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Author Topic: About the horse combat -1 ability  (Read 351 times)


About the horse combat -1 ability
« on: June 07, 2006, 12:47:48 am »
I just wanted to know why you had giving the horse a -1 ability when mounted and in combat.  If we look throught history it has been proven that the most feared and swift key players where alwasy the cavalry.  Not only are they highr wich means they are harder to hit but also they can make swift hit and runs decapeating their fows are even rams into them or get their horse to arch and kick theyr fows with their shoes.  Knowing this fact does the -1 to cambat aility still applies?


RE: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 04:31:19 am »
There is a big difference between a warhorse and a riding horse.
  Both these version exists in the game, but only certain classes get warhorses (i.e. paladins). Now what you state is veru true about warhorses and talking under correction but no penalties apply when riding and fighting with a warhorse.
  Riding horses however are meant to be used to travel from point A to point B. Not riding into combat with. A horse not trained to be ridden in combat would probably through a rider off. Furthermore there is much more skill involved in fighting while on horseback. Matter of fact I think the -1 penalty to AB is actually too small, it should be more like -5.
  Hope that clarifies your question.


RE: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2006, 04:34:57 am »
aragwen - 6/7/2006 7:31 AM   There is a big difference between a warhorse and a riding horse.
  Both these version exists in the game, but only certain classes get warhorses (i.e. paladins). Now what you state is veru true about warhorses and talking under correction but no penalties apply when riding and fighting with a warhorse.
  Riding horses however are meant to be used to travel from point A to point B. Not riding into combat with. A horse not trained to be ridden in combat would probably through a rider off. Furthermore there is much more skill involved in fighting while on horseback. Matter of fact I think the -1 penalty to AB is actually too small, it should be more like -5.
  Hope that clarifies your question.
 I think all horses, regardless of their types, should give a massive penalty to Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom, as well as making the rider wear a pink hat at all times, just so we can spot 'em in a crowd. The animation is so terrible. :)


RE: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 05:42:02 pm »
aragwen - 6/7/2006  7:31 AM    There is a big difference between a warhorse and a riding horse.
  Both these version exists in the game, but only certain classes get warhorses (i.e. paladins). Now what you state is veru true about warhorses and talking under correction but no penalties apply when riding and fighting with a warhorse.
  Riding horses however are meant to be used to travel from point A to point B. Not riding into combat with. A horse not trained to be ridden in combat would probably through a rider off. Furthermore there is much more skill involved in fighting while on horseback. Matter of fact I think the -1 penalty to AB is actually too small, it should be more like -5.
  Hope that clarifies your question.
 It does actualy.  ON on other point but still related are Ranger able to use warhorses?


RE: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2006, 06:15:50 pm »
I think I need to clarify something here.
  There are NO combat bonuses or penalties for those mounted on horseback.
  There is a -30 penalty to hide/move silently, but that should be pretty obvious.
  There is also a restriction on tower shields, as they cannot be equiped while mounted.
  Regular horses are for RP purposes and faster travel only. They are not meant for combat. They will not get armor. They will not confer bonuses related to combat, nor will they give any penalties.
  I'm not sure where you're getting this information. Your character also is not high enough level to own or ride a horse, so I don't know if you're asking this based on hearsay or just speculation.


Re: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2006, 06:32:48 pm »
Well stated Dorganath. I don't think you can be any more clear than that.


Re: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2006, 06:59:27 pm »
No way do I want to be on top of an 18k gold horse in combat.  My horses are made for running.


RE: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2006, 09:15:18 am »
Dorganath - 6/7/2006  9:15 PM    I think I need to clarify something here.
  There are NO combat bonuses or penalties for those mounted on horseback.
  There is a -30 penalty to hide/move silently, but that should be pretty obvious.
  There is also a restriction on tower shields, as they cannot be equiped while mounted.
  Regular horses are for RP purposes and faster travel only. They are not meant for combat.  They will not get armor.  They will not confer bonuses related to combat, nor will they give any penalties.
  I'm not sure where you're getting this information.  Your character also is not high enough level to own or ride a horse, so I don't know if you're asking this based on hearsay or just speculation.
 When I meant it does actualy I was refering to the last part of the previous post stating I hope taht calrifies your question.  
Hellblazer - 6/7/2006  8:42 PM  
aragwen - 6/7/2006  7:31 AM  Hope that clarifies your question.
 It does actualy.  ON on other point but still related are Ranger able to use warhorses?
 And I know I am not at the level required to have a riding horse but I like to get my infos before hand to see what I need and where I need to go to get the things I want.


RE: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2006, 09:21:27 am »
Um...OK.  But What Aragwen stated, while true in spirit, was factually incorrect in that there are no combat penalties to riding horses.  What I posted was the full facts of how the horses work here, except for Paladin Warhorses, which are a different case.
  Regarding your second question, the only class that may ride a warhorse is a paladin. Rangers may purchase a regular horse at level 15 like anyone else.
  Once again, I'm curious where you got your information regarding the penalty. As this is incorrect, if this is posted somewhere on the forums or on LORE, it needs to be corrected.


Re: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2006, 10:32:21 am »
Oh it was while talking with Addison in OOC in game.  I was wondering where she had gottern her horse.  But I think She only has a riding horse.

Dont what to be pesky or anything but, in the old age there where some mounted archers that could fire their bow very precisly even whit their horse running almost at full speed.  This is why I was wondering if Rangers (wich mostly use bows to my knowledge) would be able to use a warhorse to that effect.


RE: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2006, 10:43:06 am »
OK, so word of mouth on the combat penalty. The correct information is what I posted above. That is how I coded it to be.
  Rangers will not get warhorses. Only paladins. That is how things will be. Horses are for fast transportation and RP purposes only. Even a Paladin's warhorse is primarily that, though the creature itself is a bit tougher than a standard horse. A paladin automatically gets access to the horse at 14th level, and paladins are the only ones who get white horses (white ponies don't count). Everyone else must buy them once they reach level 15. Non-paladins only have access to standard horses.
  To reiterate: There are not and will not be, for the foreseeable future, any combat bonuses or penalties for those mounted on horseback. Rangers cannot get a warhorse, but they purchase a normal horse.


Re: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2006, 10:49:46 am »
Well Thanks for the info.


Re: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2006, 12:14:31 pm »
Yes, that was my mistake on the skill decrease misinformation.  

For some reason I thought last time I was riding a horse and attacked by something, on my
character sheet my attack bonus looked lower than normal (mistakenly thought it was -1).

Sorry for the confusion to Hellblazer and causing this thread.


Re: About the horse combat -1 ability
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2006, 03:14:54 pm »

