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Topics - Script Wrecked

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Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: The Services Of The Divine Infuser
« on: January 15, 2009, 06:48:06 am »
To be making the Dusts of the Appearances. The raw materials are supplied. The success need not be the one hundred percent.

Only allies and friends of Vorax need apply.

~Argali Trueaxe

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: The Services Of The Infuser
« on: January 15, 2009, 06:47:29 am »
To be making the Gems of the Light. The raw materials are supplied. The success need not be the one hundred percent.

~Argali Trueaxe

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Compound Bow Parts Of The First Type
« on: January 12, 2009, 09:56:53 am »
For the aspiring bowyer, 12 Compound Bow Parts of the First Type.

~Argali Trueaxe

Fixed Bugs / Passage To Molten Island Closed?
« on: December 20, 2008, 11:55:07 pm »
Looks like Franklin, The Red Mad Sailor and his trusty sidekick, Dock "Shop" Keeper, have absconded with their latest takings to more pleasant climes after ferrying a large band of adventurers to Molten Island.

Either that, or Fisterion has eaten them.


Script Wrecked.

Fixed Bugs / Querying For Deity Relations
« on: November 25, 2008, 08:30:51 pm »
When I enter the query (in the Query box) "Deity Relations", the returned list doesn't include the Deity Relations page.

Is there anyway to change that (preferably so that it would appear at the top of the list)?


Script Wrecked.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Arrowheads Of The Iron And Platinum
« on: October 27, 2008, 07:17:01 am »
For the aspiring fletcher or archer, [STRIKE]2 boxes of the arrowheads of iron[/STRIKE], [STRIKE]1[/STRIKE]2 boxes of the arrowheads of platinum.

~Argali Trueaxe

[SIZE=10]// 1 box = 35 x arrowheads(20) //[/SIZE]

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Segem Story Arc
« on: September 20, 2008, 09:45:14 am »
// A thread to discuss the  "Stone Head"(1), Well, Well, Well, and Cruel To Be Kind story arc. Children In The Temple occurred out of "Well, Well, Well" and led into "Cruel To Be Kind", thanks largely to Jaelle Thornwood's efforts. Grim Faces In Vehl, Grisly Find In Vehl, and Horror In Leringard come out of "Cruel To Be Kind". //

[SIZE=10](1) "Stone Head" was originally ran as one of Pseudonym's Monday night regulars (not titled as such) way back when. I don't have logs that far back and thus can't provide the calendar event for it or who was actually involved (apart from my own character), but there are a few characters around who participated in it.[/SIZE]

Wild Surge Inn / Beware The Caves Of The Greenstone
« on: September 03, 2008, 01:28:30 am »
The goblins set the traps for the unaware throughout the caves.

~Argali Trueaxe

Fixed Bugs / Crafting Success
« on: August 29, 2008, 04:09:51 am »
Description: My character has a 65% chance of success in Alchemy. I generally make 14 attempts at crafting in each session (being a box of ingredients). Theoretically, that should average 65% x 14 = ~9 successes each time. For the past 4 out of 5 sessions (4 x 14 = 56 attempts), I have succeeded 6 times in each session (6 / 14 = ~43%).

This is a significant variation, some 22% of total results, or 33% of all successes.

Given the consistency with which this is happening, potentially, this could indicate something awry with how success is being calculated.

Location: Port Hempstead Enchanting Hall, North Point Crafting Hall, Moraken's Enchanting Hall.


Reproducable: 4 out of 5 sessions so far.

Roleplaying / Playing Another Character's Class
« on: August 25, 2008, 02:36:22 am »
Please be aware (and mindful and considerate) that when subsuming knowledge of another character's class (or race or alignment for that matter), that the other player is being denied the opportunity to play those components of their own character.

Certain things about the different classes/races/alignments are common (character) knowledge, but when their own doctrines/dogmas/creeds/racial outlooks are quoted at them, well, that component of that character has just been rendered superfluous and impotent.


Script Wrecked.

Trade and Market Hall / Found
« on: August 15, 2008, 06:46:28 am »
Dear Fellow Crafters,

If you are leaving something in the Crafting Halls of the Port of the Hempstead, Argali is finding it, perhaps. Let her know what you are losing, and there can be the happy ending, no?

~Argali Trueaxe

[SIZE=10]// Notice expires 2008-08-23 00:00 GMT //[/SIZE]

Fixed Bugs / Vorax Lore Entry
« on: July 20, 2008, 03:28:38 am »
Not sure if this a temporary aberation, but the Lore entry for [LORE]Vorax[/LORE] is linking through to:

Bioware Name: MrDudeMan2
Male Half Orc
Lawful Evil
99 Years Old at Dragon Summoning
Rogue (1)
Last Seen: 2008-07-13 05:53:02

Wherever you travel, those around you either shun you or drive you away because of your orc blood. Hoping to gain some respect, you have set off in search of high adventure.


Script Wrecked.

General Discussion / Rolling Multiple Dice
« on: July 04, 2008, 06:54:45 am »
On a couple of occasions, I've seen people use multiple dice to generate a number range, via the "*rolls ...*" emote, particularly when one dice won't cover the whole range desired, for instance, using 2d20 to create a maximum of 40.

However, there are implications to doing this. Firstly, the minimum number generated is now the number of dice rolled, rather than 1. In the example above, rolling two dice, the minimum result is 2, giving a result range of 2 to 40, rather than perhaps the desired 1 to 40.

Secondly, and more importantly, using multiple dice skews the result. Some results are now much more probable than others. This is usually contrary to what is intended; most of the time, people want even probability between the results.

The below graph show the difference between the probabilities of the results between 1d20 and 2d10:

As you can see, the 1d20 has a flat, even probability result. The 2d10 however, has a pyramid probability result, with the "11" result being ten times as likely as the "20" result.

So, what to do about generating that 1d40 result?

Well, it would be nice if the "*rolls ...*" emote would accept any pair of numbers... :)

However, given that is not the case, you can try breaking it down between units and tens using the dice available. In this example, use 1d10 to generate the units, and 1d4 to generate the tens. However, you have to remember to subtract 1 from the 1d4 to generate {0, 10, 20, 30}, and add the units {1, 2, 3, ... 9, 10} to that.

Hope this helps.


Script Wrecked.

Roleplaying / What It Means To Play A Drow
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:36:36 pm »

"Why Play A Drow If You're Only Going To Be A Dark Skinned Elf?"

(and I use the term "drow" deliberately)

The original drow, of course, was Drizzt Do'Urden,

[INDENT]"an atypical drow who has forsaken both the evil ways of his people and their home in the Underdark. He is one of few drow known to live on the surface."[/INDENT]

who has become the archetypal drow character, and whose story of escaping the Underdark and living on the surface forms the proforma for most drow character backgrounds (due in part to the neccessity of having to get from there to here to play).

It seems to me that an intrinsic part of the drow character storyline is the hated outsider living incognito amongst the traditional adversary.

That story then advances and the character develops as they eventually establish a relationship with some of the people they meet (other player characters), forming a tight circle of trusted friends, to whom they (probably) end up revealing themselves, either because they are good, and are proving their worth despite their dark lineage, or because they are evil and are really duping everyone.

However, it seems to me that the whole premise is undermined by players flaunting their character's drowness in public, as though drow are generally accepted.

Aside from this going against what is written about [LORE]Dark Elves[/LORE] in Lore, if drow are generally accepted, what's the point of being one? If everyone accepts you, aren't you just a dark-skinned elf?

In my opinion, being generally accepted breaks the uniqueness of the concept and the role-playing opportunity of being a drow has to offer.

Further, by flaunting a character's drowness, isn't the above premise being broken for the next person to play a drow?

There is no big reveal when the next character outs themselves (or is outted) as a drow, because everyone knows of[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE] half-a-dozen other drow. "Oh, another dark elf. More above than below, they say. Yes, isn't one of them a waiter in the such-and-such pub?" In short, drow become mundane.

In a module, such actions would be fine, because the story is about you. In a persistent world, where you are one of many, isn't there is a certain responsibility to those who will come after you?


Script Wrecked.

[SIZE=10](1) as opposed to "knows".[/SIZE]

Just for Fun / New Character Submission - Gluteus Medius
« on: June 14, 2008, 04:37:54 am »
Name: Gluteus Medius

Age: 18

Class: Gladiator

Race: Roman

Alignment: Roman

Deity: Zeus

Languages: Latin, Greek


The middle child of three sons, I was born to nobility, to the king of a large kingdom, no less. Alas, for a more common existance. It is not easy being the son of king, you know, and second son at that.

Everyone looked up to my elder brother, Gluteus Maximus, the apple of my father's eye. My younger brother, Gluteus Minimus, was always everyone else's favorite. Where did that leave me!? Nowhere, my friend, but forgotten in the middle. Alas, I should have known when I was onto a good thing.

The thing about being son to a king is... the king is always concerned about his kingship. There comes a certain level of paranoia around the court. So, for example, if anyone should ramble on, prophesying that "he", the king, "is doomed to perish by the hand of a... certain son", well things suddenly turn south for said son.

It's not that I don't like shepherds, or even sheep, its just that I had never planned to be raised by one. Which was fortunate for me, because, it seems the shepherd who found me after I was sentenced to death (but before said sentence was executed, obviously), was apparently very well connected, and delivered me into the loving home of another king. Imagine that, not raised by one king, but by two!

This was a much better arrangement, by far. Two loving, and more importantly, childless, parents to dote on me. Things were certainly looking for the better.

Alas, it was all too good to last. If only I hadn't gone for a walk that day. I've always had bad feet, ever since that night when I was stolen away. If only they hadn't been aching so and put me in such a foul mood when I met that old man on the road. If only we hadn't shared a certain obstinacy about who should give way to whom. It would be his own fault if I ended up giving him a jolly good thrashing. How was I to know he was going to cark it?

And who would have thought my eye for older women what have got me into sooo much trouble...

LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests / Diety Domains
« on: June 10, 2008, 03:06:27 am »
Is there a table in LORE that shows all the deities and their clerical domains?


Script Wrecked.

Ask A Gamemaster / Let's Go... Shopping!
« on: May 01, 2008, 01:44:11 pm »
We have a big (big? huge!) materials list to provision. With some 10467 items to accumulate, I was wondering if there was some procedure that was used in other similar circumstances to be followed to faciliate this (rather than, perhaps, the purchase of some 349 storage chests)?


Script Wrecked.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / To Save A Dragon
« on: April 16, 2008, 01:08:44 pm »
*A dwarven lass sits slightly slumped in the tavern, in good spirits, but obviously tired. If any enquire of her disposition, she tells a bizarre tale.*

"...Yes, it is the zame drragon that iz razing the Forrt of Wayfarre!

"The grroup trracks the path of destrruction thrrough the Silkwood to Haven, wherre the city guarrd arre on alerrt because of the shades, which arre attacking us.

"Furrther south, we find the road iz blockaded by none otherr than the Voice of Fisterrion and his minions. It zeems they arre looking forr zomething; we arre thinking, the drragon. It iz with zome convincing we arre allowed to pass.

"After zpeaking to the local goblin trribe of the Gulf of the Bagirra, we prroceed into the forrest. Therre, we arre encounterring the grroup that arre the memberrs of the cult of the Grreen Drragon! Yes!

"Zis zoon becomes the big fight, which iz harrd fought. In the end, we arre overrcoming them, but not without the casualties.

"We arre finding what they arre up to. They have capturred the drragon who was rampaging thrrough the Forrt of Wayfarre! Yes! But it iz not happy, and it iz fighting them. It iz fighting us, too. Using the big magics, we arre able to subdue it.

"But the drragon iz not verry well, and plops down. All of the grroup arre doing what they can to make it well again, but arre not having much success. The Grreen Drragonerrs have poisoned it!

"Just at zis time, making the matterrs morre trricky, the Voice of Fisterrion and his minions arre arriving, wanting theirr drragon back. They arre zaying they can help it. Because we arre having no luck zaving the drragon, we agrree reluctantly.

"The Voice of Fisterrion, who, by the way, iz the trraitor deep kin," *she splits the last words* "uses his magic ring to pacify the drragon, and we arre hoping, to make it betterr.

*shes pauses, taking a sip from her ale* "Yes, it iz all verry incrredible, no?

"Zo, how do you get the enorrmous zleeping drragon back to the ship to take it to the Lorrd of the Drragons zo he can heal it? Yes, in the giant wagon, no? We zpend the week building it, then, forr the two weeks, we are haulling, and pushing, and pulling, the drragon on the wagon thrrough the forrest. Zis iz quite the sight, no? Many of the forrest dwellerrs arre coming to see forr themzelves.

"Eventually, afterr much efforrt, we leave the forrest and arrive at the coast again. Therre, they have been building the giant hoist to lift the drragon into the boat.

"It zeems we arre earrning the repect of the trraitor deep kin Voice of Fisterrion, or perrhaps therre iz the otherr reason, but he iz zaying we can accompany the drragon to the Molten Island. Zis iz not the invitation you arre getting everry day, no? Zo, most of the grroup arre taking the offerr.

"It iz the long voyage. Firrst to Drregar, to the Bay of Carrocsa, and then norrth, headed forr..." *makes a voice of impending doom* "the Molten Island. At zis time, zome morre of the grroup arre leaving.

"Howeverr, we arre neverr arriving! Yes! We discoverr the trraitor in the midst of the minions of the trraitor deep kin Voice of Fisterrion. Zis iz zomewhat irronic, no?" *she grins widely*

"Zuddenly things arre happening verry quickly. After overcoming the trraitor, the drragon iz waking up. It zeems the trraitorr was using the magics to zuppress the drragon. Zo, the trraitor deep kin Voice of Fisterrion trries to use his ring to pacify the drragon again, but it iz not worrking! All of the crraven trraitor deep kin crew, and a few of the grroup, abandon the ship!

"The trraitor deep kin Voice of Fisterrion iz not liking that his ring iz not worrking, and iz saying, 'If it can not be zaved, it must be purrged.' "Purrged?" He means killed, no? Zo, we arre trrying to thwarrt him and free the drragon frrom the ropes that arre binding it, but zis iz not easy, no, because the ropes arre zo thick, even with the big axe.

"The trraitor deep kin Voice of Fisterrion then iz showing his trrue colorrs, and rains the big firre down on the boat.

*she pauses, taking another mouthful of ale, and nods with a certain finality* "Zome werre able to flee at the last moment. Forr the otherrs who werre still trrying to frree the drragon, it iz only because of the magic of the bindstones that we arre making it back.

*she makes a small sigh* "No, we arre not knowing what happened to the drragon..."

Forum Discussion / Forum Clock - AEST
« on: April 12, 2008, 12:24:53 am »
Could the forum clock for AEST be turned back an hour; we've come off of summer time.

This also applies to the LORE forum clock (which may or may not be the same thing), but it also needs the change from "AEDT" to "AEST".

Nothing else needs to be changed; I'm getting correct "Last Post" date/time stamps in the forums and the calandar.


Script Wrecked.

Cuprig, The Nineteenth Day Of Dry-Anvil, Fourteen-Thirty-One

As Argali spends the last two weeks recovering in the Port of Lan from her latest fall, this one being particularly hard, from her encounter with the large blue snakes of the Wolfswood, it is occurring to her that she should have the will written to take care of her affairs if she should finally fall. So, she writes this now.

Of her True, it is to be divided the following ways:

A quarter of it goes to Granny Hornpipe of the Castle of Bydell on Alindor. Thank you Granny, you have looked after Argali well when she is the girl.

A quarter of it goes to the Temple of Vorax. Argali hopes she has lived up in some measure to the ideals and standards of the Eternally Vigilant One.

The remaining half goes to the kin of the Hills of Taur'en, to help them in their ongoing struggle against the enemy and the difficulties and hardships they endure. It is Argali's deepest regret that she has not been able to do more to help.

Of Argali's property, the following items must be returned to their proper owners:

To Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers, the boots of the Gargoyle, the cloak of the Johan, the belt of the Swordsman.

To Sasha the Rofirein, the necklace of the First Shield.

To Ark of the Sharp Wit, her map of Mistone, her map of Krashin and the Isles of the Black Ice, and her unfinished map of Belinara. Also, the twin rings of the second strength.

All of these things have served Argali well.

At the time of the writing, Argali has not used the following items, so it is only fitting they are returned to their giver, Master Fenrir, the double axe of Mithril and the amulet of the Ruby set in the Mithril. Argali is sorry she could not be the better student. If she had paid closer attention, perhaps she would still be here now.

Of the remaining items, Argali wishes them to be given to the following persons:

The belt of the Honour of the Shadow, to Abigail of the Firesteeds. Argali won it from Abigail in the division of the spoils, it is only fitting she should have it now.

The book of the Sonnet of the Summons, to Chiara the sea elf. Argali also asks her friends to be keep the protective eye out for this blue elf and making sure she is safe and well.

A chest in the bank full of the armors. The armors are to go to Sasha for the protection of the new warriors.

Argali makes four smoking pipes of the hickory with her own hands, one of which she uses herself. The remaining three, as well as the three cloaks of the Watchers she is having, are to be given, one of each, to her three dearest friends and sisters and brother of battle, Sasha the Rofirein, Hilda the Axewielder, and Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers. Perhaps, when they are smoking the pipes from time to time, they can be thinking of Argali.

Of the remaining items, only the following have any real value, the gloves of Austerity, the scale of the Blue Dragon, the scale of the Red Dragon, the crystal of Harmony, and the unit flag of Might. Argali does not presume to know which will suit who most, so these things, as well as all the remaining items, are to be split amongst her three friends as they see fit.

It has been an honour and a privilege to journey with you three. She has seen many things, meet many people, and perhaps made a difference here and there. Argali wishes you well in the time ahead.

Vorax keep you safe.

Her final wish is for the poppet doll to be delivered Granny Hornpipe. Argali will keep her safe.



Argali Trueaxe, Defender of Vorax[/I]

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