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Author Topic: NPC interaction  (Read 94 times)


NPC interaction
« on: September 18, 2006, 01:45:41 pm »
Just a little thought I had.....

If a few NPC's could be added to the WildSurge inn, humans and dwarfs and such....which, when you talk to them...they would give you a piece of advice or a rumour like:

"Ya best keep away from Broken woods lad, be dangerous in there"
"I heard of a foul witch living in the swamps I did. Word is, shes buying the bones of the dead. For what....I daresnt imagine lad."

Would give new characters some quick advice if theyve never explored Layo before.

From time to time, their scripts could be altered to match whats happening in the world at the

" Aye lad, I heard it from me uncle who spoke to me gran who has a friend who has a son that said they saw a Dragon flying over the Berhagen Mountains. I tell ya son, a real Live Dragon. "

Much like the Hlint Towncrier....only giving advice on locations and things.


RE: NPC interaction
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2006, 01:49:45 pm »
sounds cool


Re: NPC interaction
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2006, 03:00:36 pm »
It might be a good replacement for the existing "colour" NPCs that currently occupy the Surge.  Now, if a scripter were wanting to be clever about it, he might have some of the NPCs have behaviour that looks for a seated PC, then joins them at their table and starts the conversation with - "You know, I've got an interesting story or two to tell.. but my throat gets so dry telling them!"