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Author Topic: Its time for crazy ideas  (Read 266 times)


Its time for crazy ideas
« on: June 04, 2005, 10:14:00 pm »
This one will get me hung from the gallows...
Please now every one stop and think after you read this.....

A new player Met Celgar the other day.. He said I must go before the shp closes and it hit me...

Any way there could be a scrip that locks the shops for a while at night? I mean I have come into the mechants at 2 in the morning (Game time) to get a few items and left. Who in the nie hells would keep a shop open 24 hours a day? maybe a few GM events where they have celebrations of sorts and shops with in the area are locked off. this would at a little more realism to an already awsome world.

I also thought of the drawbacks IE Lag and a mass of ticked off players.

Again I know Orth is running at full steam (and if we tied him to a chair he may get a little faster) and the dev team is being whipped at like dogs (I know you guts arn't just sounds funny). This is a tiny idea to make you think.

*waits to get stoned to death while people scream lighting bolt at him*

My 2 gold Pieces.


RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 10:19:00 pm »
Naw, it is a good idea really--in thought at least.  But to allow players to have fun and keep things so that players that do not log in for hours and hours on end we need to keep them open.  While it makes sense to close things down like that we can not, otherwise too many players will be harmed. All players deserve to have fun, regardless of how many hours they can play in a week/month--within reason of course (game balance reason).  Once we get player vendors back we can perhaps do something like this but then it will not really matter as player vendors will be 24/7.  IF, we get them back mind you.


RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2005, 10:23:00 pm »
L mind if i kiss some arse... I been here since V2 was new This place gets better and better every month. It's like me waiting at my mail box for my comics at the end of the week when you guys up date..  get all giddy and hyper as i read the new stuff (Not making this up!)

Edit: My point is... that' an idea and I'm one voice... I never seen the player vendors and been playing with out thatm and I gotta say its kind of better that way... Just one voice don't mind me I'll get back in line now :)


RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2005, 01:31:00 am »
I liked the player vendors...mainly for 2 reasons.  One I just liked browsing around them 'window shopping' I suppose and the other...well even now there are times when I cannot find people to buy some of the better items of equipment/armour from due to time zone reasons and if you have work the next day etc that does become a bit of a problem.  On the other hand they were causing too much lag and for that reason they had too go but if a solution was found one day I would love to have them back :)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2005, 03:20:00 am »
Celgar, this idea wasnt nearly as crazy as your subject made it out to be.  And frankly, I'm upset.

Just messin with ya. heh


RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2005, 06:53:00 am »
Ok L this came to me in a dream... Have he Hlint shops be closed at night for a little time at night in game. :)

Yes it came to me in a dream...


RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2005, 08:14:00 am »
I never really cared for the player vendors to be honest. I would personally rather see craftsmen be able to sell thier wares to the vendors we already have and have THOSE vendors resell it, with some moderation so that theres not 300 small bronze shields, etc. I was thinking if a player sold an item to a merchant and the item sold then that player would recieve the price the item sold for, if it didn't sell to a PC after say 3 days or so the vendor would sell it to one of the innumerable citizens of the towns that we never see, the PC would get less coin for it, but still something, it would then be removed from the vendors inventory to make room for other items. Just my two cents.



RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2005, 08:24:00 am »
that would be a great idea...but I bet it would be almost impossible to code for though :)


RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2005, 10:27:00 am »
steverimmer - 6/5/2005  9:24 AM

that would be a great idea...but I bet it would be almost impossible to code for though :)

It's been my experience that theres nothing thats entirely impossible to code, there are far too big of a pain in the butt to bother with, investment vs. anticipated gain... but...

30 years ago nobody would have considered the internet or MUDs, 20 years ago a game like Diablo2 was unheard of, 10 years ago the scripting thats in Layonara would have seemed like a fantasy in itself. Ten years from now my home computer might wake my car up and warm the engine while I shower, cook me toast and eggs and pay my bills for me.

Anyway, I won the penny lottery, so theres 2 more cents :)



RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2005, 10:34:00 pm »
lunchboxkilla - 6/5/2005  1:14 AM

Again I know Orth is running at full steam (and if we tied him to a chair he may get a little faster) and the dev team is being whipped at like dogs (I know you guts arn't just sounds funny).

Not only do I not find this funny I find it offensive. I get little enough time with orth as it is and he works plenty fast enough with out being prodded to work faster. He puts most every free moment into Layonara of his own will not because we forced him to.

Also I didn't give up a month of free time and work non stop on my last three days off (and thats not counting the time put into PR work and gm things) to help get this update out to have jokes about being whipped like dogs made. I can't speak for the others but I do this because I want to not because anyone forces me and comments like these make me not want to anymore.



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RE: Its time for crazy ideas
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2005, 12:33:00 am »

I really think he was just trying to say that you guys work your tails off and he's appreciative of it in his own...Celgarish...way.

*Stifles and looks around nervously...*


Player vendors!  YES!  Bring them back!

*Nervous laughing*

While we're on crazy ideas, I've been playing a lot of WoW, and I have to say that I like the idea that you have to pay money (IE get training or apprentice) to gain new levels in the crafting.

I'm not quite sure what the state of item-crafting is, but if someone had to trek up some Lucinda-forsaken mountain to learn alchemy from a hermit, I think it'd just be neat.