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Author Topic: High-end CNR respawn timer  (Read 309 times)


High-end CNR respawn timer
« on: June 12, 2010, 07:38:12 pm »
Mithril, Yew, Emerald, and Ruby deposits should have a significantly longer respawn timer (in excess of 2 hours, I recommend 3 hours).


Re: High-end CNR respawn timer
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2010, 08:37:50 pm »
That would change the market on those items for sure. Since the respawn timer is now like 15 or 20 mins. So each trip to those areas it is possible to do three runs of CNR.

Lance Stargazer

Re: High-end CNR respawn timer
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2010, 08:40:05 pm »
Well.. I would go for 2 hours, in the last weeks has happened that for example on weekends 2 groups has gone down there in the very same day with just some hours of diference. It would be suck to go down there all the way to find nothing, don't you think ?

Just covering the bases.

Guardian 452

Re: High-end CNR respawn timer
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2010, 09:30:30 pm »
Being part of a second group, showing up after killing your way in for 3 hours (or more) to enter an empty room... OMG I would be upset to say the least.

Along with the above idea I would say reduce the time it takes to get there. I am a player that at certain times of the day can devote 6 strait hours (or more LOL) to sitting at my PC... how many who want emeralds can say that now? I wish I had set up a timer a couple weeks ago when Ty's group tried to get there... it was 4 or 5 hours and we had just then reached the map with emeralds on it (though we failed to clear that room and came away empty handed that time) That is as much a problem as any concern over market saturation.



Re: High-end CNR respawn timer
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2010, 08:48:00 am »
Quote from: osxmallard
Mithril, Yew, Emerald, and Ruby deposits should have a significantly longer respawn timer (in excess of 2 hours, I recommend 3 hours).

I think that's a bad idea; high end CNR is already balanced by the amount of time and danger players face when trying to gather them, and since there already is a max amount of times allowed enforced by the rules. Then I can only see an increase in the respawn time to hurt casual players, and benefit guilds and people with huge amounts of time to play.

We ask the community to limit any looping behavior through a small number of areas to sixty (60) minutes. We ask the community to limit any camping behavior in a single area to thirty (30) minutes. In the case of logging in, harvesting and logging out, we ask that you simply do not do this more than 3times in a row over a twenty-four (24) hour period.

I can't see what difference it makes in regards to the rules if you use 6 hours or if you use 45 min's to use up the 3 times a in row over 24 hours. You'll end up with the same amount of CNR and the later allows the player with lesser time to maybe make the trip he would otherwise surely pass up on.  
If the idea is to lessen the amount of high end CNR in the world, then I suggest a change of the rules instead and setting the max to 1 or 2 instead and keeping the respawn time.

