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Layonara Server / Version 3.52 is online!
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:33:03 am »

Version 3.52 is online!

Was going to do this tonight but the server was empty and despite not being able to get in game until later I've faith in my changes! (Read: everything's going to be broken) Couple of tweaks and bug fixes as the dust settles on the big update.


  • Fixed the player list showing Someone even after introduced

  • Delvers should not have been destroying weapons in the Mistone Deep

  • Fixed CNR skins not being created on occasion

  • Restored Pawn Shop to Fort Miritix

  • Added mangled titanium as a biproduct to failed arrowheads

  • Fixed a bug that was creating more RNQs than 6.



    If an RNQ NPC is awaiting a yes/no answer and the player says neither (or she doesn't understand) then re ask the question[/li][/list]


    Cleaned up a bit of the verbiage used for languages. [/li][li]

    Make sure GMs always see translated versions of language usage[/li][/list]

    Other updates:

    • More performance improvements, removed some unneeded scripts and reworked some persistent storage

    • No longer store the Layonara Date/Time on the db, instead we convert on the fly. 

    • Limit the storage log to only show the last 50 additions/removals. If more is needed for whatever reason let me know but it's a significant toll on the system.

    • The furniture system would loop through 40 times trying to add 5 new pieces of furniture, instead stop the loop at the count of furniture they have instead of the MAX 200. Bit of a performance increase.



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Rumour Has It / Posted at Center crafthall
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:43:39 am »
Word around Center is that Sir Daniel is planning a mining expedition into the Hammerbound Peaks and is asking around for any who may be searching for the oil of vukas who would care to accompany him.  He will be working from the Hlint, Fort Llast area.  //Making several runs for iron and coal into the Peaks after work today.  No pc's enemy or unfriendly to Rofirein please.  Times: 3:30 pm cst, 5 pm cst, 6:30 pm cst.  Starting in Llast. 
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Layonara Server / Version 3.51 is online!
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:42:46 pm »

Version 3.51 is online!

This was a quick fix I updated with yesterday (and a hotfix on Friday) that I didn't get the chance to summarize the small details out.


  • Fixed a bug that had CNR loading really slow.

  • Fixed a bug with messages through the web site to characters not functioning

  • Fixed a critical bug with inserting containers into crates/chests

  • Allow for the new adventuring kits to be stored in banks or furniture

  • A couple RNQ (Random NPC Quest) tweaks and performance improvements



    Consecrate symbol no longer destroys the old amulet and creates a copy of the properties on the ugly yellow thing. It simply updates the tag properly and changes the name to include (Consecrated)[/li][/list]


    Created a new journal book called A Book of Fixes and moved some of the actions to there.[/li][li]

    Introduced a fix to the ultravision, true seeing and darkness bug where after it wears off you couldn't see any players any more. This was only corrected with a relog before but now you can just use =c fixuvbug[/li][li]

    The old emote wand used to be used to save a ton of variables related to spell casting but those vars were moved to the gem of rememberance. A new function replaces the wand with a clean one if they have one.[/li][/list]

    Other updates:

    • More db performance improvements

    • Integrated new incremental backup system with no noticeable impact on the NWN server



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Rumour Has It / An invitation from The Bird Lord
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:37:14 am »

To friends and fellow adventurers,

I ask your presence at Bloody Gate on Augra 21 to join myself in a parley with the one known as Milara as we trek to Skull Hill. The subject of the negotiations and discussions are currently unknown. Be warned that any offensive maneuvres may end with your death or worse, the disruption of the negotiations and the possibility of further complications with current grand events involving the constellations, the fastrot and dragons.

Warm regards,


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Layonara Server / Version 3.50 is coming!
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:43:40 pm »

Version 3.50 is coming!

Could be tonight, most likely tomorrow night. The server is going to be down for a couple hours as I will need to sync the vaults and do the db conversion. The server is going to be moved to a new IP Address. The DNS for will work after it propagates around the internet but in the meantime you will need the new IP Address. I will give that out in a followup post.
You will need to update the control hak and the tlk, I'm just making sure there aren't any last minute additions to them after some final testing before I make them available. They're small files though the both of them. I will give links to these files in a followup post as well.
Very important note for the next update:
The linux NWN server is case sensitive when it comes to your Bioware name. You must use the same upper/lowercase characters for your Bioware login that you did when you created your first character on Layonara. You can't login as Orth for example when you created your first character as orth. If you do you'll see no characters in your vault.
If you're unsure the exact case sensitivity you used for your first character and you see an empty vault, Dorg or I can let you know the proper case sensitivity.
  • AoE Improvements for Storm of Vengeance, Web, Grease, Stonehold
  • Fix some of the Goblin creation logic for player Goblins
  • Fix Harpies producing TMIs
  • Acacea's Irrestible Dance should not work on those immune to mind spells
  • Removed Greater Sanctuary from creatures
  • Properly close all colour tags on items/placeables/scrolls so the colour doesn't bleed
  • Quill System "undo" command was fixed
  • GMs no longer "suffer" cold, heh, also cleaned up a lot of their logic to ignore hunger/thirst/cold
  • Make quill system persistent across resets
  • Fixed some weirdness with the house key dialog showing that you didn't have the right key even though you did
  • Rebalancing Mistone Deep areas
Storage System Fixes and Updates:
  • The crates will never eat your gold, all gold will always be accounted for and returned after resets. If you deposit a stack with more than 50,000 gold pieces it will be split upon the next server reset.
  • Weirdness with stacks is no longer an issue. Stacks are added and removed and logged appropriately with number in the stacks. Players may notice if they remove a stack from a crate it will not merge with a stack they already have when they first receive it. They can stack it right after they remove it though once it's in their inventory.
  • Sometimes the server would think you were too far from a crate when on horseback to do the right thing, doesn't happen any more. You probably shouldn't be managing crates on horseback, but I prefered not having weird things happen if you were
  • Bank crates now show their contents and transaction log per character upon examine
  • Crate and chest appearances can be changed using =c setapp CrateName to # where CrateName is the name of your crate and the # is a value anywhere between 1 and 21. Players must leave and return to the area to see the change though!
  • No more bank chest in use bugs!
  • Dynamic Name System - Read Here
  • Random NPC Quest System - Read Here
  • Added ability to remove Charles Dawson's Book if you don't want it, use =c noneed chuckdbook
  • Use nwnx SetCurrentHitPoints to change PCs HP when logging in instead of the old way that did magical damage
  • Added journal entries for using voice activated emotes, sounds and actions
  • Updated Mountains of Madness and surrounding areas
  • You can store unidentified items on your ox now
  • System checks for banned players before they can even login.
  • System checks for players attempting to play from same IP and same Client Port and disallows
  • Players can set their character's description any time they want. Title any parchment "My Description" then write on it and use =c setmydesc and your player's description will change to what's on the parchment.
  • GMs can rename areas.
  • Introduction to area tracking logic for PC diversification system coming in a future update
  • GMs can now create transitions wherever they want. Whether its a "hole" showing up in the middle of Center or a doorway that leads to a Quest Area, they can plop them down on the fly.
  • Use PlayAnimation instead of ActionOpenDoor for player housing as it's quicker and doesn't need to wait for a queue, also made the door stay open a bit longer.
  • Player's bic file and portrait are now stored on the db for nicer integration with the web site
  • Updated the portal FX
Performance Improvements:
  • Remove old unused scripts and resources
  • Clean up OnActivate script to be faster
  • Login is much faster polling the db a lot less when first coming into the world, you should notice the difference.  Also removed a two functions that were rerunning through every step of the login process (17 times!)
  • All strings have been replaced with string references, this improves bandwidth and performance. Think about it this way, when you're in a party of 6 people whenever a PC would damage a Forest Giant Feller of a Broken Glade Clan the server would have to tell each client the name which is 43 bytes of data (43 characters in his name) to 6 players. Now it just tells the players to look up string reference for example, 16774043 from the layonara TLK which is 4 bytes of data. Multiply this by many names and many activities happening and you can see how this improves things.
  • The new server's CPU has been isolated so it's completely dedicated to nwn
  • The DB has been vastly reworked and improved in performance and integrity. Before many queries to the DB would look up things based upon your Bioware name and Character name. All players are assigned an ID and it's this ID that is used throughout the code now.
  • Use new nwnx GetSystemTime() to get epoch instead of polling the db for UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())
  • Removed some unneeded heartbeats
  • OnSpawn is faster for creatures as the checks for loot drops have been made more efficient.
  • OnAcquireItem is faster for creatures, makes spawning quicker too
  • Improved performance so houses being opened won't lag the server
  • General improvements in areas where logic should be ignored for GMs
  • Move some unused areas out of the module for now
  • Creatures don't use up their buffs on module load
  • Logic to give the WL their quest items no longer needed as they've all been handed out
It feels like we did more, can't wait to get in and play! Thanks to Dorg, rowana and Alatriel for a hand here and there.
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Trade and Market Hall / Search for Seamstress
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:30:05 am »

I am in search of an independent seamstress that can make at least 2 bags out of the skin of a lion.  Possibly more, depending on your price.

I have a few skins in storage and can get more if needed.  I am willing to pay with exchange for goods or coin.



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Layonara Server / The NWN server is going to be moved again
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:12:38 am »
Hello all,As you know we've been running our server for the past 2 months on a new host and while for the most part it has been acceptable there have been issues with random "blue screen of deaths" killing the entire server as well as intermittent lag spikes. While trying to debug these I started considering another server where I could get an equally good deal and came across one that was Linux though. I wondered to myself how difficult and how capable our current world would be to run on Linux especially with our NWNX plugins. So I tested it locally and fixed a few bugs here and there and things seemed okay. At that point I wondered if there were any new NWNX plugins for Linux that I could tap into to help the world. This is when I really got excited and started greatly considering we'd move from Windows to Linux. There are  many plugins that are now available that can enhance our world.This is how and why I was able to introduce the Dynamic Names system.  Some of the other plugins give us functionality for many other ideas we've always been limited by the capabilities of what Bioware gave us. Not only that, there are performance improvements that these plugins provide to help the world run smoother and faster with less lag.I hope you understand that this move shouldn't be much of a blip on the radar and should hopefully lead to a smoother world with some exciting new features coming as well.Here's a taste of some of these new features:
  • GMs can now create transitions wherever they want. Whether its a "hole" showing up in the middle of Center or a doorway that leads to a Quest Area, they can plop them down on the fly.
  • Players can set their character's description any time they want. Title any parchment "My Description" then write on it and use =c setmydesc and your player's description will change to what's on the parchment.
  • The login process is faster. Some of the checks have been moved to not even allow players in the world instead of booting them after the login. Other processes that only need to be done once a reset are now doing so.
  • Dynamic never ending NPC quests.  If a pawn broker over hears you talking about something, you might want to listen to what he has to say. "Speaking of trading, Firg Knucklebar in Fort Llast was looking for some help with making a run to Dregar." (More on this to come!)
  • You can now ox unidentified items.
  • GMs can rename areas.
  • Increasing fortune for diversifying your exploration with groups, the more the merrier.  The more unique areas you visit the higher the rewards become! (more on that soon too)
  • Improved performance on NPC creature spawn/loot
  • Complete restructure of a lot of the database, much cleaner and faster
I was originally planning to get this entire move and update done this weekend but it may be delayed a few days as I want to get some thorough testing in plus (!!) the missus has been extremely patient with me this past fortnight as I've coded away so I'd like to reward her tomorrow. Some of these features may not make the first update after the move but the framework is laid out and the coding is started.I'll keep you all posted as things progress.All the best,orth
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Layonara Server / Coming Soon! Dynamic Names
« on: February 08, 2015, 05:57:10 pm »
I wanted to give the community a heads up on the new system that will hopefully be arriving in the next update. We are going to be introducing dynamic names to the world. What are dynamic names? Well now whenever you don't know a character all you will see above them or when they talk and other events is "Someone". It will be up the characters to introduce themselves to others or for your character to dub that character with a name.Associated commands will be:
  • =c intro
  • =c introparty
  • =c introarea
  • =c dub
To introduce yourself to an individual you use =c intro Plen for example. This will find the closest PC to your PC and introduce yourselves as that name to them. This will then change it so the other character sees Plen instead of Someone. =c introparty The Bird Lord for example would do the same thing but for all characters in your party. The same for =c introarea Feathers for example but it will work on any players in the immediate vicinity. If you would prefer to see someone's name as something else, you can forego their introduction and use =c dub instead. This works on the closest PC to your PC. For example, Connor could be near Plenarius and do =c dub Werechicken. If you have someone dubbed, from that point onward any time the player introduces themselves, it will ignore the introduction and use what you have dubbed them as.This will be a bit confusing at first when everyone is "Someone" but it should gradually get all worked out. You don't have to RP the introduction or dubbing of a PC who your PC knows well enough, just run the command(s). (Though feel free to RP it if you want!)Certain parts of the game world will still use your real name. For example the looter notification shows a Floating Message above the player to anyone that's nearby and can't be personalized on a per player basis. Storage logs on crates will still use the original name. There will be other cases we discover too, some will be fixed, some may not be able to be fixed.We hope this will help encourage the RP aspect of ones true name being held secret if they wish it that way. Also characters can use aliases to some if they so desire. Sometimes we're even confused/forgetful if one of our characters has met another yet, so this should help too. GMs always see your real name of course, but they too can dub you something else if they prefer.  (i.e. =c dub Victim #5) *gm grin*If you have any further ideas or just questions or comments, fire away. This isn't a set in stone update if players aren't thrilled about the idea but we think it will be a really fun addition.-orth
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The Silver Buckle / The Silver Buckle Presents: PIE!
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:43:41 am »
This is cancelled.
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Fixed Bugs / Drops Hiatus
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:04:27 pm »
I was just wondering, did the drops get dropped? We were traveling for some time, beat down a bunch of bigger-then-us bad guys (not saying a lot since it was halflings and a dwarf), and not a single drop...for hours (gold, cure potions, and bandages excluded).  Are they going to come back, being revised, gone forever...?
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Layonara Server / Update on Number of Characters Per Person
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:56:38 pm »
Greetings Everyone!
I'm writing to share with you all that the number of character spots will be extended to eight (8) from it's previous limit of six (6). This topic has come up a number of times but the large concerns were always to the matters of character development and strain on the CA team. With regards to the latter, there clearly hasn't been as much so we are going to give this a try.It is very important to note that we wish character development and roleplay to be at the forefront of play here. Empty characters will net little regardless of their accumulated levels. However, the last few extensions of trust have worked fairly well and we are looking forward to seeing what new ideas the community will come up with.

Some important notes: 1) if we decide this isn't working out well we will restore the previous limit. If we do that however, we will not force deletions. You will only have to clear spots if you wish to start a new character at a later date.2) If the CA team gets pretty slammed with apps, please remember that we are running at a reduced capacity with a number of shared duties besides the duties of our RL. If people start bumping posts because their apps are in queue, we will move them to the bottom of the stack (which is what happens as we work from the bottom up as much as possible).3) Please respect the rules of the exotic/monstrous races. Submit only during the open time period(s).Thank you in advance for your patience and consideration. We hope everyone has a good time with this! ~row (and the CA team)
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Introduce Yourself / Hi all
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:10:56 pm »
I play Callaman a level 6 Fighter. Been playing mostly with Delia doing jobs around Layonara and exploring. I love NWN and the server (I played here years back but did'nt get far). Just saying hi and looking forward to meeting some players. (Especially low levellers for groups).
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Ancients Legacy / Wolfswood Ranger Corps Reserves and Retired Activated
« on: January 25, 2015, 11:21:16 am »
*The fastest messengers are dispatched to the reserve and retired rangers around the lands stating that they have been recalled, if able. As the rangers gather, travel, and draw attention, the word spreads that the Veil in Morhort on Alindor has lifted. Active and reserve rangers' assignments have been revised to meet the needs along the Morholt border. The retired rangers will backfill the open spots near the camp and other light duties.* *The leaders of the Wolfswood corresponds with all town, village, and large camp leaders on Alindor to inform them about the Veil lifting.* 
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Layonara Server / Version 3.40.2 is online!
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:25:34 pm »

Version 3.40.2 is online!

No new downloads required for this one. Just a few tweaks and nice to haves added here and there but a significant set of new areas added by Dorganath as well! 


  • Glyph of Warding was never working well, fixed that.

  • Fixed silver/titanium enhancements to apply piercing damage bonus for slashing weapons. You can fix existing slashing weapons by wielding the weapon and typing: =c fixracialslashing

  • Cleaned up some high lag areas due to way too many spawns which didn't present more of a challenge

  • Fixed an issue with Captain Trent's conversation in Port Hempstead referring to an older quest



    Unused undroppable items can be removed by the player with =c noneed . For example =c noneed emotewand. Type =c noneed on its own to get a list of items you can have removed[/li][li]

    Added some brewer's yeast and empty bottles to the Great Spikes outpost. [/li][/list]


    More bosses now give XP[/li][li]

    Over 35 new areas added. Explore to discover. [/li][/list]

    Other updates:

    • General module cleanup of old unused files.



    The following users thanked this post: swoop

Just as it says, nothing huge or important :) I've seen a couple people back from long enough ago that they have not been aware of the voice commands at all, let alone all the sneaky ones we've got, or the ones that orth has been adding. There's a voice command to tell you about voice commands, but, er. *cough* heheSo my suggestion is just to have an open quest in the journal with a list of accepted commands that you can complete with another, so new people will get clued in and others will have an easy point of reference. Just a thought! Carry on.
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Just for Fun / Ode to Layo skunks
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:24:23 pm »
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Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / REWARD - 15,000 Trues - Contest ~ Winner
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:01:45 am »
*Sign posted in the foyer if the the inn* 

~ Name the Foundation or Relief Fund ~

*15,000 trues for the favored name*

The judge will be Charm


The contest is naming the relief fund or foundation that will support the families of the victims whom have been mysteriously taken and subsequently return to the surface to succumb to the fastrot. In addition to the trues, the winner will get a year's worth of Luxian Pie!

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I have some supplies to take to the outposts in the Spikes and am in need of an escort! Brewers also welcome! Looking to depart in a month or so, so make preparations and meet at the docks in Leringard!


PS Bring snow hats.
PPS Also, arms and armor!

((Looking at this Friday around 9am PST if there are enough people around that time to make a trip. Can be earlier or later, just kinda trying to average the times different GMTish people have given as good ones... Let me know so we can adjust if necessary! ))

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Layonara Server / Sending Bird Messages from the Web Site Is Back!
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:57:54 pm »
For those of you who have associated characters through the web interface, you can now send bird messages to players in game. The system is a bit simplistic to start but it serves its purpose.Simply click on the On Neverwinter Nights menu at the top and select Send Bird Message. You'll then be presented with a dropdown list of all your associated characters and also autocomplete text boxes for each character you wish to send your message to. Each message costs 25 True per recipient. There's nothing quite like receiving a bird message so I encourage you to use the system to send messages to friends in game! If you need any help with anything associated with the system or linking your web account with your NWN Characters feel free to ask. 
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Layonara Server / Version 3.40.1 is online!
« on: January 24, 2015, 11:34:59 am »

Version 3.40.1 is online!

Not much to this one except a couple nice to haves. You will need the following updated ctrl hak, don't worry it's quite a small file: (353KB)


  • Shield of Faith spell script was signalling wrong event

  • Endure elements wasn't taking into account extended spell

  • Added area tile edge files

  • =c fixhorsehead if you get stuck with a horsehead

  • Fix couple transitions which pointed you the wrong way

  • Fixed rest area in Angels Guild Hall

  • Length of time a merchant had +/- feelings for you could be in negative

  • Fix issue with not being sent back to your bind point when it was on former Central server when respawning

  • House had the name Pranzis instead or Prantz



    Tweak AoE spells to last better in lag and with the caster moving[/li][li]

    Silence spell ignores ally's SR[/li][/list]


    Few more bosses give boss XP[/li][/list]

    Other updates:

    • General module cleanup of old unused files.



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