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Author Topic: Station, tool breakage check.  (Read 127 times)


Station, tool breakage check.
« on: October 05, 2009, 11:57:50 am »
Mise en situation:

You come up to a station, filled with cnr, your bags filled with cnrs.. and the task you are about to attempt is trivial to you. Great!, so you load up the station with what is in your inventory space, then unpack your bags or ox, fill up again, and then load up the station again, to see your tool break under your mastered hand. Now you have no more tools, and you have to repack everything, and get a new tool.. how frustrating isn't?


I propose that instead of having the check made when you press the close icon to get the menu, that the tool breakage be done while you are attempting to make the item. This way you will prevent losing a tool for loading up a station.


Re: Station, tool breakage check.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 12:03:13 pm »
Carrying a couple of sets of tools fixes this. ;)  

I have done that so many times that you would think I would learn by now to make sure I have at least two sets off tools on me at all times.


Re: Station, tool breakage check.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 12:12:36 pm »
yeah I hear you there ;), I generally try not to carry things I can buy easily. And when in a hurry.. like today lol, I sometime just buy one. Truly though, that check would logically be better set as part of the actual attempt of making the item, than on loading a station.

