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Messages - LordCove

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General Discussion / Reminder to druids
« on: March 23, 2008, 03:44:05 pm »
Hey, just a friendly reminder to all druids out there that we have a our own forum to discuss druidy things. It's a bit lonely there at the moment, but I know there are some of you out there who haven't joined (or haven't made your presence known). In theory, druids should communicate all kinds of things with each other... we have perhaps the most far-reaching communication network on Layonara. In practice however, that doesn't happen quite as much. So I encourage all players of druids to join the forum in they haven't done so, and to use the forum more actively once they have joined.

How to join:

Click "Private messages" or any of the options under "my acount/user control panel"

On the left of the screen, towards the bottom, scroll down and click on "Group memberships"

Find the "Druids" group, and on the right of the screen, click the join group button, and then scroll down to the bottom of the list, and click join group.
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Poetic License / The Warrior - A Work in Progress
« on: March 09, 2008, 01:51:17 am »
Howdy folks.  I just thought I'd share a story I've been working on for years here.  It's only a small party of the larger piece, and if you all enjoy the beginning, I'll post more as it gets revised to a phase that I think it's showable.  Hope you like and and PLEASE leave feedback of any kind.  :)
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Hall of Heroes and Heroines / The End of an Era.
« on: February 24, 2008, 09:11:15 am »
* Kobal arrives at Leringard by boat. From there he travels south, ever south, until he reaches Brenuth and lastly visits King Ulgrid in his great halls. He travels slowly, visiting each hamlet, village and town along the way - taking his time.

To onlookers it seems much like a pilgrimmage in honour of somebody or something, for the dwarf is often seen with slumped shoulders, making a sad face.


As he visits, Kobal relates a tale - a tale of epic proportions. At it's centre is another dwarf, the Warlord of Bloody Gate, Varka Cleaveson. The tale starts out when Varka set out to remove the upstart tyrant Gunderforn and reinstated the true King Rory Rockfist. Hereby he, alongside trusted friends, ensured peace and prosperity for the Bloody Gate for any years to come.
Never truly satisfied with his work and ever striving to live up to the legends of his ancestors, Varka strived to strengthen the Gate, so that it would ever be a safe haven to the people he loved. Therefore he worked hard to organize the defences and train new warriors to replace those who had perished in battle against Gunderforn and the troops of Milara sent to bolster his ranks within the city.

As this was accomplished, King Rockfist offered a last task to Varka - to seek and secure the 'Triqueta of Gates'. A relic of myths, the Triqueta was the symbol of the strength of the three gates into the city. Said to be made from the fusing together of the three keys originally made for deh three first gates into the Bloody Gate, the myth says that it was suspended over the King's throne as a warning that one of the King's sacred responsibilities was to tend to the gates of the city. This was because the three gates were the prime defence against any enemy that would seek to enter the Bloody Gate. A common saying in the Boody Gate goes: "The only way into the Gate is through the King".

An aspiring priest blessed with a vision from Vorax had recognized the truth of the myth and knew it's worth to the Bloody Gate. So he spoke to King Rockfist of his vision, who then sent for his most trusted and loyal warrior, Varka Cleaveson. Together with friends he set out to the depths below the mountains, seeking passages not used by dwarfkin for generations.

Following words of an ancient scroll that described how the King's nephew foolishly had stolen the Triqueta in a fit of rage and jealousy and fled into the lower dungeons, the party set out to reclaim what had been lost so many years ago.

Far below ground, within a hive of ghastly enemies the treacherous young dwarf was discovered along with the Triqueta. Cursed by Vorax for his deed, the dwarf had been turned to stone and the Triqueta wrapped in a magical field that protected it from the hands of the unworthy.
The cursed soul, however, had left something behind for those seeking to reclaim his prize. A scroll case held information that showed that he had regretted his deed and defended it until his end. It had been his final act to invoke a prayer to Vorax and ask him to protect what he had foolishly risked. So he was cursed and his soul tied to the Triqueta. It was discovered that to reclaim the Triqueta for the King and the Bloody Gate, another would have to take his burden. The price of past pride would need to be paid anew.

It was then that the warlord stepped forward and made his intentions known. He made his goodbyes to his friends that had fought at his side for so many years and had aided him in his quests for the Bloody Gate. Then, without blinking, Varka Cleaveson stepped forward and clasped the crystal that encased the Triqueta. He uttered a prayer to Vorax:

"The boundaries of time are come undone, I stand in the gateway between two worlds, Hear me through the veil that hides you from my sight, Help me through this day, Watch me. Shelter me. I am your child!"

These words were his last, for as they were uttered, the curse was released and Varka turned to stone. The Triqueta was freed and returned to hower in suspension above the King's throne, while the statue of Varka Cleaveson was carried back up to the Bloody Gate where it now adorns the throne room as a constant reminder of Varka's sacrifice to the people he loved.

This is his tale. *
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Poetic License / Something Inane
« on: January 26, 2008, 11:16:30 pm »
In a world
where nothing survives,
my left eye
floats. Mindlessly sneezing,
and exploding three
words at a
time. My right
eye, listens blindly
seeing only what
it can hear.
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: Mithril Shortblade
« on: January 20, 2008, 09:06:49 pm »
[size=-2]// Sung to Bon Jovi's 'Wanted Dead or Alive' //[/size]

It's not the same, my ability to hit will change
Everyday it seems i'm (fruitlessly) slashing away
Another foe with the tough armour i'm told
I'd hack all night with my iron and II cold

I'm a swordsman, with an iron blade Kobal made
I want a shortsword, mithril blade
I'm a swordsman
I want a shortsword, mithril blade

Sometimes it's constructs, sometimes it's outsiders
And the warriors I meet have no issues with queen spiders
Sometimes I rue the day
By the blade that never goes clink
And times when you're alone all you do is think

I'm a swordsman, with an iron blade Kobal made
I want a shortsword, mithril blade
I'm a swordsman
I want a shortsword, mithril blade

I walk these lands, a yew shortbow on my back
I avoid the crypts, 'cause I might not make it back
I been everywhere, and I'm feeling somewhat small
Every foe's got immunity and I've missed them all

I'm a swordsman, with an iron blade Kobal made
I want a shortsword, mithril blade
I'm a swordsman, I got the night on my side
I want a shortsword, mithril blade
I'd kill for a shortsword, mithril blade
I want a shortsword, mithril blade

I'm a swordsman, with an iron blade Kobal made
I want a shortsword, mithril blade
I'm a swordsman
I want a shortsword, mithril blade

I'm a swordsman, with an iron blade Kobal made
I want a shortsword, mithril blade
I'm a swordsman
I want a shortsword, mithril blade

Arkolio de'Averlain
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Introduce Yourself / 36 weeks later
« on: January 01, 2008, 05:30:08 am »
Well, I've been on Layo for about 9 months so I guess I should introduce myself.

First of all, My name is Stacy.....(pauses for everyone to go "oh my god...he's a girl), I'm not a girl.

I live in the SF bay area.
I'm an avid scifi/horror fan and still, at 40, love comic books.
I have 3 fantastic kids :
boy 8
girl 5
girl 3

and a wonderful wife of 16 years who thinks I'm a total geek for playing this game. But I played PnP when we met so she knew what she was getting in to.
....married 16 years, not 16 years old.....that sounded a bit distrubing for a minute.

I am in construction and spend way too much time playing layo, but it is my only vice......*ponders* is it a vice? *shrugs*
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

General Discussion / Different levels traveling together..
« on: December 31, 2007, 08:05:49 pm »
Not wanting to start a debate here.  But what is the rules now about traveling with different levels?  I have been told many different things.  

I've heard that it should be no more than 5, 7 level and 10 level difference.

I have been told that GM's will drop things on you to kill the party of there is to big a level gap.  

But then again I was traveling with a much higher level pc and there were many creatures put out for us and we handle them very well. Then afterwards we also received xp for role playing.  Which was very nice! :D

I'm not talking about taking a lower level to get diamonds or something like that.  I mean normal adventuring around Mistone and lower parts of Dregar.  It seems many of the rules have changed in the last year about leveling and traveling together so I was just wanting to find out for sure what the rules are now. :p
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

General Discussion / An hour late
« on: December 15, 2007, 08:04:36 pm »
Tonight's (or maybe it's tomorrow morning for you?) quest - The Great Switcherooni - will have to be run an hour later than originally scheduled. I'll update the calendar entry now.

I apologise for the mucking around - I organised the time of the quest at the same time as my kid's school Christmas carols concert. I have visions of it being like one of those American sitcoms where the sad little kid looks up into the audience and sees an empty seat where his Dad is mean to be .. you know, the seat right next to the very angry looking wife.

If we make it an hour later it can be like one of those very same sitcoms but the one where the kid is expecting the seat to be empty but looks up to see his Dad smiling proudly at him and everyone feels all warm and fuzzy and then they go home arm in arm and the Mom makes some wholesome eggnog and the family sit around the piano before the youngest child (precocious yet endearing) makes some wisecrack that leads to canned laughter as the credits roll.

Anyways, lets go with that second scene, see you there!
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Rumour Has It / A last goodbye...
« on: December 12, 2007, 05:05:09 pm »
* Three dwarves are seen by many as they pass from Hlint to Spellguard carrying an old man in blue robes reverently on a shield, held high on their shoulders. The dwarves are recognized by some as Varka Cleaveson, Gravas Hrendhamar and Kobal Bluntaxe, while the lifeless body on the tower shield is that of the well known wizard Godim Harjumaa.

His long silvery-white beard looks to have been carefully groomed and his robes repaired in many places. Even so, clear evidence remains of the sword or spear thrusts that must have killed the old wizard.

One last time Godim Harjunaa enters the splendid city of magic - Spellguard. His retinue consisting of the three dwarves and others who knew him, follow the train as it moves towards the temple of Lucinda.

The clergy here were already notified because a priest stands at the entrance, seemingly waiting to accept the old man into the loving embrace of the Lady of Spells. Two acolytes step forward to accept the burden and carry the shield into the temple grounds, where the body is to be prepared for burial.

The adventurers and dragon-called remain to pay Godim their last respect before his body is returned to the earth. *
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

General Discussion / Apologies for Drae's CDQ this morning
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:25:38 pm »
My sincere apologies to the following players/ characters regarding Draes second session for her CDQ this morning.

The last 24 hours have been mayhem and I had a sick child this morning and just plumb forgot until an hour after it was supposed to start.

Sala Stonehill
Sallaron Tempest
Drae Llewelyn

I will contact Black Raven to reschedule, once again my deepest apologies!
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

The Dragon Storm Campaign / The Words Of Kharaz, Voice Of The Eternal Flame
« on: December 10, 2007, 09:36:31 pm »
Many had gathered at the Stormcrest Crossroads on that fateful day of Sunra, the Eighth Day of Novlar, Fourteen Hundred and Twenty-Five. Veteran heroes who had already left their mark on great events and aspiring heroes newly putting their shoulders to turn the wheel of worldly affairs, each with their own motives for being there. But they were all there for the same reason, to hear the words of Kharaz, Voice of the Eternal Flame, Servant of Fisterion, King of Dragons.

[INDENT]"It is well that so many allies have come at my call. Time is of the essence and we have little of it. You stand here, either representing those who fleshed out an alliance with my lord, or simply because you are curious. The Storm that was foretold is gaining in strength and ferocity. Sides are offered and being chosen by those who cannot remain neutral. For in fact, none will remain untouched by it. My lord offers you information and calls upon your aid in weathering this avalanche.

"Things are in motion right now, on the ice wastes of the Barbarian Isles. A group has sent its emissaries there based on information passed to them here. I wager that even some of you, here, may have a fault in that.

"My lord has no quarrel with you, Rofirenite. He has not waged war against the Gold for many generations. Has he not held true to the alliance? Is there not peace with him?

"That is indeed what they have come to do. One way or another they will bring Knad'radoniad into their fold. One way or another. We do not know who. Right now we need to act based on what we know. Fact is that many have joined their faction. More than should be possible.

"Some of them stand out due to their tattoos. A green dragon's head, often found on neck or shoulder. As I said. The tattoo depicts the head of a Green Dragon. It has also minor magical properties.

"Where did you sight them? On Dregar?

"Its magic fades upon the death of the bearer. We know not their exact properties.

"I have passed you vital information already. Perhaps not to all, but I have confirmed what those who may know some things, already fear.

"Who spoke of poison? Who? Step forward. Speak your mind, goblin."

Perhaps the least likely of those gathered, a single wretched goblin, provided the details of how the dragons were being captured, shot with great ballista bearing poisoned spears, poison that would sap the dragon's magics, perhaps, perhaps made from a Bloodpool...

[INDENT]"It would explain much.

"I am afraid we have not much time. The Hunters are converging on their prey as we speak. If they have the means and reach their goal before they are stopped, they will have gained an ally more powerful than you can imagine. Knad'radoniad is old.

"My exact proposal, elf. I know not their numbers, but they travel high over the skies, so they cannot be many.

"Fisterion honours the treaty. He offers information in a time of the uppermost need.  

"Knad'radoniad is the ancient White also known as Snowtooth. He rules the Whitefall Kingdom on Bastil. Knad'radoniad may not welcome a force such as this one. However, sand trickles through the hourglass as we speak here.

"Slay them. How you accomplish it, is not my concern.

"I do not believe they will 'meet'. They will come and offer their terms. One way or another, the outcome will likely be the same.

"They are coming from the east. A drake is following them. If you hurry and with a fast ship you can make it there in time. They will not be able to make the trip in one stretch. Humans are not fit for flight.

"My Lord offers you a chance.  Step away now and you will never get another.

"On Bastil is my best guess.

"I have spoken as my lord commanded. The rest is for heroes to act upon. He offers a chance, my lady. A chance for the future. Whether you grasp it or not, is your decision.

"The isle is far from here.

"My Lord has been true to the treaty, has he not? Perhaps with some good will shown today, the future looks brighter for all. The choice is yours. Always. But with it comes a warning of what is to come."

The words were heard by many, and no doubt repeated often, in part or in whole, either in guarded tones or, perhaps, as part of a fantastic tale that few might believe.
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Introduce Yourself / A Much Belated Hello
« on: December 02, 2007, 03:43:12 am »
Dear Layonara ...

Or something like that. How do you introduce yourself to a community you've been part of for a year? That's the question I've been pondering and grappling with for a while now, and up until this point it's been much easier to just postpone creating this introduction than actually find an answer.

So why now, you ask? Well, today, as I calculate it, is my Layonara birthday—the one year anniversary of the approval of my first character—and as such is probably the most appropriate day I can think of to do this. So here goes, confession number one:

Until joining Layonara, I had never roleplayed a day in my life. In fact, had someone inquired as to my roleplaying abilities in casual conversation, my likely response would have been to blush and change the subject. I also hacked and slashed my way through the original campaign module and its offspring, pillaging, looting, and acting with a deep sense amorality that quite horrified my partner, who had given me the game to try. My first character may sound familiar to a few of you: a half-elven neutral good ranger who used a longbow and longsword. (Isn't it amazing how you can remain neutral good and still steal family heirlooms and do horrible things when they hand good points out like candy?)

My partner was the one who discovered Layonara, and after watching him enjoy it for a few months I was eventually goaded by him into submitting a character, Arynne Liadon, who basically became a much more moral version of my OC character, since unlike her predecessor, Arynne's actions had consequences. Well, one turned into four, as Eruanna Glorandir, Chiara Laecelam'lela and Jaelle Thornwood were all born into the world. And my partner? Yes, he still plays, though more rarely now. He's since discovered a myriad of other ways to torment the playerbase. Many of you know him, either as Darkstorme or Ouroboros. (I suppose he's my second big confession. :D Try not to hold him against me!)

What else? I'm twenty-two, five-foot-eight, green eyed and brown haired, and lest this start to sound like a personal ad, I will refrain from commenting on my thoughts on candlelit dinners and long walks on deserted beaches. I'm a student, though the end of my university days draw nearer with each December final. I'm crazy enough to stay at university even once I finish my biology major and English minor though, and will soon be entering my university's education program. Which, it occurred to me one night, means I'm going to spend almost the rest of my life going to school. Oh well. :) I'll manage somehow.

How much more should I divulge? After a year of silence, I suppose I owe you all more than that. Well, I've never lived more than a few minutes from the ocean, and honestly can't imagine living away from the sea. I've known how to swim almost my entire life, worked as a lifeguard, a swimming instructor, learned to sail, kayak, and row. I've played rugby, soccer, and field hockey, and a handful of musical instruments. I love tea, coffee, and chocolate, and not just because each go extremely well with a good book. I was always a precocious reader, though now I am merely a voracious one, and my tastes range from the Romantic poets to the Victorians, to American modernism and noir, to the fantasy classics ... I could go on forever, but as this is already lengthy I'll refrain from listing my favourites right now.

Well, I've said a bit about me, but I suppose I should say a little about my characters as well. I suppose it is true that we all sculpt from the clay of our own lives, and this is almost certainly the case with me as well. However, I am as unlike my characters as they are unlike each other. I can see myself reflected in all of them, but they have their own lives to live and I am content to watch them develop in the world you have all helped shape. So let me conclude with thanking you all, for taking me into your world and letting me explore it, and for helping spin the stories we weave together for our characters. I cannot say how much I have enjoyed and continue to treasure the time I spend with you all.

The following users thanked this post: LordCove

General Discussion / Dedicated to Lynn
« on: November 19, 2007, 09:16:30 am »
This is for you Lynn, and I hope his patrol moves quickly for you. I know during that time for me, the sweetest saddest smell was the boat smell. It was sad because I knew he would be going away, and sweet when I smelled it again because he was home.

When God Created the Military Wife

When the Lord was creating a military wife He ran into His sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said, "You're having a lot of trouble with this one. What's wrong with the standard model?"

The Lord replied, "Have you seen the specs on this order? It has to be completely independent but must always be sponsored to get on a military installation. It must have the qualities of both mother and father during deployments, be a perfect host to 4 or 40, handle emergencies without an instruction manual, cope with flu and moves all around the world, have a kiss that cures anything from a child's bruised knee to a husband's weary days, have the patience of a saint when waiting for its mate to come home and, have six pairs of hands."

The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands? No way." The Lord answered, "Don't worry; we will make other military wives to help. Besides, it's not the hands that are causing the problem, it's the heart. It must swell with pride, sustain the ache of numerous separations while remaining true, beat soundly even when it feels too tired to do so, be large enough to say 'I understand' when it doesn't, and say 'I love you', regardless.

"Lord," said the angel, gently touching His sleeve. "Go to bed. You can finish it tomorrow." "I can't," said the Lord. "I'm so close to creating something quite unique. Already it can heal itself when sick, on a moment's notice it will willingly embrace and feed total strangers who have been stranded during a PCS move and it can wave goodbye to its husband understanding why he had to leave."

The angel circled the model of the military wife very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed."But tough," the Lord said excitedly. "You cannot imagine what this being can do or endure.""Can it think?" asked the angel. "Can it think?! It can convert 1400 to 2 p.m.," replied the Lord.

Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. "There's a leak," she said. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model." It's not a leak," said the Lord. "It's a tear." "What's it for?" asked the angel. "It's for joy, sadness, pain, loneliness and pride." "You're a genius," said the angel.

Looking at her somberly, the Lord replied, "I didn't put it there."
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

General Discussion / Rumors -- Please read
« on: October 27, 2007, 07:00:18 pm »
The following is addressed to the entire Layonara community.  It is not directed at one person or any specific group of people. Please read it and understand it.

As a recent post has highlighted, there have been some ugly and hurtful rumors flying around recently. This kind of thing, though different people and different circumstances, seem to happen on a regular basis. Sometimes the target is one person, other times it's a group of people.  There are back-channel whispers, finger-pointing, and accusations flying around.  The GM Team gets reports of this-and-that but rarely does anyone have the evidence or guts to back up the claims. Some rumors fade, but there are always some waiting to take their place.  It's a continuous cycle, and it is getting really, really old.

I urge everyone to hear what I'm saying here and take it to heart.  Rumors are almost without fail caustic and poisonous to the community.  You may interact with electronic representations, seeing only words and artificial avatars, but there are people behind those things.  Real people.  Not all rumors are false, but most rumors are not nearly as true as some would believe them to be. Whatever the case, they're bad...bad for those who spread them, bad for those who are the targets of them, and bad for this community.

Without going into specifics, the most recent batch of rumors ranges from annoying to very serious with implications that stretch beyond this little community of ours.  And so I ask you all...

If you are involved in spreading such rumors, stop. If you have proof, then present it to a Gm.  If not, then stop. You're hurting people and you're hurting this community.

If you are engaged in activities in the game world/forums/IRC channel(s) that are the center of one or more of these rumors and those activities are contrary to what we have established here, stop.

If you are involved in or complicit in sewing the seeds of discord among all or part of the community, stop.

At this point, I am not overly concerned with what the "facts" may be in the case of the most recent events. There will forever be three sides to every story: "Yours, mine and the truth."  Since the last is often difficult to obtain, we're left with the word of one against the word of another.  As I said, it just needs to stop.

I want everyone to realize that these things are harmful, and they affect more people than just those at the muddy end of the stick.

In the thread about Layonara's future, there's a comment in there about the NWN servers and how long they'll stay up.  To quote Leanthar:

The NwN servers will stay up and running until it either a) gets to expensive for me to keep it running, so keep donating as this is important for NwN or b) the world or community becomes to much of a hassle in terms of time, effort, or headaches for the servers to stay online or c) we make it to beta testing of the new product which is still a ways away. Layonara is not going away, nor is it fading away; but much rests on the communities shoulders for how long the NwN servers remain online.
It is petty and dramatic things like rumors that are most likely to bring down the Layonara NWN community.  This kind of thing really drains the GM Team and Leanthar himself. It is frustrating, mentally exhausting and time-consuming. In some cases, it has taken hours of research and checking in on people, logs, actions, reports and so forth just to prove or disprove the allegations...time wasted and time not spent interacting with the community.

I don't want this to sound like a threat, but the fact of the matter is, there have been times, more than most of you realize, where the fate of the NWN servers has been close to a complete shut-down because of petty bickering, factional rumors and divisive words and actions.

It all needs to stop, people. I can't stress that enough.

Now, please...understand what I have written here.  Read it over, again if you need to, and really see what I am saying.  And then just think about it and remember it.

And also, please understand that when we take action as a result of things that go on here, be it a banning, a reprimand or some other kind of administrative action, that we do not do so lightly or on a whim. We are not targeting individuals because we don't like them or because we just feel like it.  The GM Team has, among its many duties, an obligation to protect this community.  It comes along with the job, and whatever people may believe, it is not a particularly enjoyable part of the job to ban someone who is acting contrary to the spirit of this community.

I do not really wish for this to become a discussion.  I don't want current or past rumors brought up here and presented with explanations, accusations or justifications.  I don't want people to post their opinions on the situation, be it the one most immediately at hand or any number of such things that have occurred.  Do not use this thread to confess or confirm.  I do not seek a string of "I agree" posts, nor do I particularly want any "Thanks" either.

I want people to read this and understand it.

I know a lot of people love this community and have developed very real and lasting real-life friendships as a result.  Keep that in mind please in all your future actions. Friendships are not formed of bickering and rumormongering. They're formed of a commonality of purpose and philosophy.  If you find, however, that you cannot continue to be a supportive and positive influence in this community, then consider stepping away from it before you contribute to events that may end up hurting those you call friends.

I generally have a lot of faith and respect for this community as a whole.  I sincerely hope that is not misplaced.

The following users thanked this post: LordCove

General Discussion / *Hugs*
« on: October 01, 2007, 11:31:07 pm »
I love this server, I love the players, I love the characters, and I love the GMs. This place is only seeming to get better and better.. even if I've only been here for three days. The GMs pay attention to players more often, people are friendly, willing to metagame a tad for the sake of RP and everyone seems to do their best.

Even in a quest with 8-10 people, it was rather organized, collected, and well-directed. It's been months since I've seen a quest go that well ... and with 8-10 characters!


The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Just for Fun / Argh, dont touch the cheesy-beefy burrito!
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:44:31 pm »
On a whim I stopped by Taco Hell today and eyes a new concoction, the Cheesy Beefy Melted Burrito!  The display in the window looked marvelous, like a cornucopia of cheesy beefy goodness.  Golden baked hilltops displaying a veritable valley of beefy cheese.  Then I ate it.

The Cheesy Beefy Melt combines only the best qualities of wet dog food and melted plastic... that starchlike grainy feeling on your teeth minced with all the parts of the cow man was not meant to consume.  It's rice, bean, beef and cheddar filling was omniscient of month old leftover hamburger helper casserole, but the true delight was in the digestion.  When combined with Taco Bell's signature Pepsi soda, the menu item seemed to bubble inside my belly, churning in some form of tribal dance of unity.  The drink slowly started expanding, much like raw rice in a pigeon's gullet... growing and growing until it had nowhere left to go.

Then, in less than 3 minutes time after the final bite, a miracle happened!  I was sent sprinting to the washroom with a loaded colon, ready to send the Beefy Cheesy Melt off unto new adventures with a winding roller coaster ride of pipes and dead sewer rats.  This was truly amazing, as I remember my biology teacher telling us how many meters our small intestines stretched and how it took food at least 4-6 hours to complete the full circuit of digestion.  But lo and behold, it was ready to be launched well before its allotted time was due.  The secret ingredient must be shared with Arbys, as only their melted cheese has such a similar effect!

Needless to say, do skip this menu item.  In fact, I was insane to stop there in the first place!  *starts eating some Tums by the dozen, and feels like throwing up for the rest of the workday*
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Ask A Gamemaster / Grabbing masks and PVP
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:12:32 pm »
If a complete stranger walks up to you and attempts to yank your mask or helm off your head, shouldn't that be instant acceptance of PVP where you could just finger of death them for their rude insolence?  

I haven't had it happen to me yet, (at least not since way back when I played Rakish) but I've been noticing it going around lately.  Character X is just standing there with a hood on, and along comes character Y who metagamingly read X's bio or pic and *knows* that they're a drow or monstrous race of some sort in disguise.  Then, without a word, the just walk up to character X and emote *yanks X's mask/helm off*  

So here we have some poor player's disguise totally ruined because a grabby player doesn't even have the decency to RP with the person to even bring up suspicion.  I understand that while guards might try to do this in service of their jobs, but people not of the military really don't have any right to be touching anyone.  I would view this as assault, since many spells and poisons need only come into contact via touching a person, and most certainly theft of a fine helm or mask.  As such, I think a perfectly justifiable solution would be to make such offenses open season for PVP.

It should also be noted that humans and gnomes without subracial features almost never have their masks ripped off, since the grabby players read their description and see nothing awry.  It's always when the person's a drow or criminal and puts decent effort into disguising themselves that somebody walks right up and yanks it off.  It gets annoying, this 100% accuracy of metagaming.  Could somebody try walking up and trying to grab Ketibjorn's hood, calling him a duergar for once?  I'd like to see how quickly that person would drop to the floor in a pool of their own blood.
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

General Discussion / Maybe a Half Day Late But...
« on: September 17, 2007, 03:37:38 pm »
Thanks osxmallard for a great First quest!

I just wanted to say thank you for your awesome work and for trying multiple times to become a GM. Now we know what we were missing, and we're not missing out anymore! Right on! You handled the two groups splitting up superbly!

This quest I think was a lesson in the unexpected. Thank you for not trying to cover up the fact that it happened or calling REDO. Sometimes the best and funniest endings can come out of innocent mistakes ;) So thanks for rolling with it!


Additionally, thanks to Shiff for being a good leader and scheduling the bit before hand, and thanks for everyone who showed up for it.

And thanks to Timulty and Sallaron for being witty and making me laugh.
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Layonara Server / Deity Relationships and RP'ing them
« on: September 14, 2007, 09:37:27 am »
Hi folks,
 It has come to my attention that a particular individual or two are totally and absolutely ignoring deity relationships in RP. It has been stated "because I don't know" or "because the character does not know". When you are a follower of a deity (especially as a champion, paladin, or cleric) you do know and you know it very well. The church would ensure you know this until it was ground in to your head and that is a mere fact. To say my character does not know when you are a follower of those types is wrong and wrong in all sorts of levels, it is also not acceptable in any sort of way. Deities will strike back and they will ensure those that are close to them and that represent them do as they request and desire or they will not give them the powers that are prayed for, that is also a mere fact. When you are a close follower of a deity (of those types; champion, paladin, cleric) you can not claim you do not "know" because you do and you would via the church. It is hard to represent/show that in an online game environment and that is why we have so much on the site about this topic, but as a close follower of a diety you are to go by the relationships as they are defined and RP in that manner.
 Please start playing deity relationships properly folks.
The following users thanked this post: LordCove

Just for Fun / More RP tips from Pseudonym
« on: September 12, 2007, 10:28:38 pm »
Finding it hard to capture that quintessential compassion and grace that encompasses what it means to play an Aeridinite Priest?? Someone who is guided by love and compassion at all times, someone who turns the other cheek, someone who can always be relied on for a kind word and a gentle smile ...

Instead of saying, "You don't have a ******* clue, do you?"
perhaps try, "I think you could do with more guidance from the Lifebringer."

Instead of saying, "She's a ******* power-crazy, loot-grabbing *****."
perhaps try, "She sure is an aggressive go-getter."

Instead of saying, "**** off"
perhaps try, "I'm certain that isn't feasible."

Instead of saying, "Well, ***** me with a dire mace."
perhaps try, "Really?"

Instead of saying, "Tell someone who gives a ****"
perhaps try, "Perhaps you should check with the High Priest"

Instead of saying, "Not my ******* problem."
perhaps try, "I wasn't involved in that quest."

Instead of saying, "What the ****?"
perhaps try, "That's interesting."

Instead of saying, "Why the **** didn't you tell me that yesterday?"
perhaps try, "It will be tight, but by the grace of my Lord, I'll try to schedule it in."
Instead of saying, "He's got his head up his ****"
perhaps try, "He's not familiar with the issues."

Instead of saying, "Oi! ********"
perhaps try, "Excuse me, sir?"

Just doing my bit to improve RP on Layo.
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