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Author Topic: A inflammatory piece of propaganda towards druids. A phony Layonara PSA.  (Read 604 times)


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    You see them, wearing leafs, and cloth, and basically looking like they have been tarred and feathered by a group of diabolical treants. They wander amongst us, speaking of balance, and coexisting with nature. They stop the casual traveler and give some of the "Earth Mother's” advice, or talk of listening to the trees and woodland creatures. The men far to metra-sexual, the women in need of being introduced to a razor. They are the druids of Layonara.

       And you might stop and think something like the following.

       'So what? Yeah they are complete flakes, but they seem harmless.'

       You would be hard pressed to believe that these seeming 'innocent' nature lovers are in reality the greatest threat to our civilized way of life and your children. For these seeming care free, tree loving folk, are in fact a cult of drug using baby eaters.

       Yes good citizen, these 'Druids' as they call themselves do in fact hate you, your way of life, and they wish to eat your babies, or feed them to rabid deer. Their black hearts seek to make us return to an age when people lived in caves, used no metal, and wiped their bottoms with their bare hands.

       Which is why we must recklessly expand the civilized domains. For every time you cut down a tree, somewhere a druid is crying. Which means we must get to sharpening our axes, and fast. So that while they sit their sulking, we may come up behind them with poisoned daggers, and send them to meet their 'Earth Mother' (a.k.a. Demonic Harlot of Idle Worship.) first hand. The life you save may be your own child's.


    Re: A inflammatory piece of propaganda towards druids. A phony L
    « Reply #1 on: October 26, 2006, 01:33:58 pm »
    Indeed, when asked what beings druids would approve of killing, one such drew an entire party of women to their deaths.


    Re: A inflammatory piece of propaganda towards druids. A phony L
    « Reply #2 on: October 31, 2006, 03:02:24 pm »
    Don't kill the white stag

    Don't kill the white stag!
    qoute the animal-friend, training it to attack on sight
    Don't hurt the aminals!
    Quote the pyromaniac with all his might
    And as fires burn while the world turns
    we didn't start the fire
    it was always burning since the bloodlust's yearning.

    Don't chop down the trees!
    Quote the man with the withered staff
    Don't use any of these!
    Shrieked he with his bow, unable to do the math
    and for all his argumentation
    he buys from a learned carver
    responsible for many a deforrestation

    Screaming nature's laws from his home in the city
    the mind of a  druid is far far from pretty
    black thoughts of doom and death
    for every city-child what doth dare draw breath

    Death to the hunters!
    He'll howl amidst his wolf-pack.
    Death to the crafters!
    With crafted goods stored in his pack.
    Death to all with whome I don't agree
    How does it feel, to be so wretched, thee?

    Remember then when you speak these words
    the song on the wind from all the birds
    "Even the Hierophant lives in a cabin"
    "Even the Hierophant lives in a cabin"
    "Even the Hierophant lives in a cabin"
    So lighten up, ye witless herds


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      RE: A inflammatory piece of propaganda towards druids. A phony L
      « Reply #3 on: February 06, 2007, 08:29:58 pm »
      HAAAAAAAAA! Sheer briliance!!!!!!


