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Author Topic: Round Robin Player Events  (Read 19138 times)


I am up for said lower
« Reply #120 on: December 30, 2016, 05:04:01 pm »

I am up for said lower level-ness.

For that matter, we should have all made new characters ! ;)



sorry I wasn't around for any
« Reply #121 on: December 31, 2016, 01:14:14 pm »

sorry I wasn't around for any low-levelness.  I was pretty tired when I got back, so decided to go to sleep instead of play.



If Wilhoff/Davidhoff are
« Reply #122 on: January 04, 2017, 01:56:37 pm »

If Wilhoff/Davidhoff are either stumped or unavailable this weeks round robin, I have an idea for the next round robin.



Go for it!  Thanks
« Reply #123 on: January 04, 2017, 08:34:23 pm »

Go for it!  Thanks



Awesome I'll put it in the
« Reply #124 on: January 04, 2017, 08:57:21 pm »

Awesome I'll put it in the calendar then.



Awesome!  I'll be there in
« Reply #125 on: January 05, 2017, 08:16:02 am »

Awesome!  I'll be there in some form.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Okay, so I will need help in
« Reply #126 on: January 05, 2017, 10:46:27 am »

Okay, so I will need help in coordinating the route for this as I am not entirely familiar with all the maps yet.

Lia will establish a small or large group (depending on what will be required for this, I'm hoping it involves some challenging areas), to sweep ALL the areas that provide the resourses required for the temporary cure for the Wasting Death.  Maybe make it a back and forth so we hit all areas twice.  Even better if a DM (hint, hint) might want to get involved to provide us with greater bounty.  We will keep what we find but donate the resourses we are after adding a missive with our names on it to indicate all involved in this "hopefully" large resourse run.



If I make this 7pm PST vice
« Reply #127 on: January 06, 2017, 11:15:53 am »

If I make this 7pm PST vice 5pm PST is that going to be too late for anyone?

My wife wants to go out for dinner tonight.


Lance Stargazer

// That time i'll be just
« Reply #128 on: January 06, 2017, 11:19:19 am »

// That time i'll be just  getting out of work myself, So i'll be able to catch up wherever you are. once i arrive home and see things at home.   



That's 9 pm local for me, a
« Reply #129 on: January 06, 2017, 03:31:38 pm »

That's 9 pm local for me, a bit late, but I hope to make it for an hour or so until I'll need to log (My wife will literally pull the power plug at that point to my pc, but I'm willing to take a few risks.)

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


I'll see what I can do to
« Reply #130 on: January 06, 2017, 03:52:03 pm »

I'll see what I can do to make it earlier.  My wife knows and respects that Friday is the one day I want to set aside to play on the server, but this Friday is also the last Friday we have with eachother before I go back east to finish my course.  Kind of wish I thought of this before taking over this week, heh, but I got excited about my idea.

On a side note, I already put the plan in the forums, so if everyone who wants to be involved wants to start at the normal time, I can always join a bit later.



Where did you want to go?
« Reply #131 on: January 06, 2017, 07:01:02 pm »

Where did you want to go? What level chars should we plan on?



LFFF wrote:Okay, so I will
« Reply #132 on: January 06, 2017, 07:07:57 pm »

Quote from: "LFFF"&cid="2761993"

Okay, so I will need help in coordinating the route for this as I am not entirely familiar with all the maps yet.

Lia will establish a small or large group (depending on what will be required for this, I'm hoping it involves some challenging areas), to sweep ALL the areas that provide the resourses required for the temporary cure for the Wasting Death.  Maybe make it a back and forth so we hit all areas twice.  Even better if a DM (hint, hint) might want to get involved to provide us with greater bounty.  We will keep what we find but donate the resourses we are after adding a missive with our names on it to indicate all involved in this "hopefully" large resourse run.



Hey guys, I noticed a lot of
« Reply #133 on: January 06, 2017, 11:02:47 pm »

Hey guys, I noticed a lot of people were online and I was unfortunately 45 minutes late.  I'm real sorry about that.  I will try to make up for it another time.

I know that sometimes family has to come first which is what happened here, but in the reality of the situation, I really should not have tried to take over this Friday then.  So real sorry.



No worries, next time LFFF.
« Reply #134 on: January 09, 2017, 08:03:22 am »

No worries, next time LFFF.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Since it is also my turn this
« Reply #135 on: January 09, 2017, 09:22:34 pm »

Since it is also my turn this week (unless someone else wants to take over), Lia needs to get 10 Spider queen silk for a quest.  Does this sound interesting for this Friday's Round Robin?

(wondering if this could involve a run into the Deep or similar difficult like area.  I think I was hinted that the particular silk is not easy to obtain.)



I'd just make it so. The idea
« Reply #136 on: January 09, 2017, 09:46:43 pm »

I'd just make it so. The idea of the events is just posting a thing that everyone can join. Some weeks may be more exciting than others, you know? "Lia asks for help gathering dark silk" is just as legitimate as "Griff heads to mine mithril" :)

Plus, that way you can just focus on what you'd like to do and let people think of stuff they'd rather do on their days, hehe



Queen silk is on the way to
« Reply #137 on: January 10, 2017, 12:44:25 am »

Queen silk is on the way to mithril right? *Griff ponders*



It could be, depending on
« Reply #138 on: January 10, 2017, 09:24:53 am »

It could be, depending on what route you take. :P

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Lance Stargazer

There is not -that- hard area
« Reply #139 on: January 10, 2017, 10:52:25 am »

There is not -that- hard area in Belinara that has that silk, but if i remember well ( Its been a while ) if its for the lady in center she will asks for about 10 spools, If so this area probably don't hold as many to fullfill the quest on one run, I am not that versed in the deep regarding the queen spider silk, so open to ideas there.