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Author Topic: Character's of Layonara #1  (Read 491 times)


Character's of Layonara #1
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:08:52 pm »
Rhynn paced back and forth along the road in irritation, sighing and mumbling to herself. She seemed almost unstoppable in her path, and people dodged and slipped to the side of her with alarmed looks, fearful of causing an interruption and facing the consequence's from disturbing her routine. Those who knew her well recognised the path she walked, the dark scowl on her face, the grumbling and mumbling which, whispered as it was, seemed to rustle among the tree's and carry on the wind. They knew it well, and gave her a wide berth, skirting behind building's and dodging the road altogether.
     Those who did not know her, approached with a smile, confident, with grand offer's to assist and aid the lovely lady. But they quickly fell back beneath the harsh gaze of her eye's as she passed, as though swatting them to the side like a bug and continuing her renlentless path.
     A few even dared frown and cast condescending look's as they passed her. Her pace never ceasing, she would spin on her heel's and march behind them, burning hole's in the back of their head's with that gaze, revelling in their sudden look of fear and concern at this black mage that marched behind them, until they found themselves breaking into a run for the city gates.

The weeping grey cloud's overhead seemed to sigh suddenly, and began crying bitterly upon the land. The wind rose, scattering the autumn leaves about the road, dancing and swirling across the path like player's dancing to a merry tune, dressed in fine costume's of golden yellow and warm auburn.
The rain soaked her clothes. The wind blew dust in her eye's. Her anger rose to rage. It became a thing, living, breathing, an aura around her that could almost be seen. And still, she continued her relentless pacing, back and forth, back and forth.

The street's emptied as the rain grew heavier and the wind stronger, folk's rushing home or to the Inn for some comfort and warmth. Ox's and horse's tied to their post's whined and complained at being left in weather even they found intolerable, cat's and dog's lay peacefully together under wagon's and stairs, seemingly content to share each other's company for this one occasion.
     Rhynn's cursing seemed to grow louder, though it became hard to distinguish from the ominous rumbling's that came from the sky, as tiny flashes of lightning from the north began casting eerie shadow's around, seeming to get brighter and closer by the minute.

    Finnaly, Rhynn stopped in her track's, watching, as a huddled figure, swathed heavily in cloak's and fighting against the element's, made her way up the path toward her. She watched the figure draw closer, the wind whipping her clothe's about her, the scowl still on her face, her eye's glittering dangerously in the lightning.
" Miss.....Rhynn....." the figure gasped, practically colllapsing at the mage's feet. She dragged a large bundle from under her cloak and passed it to Rynn, who took it slowly, with a questioning look.
" It's.....fixed....." the figure spoke loudly to be heard above the storm, " ....the seam's.....restored.....the tear' would hardly....know it was damaged......"
     Rhynn ripped an outer layer from the bundle, and regarded an elegant robe that fell from it as she held it by the neck. The lightning shimmered of silvery rune's embroided along the hood and sleeve's, the light, delicate material flapped in the wind as though it were made of feather's, and the rain ran straight off the surface of the cloth as though it were finest treated leather.
    With a satisfied mumble, she rolled up the robe and hid it under her own, passing the figure a small bag of True before making for the town gates. As she reached them, the wind seemed to die on a note, and a last drop of rain splashed playfully on her hand. The darkness dissapeared as though someone had pulled back a thick blanket from the sky, and the last echo of thunder dissapeared gracefully over the hills.
    As a small ebb of sunlight ebbed through the clouds, Rhynn pushed open the gate's and smiled.


Re: Character's of Layonara #1
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2007, 05:17:38 pm »
Har! That's beautiful! I love it! Mind if I link to it? Im glad Rhynn could inspire this ^_^

