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Introduce Yourself / Thanks for the Warm Welcome
« on: January 03, 2015, 10:04:31 am »
Hi all,Some of you will have met my character (Liana) in game, but I thought it would be a nice idea to say hello to those who haven't too! I also want to thank everyone for the warm welcome; the people I have spoken to have been incredibly helpful and have made my experience so far incredibly enjoyable. Looking forward to meeting some of you again, and the rest of you for the first time!
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Ancients Legacy / Report from the Wolfswood Ranger Corps
« on: January 03, 2015, 12:42:53 am »

*Rangers from the Wolfswood posts informational notices near other informational bulletins in various towns and gathering spots. Also, to anyone that inquire about events occurring in the forest, this same information is passed on verbally as every ranger has been briefed and watching for it.*Reports from the Field Rangers:1) Rangers have found several strange "corpses" within the forest. The “corpses” are described as “…all the clothing from the individual seems to be intact and arranged on the forest floor as if a person had simply fallen there.” Closer examination has even revealed that there is not even a single bone remaining. These “corpses”, especially the most recent ones, radiate a foul odor.2) One report details about a Ranger who followed a person, believed to be human male, who was passing through the forest “oddly”.  The individual was apparently moving heedlessly of any trails, paths or roads, but instead, did his best to continue in a specific direction and at a near constant pace.Report continues that even would-be predators seemed to show no interest in stalking the lone individual despite having sniffed his trail.  A couple days after first observing this strange traveler and tailing him at a discrete distance, the Ranger reported that the individual suddenly collapsed and didn't move further. The Ranger lost sight of the traveler and set out to find him again.  Mirroring other reports, what the Ranger found was a somewhat neat collection of wet clothing, arranged as a fallen man, and a horrible smell unlike the scent of any scene of death yet witnessed.

The rangers of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps are being briefed daily on recent events, remain on vigilent watches, and fully support the efforts to solve this mystery. 

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General Discussion / Calendar Update- Plot Related Quest tomorrow
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:15:29 pm »
Note the changes to the calendar entry for the quest tomorrow. If you have OOC questions, ask in this thread, if you have IC questions, ask here:
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Rumour Has It / Want to be a Stormcrest Guide?
« on: December 15, 2014, 04:00:32 pm »
Someone's come back to the Shack, and found it awfully dusty! She's been too long wandering Elsewhere to know what's what in the world, and who is there to be guiding her? And if she's being perfectly honest, she was never a very good guide, just the guide we got... That's not even mentioning the time she fed everyone the wrong berries and left everyone too faint from the squats to carry on to the destination!!

Can you tell north from west?* You can be a better guide than Acacea!
Do you remember where you left the horses? You, too! Can be a better guide than Acacea!
Can you make basic campfire food without feeding everyone coals?  Again! You have the advantage!
Can you...
    remember local dangers and prepare your group against them?
    remember enough about a place to pass a little knowledge on as you pass by?
    Be Prepared For Things?
    Know Stuff About Places?

No paperwork! No entry fees! No commitments! Just looking for people who know enough to value the journey as much or more than the destination! Remember, nobody's looking for someone who knows everything - just enough people that know something to give an assortment to choose from! Leave a note or find Acacea at the Shack if you're interested...

* Ability to actually tell north from west not required! See Acacea and Katrien for proof

((Membership in guilds is not relevant, as the guides aren't a guild. PM Me :
    - How long you've played on Layonara
    - Character name, level, and alignment
    - How long the character has been active

- If you've read the server rules and LORE, and regularly active on the forums
- If you have any questions in general))

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Ancients Legacy / Plot status -- 11-Dec-2014
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:23:58 pm »
Rowana and I wanted to give everyone a quick update on the status of the plot quest and what's going to happen over the next couple of months. Also, thanks to everyone who has been involved and actively participating so far.The first and most important thing to note is that there will not be any main plot quests for the month of December. This is primarily due to generally full and/or hectic schedules people have during the holidays. The next main plot quest is currently intended for late January, and we'll get that up on the calendar when we're certain of it.Having said this, in the interim, there will be plot-related happenings serving as backdrop and potentially more information. Also, a few of you have some open threads of investigation...some initiated and some not. If we're waiting on you for information or to start the effort, please get that moving. If you're waiting on us, please PM us. Whatever the case, sooner is better.Lastly, some advice...Please remember this is a group effort. I know that some of your characters are not “team players” (you know who you are *winks*), and that is fine, but I highly suggest, if you are not already doing so, share what you have learned individually and do not, if at all possible, wait until the day of the next quest to catch people up. Likewise, if you are lacking information or wish to get caught up, try and meet up with someone else before the next session. Generally speaking, you'll “succeed” or “fail” as a group. Specific results may pivot on the decisions and actions of individuals, but remember this is plot-level, and the outcome of all of this will impact the world, for better or worse, at the end of it all. A few of you have picked up some important clues along the way. A few of you got some very important information on the last quest session, so, like I said, share.
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Ancients Legacy / Back Tracking
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:14:28 pm »
*With a two-day old trail there is some haste in this old dwarf's gate.  He passes the elder elf's clothing and personals to Blizzard and Katrina for the wolf and Quenton's panther to smell.  Zigruum offers a few barks and belts out a long howl as Blizzard dashes off through the gate wense the elf had come through. Quenton as well bends down caressing his feline friend and after a brief conversation, mostly purring and meowing, the large cat heads out the gate right behind Blizzard.  Zig then leans on his wood staff and knocks back a tankard of good dwarf ale smiling to Quenton.  He waves his mug to the others in the group, Acacea, Iri, Plenarius, Griff and Sehky looking for their imput.*"Der on de trail if der still be one.  Folks wanna ask around te de gaurds and others bout de old elf's comin' and goin's now be de toime.  We set out on de pointy eared ones backtrail as soon as ye tidy up ye investigations er' but nae be idle on eht.  We stay te much longer Griff gonna get his axe out."*He chuckles to Griff and then smiles to the others offering a respectful nod to Plen*  
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Rumour Has It / On the wind...
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:49:30 pm »
Hoof beats echo on the sound of the wind. Flashes of beautiful women turn into simple glimpses of trees evocatively shaped trees. Is that a forest fire? No it's just a swirl of Autumn leaves in the breeze...
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Ancients Legacy / Into thin heir
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:56:45 pm »
"I tell ya what," says a merchant in a crowded inn to his table mate. "I ne'er wanted t' grow 'nother setta eyes more'n I do now, what with all the vanishin's.""The blazes you on about now?" asks the other, looking rather skeptical and even slightly confused by the turn of the conversation."Where ya been, lad?" replies the first, showing some disbelief at the other's response. "Ain' ya been hearin' about all thems that's gone missin'? It's a bloody edi...epin...Bah! Whatever ya call a sickess spreadin' all over like.  It's like that, I say!""Yer drunk, ya ol' sod," says the other. "People go missin' all th' time. Most of 'em show right on back up with a good reason.  They just ain' good at tellin' folks where they's goin'.""Nay, this is diff'' more of it," says the first. "I jus' got in from Khemit a few days ago. One o' them Silverguard cap'ns 'ad 'imself a quite right stack o' reports and goin' through 'em wit' 'er Second.  They was sortin' out the odd ones from the usual ones, if that ain' a kick in the pants. I heard half a fam'ly is just gone, one righ' after t' other, like.""'alf a fam'ly, ya say?" replies the second. "Mebee they's out lookin' fer the first one that went gone, hey?"The first grumbles a little and takes a pull from his tankard. "Could be...but it's all righ' strange, iff'n yer askin' me.  Bad fer business, I tell ya.  Bad fer me well-bein' too.  First the stars, then folks settin' stuff on fire an' such, an' now this.  Hate to say it, but somma dem crackpots mighta been onto somethin' from the off.""Now I know yer drunk," says the second, rolling his eyes a little. "or yer needin' another." Before the first could respond either way, the second is already flagging down the barmaid."Well I won' be arguin' that if yer buyin'.""Now yer talkin' some sense, at leas'.""Ne'er know when it might be my last...""..." 
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General Discussion / Gone for a few weeks
« on: November 10, 2014, 07:26:56 pm »
Hey folks!   Going to be knee deep in finals and projects until early December, so apologies in advance if my inbox starts piling up.  Should be back around the 1st weekof December.-Brewmaster
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Ancients Legacy / Dig Site
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:09:10 am »

The area of the site stretches across four horse lengths by another four. The ground has a low incline, appearing almost level compared to the rest of the surrounding mountainous land. Within the dig site, there is very little marked. A cloth has been pulled over a patch of land and folded up, revealing a wall segment. It juts up fromt the rest of the land like a partially buried boulder - however, the surface is somewhat smoothed. On its leftmost side as one faces the rock from its buried bottom, the edge of the rock cuts across some carvings, making them indecipherable or incomplete (as is the wall, obviously), but the pattern of four of the seven constellations currently in question remain visibly carved firmly into the wall by some unknown hand. Goran, Lucinda, Deliar, and Aragen, appearing in the places they might in the sky at this time. 

After they've spoken for some time, and Katelyn has suggested her plan, Acacea rubs her cheek and looks around.

So... just to recap before you try that! There was probably some kinda wall somewhere before the Breaking, whether a temple or a shrine or even just a wall standing by itself to look neat, and it had the latest constellation patterns on it, which only became interesting when became the latest constellation patterns on it! Probably all seven, though we're guessing 'cause Shindy, Dorand, and Prunilla have not made it with the rest of the wall... all blown up and such... See, what DID make it intact is like the sky right now! Or would be, were it dark! So a pretty good guess!

But things were flung from all over and valleys became mountains and there were volcanos and there were landmasses broken and islands sunk and all sorts of stuff in the Cataclysm, so we don't know where this wall was before, that we could look more into to see if there was some kind of prophecy stuff happening there!

So! The cat person said it most probably came from down and not up, and we'd have to go down. Ferrit's granddaughter (I need something shorter!) wants to try using the Couple's connection to see if we couldn't find where Prunilla went, though hopefully she's not just sand at this point...

Myself, I do not really have much else here, I think. The casters said it wasn't magic - maybe it was magic when it was whole, MAYBE, but it's not now, and I don't really have anything to go on, either! My other thing is that I was hoping there would be some magical hint here that tied the goings-on with the missing people. All we could divine ...or... they... could divine... She sighs. was that at least two were alive, and the recent boy is somewhere dark, maybe below. I'd like to know how the other one the lady looked at was 'different', too.

Even if these are not connected, I would like them found safe! There might be more we could look for by finding more missing peoples and trying to work backwards or combine focuseseses. So I think we've only got more questions, so we might as well hop to looking for things that might point us towards some answers... Whether hand-holdy holy water prayers, missing persons hunts, pre-cataclysmic map hunting, digging, legend hunting, and so on!

She smiles brightly. Unfortunately, a lot of that is, from what I hear, things people have been trying to do already with the stars changing, with no luck so far. So! Carry on...

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Layonara Server / Heads up! For Thursday...
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:09:59 pm » watching the forums and be prepared if you pop IG. Stuff is going to happen throughout the day, in multiple time zones.
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Rumour Has It / Thought for Food?
« on: October 20, 2014, 11:54:02 pm »
Rumors are beginning to circulate around the small town of Ridgecrest in the foothills of the Ire Mountains. Rangers report that the Gnoll tribes are consolidating into larger groups and are not venturing out into smaller raiding parties, which is usually seen this time of year. They seem to be maintaining defensive postures in their communities.Local officials have also responded to several reports of homesteads with murdered or missing families. The bodies of the slain all had their cranial cavities opened and were missing their brains. Authorities are asking for assistance in investigating these crimes. //This is a static quest and it has been placed in-game. Feel free to use this thread for RP/Forum posts. Significant posting will also be rewarded at the conclusion of the quest. Use caution, it  can be a tough one depending on the party mix and levels. The soul mother is active and a balanced group is advised. Rewards have been placed as well. Good luck! PS - DO NOT sneak in invisibly and steal the quest rewards. You will be punished if you do so in a creative and not-so pleasant manner. At the conclusion of the quest, please PM me and let me know what loot you found to confirm fair play.-Rave
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Introduce Yourself / Thanks for the acceptance
« on: October 20, 2014, 02:56:29 pm »
Hi guys, I'm currently playing a Human Fighter who's on the way to becoming a master of the spear, named Jocoscus Sturdevant. I've very much enjoyed my time in game and the amount of thrill and amusment I have gotten from all the good RP. I am very new at this, always wanted to get into some good, serious, RP. Now with my brother in law's assistance, I have been able to do just that. Anways, if there is anything anyone would like to know about me, feel free to ask. Hope to see you all in game :)                                   Bryan
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Ancients Legacy / Digging for Answers or Another Brick in the Wall
« on: October 20, 2014, 02:03:02 am »
"And so he's sitting there at the table," he said, clearly bemused, "Talking about this ancient wall he found. He said it's up in the mountains and was trying to see who wanted to come look at it with him."" An 'ancient wall'?" the halfling woman asked, curious."Aye," the man answered. He took a long swallow from his tea. "It certainly was curious! I mean he makes a real sell with the supposed partial carvings of the four deities. Deliar is among these so I cannot help but be curious.""Are you thinking of going?" she asked. "I am, but I don't know if I'd have time," he answered, somewhat disappointed with the admission. "I cannot miss my window of opportunity in Fort Vehl. You know how it is there...." She nodded and tugged at her lower lip briefly. "If I didn't have this full load of textiles...""Well maybe put the word out?" she suggests hopefully, "With all that's going on, some answers certainly wouldn't hurt return everything to something more normal." She shook her head, "If that 'soothesayer' comes out to the fields again to preach at us about 'end of the world as we know it,' I think I'm going to lose my mind. Doesn't he have to prepare for winter like the rest of us?" She makes a disgusted sound but then shrugs. He snorted in reply. "Some of these people," he said in agreement with her sentiment, "No sense in them. If we go to pieces after every 'major happening' how in Layonara would we ever recover from the real tragedies?" He laughed a little. "Yes, I think I might pass this along on my route. I wasn't the only traveler in the bar tht night. Some people were far more taken in too. You know, what with the way people are reacting to the star movements and all." She nodded soberly. "Until He tells me otherwise, I have a schedule to keep!" he says dramatically, stabbing one stubby finger in the air. She laughed then laid her head down on his shoulder. "Well either way," she says, "I'm glad it was an interesting evening and you kept your sense and came home to me instead." He grinned at her."Like there's any contest.""Lay it on thick," she snorted and then laughed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Some days later, at the sensible advice from his wife, the halfling trader was in the bar along his route sharing the story of the gnome he met in Brenuth. Good food and ale in his belly to warm him, he shares the tale again and again of the mysterious artifact from another era, supposedly carrying the marks of four of The Seven, including his own Deliar.
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Rumour Has It / Rise of the Bear Gods
« on: October 04, 2014, 04:58:36 pm »
Rumors have been slowly but steadily filtering into Mariner’s Hold and the Silver Buckle over several weeks. Rangers have been whispering among themselves of a Bugbear prophet appearing on Bear Island. Travelers on the Falls Forest road began to disappear soon after; the only evidence found being empty campsites, some with food still cooking over their campfires.…and today, a soldier from the Mariner’s Hold Ranger Corps slid into a seat at the bar in the Silver Buckle. He sat in silence for a long time. After a few strong drinks Captain Baronis motions over the bartender. “Please convey a message to the proprietors. Today we found a supply wagon bound for this establishment heavily damaged on the Falls Forest road. The shipment was missing. The evidence also suggested great violence, but no bodies were found. The manifests were still present and indicated the Teamsters were Jorgain and Steaphen Stilers. The bartender turned a little pale and responded, “They were good men. They carried medical supplies to be used in several local orphanages. That is bad news indeed. I will pass on the news immediately.” He then headed to the back rooms.An old man sitting at the bar turned to the Captain. “Hichutnach is back again eh?” The Captain jerked his head up. “How do you know that name old man? It was spoken by a captured Bugbear right before the soul mother cut his thread” The old man frowned and replied, “I am a scholar of local history. The name is one taken by the great prophets of the Bear Island Bugbear Clan. There have been many over the centuries, none of them the same creature.” The Captain pulled his seat closer with great interest and slid some gold coins across the countertop. “Consider yourself now employed by the City as a consultant. Please go on.” The old man grinned. “Every 50 to 75 years it seems, a great Bugbear prophet named Hichutnach arrives on Bear Island with his most devout followers and attempts to raise the twin Bear Gods Ichnuthet and Grienthicut from their long hibernation. It is said that those primal nature gods sleep deep beneath the old abandoned temple in the island’s forest. They are more likely than not creatures from another Pit though. The legends foretell of a great cleansing of all enemies of the Bugbear Clans when they rise. Lucky for us all they have never been conjured forth from the void.”Captain Baronis thanked the old man and quickly departed to put together a strike force. -------------------------------//This is a static quest and it has been placed in-game. Feel free to use this thread for RP/Forum posts. Significant posting will also be rewarded at the conclusion of the quest. Use caution, it is a very tough one. The soul mother is active and a balanced group is advised. Rewards have been placed as well. Good luck! PS - It is also advised that all solo players avoid Bear Island until the area has been pacified. Also, DO NOT sneak in invisibly and steal the quest rewards. You will be punished if you do so in a creative and not-so pleasant manner. At the conclusion of the quest, please PM me and let me know what loot you found to confirm fair play.-Rave
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Layonara Server / New Plot - please read
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:24:57 pm »
Thank you all again for your collective expression of interest in the upcoming plot. This is going to start very soon, if all goes well, and we have one other question for you all, or perhaps a better term is an “election.”For this plot series, there exists a very real probability of character alteration in a seemingly small but actually quite important way. What is the nature of this potential alteration? We're not saying right now, however we'll give the following information:
  • This change is not going to be some sort of “shackle” that will inconveniently hinder a character. In fact, it may generally be viewed as positive.
  • This change will however effectively mark the character with the potential to be targeted by the antagonist(s)
  • There is an option (at our discretion) that the change could persist after the plot series has completed, if likely at a diminished level, so in a sense, it could be something of a reward.

So essentially, there is a risk/reward mechanic at work here, and by taking the risk associated with this potential change, the chance of a greater reward and/or more significant role exists.

What we're going to do is give every player who will/may be involved with the plot quest series to opt out of this potential alteration. This is to say, if you do not wish for your character to be altered for story reasons that do not stem from your own actions on the quests, please indicate below by simply stating that you opt out, and we will exclude you from being included in the list of potentially-altered characters.

We will repeat this request at the first quest session, and anyone who joins into the plot after it starts will be given the same option. Everyone will get to change their minds one time, meaning one can opt-out but change one's mind later (though that is no guarantee of character alteration) or do the opposite (opt out sometime in the middle of the plot), but one cannot keep going back and forth between the choices.For those who have not opted out, whether or not your character becomes altered will be determined by the roll of dice, so even deciding not to opt out is no guarantee one's character will be changed in some way. We are simply seeking to avoid any misunderstandings and hard feelings as the result of an unwanted breach of the so-called “Golden Box”.Please indicate below only if you will be participating in the plot quest series and you wish to opt out of any plot-related character alteration.

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Hi all,I thought this go-pro video my nephew Ryan put together was pretty awesome.  It's taken in Anna Maria, FL where my parents live and we had a little vacation there this 4th of July.  We brought our boat over.  In the video are my nephews Ryan 19 (blonde short hair), Austin 17 (tallest with color striped shorts), John 14 (green shirt),  and Daniel 13 (dark hair with wavy bangs).  Obviously Bill and I are there but good luck telling us apart because we're twins.  Bill is wearing mostly the yellow patterned shorts  and sometimes white shirt and I wore black shorts and some short grey ones and sometimes black racing shirt.  I hope you enjoy it; its about 25 mins long.Davidhoff Here's the link: 
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General Discussion / October Quests
« on: October 25, 2013, 03:34:55 pm »
Good to see a nice number and variety of quests this month.A few returning players popping in too -hopefully to stay!A good month.
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Just for Fun / This is the voice DB hears when Lana sings
« on: October 23, 2013, 02:13:50 pm »  Pick your favorite.  Mine's the Beauty of Dawn.


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Rumour Has It / Autumn Happenings
« on: October 06, 2013, 03:13:53 pm »
All over, people have started decorating to welcome the change of the seasons and the harvest.  But as the nights grow longer and the days grow shorter, strange things have started happening and no one seems to quite know why.   
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