my characters.

(I did not read entirly through this thread so some ideas might already be there)

My Thanks,


Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #65 on: August 13, 2012, 09:22:04 pm »
I dont want to complicate the issue, however if this were to be implemented, I'd like to see it as an option, not a standard.

I can well understand the desire to have the levels to be able to contribute to the group on various quests, but to me DnD is at least partially about surviving in an inimical environment.  This may hold especially true of Layo where you have to survive for an even longer time to press the button and get your food pellet.

Perhaps I'm overly masochistic, but I dont want a handout.  Even getting xp for RP makes me somewhat uneasy.  RP should be its own reward, its why we're here.  Getting a reward for it makes me feel like I should have done something more tangible.

On the other hand, Gunther is already at a level where he can usually contribute.  Not always, but usually.  So while I can sympathize with the concept, my opinion may not be without bias.


Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #66 on: October 20, 2012, 05:49:42 pm »
I agree with Merlin, and Gunthar.  I like the idea, as an option.  I would use it for one character only, most likely.  Certainly I think its a sensible reflection on our characters continuing to live, study, work, and adventure in the world even if the RL player doesn't have enough free time to play them all effectively.  It would be up to the player to decide if their character was more likely to work hard and develop, or sit back and idle through life when not being actively played.  Assuming it was a toggle-able command in game, similar to the one disabling xp from combat, then people would be able to turn it off and on to gain levels more slowly than one per month as well, to reflect how they saw their character's drive and current activities.

As an example, I spent some time away from online play recently, and my IC explanation was that my character Jenna spent her time on Xeen's island, participating in services and learning to tend grapes and make wine... partly to account for my RL time away and partly to cover IC explaining her suddenly being able to make Xeenite wine when she'd only brewed beer and ales before (from brewing skill rising.  Wines and beer are different animals.)  Several months passed there, but I wouldn't have had her gain levels during that period.   But now that I have her back in circulation and adventuring again, if RL took me away again, I might turn such a thing on to reflect her being active in a way that could improve her proficiency wielding the Alnoth.


Re: Earning A Level Per Month
« Reply #67 on: October 20, 2012, 08:15:59 pm »
I am for this for an option as well