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Author Topic: Enchanting potion of heal  (Read 214 times)


Enchanting potion of heal
« on: February 26, 2007, 10:10:10 pm »
I was looking at the devining pool in hlint and noticed potion of heals could not be done. Asking aroudn i found out there is no way to enchant those. Since all the other healing potion can be done by enchanting, could we also have the Heal one?


Re: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2007, 11:34:39 pm »
The heal potions are only available in alchemy and it is working as designed in this case.

I think it's quite good as it is, because you can either choose the "easy" road (i.e. enchanting) but not get the best end product, or the "hard" road (i.e. alchemy) to get that, but on the other hand, the "hard" road will take much more time and effort. :)


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 01:18:22 am »
and have an Aeridinite go where he should not go to get what is needed, if he was to go with the hard way.


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 06:07:17 am »
No one is suggesting that someone choose a craft that puts him/her in conflict with dogma. But then such "soft" limits are part of the RP, are they not?
  The thing is....Enchanting curing potions is, let's face it, the very, very easy way to go, especially compared to the alternative, which is Alchemy. I believe that potions of Heal are intentionally excluded from Enchanting because of this very fact and that they'd be quite easily (and almost assuredly) over-produced.


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2007, 09:44:00 am »
Hellblazer - 2/27/2007  4:18 AM

and have an Aeridinite go where he should not go to get what is needed, if he was to go with the hard way.

Also, what precisely is against the dogma of an Aeridinite that is involved in the creation of an alchemical Heal potion?  Bodak's tooth, Sapphire dust, mushroom and ginseng.. nothing unnatural there.

Even the process of alchemy doesn't involve anything unnatural - we're not talking mystical alchemy here, just the combinations of natural products.  How is this "where he should not go"?


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2007, 10:29:46 am »
simple to get the sapphire you need to go to the cave, or buy them, which means that either way living things has been killed which is against the dogma. Same thing for the ginsen unless you buy the ginsen from a sorceror or wizard who went to get it under invisibility.


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 10:50:18 am »
My comments above still stand.
  I'd add also that if by some slim chance we did make that available to Enchanters, the recipe would be at least as difficult (in terms of required items) as the one in Alchemy. Heal potions are just too strong for someone to be able to easily mass-produce them as with all the other curing potions in Enchanting.


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 11:19:00 am »
My last post was not directed at yours as I understand the reason, but to answer the question of darkstorm.


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2007, 06:37:35 pm »
Hellblazer - 2/27/2007  1:29 PM

simple to get the sapphire you need to go to the cave, or buy them, which means that either way living things has been killed which is against the dogma. Same thing for the ginsen unless you buy the ginsen from a sorceror or wizard who went to get it under invisibility.

I've not explored the whole of Layo, so I can't say, but surely sapphires are available somewhere guarded by outsiders, elementals, golems, or undead.. all of which are valid targets for anything an Aeridinite cares to throw at them.  If not... it can certainly be RP'ed as such in a purchase.

As for the other components... I can say that Kell has both Ginseng and Purple Mushrooms... for neither of which would he dare to face their guardians alone... and he doesn't have invisibility. ;)

gilshem ironstone

Re: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2007, 07:43:05 pm »
Priests also have a nifty spell called Greater Sanctuary which I think you can use to extract minerals relatively safe.


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2007, 08:02:38 pm »
Well... in v2 if you liked facing trolls with death magic, you could easily get sapphire without killing goblins.

darkstorme - 2/27/2007  4:37 PM

Hellblazer - 2/27/2007  1:29 PM

simple to get the sapphire you need to go to the cave, or buy them, which means that either way living things has been killed which is against the dogma. Same thing for the ginsen unless you buy the ginsen from a sorceror or wizard who went to get it under invisibility.

I've not explored the whole of Layo, so I can't say, but surely sapphires are available somewhere guarded by outsiders, elementals, golems, or undead.. all of which are valid targets for anything an Aeridinite cares to throw at them.  If not... it can certainly be RP'ed as such in a purchase.

As for the other components... I can say that Kell has both Ginseng and Purple Mushrooms... for neither of which would he dare to face their guardians alone... and he doesn't have invisibility. ;)


Re: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2007, 11:13:21 pm »
gilshem ironstone - 2/28/2007 5:43 AM Priests also have a nifty spell called Greater Sanctuary which I think you can use to extract minerals relatively safe.
 Just a quick comment, no cleric should be mining minerals under Greater Sanctuary, it does not make any roleplay sense.
  Firstly when you under Greater Sanctuary you are ethereal and cannot been seen, heard or affect the prime plane.
  Same as when you attack a creature you return from the ethereal, the same should happen when you "attack" a mineral deposit.
  So you should not be mining minerals under the greater sanctuary spell, even though game mechanics wise you can do it.


Re: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2007, 11:22:31 pm »
I am pretty sure that mining minerals will disrupt the greater sanctuary and make you visible so the game mechanics do support this.


RE: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2007, 11:58:56 pm »
Do not have greater sanctuary for a mistake i made, and trolls are not in what can be concidered as an ok target for Aeridinite.


Re: Enchanting potion of heal
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2007, 11:29:11 am »
Trolls with death magic sound like a worthy foe for an Aeridinite... but whatever suits you.

