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Topics - ycleption

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Ask A Gamemaster / Finding other people's stuff.
« on: April 12, 2007, 01:06:20 am »
So a few hours ago, I found something on the ground. I asked on the DM channel what I should do, and got no response. I went ahead and picked it up and posted here IC to try and find the owner.

Is there an official line about what one is supposed to do in such situations? I just feel kinda weird about just picking somebody else's stuff up, even if it is with intent to return it.

Wild Surge Inn / Found! weapon..
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:35:18 pm »
*posted in visible locations around Mistone*

Found one weapon of some value on the ground. Would the owner please describe the weapon and location you might have dropped it, so that I might return it.

//I hope this was alright to pick it up, just saw this on the ground, and didn't really know what to do. This was found at about 10:30 CDT

General Discussion / Partying: a personal request
« on: April 04, 2007, 06:31:38 pm »
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this:

You invite someone, or someone invites you into a party. Someone else wanders by, initiates conversation, inquires as to your purpose, and joins the party. You are about to set off to smack things. Suddenly, and without warning, another face appears on your sidebar... you mouse over their portrait, and see that they're on another continent . . . Strange. . . . And then, another person is added and another.  More people join (none of whom are actually present) until the entire population of Layonara is in a single party!  All of a sudden, everyone has a reason to wait before setting out, "One minute, it is vital that I stare at my navel before heading into battle." Lo and behold, all those little faces in the party bar just happen to wander by, having the urge to kill the same things at the same time at the same place.Funny how that works.

Seriously though, there is a big difference between:

Me: This is a strong foe we aim to battle. Perhaps I should send a bird to Lady Pwnsalot, to see if she would be interested in joining us.
Other Person: Indeed, her sword would be welcome!
Me: *summons a falcon and writes on some parchment*
[Tell] Falcon message: Myself and a few others aim to slay the fearsome rats in the sewers, but we cannot do it alone, would you care to join us?
[Tell from Lady Pwnsalot]: Verily! I would never turn down such an opportunity, I shall be there forthwith!
*invite Lady Pwnsalot*
Me: *Receives a not from a bird, reads it and nods sagely* She will be here to aid us as fast as her legs can carry her.


[Tell]:Hey, wanna come kill some stuff with us?
[Tell from Lady Pwnsalot]: Sure, I'm in Allindor, just wait there for me, ok?
[Tell] n/p
*invite Lady Pwnsalot*

There are plenty of legitimate reasons why one might invite someone who isn't there at the moment, but please have the grace to ask the rest of the party members, and at least make an attempt to have some RP justification. Too often, this kind of thing just spirals out of control (although my initial description may be a tad exaggerated ;)). I know I'm not the only one who prefers small parties, so please try to remember when everyone wants their friend to come along, it can ruin things for many of us. If you want to have large parties that can run roughshod over anything, there are plenty of people who enjoy that too, but to make every gathering like that is disrespectful to the rest of us, in my opinion. It really doesn't take much imagination to invite people in an RP appropriate way that allows the group to have their input. Maybe character A will refuse to travel if character B  goes along. Maybe Character A is shy and doesn't want to fight with people he doesn't know. And maybe some of us just have OOC preferences, and feel left out when people are invited without some IC dialogue. A little bit of communication and courtesy go a long way.  Thanks.

*I hope this doesn't sound too whiny and ranty, as the title says this is just a personal request, based on my own play style, and I realize not everyone is going to agree with me here*

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Brecht mountains
« on: April 01, 2007, 03:28:07 am »
So, I was just with a group who got clobbered in the Brecht mountains. I'm not putting this in the bugs forum for overpoweredness, because even though it's close to the starting area, I think the lack of road and general atmosphere should be a bit of a warning that this is not an area for low-level characters. That said, how about a "danger, treacherous mountains" sign? Or maybe some flavor text upon entering: "the mountain chill begins to seep in to your bones, and you can hear the distant punding of large feet" type of thing?

Introduce Yourself / Giving in to peer pressure...
« on: March 29, 2007, 09:01:49 pm »
So, I normally like to let my words speak for themselves, and to maintain anonymity but several people have told me I should post something here. So I am doing so. :-) I also wanted to test out my new avatar and signature, and to propose a small contest, namely, the first person to PM we with the source of both quotes gets a cookie. And, no, I don't mean a virtual cookie, I mean a real, chocolate cookie. (no purchase necessary, contest void where prohibited. If you live outside the US, I may not be able to send you a cookie, unless I can get a favor from the guy I know who works for UPS).

So. About me:
My name is Ariel. I've been playing Layo for about three months, some of you know Drexia, and a few of you may have met Pallena.
I live in the American midwest, I currently work in education, in an ironically mindless job. I drink a lot of coffee. I enjoy photography, read a lot of books, enjoy soccer, speak spanish enough to answer most calls at work... yeah, and stuff.

Gaming background: I'm natively a LARPer, even was AST of a game for a while, and have played about 1/2 of short campaign of PnP D&D (a player didn't show up, so I played her character, and everyone said I did a better job RPing the character, so I started playing that game). I had been avoiding on-line games for a long time, mostly because I didn't realize that servers actually existed where people didn't talk about "newb pwnage" every other sentence. Layonara was a distinct surprise. My only regret is that Layo has been cutting into my reading time, which is mildly upsetting. ;-)

(remember: chocolate cookie!)

Forum Bugs / Forum search.
« on: March 28, 2007, 03:35:39 pm »
When searching for a word with three characters or fewer, the search returns no results. Even if this can't be changed, it would be nice to have a separate error message saying that the search can't be processed due to having too few characters, rather than just saying no results are found. If there is a way to force include a word (+ in some search engines) it would be nice to have that in the error message, or even a link to a google search with ' xxx'

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Distributed testing?
« on: March 26, 2007, 10:15:19 pm »
Okay, so much has been made about balance issue in V3 (please don't start arguing about that here). Would it be possible for future releases, (maybe even this one), to recruit a group of testers, give them each a module that includes two or three areas from the game? (this would alleviate fears of stealing the game and such). Each tester could run a number of characters of varying class and level through the areas, and report back to the team. With a sizable group, more might be able to be tested.
I have no idea if this is feasible or not technically, just throwing the idea out there...

Fixed Bugs / Path to Ire Mountains-overpowered?
« on: March 26, 2007, 08:52:28 pm »
In the hope that something constructive can come out of some of the recent discussions: I personally believe that the bugbear spawns on the path to the Ire Mountains are overpowered for something that is that close to a starting place, and that close to the road.
I just tried soloing one spawn (the one to the left of the road on a hill) with both my level 6 druid and my level 9 monk. I belive they both got the same spawn: two bugbears, two bugbear shamans, and two bugbear heroes. My monk was attacked from a distance while still standing on the road, charged the group, and died fairly quickly while being able to kill both bugbears and one shaman. She used two potions of cure medium and her monk heal thingie (18 points healed) but was unable to survive.
My druid stayed back a bit, summoned her animal companion and a dire wolf, cast barkskin and bull's strength on herself, then hit them with two call lightning spells, which killed the bugbears and one shaman outright. The summons and my druid were able to kill the two heroes and remaining shaman while each taking a couple hits.

Due to these, I feel that the path to Ire mountain spawns are overpowered. My lower level character obviously fared better, but is a more flexible character, and I expected this somewhat. I'm curious as to how other characters fare here. Hope this is helpful to the team.

Edit: 1. Just to clarify, my druid summoned things after the bugbears spawned, so it was not inflated due to that. 2. I had intended to do some more reports like this, but given that I died so quickly, I'm kinda scared to now. Any suggestions?

The Dragon Storm Campaign / //a starting point.
« on: March 26, 2007, 12:54:59 pm »
//First, thanks for creating this forum. Second, could some official person post something stating what effects, if any, the recent quests have had. Or to put it another way, do those of us who weren't on the plot quest have any reason to start asking questions about what happened. I would love for my PCs to be informed, but I need to have an RP reason to start asking questions, so I'm not metagaming. Would those of us who weren't there have heard anything about what went on?
Thanks :-)

General Discussion / Contacting NPC's
« on: March 21, 2007, 05:54:40 pm »
What is the appropriate way to write a letter to an NPC? I have occasionally wished to report things to Trent (or other guard figures) or town mayors, etc., but haven't know whether I should post in the forum, (which I am often reluctant to do because of metagaming issues), or pick a random gm and send them a private message, or if there is another way I can accomplish this. Most of the time it's not even that I want action to be taken, but I want to have a record of my character trying to address a situation through official channels or whatnot.


Roleplaying / Animal ears
« on: March 13, 2007, 01:01:22 pm »
Okay, I could have sworn I had seen information about this elsewhere, but I couldn't find it. . .

Basically, what are the limitations of communication in the animal language? Since I have been playing a new druid character, I have seen very little standard of how animal ears are used. Some people restrict themselves to very simple, primal sentiments. On the other hand, I have seen people holding relatively complex conversations in animal, or talking about shops and inns and such things, which, to me at least, seems like there should be no way to say in animal. I have especially seen this with Wemic druids,  who have been using animal to converse freely with others. I have been very hesitant to speak in animal ears, because I just don't know how I should be using the language.

So, is there a a DM verdict, or general consensus, out there in forum land?


Trade and Market Hall / Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« on: March 11, 2007, 09:11:03 pm »
Hello, This is a notice for Drexia's goods.
As I am an independant crafter, I only have one or two of my items in stock at the moment, I will add items as I make them. I may be able to take orders on some items. Some barters may be considered (See below). All of my pieces can be tailored to fit various body sizes, and both male and female figures. If you are interested in my wares, please contact me so we can arrange a time for a fitting.



Leather armors:

Black hide armor 2000 trues (concentration +3, level req. 4)

Cougar Leather  2000 trues  (Tumble +3, level req. 1 )
Studded Cougar Leather 2500 trues (Tumble +3, +1 AC vs piercing, level req 4)

Jaguar Leather 3000 trues (Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, Level req. 5)
Studded Jaguar 3500 trues (Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, +1 AC vs. piercing, level req 9)

Worg Leather 3000 trues (AC vs. Goblinoids +2, Discipline +3, level req. 8 )

White Deer Leather, 4000 trues (Immunity disease, +1 save vs. poison, low light (10m) white, level req. 8 )
White Deer Hide, 5000 trues (+1 AC vs slashing, Immunity disease, +1 save vs. poison, low light (10m) white, level req. 10)

Brown Leather 3500 trues (AC +1, +3 concentration, Level req 8 )

Leopard Leather 4000 trues (AC +1, +1 fortitude save, Tumble +3, level req. 10)
Leopard Hide 5000 trues (AC +1, +1 fortitude save, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 13 )

Lion Leather 4000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, levl req. 10)
Lion Hide 5000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 13)
Studded Lion 5000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs.
piercing, level req. 13)

Panther Leather, 5000 trues (AC +1, +3 Hide +3 Search, +3 Move Silently, level req. 10)
Panther Hide, 6000 trues (AC +1, +3 Hide +3 Search, +3 Move Silently, +3 tumble, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 14)

Grizzly Leather, 7500 trues, (AC+2, +3 concentration, level req. 11)
Grizzly Hide, 9000 trues, (AC+2, +3 concentration, +3 AC vs. slashing, level req. 17)

Polar Leather 15,000 trues (AC +1, cold resist 20/-, Concentration +3, level req. 13)

Dire Wolf Leather, 15,000 trues (AC+1, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 15)
Dire Wolf Hide, 17,500 trues (AC+1, +2 AC vs. slashing, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 18 )
Studded Dire Wolf, 18,000 trues (AC+1, +2 AC vs. piercing, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 18 )

Dire Bear Leather, 22,000 trues (AC +2, Dmg reduction +1 soak 5, Concentration +3, level req. 18 )

Other Tailored Goods:

Platinum Reinforced Clothing, 10,000 trues (AC +1, slashing resistance 5/-, level req. 10)

Lion Leather Gloves 2000 trues (+1 AB)
Tiger leather belt 1000 true (Perform +2, level req. 1 )
Belt of Archers Edge 6000 trues(AC +1 [deflction], Entropic Shield 1/day, level req. 8 )
Panther Cloak 2000 trues (+3 hide, +3 move silently)
Lion Leather Sling 1500 trues (+1 attack bonus)
Lesser Monk's Robes 2500 trues (+1 AC, usable only by monk)

Cougar bags or Scroll boxes, 1000 trues each.
Lion bags, 10,000 trues

By Special Order:

The following can be made, but only by special order, and only with some or all ingredients supplied. This is not an exhaustive list, just a few examples. please ask me for details and pricing, or if there are other tailored items you may are interested in.

Bandages, stronger than commonly found.
Special garments, suitable for stealth, fighting unarmed, or casting spells.
Bags of crag cat construction.
Malar armors and weapons.
Clothing made from rare silks.

Currently seeking:
I generally am not looking to buy these, but the following may be accepted as credit against the cost of an item, at current market prices.

Hides:Winter wolf, Crag cat, Dire Wolf, Dire Tiger, Dire Bear, Malar.

Gems of entropic shield.

Queen or Bebilith Silk

Potions of Cat's Grace, or Fox's Cunning

Trade and Market Hall / Skeleton Knuckles.
« on: March 02, 2007, 02:43:36 pm »
I have skeleton knuckles. They are nicely packaged in brown boxes. Currently I have two full boxes. I will acquire more, as quickly as I am able to destroy the things. The price is 300 trues per boxful. Contact Pallena if you are interested.

Roleplaying / RPing crafting levels
« on: February 20, 2007, 09:32:48 am »
One thing I have had trouble with, is giving RP descriptions of my crafting levels. Often people ask me things like "oh, how good of a [insert tradeskill] are you?" And I don't really feel I have a frame of reference to be able to answer these kinds of things well, without being rather vague. It would be really nice to have some sort of guide, to the effect of, the average home-maker has a tailoring level of x, the owner of a large city's apothecary has a alchemy of x, the kids in Hlint have fishing level x.
At what level could someone support themself with a trade? In this type of society, what level would the average peasant be? At what level would they be able to effectively teach the skill to others, or be considered a master in their field?


Just for Fun / Sometimes I get bored at work....
« on: February 15, 2007, 02:43:36 pm »
ok, I'm a bit of a math geek, and I am placing my faith in this community, hoping that at least one or two people won't think I'm totally pathetic for spending my spare time this way. Although I'm at work, and have limited ways to amuse myself. I probably should mention, that any of this may be wrong, because I haven't had as much coffee as I normally drink, but I present it nonetheless, for your edification and amusement, (or merciless mockery if I've made mistakes).
Since I play a monk, I decided to figure out how much of a benefit flurry of blows provides against an opponent of a given AC. I'm selfish, and my character get two attacks normally, so I used that as a starting point. First, I tried to figure out the likelihood of getting at least one attack, but discarded that as needlessly complicated, and not really terribly informative. Then, I decided to just figure out the average number of additional hits flurry of blows provides.  To get this, we must figure out the total number of ways attacks can succeed (the sum of the ways each attack can succeed times 20^number of attacks-1), divided by the total number of possible dice rolls (20^number of attacks), and subtract that from the same calculations using flurry. I came up with:


where x is the opponent's AC, and A is your highest attack bonus (obviously, these are only defined on the integers). Luckily, since we're multiplying and dividing by a  lot of the same things, (i.e 20^n) it simplifies nicely to:


Basically, this means that the higher your attack bonus and smaller your opponent's AC, the larger benefit Flurry gives. HOWEVER, this function is only valid when the AC is equal to or greater than A+3 and less than or equal to A+14, because otherwise we end up with negative possible hits, which doesn't make sense.  Criticals mean that there is no time when a hit is guaranteed or impossible. Thus, (if we actually care) we have to define the function piecewise, for AC values defined relative to your highest attack bonus. (I should also mention all of this doesn't take into account a number of feats like circle kick or improved critical).

For x=(-inf,A-3], f(x)=.95
For x=[A-2,A-1], f(x)=(16+BAB-x)/20
For x=A, f(x)=(41-2x)/20
For x=[A+1,A+2], f(x)=.85
For x=[A+3,A+14], f(x)=(15+A-x)/20
For x=[A+15,A+17], f(x)=0
For x=[A+18 ], f(x)=-.05
For x=[A+19], f(x)=0
For x=[A+20,inf.), f(x)=.05

In situations, when you will hit all the time, except for critical failure, Flurry provides the most help, giving 19/20 additional hits on average. Interestingly, when you are fighting something with an AC between 15 and 17 or exactly 19 points higher than your attack bonus, Flurry of blows gives no advantage; when you are fighting something with exactly 18 points higher than your attack bonus, you shouldn't use Flurry of Blows (actually, you should probably run away, but . . . .)

If you're a bit higher level, and get three attacks normally, you can use f(x)=(13+A-x)/20, for four attacks (11+A-x)/20,  with a restricted domain, and if you aren't lazy like me, you can derive the other values without too much trouble. Basically, for each additional normal attack, flurry of blows is slightly less useful. Also, if I wasn't lazy, I could use summation notation to generalize the solution. Maybe if I'm bored tomorrow. . .

Hey, I would like to see the pages listing weapon proficiencies to list Layonara custom weapons.
Here are relevant pages:

Also, the class pages should list which custom weapons they are proficient in. There is inconsistancy in the way these are listed. For instance the monk page has this line: "Proficiencies: Weapons (Monk)" which isn't terribly helpful, especially since it is not linked to . The wizard page, on the other hand, has this line: "Proficiencies: Club, dagger, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, quarterstaff, no armor or shields" which is considerably more useful for beginning players (or anyone else for that matter). I think either they should be linked to the appropriate feat, or individually listed, or both.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Character owned buildings
« on: February 06, 2007, 09:38:10 pm »
So, random idea that popped into my head while I was taking a shower:
I know there has been frustration with the housing/space that players can own. Also, I know many characters, my own included, would like to own a place for something other than storing items, or be able to create an organization that doesn't fit the mold of the current rules for guild creation. One possible solution I think might be to allow players to buy map pins or signs on buildings that aren't currently being used. I don't know how feasible this is, but it would avoid the problems of creating new areas, and would help flesh out the world and allow players to accomplish things in a way that I think many feel is very difficult right now. Other characters could be wandering through a town and see where a Suzy the Cleric of Aeridin has created a free clinic, or where a Biff the Champion of Vorax trains others in the art of war.
This could be integrated into the existing guild rules, or it could be a separate system. I would prefer the latter, as it would allow characters to be a larger individual force. I know some will say this is counter to the spirit of an rp server, however I think there are times when one can roleplay individual effort. The way I see this working is Joe Schmo wants to create a Goblin anti-defamation league: he must have entries in his CDT showing why his character is interested in pursuing this cause, and then submits a proposal detailing the exact steps he would go through to create such a group, including some which would need to be RPed (holding an IG interest meeting, posting in the taverns for interest). The Illustrious GMs approve this, and assign a (suitably large) cost and possibly weekly upkeep fee. In some situations a CDQ might even be neccesary. Obviously there would have to be substantial rp and monetary requirements or the world could quickly become flooded with these markers.
What do other people think? Is this something that would be workable, and would other players be interested in this?

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / xp question/suggestion
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:04:58 am »
First of all, I am just curious why the decision was made to include abilities in calculating the amount of xp one receives for crafting. I can, of course, understand that the easier something is, the less one learns from the experience (since xp is the game expression of learning). However, simply because someone has mental or physical aptitude for a craft, should they be punished for this? I don't really think having slightly higher success chances compensates for this, since an increase of 10% or so can mean halved xp. It seems that the result of this, in certain circumstances, having a lower ability score results in higher xp when crafting the right things in a reasonable volume. This is especially disheartening when I save up money to buy some potions, to help me a little, and get drastically less xp as a result.
Thus, would it be possible (or desirable from a game balance point of view) to change to a standard xp system, based only on one's level of a particular craft. Or, perhaps as a compromise, only include a character's base ability score in the xp calculations, so taking a potion or using a spell would help your chances of success, but not mean that you learn less as a result.

I should mention, that I am rather new to this game and its crafting system, so if there's anything I'm missing here, please let me know.

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking tailoring apprenticeship
« on: January 23, 2007, 02:23:24 pm »
Looking for a skilled tailor

I have achieved modest skill with the needle, but my budget and martial skill needed to acquire more challenging materials have not increased in a commensurate fashion. Thus, I am seeking an apprenticeship. The details can be worked out, but basically I am proposing to supply items that can be made easily (any patterns, thread, cotton or silk cloth and padding), in exchange for time given supervising and instructing my tailoring, and some help acquiring supplies that are beyond my means.

Please contact Drexia Faison if you are interested.

//Since one cannot game-mechanically teach tradeskills, I'm not sure if this sort of exchange will actually work, but if nothing else I would be interested in RPing an apprenticeship.

Development Journals and Discussion / Drexia's Journal-excerpts
« on: January 09, 2007, 12:31:56 pm »
It has taken me a little while to do this. Although I have been outside for a while now, I have not yet grown accustomed to paper being anything other than sheer luxury. Being able to afford a material that cannot be eaten, worn, or used to build tools or shelter is somewhat thrilling. Of course, I have written on papers and parchments before, but only when scribing the dictations of one of the elder monks, or copying treatises. Recording my own thoughts, my own words in anything other than a box of sand or piece of bark is. . . well, I don't think it has really struck me until now just how different my life is now. I remember, many years ago, I and some of the other children, writing with sticks in the dirt, pretending to be monks writing Important Things.
It seems a bit wasteful to be writing my mental meanderings, when I have no great thoughts nor earthshaking ideas. And though I can afford it now, paper is still not cheap. A part of me thinks that such money would be better saved, and put towards my project. Still, there are two reasons I bought this book. Firstly, I feel that  expressing myself like this could be a valuable aid on my path. The last instruction I was given, after I received my monk's robes, was "learn who you are, act in accordance with your ki, and your road will become smooth." What better way to understand myself than keeping a record of my thoughts, and reading what I write? Secondly, I have been outside but a short time, and already I forget some of the names of those who helped me when I first arrived in Hlint. I train my mind diligently, but somehow there are always things which elude my memory. I do not intend to use this journal as a mental crutch, but rather to reinforce my training.
Thus, I dedicate this journal: to better know my own mind, and to better know this world in which I find myself.

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