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Author Topic: Player Consortium  (Read 176 times)


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    Player Consortium
    « on: September 19, 2005, 10:04:00 pm »
    Has any thought been given to adopting some of the PrCs from it? Wait, I know thought has been given to it but is there any real chance some of the classes that would fit in LO will be added?


    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 06:53:00 am »
    We have looked through it quite a lot and a good majority of it is quite unbalancing--although they look like they would be a whole lot of fun to play.  It is some time off (if ever) before we bring them (or parts of it) over.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 08:52:00 am »
    I agree with L on both accounts! heh they do look fun to play!

    I vote for arcane trickster (which is one of the least overpowered if I recall correctly.)



    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 10:01:00 am »
    What I like about the player consortium is the way it handles shifting for druids and shifters.  Gone are the preset NWN druid and shifter shapes, now you change into an animal or whatever depending on physical contact with that creature....just like PnP.  You can have upto a certain number of shapes and these can be deleted or added to.  What you change into depends on the CR of that creature and your chance of success is dependant on your druid/shifter level and something else that I can't remember now :)

    Anyhow there are lots of things wrong with the PC but there are some some really nice things too.


    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 10:41:00 am »

    I quite like a lot of the spells it contains.


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    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 10:45:00 am »
    About the Arcane Trickster, I think it's actually underpowered here in Layo, because it's one of the combinations that are only good in the mid-to-high levels, which few people get to fast. I would like to have the Mystic Theurge in Layo, though, and I think they have already implemented Psionics(!) in it too. I love psionics. Sooooooo cool.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 11:06:00 am »
    Mystic Theruge is one of those overpowered ones though.



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    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #7 on: September 20, 2005, 01:52:00 pm »
    One that desperately needs some attention is the Spellsword, Layo version, but since i've already suggested some stuff a big while ago, i'll just pray and wait for some changes. :)

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #8 on: September 21, 2005, 04:39:00 pm »
    Yeah, the spellsword is really weak.  And I don't think the ignore spell failures were adjusted to NWN armors.

    PnP armors have lower spell failure % than NWN armors.  If i'm remembering correctly the layo spellsword uses the same values for ignore spell failure feats as the PnP one.

    PnP full plate has 35% spell failure, while NWN full plate has 45% spell failure.

    Even with that adjusted, their ability durations are very short and they don't get that many uses per day.  I'd rather play the Eldritch Knight PrC if I was going to play a fighter/wizard PrC.  I'd probably acctually just play a Fighter/Wizard over the spellsword PrC as it is.



    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #9 on: September 23, 2005, 08:13:00 am »
    agreed, Talan.  especially since the 'still spell' feat allows one to cast in armor, and if you ever make epic, there are the 'epic still spell' feats.

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    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #10 on: October 03, 2005, 09:23:00 pm »
    I really enjoyed the arcane elemental and the divine elemental PrC, but i do agree that the whole psionics things is very cool, true psychic, psychic warrior and of course psychic theurge.


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    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #11 on: October 05, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
    Psions, on any server they are available on, quickly outnumber normal folks.  At least that's been my experience.

    Mystic Theurge is awesome, but, overpowered.  Same with Eldrich Knight (sigh, there goes my favorite).

    That PsychicToaster person needs a pat on the back for the Drow Judicator.  Rebuke/Controlling spiders like undead?  Sounds fun. ;)

    On a more serious note.  The PRC as of about a year ago when I stopped working with them (conveniently enough shortly after I started) was thoroughly obsessed with putting so much "stuff" in that they made working with it as a builder nigh unmanageable.  So Bioware didn't anticipate needing a massive buffer for scripts since none of their official scripts were absolutely enormous . . . What was PRC's solution?  Require all builders working with the PRC to use an external compiler to batch compile all their scripts at once because their include was so large that it caused a fault when compiling in the toolset.  That move right there turned off entire PW teams.  Some of the largest teams were already using external compilers because their in-house work already required faster batch compiling of their thousand scripts.  Then they add their Race pack. (Don't call them subraces, they'll flame you for it.  Subraces are those script solution versions)  

    Sorry.  I had a lot of fun building PrCs, and strictly speaking about their Prestige Class work, their system makes it far easier to add "passive" feats that the engine doesn't recognize.  Adding in Boneshank's and Spellman's spells and systems was a nice touch, but its just getting bloated now with some of the convoluded work-arounds for other features.

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    RE: Player Consortium
    « Reply #12 on: October 06, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
    Here is a thought, why not have LO develop their own PrC's. They have a couple in the handbook already listed.
    Though I think what would be nice to see is perhaps racial based PrC's instead of class specific.
    There were guides for DnD once, like the Sages Guide, Castle Guide and I believe there was also the Artisan's Guide.
    Players on their own have interesting ideas when they multiclass. They do so for specific reasons for the choices that they make.
    I for one for making my character what she is, did so for the purposes of crafting, the choice was not combat motivated.
    Most PrC's that are listed, seem to be very much either combat related or eventual powerhouses. Where is the roleplay if the PrC is of that aforementioned type.
    Maybe its important that LO develop their own for this particular world.

