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Topics - lonnarin

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General Discussion / PnP: Layonara Style
« on: May 25, 2005, 09:46:00 pm »
5 out of 5 players I DM for agree, the Layonara setting and gods whoop Forgotten Realms' butt!  Since the computer died, I can only log into the game via Pelordaes' LAN, so I've been getting back to the nitty gritty with the miniatures and gridlines.  The funniest thing about it, is they HATED Eberron... the campaign setting that won the last submission contest.

This place is bloody gold; I'm never leaving!  Even when my computer explodes into a gazillion itty bitty bits, I'll find a way to come back into it.

General Discussion / RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« on: May 16, 2005, 12:02:00 pm »
As of Friday the 13th of this month it is official, my computer is now a smoldering piece of scrapmetal with no funtion serving capabilities.  Like an old man liverspotted into mortality, it died peacefully through the night, simply refusing to access the BIOS at startup.  Now it is only capable of a meager blank screen without any initial CMOS beep.

In about 2 months I should have enough cash saved up on the side for an entirely new system.  Until that time, I am going into withdrawal trying to find a hobby that takes up 8-10 hrs a day.  Social interaction with the human-form populace is undeniably a total waste, so I've taken to public drinking and kicking ill-mannered frat boys in the groin.  "BRO!  NOT cool!"  *thud*

On the plus side, I should finally be graduated after 3 more classes in Fall.  Hopefully the psych degree will come in handy if I ever run out of napkins.

Just for Fun / Nothing can Kill the Grimace!
« on: May 12, 2005, 06:56:00 am »
NOTHING!  This is what a friend of mine just finished working on, inspired by a quote from the ebola monkey episode of Clerks.


General Discussion / Tomes of Rofirein
« on: May 10, 2005, 06:17:00 pm »
Wouldn't they mostly be draconic, considering their founder?  I was just musing that clerics and paladins of the faith should know about as much draconic as the pope knows latin.  :)

In fact, such characters that do not yet know the language probably should be required to learn it through CDQ before attaining the upper levels of faith. (PrCs and Epics at least)

Same for that matter, for clerics of many other faiths whith non-human gods.  A human cleric of Vorax or Dorand might have a few translated works in common, but much of the greater texts of the faith would require them to eventually try to learn Dwarven.  Katian clerics would either have to talk to a tree or speak animal, heh.

It'd be very cool if clerics did their rituals and prayers in the tongue of their god as much as possible.  Weird chanting in languages you don't understand are a CONSTANT in world religions, heh.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / The Year of Bad Beer
« on: May 10, 2005, 05:23:00 pm »
Violent crimes are being commited in key cities as barfights and riots flare up without warning.  Upon further inspection, the adventurers find that each of the rioters were previously drinking, though their friends insist that they've never been so violent before.  Townguards are scratching their heads in confusion at the epidemic, and the taverns across continent are ordered closed until the epidemic is resolved....

Then come the REAL riots from every drunkard in town and 99.999% of the residing dwarven population!

A tipoff indicates that a doomsday cultist cleric of Xeen seeks to cause as much strife as he possibly can through his skills in brewing and alchemy.  In the end, Xeen turns her back on him for tainting a good drink and the bars shutting down, and Corath accepts him fully.

Every time I see a big pile of Dragon bones, I always smirk at the effectiveness of Bloodstone in his work.  Problem is, he's been a bit sloppy about the cleanup, as such remains could possibly be wished ressurected or perhaps risen in a different form.


A cult of draconic fanatics out for revenge on the dragon slayer begin to restore their forefathers of the great dragon slaughtering to rise up and strike Bloodstone.  Such a group would be purely heritical to Rofirein, Pyrtechon and all living dragons (except possibly a few truly twisted chromatics) though would assuredly gain support from god such as Corath and the undead factions of the world.  

The clencher is that while the raisers of such beings intended for them to only attack Blood forces, the ritual to raise them was somewhat faulty, since they'd been dead far too long for an ideal lichifying.  The result, the risen beasts must continually feed on the souls of powerful sorcerers, to "reclaim their blood" as they would put it.  So despite the temporary convenience of Bloodstone under fire, key heroes and spellcasters are now hunted by the dark forces for the dracolich's feast/sacrifices.  After a few encounters, the heroes will be forced into action to pick a side, Their sworn enemy or his sworn enemy whose insatiable hunger can only end in the destruction of all life as we know it.

General Discussion / Where are all tha dwarf lasses at?
« on: May 09, 2005, 01:01:00 am »

How we dwarves gonna repopulate da globe iffn dey ain any lasses wit wide stocky child bearin hips an whiskers?  Ah still've yet ter meet me first REAL woman since movin ter Mistone....  Ahm gonna go bloody INSANE!!!  Kinnah make young uns wit em elf lasses, dey snaps loike hickory!

Please please please, dwarf lasses, visit da submission forum, an coome ter Hlint.  Ye gots a Bjorn, Gloin, Gulnyr, Harg, Breunor, and so many more foine rich stocky lads dat needs lovin too.  Layonara needin more dwarven wimmins!

-Bjornigar Ironguts

Just for Fun / Game Review: Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich
« on: April 24, 2005, 11:49:00 am »
Another recent game put out by Sierra, this one apparantly has been a standing series before I bought this one.  The premise is that you are a superhero member of Freedom Force, a golden age era Marvel 60s type of group protecting the world from supervillains, nazis and the communists, all in the name of Patriot City!  It's campy cheese factor is TREMENDOUS, with tons of comic-still sequences instead of full videos, alien invasions, Giant Cloned T Rexes rampaging, and cliche sappy heroes that make you snicker all the way.

The graphics and interface are incredible.  It seems to follow the same top-down view neverwinter has, with a 360 degree rotational camera with a zoom to give you all the best comic fighting scenes.  ZAM! BIFF! POW!  The 70s batman clouds are all there, making crazy phenomes you never thought existed. Missions typically are similar to warcraft III missions, where you have about 4 characters invading a stronghold of baddies/protecting a city with hotspots to reach/conquer to progress the storyline.  The goal seems to be the direct opposite of Evil Genius, another great recent Sierra game, in which one builds a stronghold with traps and guards to fight off superheroes.

The storyline campaign is a bit rigid, and the game has no where near the scenario customization freedom that NWN has, though Multiplayer is apparantly possible on it.  I tried logging in through gamespy, but not many people have decent servers up yet.  Also, it doesnt appear as though there is any way to talk between heroes in multiplayer... which is rather troublesome.  As far as the plot and story go... they are cheesy but hilariously over the top.

The hero customizer if pretty fun.  If you are decent at making texture skins for characters in other multiplayer games, you can feasibly stick in any REAL Marvel character or custom superhero you want.  Until then, you can select any of the models in the game and use them as skin.  Right now my custom ones are Squatch: the Abomidable snowman with 10/10 str who topples buildings and freezes people, Lucio Calzone, a mafia crimelord who walks around with a fully loaded machine gun and bribes foes to turn around and fight for him, and Hitler's Brain in a Jar... which floats around and zaps things up like a cross between a beholder and an illithid.  (and yes, if you get too close to him, he does eat your brain in one short melee gulp)  The power and stat assignment for the heroes is VERY versatile, even moreso than selecting spells in shadowrun.  You have like 12-14 types of damage and resistances, stat effects, teleports, etc...  and you can set the strength and magnitude, range, arc of the swing, practically EVERY game mechanic you can think ofd for a spell/power.  You even get to assign custom animations for the powers as they are used, so squatch sprints on an ice slide, Calzone showers dollar signs on people, Hitler-Jar sends wicked red beams n such.  The sky is the limit with the customizer, really.

I give this game 8/10, which would have been higher had they made it easier for persistant worlds and multiplayer teamwork.  Everything else about it has me glued to the screen.

General Discussion / Mistone bought out!
« on: April 20, 2005, 11:37:00 pm »
The last house in Liellon just been sold ter a mistah Bjornigar an his bidness partner Xenos.  Stay tuned fer trading opportunities an crazy drunkin hoose parties, Gulnyr just round da corner!

Neighbors are, Brant Mori Aphyx and Rojo.  There will be many a hefty barbecue.

Just for Fun / Prank of the week
« on: March 25, 2005, 07:25:00 am »
AH man, this just really made my day.  A roadkill kitty's been rotting at the side of a busy road near college now for maybe 4-5 days now.  Well, this morning coming back from the store, somebody just put up a big sign by it that says "Free Cat: slightly used.  Very well tempered and doesn't bite"

I'm still laughing, as much as I love cats, hahah.  I might relocate him to my ex girlfirend's mailbox...

Wild Surge Inn / Haunted Harbor!
« on: March 21, 2005, 12:31:00 pm »
*overheard from a discussion with a fat dwarf and a bartender*

Ah seen it it ah tells yeh!  Don heard em wailin moans an screams, ghostly giggles n such!  Goo on doon tah Point Harbor iff'n ye dun believe meh!  Noble section with em mansions.  Miderns district er soom such.  Been lookin all over fer a hoose but nay seen any open, so I asks dis guy "whats bloody wrong with em hooses o'er der?"  Ye know what he says, he says "Nobuddy lives doon dat road.  Dunna even walks it at night!"  I go o'er der, look on all em doors fer nameplates, none der.  Wee ghostly buggers whisperin aboot n laughin at meh.  Look roun an noboddy der tah be makin da noise... bloody tomb like.  Nobody answers em doors neidder.  Locks bolted doon tight and em winders boarded up like ems condemned!

Bloody spooks ah tellin ye!  Dun thin that mean ah ain buyin doh.  Em owners mehbbe hidin, but I know a good bargain when ah sees it.  Haunted mansions sell fer half what a normal un sells fer, jus gotta evict em ghosties!

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Foodcraft Recipes
« on: March 17, 2005, 05:16:00 pm »
I was contemplating a revamp of the meat drops for fish and animals for a wider range of cooking recipes.  First, it would be fun to seperate the meat into certain types: Beef, Pork, Poultry and Venison (all deer and maybe dog?).  Each would be easily cookable over the fire for standard roasted variations, but the different meat types would make a cooker have to seek the correct type of meat to fill each recipe.  Beef for jerkey, pork bacon, venison spicy roasts, chicken noodle soup, etc.  I think lamb is a seperate category for some reason, but we don't have lambs anyhow.  It would be interesting to make the chickens harvestable somehow, perhaps by buying them from a farmer, or making them a neutral, independant faction that wouldn't enrage the guards.

Fish meat types and at least 2 recipes each for cooking would make the craft of fishing a bit more fun.  Smoked salmon (salt, salmon, charcoal), fried catfish, sushis of all types, soups, or eat it raw as sashami.  Carp is pretty good steamed with rice, ham and a sweet'n sour sauce.  If the pearls chipped from the oyster rocks came with complimentary oysters, ah man... soup em up with creamy alfredo, fry em in a pan, use the mill to add some noodles and *stomach growls*  I haven't eaten in awhile, hahah.

So Anyhow, here come a few recipes.

Hardboiled eggs: 1 bucket, an egg, the oven.  Great for a mobile snack
Eggs Sunny Side Up: 4 eggs, salt, butter
Breakfast in Bed: 3 eggs, salt, butter, orange juice, 2 pieces of bacon and 2 slices of toast (roasted wheat bread).  Just like mum used to make on sick days!
Lumberjack Slam Omellette- 4 eggs, 1 hunk of cooked pork, 1 onion, 1 pepper, 2 salt and butter
Deviled eggs- 3 eggs, salt, milk, 2 peppers, 1 onion, 1 salt, protection from good cast in the making ;)

Bacon- One hunk of pork yeilds 6 pieces... all one shot eating, but darn they're tastey!
Glazed ham- one hunk pork, 1 cup honey, 1 cup sugar, 2 peach juices (mixes witht he honey and sugar for the glaze)
Pork Tenderloin with Cranberry-Onion sauce- 1 hunk pork, 1 serving chicken broth (made in seperate recipe), one onion, 8 cranberries, 1 serving orange juice, 2 pieces of rosemary
Sweet and Sour Pork: 1 hunk pork meat, 2 salt, 2 pear or pineapple (both taste great), 1 onion, 2 servings cornmeal, 1 sugar, 1 filled bucket, 3 servings steamed rice, 1 honey
Spicy Porkchops: 1 hunk pork, 2 garlic cloves, 1 serving corn flour, 1 salt, 1 vial of almond oil

Beef and Mushroom Dijon: 1 hunk beef, 1 cream of mushroom soup (made in seprate recipe from water, milk, sugar, eggs and mushrooms), 1 onion, 1 full water flask, 6 black mushrooms, 1 clove garlic
Beef Stroganoff- 1 hunk beef, 1 filled flask, 1 onion, 1 corn flour, 3 salt, 4 egg noodles or steamed rice, lots of spices
Beef with Orange Flavor: 2 hunks beef, 2 corn flour, 4 oranges, 2 salt, 1 garlic clove, 1 pecan oil, 3 honey
Pepper Steak: 2 hunks beef, 3 corn flour, 2 peppers, 1 onion, 1 bottle wine, 2 salt, 4 black mushrooms, 1 serving beef broth (could be a broth for each meat with just a bucket of water, 3 salt and 2 onions)

These are the ones springing to mind so far.  Much to Albert's delight, onions are a staple in a vast amount of popular recipes.  If implimented, I have no doubt he would eat them raw, constantly. :)

I would have finished the list, but I just got incredibly hungry...  *zoom to the $10 chinese buffet*

Feel free to add to the list of possible recipes, especially using the CNR components we have growing all over the place already.  All those mushrooms and piggies and beehives make me look around and want to eat the world.  Particularly fish recipes.

Wild Surge Inn / Temple of Toran desecrated!
« on: March 13, 2005, 11:17:00 pm »
*posted up in all the alehalls of Mistone*

Recent sightings report that a mummified being of incredible power has been attacking adventurers across the COntinent.  Encounters include the Hlint crypts, Broken Wood, and most any high concentration of undead.  Attempts to reason with the being have thus far been futile, though it seems to be motivated by a mission to protect all undead.  It refers to lesser forms of unlife as it's "brothers" and enters fits of rage when they are banished from the living realm.  Be alert, we may need to gather a divine force of great magnitude to banish this entity.  It is also possible that Sielen the witch may have encountered it, seeing as how she tends the gravestone in the center of the Broken Wood, one of the primary encounter sites.
It also appears capable of breaching the divine seals of holy temples, an ability lost to most undead save for liches.  If encountered... run.  Trust me.

-Farros Galdor

Just for Fun / The Milk in Canada
« on: March 13, 2005, 06:42:00 am »
I miss it.  I haven't visited in a while and I forget what real milk tastes like.

In Canada, they sell milk in airtight sealed bags that lock in freshness from the dairy to your doorstep.  Here in America, it gets poured into a plastic jug and stopped off with a little ringed plastic twist cap that continually leaks, dries and crustifies in transit.  The bacteria formed from milk spoiling in the cap makes the rest of the batch taste like watered down soy in comparison.  Drinking milk in Canada tastes about as good as drinking it fresh from the farm here.

Unfortunately I live in Florida, notorious for having the highest pus per liter ratio in the entire country. (and possibly world, as this is a byproduct of bovine growth hormone)

Maybe Gunky can smuggle me some Canadian milk and Aero bars.  I also miss those Hostess ketchup and pickle potato chips....  oooh, and some President's Choice cola.  Just got a huge Canuk craving.

Just for Fun / Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
« on: March 09, 2005, 07:25:00 am »
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly news stories on the Yahoo web site shut down when I start ranting.  I never manage to say anything vulgar or hate filled... no, those kinds of posts from other people stay up for days and days and days.

Meanwhile I make a 2000 word essay that convinces 30+ people to click "recommend" next to my post within the next 10 minutes, get the newsgroup populace all riled up, leftwing or rightwing alike to go storm their local congressman's office and have him brought up on criminal charges and... poof.  Gone.  All the links, the citings of the constitution, the Black's Law quotations, the step by step dissection of the half-truths in their propaganda mechanism... gone.  Not just the newsgroup forum linked to the story... but the ENTIRE story vanishes.  Search the archives and there's not a trace.

Free speach rules.  If you can call them on their inconsistancies and lay it out simple enough that even the most close-minded flame-war monger stops to think, Big Brother REALLY gets nervous.  The surest way to be censored in this new era other than overtly cussing somebody out is to tell the truth well enough for others to see it from your view.  Those people who argue politics via name-calling and slander are inconsequential and get very little flak about it.  

On the down side... I may unexpectedly vanish from the face of the earth soon.  You'll find me rolled up in a carpet in the dumpster behind the Neo-Macarthyist Center for Subordinate Patriotism.  It's right across the street from the Homeland Security/Unconstitutional Surveillance Department.  ;)

Just for Fun / fnuod sthiomeng stargne
« on: February 28, 2005, 01:30:00 am »
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

saw this on a page, and you know... it's right.  Reading it fast and you hardly notice the difference,  which means assumption dominates much of perception.

Just for Fun / Musings: add to them as ye are inspired
« on: February 19, 2005, 08:31:00 pm »
Cheese goes incredibly well with beer, for that which beer makes liquid, cheese keeps solid.  It's a drunked zen balance!

*mostly filled with catapault specifications, golem & gyrocopter designs and recipes for good turnip pastries.  In between it all and strange mathematical formulas are a few personal notes*

Under "Biology: Variant species"
Most interesting place this Hlint.  It seems that just about every race imaginable lives here.  When I first arrived via the catapault ride from Waysend, I stumbled across a huge giant of a man in a loin cloth chopping wood.  I've come to classify his speciation as Giganticus Cuddlehuggis, as he seems far friendlier than the common variety of the giganticus genus.  Quite like their bigger hill giant cousins, they do appear to have a lack of patience and understanding of linguistics too far detached from the monosyllabic.  He also had deficites in understanding time, as when I assured him I would get started working on a sword, he expected it to be finished within 2 minutes, before I'd even written the blueprints up!  Still, he was nice enough, and a fascinating specimen.  I will make certain to someday craft a greatsword big enough so that only he could use it two handed!  He didn't appear to have a shield, so putting more leverage into the focal point of the hilt with two hands would seem far more effective for him.

*the text then rambles on about theories of giantkin evolution, with sketches of an aboleth, a dolphin, a seal, a sea otter, a puppy, a goblin, a troll, a hill giant and finally to a sketch of Half-Giant holding up a two hander shouting "Duur Goot!", all in evolutionary progression.

Biology: Unforseen Optical Catalyst
On the way back from the clay fields I came across a carcass of a dead ox.  The poor thing looked hacked apart by those savage mercenaries, likely just for sport.  Well, it did come as a slight relief to me that I would not have to kill an animal to harvest its parts for components, so this became a rare opportunity, I decided.  I bade the deer to go into the deep forrest where they would not have to watch and took out my skinning knife.  Even though he was already dead, I certainly did not want to see it, so I looked away as I pulled it out. "ah well friend ox, at least now your death will mean more than the slavery and servitude under humankind" I thought, ready to give him meaning in the persuit of science.  Unfortunately, as I was not looking, I pulled a vial of enchanting oil from my pack and dropped it in.  Only the next morning did I realize my mistake...

With a large crack the bottle shattered on the laboratory shelf.  It seemed that the enchanting oil managed to engorge the eyeball to such perportions that his volume exceeded that of the vial, and it had grown tentacles with small bulbs that moved.  Fascinated, I initially suspected that the tentacles were a form of fungus or quasi-plant matter like an assassain vine, but then it turned about and gave me a look which chills me to this day...

"Where am I, fleshy protien?" It asked...  a talking eyeball?  Was I mad?!  But no, it hovered there with a jaw full of teeth... hovering! in the air!  I of course hit myself in the had with a wrench to make sure I was not dreaming, but all the same, he floated and glared.  I introduced myself and told him of my laboratory, and he seemed to laugh a little, but in a way that made me uncomfortable.  In a rush I explained the workings of my laboratory, and he was most interested in every little detail.  He read each of my books on every science imaginable, (how he knew how to read already was a mystery to me) and since then has even offered a few insights on the nature of rays in magic and light refraction.  I named him Quimby, after my great grand uncle Mortguvious Flaxor-Skink Hapinhaver, who was never really named Quimby but we always used to call him that.

But then days later, when he said he'd be out on the town to go sightseeing, he left behind his eye drops.  He has a problem where crust builds up in his central eye, which he seems to be unable to clean himself.  The bulbs that became eyes on the ends of his tentacles, he seems to have no difficulty reaching, as he tends to suck on them to help him think.  So I dashed out the door to find him, asking the townfolk where they had seen a floating 5 eyed test tube baby.  Predictably they seemed confused and asked me if I had been drinking, so I continued on in my search for the little eye.  One rather rude man in  kilt answered that my mom was a 5 eyed test tube baby, and only laughed harder when I insisted that was not the case; I am the FATHER of a 5 eyed test tube baby!  Such drove savages in this town.

When I rounded the Blacksmith's shop, I noticed a shout from a feline youth calling out for it's mommy, and then a gurgling noise and silence...  To my utmost horror when I rounded the bend, was Mr. Quimby devouring a poor defenseless Hlintian pond kitten!  I set loose with a swift regiment of frost rays, which stunned him long enough for me to rush up hasted and pry his jaws open.  Out sprang the soggy cat, a bit scuffed and scarred but still mostly ok.  "No no no no NO! We do not eat kittens!" I screamed at him, trying to hold him still as he lunged at the cats, "We do not eat the Hlint pond kitties, they are our friends!"

Finally after a brief struggle, he subsided and allowed me to bring him back to the laboratory.  I placed his saline solution bucket in the corner and made him soak for a good hour and think about what he had done.  A bit harsh, I know, but if he starts seeing sentient friendly creatures as food, he's going to be very maladjusted when he grows up.  Strangely enough, the bubbles from his bucket suds sounded a bit like laughter, but it is far too soon at this point to determine which emotional states a floating eye is capable of. I suppose this is all part of the joys of fatherhood...

Fixed Bugs / Bard in a Box & Co. Breakdown
« on: November 25, 2004, 07:35:00 pm »
The jukebox seems to cut out on many of the custom songs.  I verified that it wasn't my hakpak by reinstalling the music patch.  I was mostly dismayed by the awesome celtic drinking tavern jig that lasts about 4 seconds then cuts out in abrupt silence for 3-4 minutes.

Also, as a musician I was wondering if any of the development staff could tell me how to convert custom songs into that BMU format NWN uses, and how to make a module use them in the DM toolset.  I want to experiment with setting loops as triggered ambient sounds that pop up at just the right heartbeat, so that a character's actions and position would build the soundtrack.  So a group is going deep into some tunnels and there's a light main theme in the primary music track, and as they progress further in, they trigger a drum beat that picks up, when in battle it cues a pre-recorded heavy mix of what was playing in the area, then reverts to the environmental theme.  Essentially a music video module.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Housing Alternative...
« on: November 14, 2004, 02:04:00 pm »
Is there any possibility of being able to buy one of those port city ships that aren't being used by an NPC captain, and making a "down below" housing area in one of those?

If they ever get official, maybe make them 3-5 times as expensive as regular housing, but since they're mobile, be able to support 2 or 3 player portals inside, and put a cap on the number of player house portals to just one.  It'd make players who wanted to quest in strange and far off lands have to seek out a merchant trader, Rhodieriem armada character or surly pirate in order to get to get there quickly and give PCs something to invest in, in order to make money on transportation.

With CNR items so rare and spread out, I could also see main trade routes opening to accomadate the import of goods and raw materials.  I think there are something like 30-35 untapped ships on the server.  Would give the dockmaster some way to put food on the table rather than sell 200gp pieces of paper, and maybe open up a market on alternatives to his tickets. ;)  Make 250 his price, players with ships could portal for 50 gold, leaving a 200 gold gap to barter on for passage if the captain wants to make profit.  Of course, the portals of the ship would be limited to port towns, certain shores and one would have to buy a deed to each "route".

Think that would be pretty fun, but if that's not possible, I'd settle for a house boat. ;)

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