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Messages - mixafix

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Development Journals and Discussion / A manifestation of Diamond,
« on: January 31, 2015, 07:38:11 am »

A manifestation of Diamond, it's very shape and presence suggesting ownership and defiance at the world,  towered over the Maple sapling. The sapling now growing well at the grove at Jesom’s Hope, where 25 young oaks grew in a circle. Foresta examined the grove in the passing on her journey. She delayed her vital task of tremor analysis long enough to ensure all was well at the grove. She had two groves now she considered her charge, Five Oak Grove at the Forest of Fog, where once the five had each planted a tree so many years ago. More recently after the battle in the swamp not so far from  Jesom’s Hope. She took responsibility for both now as a Druid. Her travels as shifter sought to undertake the greater task of helping to end the rot in the world, for she feared it's very doom now.  For now she would try and establish the fine detail of the tremors for the questors who had explored the Eye. Change was abroad, she looked from the tree line to the mountains, and south to where she perceived the sea to be.

Rumour Has It / Foresta of the the Fiveoaks
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:56:34 am »

Foresta of the the Fiveoaks Grove in the Forest of Fog applies a reply along side any such notices she sees. 

I am by this day and the last and likely the next preparing what information the Druids of Mistone will impart on this very subject and other noticeable considerations about the tremors and will seek you out the soonest I uncover anything meaningful.

Foresta Fiveoaks.


(Of course soonest is a word not often used by Druids and it's full meaning my vary from say a Gnomish scout, or perhaps a halfling bard, but nonetheless the reply was pinned right alongside the enquiry)

Development Journals and Discussion / Memories of the expedition to
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:25:35 pm »

Memories of the expedition to the Great Spikes, a fine adventure and the Wee Malkis greatest trek.

No one asked, someone sighed, others pretended to snore, Chimes offered a counter tune, but to no avail for Gisom pressed on with his song. 

There they were in the Outpost cave deep in the Spikes, further than any wee Malki had ever travelled before. Safe for once He put together some words about his many adventures during his sober journey to the Icy wastes. He was  hoping to keep them for a big Clan gathering at Orc Mountain one day.

Well you know I was always the first to arrive at the party,
Oh and the last to leave the scene of the fight.
Well it started with a couple of beers,
And it went I don't know how many years,
Like a run away Giant charging over the Ice.

Well I finally got around to admit that I might have a problem,
But I thought it was just too damn big of a mountain to climb,
Well I got knocked down on my knees and said Hey,
I just can't go on falling this way,
Guess I have to learn to stay on my feet.

Oh yeah, One Giant at a Time.
Oh yeah, One Giant at a Time.

Well I finally got around to admit that Ale was the problem,
When I used to put the blame on the Drakes and the Giants,
All my friends I use to fight with are gone,
But I hadn't planned on staying this long,
Guess I'll have to learn to live my life one Giant at a time...

*he shrugs and stops to the relief of everyone present.

Gisom looked around the cavern lost in thought, restless eyes fall on the casks of ale scattered around the camp. He sighed, he twitched but he never wavered, he waited for the time to return.



Rumour Has It / I am only a slight  possible
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:38:34 am »

I am only a slight  possible at the moment (but much appreciate the idea of the trip) so did not want to mess up the time on my behalf. If can make it  later will be okay for me and indeed likely better.

Ancients Legacy / Foresta watches Zigruum
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:25:35 pm »

Foresta watches Zigruum prepare his research with a bemused inactivity that suggests she does not see anything happening soon that will produce results. This is against the background of their very long walk so far. After a time she offers the following consideration. "He has stumbled and walked a distance far beyond any normal effort that's a fact. I'm just thinking the seasons have changed since he was last through here. " She rakes the undergrowth for effect before adding. "I think we could send on word all the way to the Bloody Gate, and nearer to Erilyn to see if his journey has been recorded anywhere by anyone useful. You never know one of those Wolfswood rangers might even turn up something too. Other than that I think we should return to see what's what at his destination, he sure made an effort there alright. What do you think ?" She stands tall eying the sky longingly, hoping for a quicker return journey.

Ancients Legacy / Foresta continues to lean on
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:07:48 am »

Foresta continues to lean on her staff. She looks down at the map as if interested but does not commit to moving closer to properly study it. She tilts her head slightly in apparent understanding offers a brief smile and a wave of the hand in acknowledgement to some point. Which point is uncertain. She looks around at the group and considers some more.

Ancients Legacy / "Seems all about time here
« on: December 08, 2014, 08:07:45 am »

"Seems all about time here Zig don't you think. Time will catch us all if we keep tracking east." She leans heavily on her runed staff, rolling a grass stalk around her mouth apparently deep in thought, or perhaps just short on words.

"Something in the sky lead him west? A pretty desperate walk for sure. I'm pretty desperate myself too, I mean look here, how important is it to keep following this trail east, just hoping to stumble upoin something now ?"She stubs her staff in the ground a few times shaking her head and looking at the others for where they stand on this.

Ancients Legacy / Foresta slowly catches up
« on: December 06, 2014, 05:18:23 am »

Foresta slowly catches up with the others news as if she was paid by the word,  and then opts to help with the tracking, drifting in and out of various shapes often without a by your leave. She flies on ahead, digs deep down on the forest floor, and consults with nature's keener observers as she goes along. 

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking a price for a summon
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:54:11 am »

Seeking a price for a summon level 8 - now this is an essential addition to the armoury of a specialist spell caster, so please provide a price and the means of transaction at your earliest convenience that we might better serve specialist summoning!

Vincent Coste

Ancients Legacy / Zigruum hears something large
« on: November 28, 2014, 01:43:10 pm »

Zigruum hears something large flapping behind him. Blizzard has turned but has already shown an  indifference to whatever is descending. By the time the Dwarven Druid has turned round there is only a lone human emerging from the treeline. A slightly windswept and bedraggled Foresta greets him. "You are a difficult Dwarf to find Druid, have I missed anything? I have been down in the deep you know."

Ancients Legacy / Foresta listens to the
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:03:53 pm »

Foresta listens to the conversation revolve, eyeing the ground as if ready to take things back into her own hands. A few moments pass and with a shrug, she lifts a number of small bags onto her back and  she turns away. "There are things to be done elsewhere, underground too as it happens, but not here for me, I must fly."She states somewhat simply,  eying the eastern sky as if seeking some inspiration. She departs the dig site with a wave over her shoulder and is soon lost to view.

Ancients Legacy / Foresta polishes of the trail
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:32:46 am »

Foresta polishes of the trail bread thankfully and nods gratefully to Daniel. She points to the complaining Gnome "You know thats the most animated he has been since we got here. But of course he is right about some things.." She offers as she steps reluctantly out of the dig area with her hot brew. "There is no gain in ruining the wall, no it's a job for specialist diggers and likely not the best use of time for adventuring types and Druids. Me I have others things needing doing and soon must be on the road, or in the air,  in this case. But it seems Katelyn might get things moving with our friend here - if he can only grasp the urgency of a large dig team, forty years indeed!"

Ancients Legacy / Foresta spends most of her
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:54:08 pm »

Foresta spends most of her time preoccupied with a small collection of digging animals. She slips away herself periodically. She returns to the camp fire one evening having missed the whole 'blessed' thing. She sits down, looking somewhat windswept and bedraggled,  as if she has only been away a few minutes and just in time to see the leather clad, shovel holding woman topped with a sporty shell shaped helmet and complimentary purple tinted goggles. If she is surprised in any way she does not show it. Instead she talks about the wall with such a lack of drama and interest you would think she was discussing the evening meal. "The wall, or what we can see of it is merely the tip and it seems unfortunately reasonable that there could be more drawing further down the wall which actually goes down under the local rock here. It may be wise to hire some Dwarves, or even gnomes to get digging here. Maybe we could fund such a dig by sharing the burdon." She shrugs uncertainly and continues. "There is little natural about that wall popping out here I'd say making it too reckless to just ignore the possibility of managing to locate more writing or the origin of the wall. What is for tea?"

Rumour Has It / Arfur listens sensing
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:43:10 am »

Arfur listens sensing trepidation and fear but no immediate danger. He puts away his rapiers and strides over to the bar.Challenging the barkeep he suggests "Right let's dig out your best booze and talk about me until it's time to leave!" The barkeep puts up a bottle of house red and sarcastically quips "It would be an honour Lord." The jest is lost on the self absorbed Arfur who adds triumphantly "Of course it would! but wait, wait, wait I may be renowned throughout as one of the greatest halberdiers that ever was, but I am not completely stupid I have got the feeling you wish I wasn't here. " He downs a glass of the red stuff, nudging the glass for another and switches a rare gem necklace for a collection of duller stones, which nonetheless glows with the power of the Al Noth. He slips off one designer helmet and replaces it with another professing "The she devil will not have my mind then!" The bar keep pours a smaller measure of red wine and cannot resist adding. "She would be hard pushed to find that eh Sir!" Undaunted, Arfur steps over to the group of adventurers considering what might be a foolhardy pursuit of the illusionist she tiger thingey.

He rallies the adventurers with some encouragement. "Twenty minutes I say, twenty minutes, you ask why I say that!..It's the life expectancy of anyone who goes out THAT door after her!." he stares at the door dramatically, pausing for effect and then. "That's right, hurrah, let's dooo it, helmets on,  last one out's a Xeenite!"

He casually pops a now empty glass on his favourite table and stands by the door, waiting.

Rumour Has It / A deep puzzled frown appears
« on: October 28, 2014, 11:46:33 am »

A deep puzzled frown appears between Gisom's eyes, statue like, he holds fast staring long and hard, subconciously he starts to lick his lips long before the words reach his mouth "Drink ya said ya sorry excuse fer an adventurar' .....Aye well I'll keep the axe handy in case loike. an you should know tidly wee tankards are for gnomes eh, we'll be havin' summit bigger!"




//any use tomorow on this one  on this one 7pm UK time or 3 pm New York time

//otherwise will try for thursday same sort of time ? just not cetain yet

Rumour Has It / Gisom sniffs at the air,
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:38:21 am »

Gisom sniffs at the air, grimacing and clearly ready to rage. "Whadya think we got here big guy, someone wi' a death wish I reckon! " He pulls a large Dwarven double axe into view and threatens to use it for a moment. "So whad'll be ya scrawny parcel of dog food, you wanna end it richt here, or you wanna go back to the Whithorn to explain yer words to ma' kin!"

Rumour Has It / The door burst open and for a
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:13:44 am »

The door burst open and for a moment one might be forgiven for thinking it was more trouble and after a fashion that may still be true. Arfur Dumas stands framed in the doorway swirling a red cloak around his tailored remake of an old Ragrian's Halberdier uniform. "ARFUR DUMAS by name, AWESOME by nature!...hoorah!" He playfully announces clearly oblivious to the aftermath of carnage around him. He steps into the room destined to be that man, the man who realises what is going on several minutes behind everyone else. One of the patrons, Dougal Doon,  bent over the floor helping with the clear up and mistaking Arfur for someone who has actually come to help he asks "Where have you been?" Arfur assuming the fellow has recognised his obvious noble and artistic charm quips back "Where haven't I been?" Dougal merely shakes his head.  Arfur continues on his oblivous strut towards his favourite seat watching as two young men stagger towards the same seat. One is actually in shock and being helped by the other but Arfur assumes they are drunk and brushes them aside as he reaches the seat first " Whose that in my seat..not for long!" He sits down as the duo stagger past and into another seat. He looks around and for the first time realises the Buckle is not as it was, but still he is not there yet. "Ah so my old mate is having the place fixed up....what's up? cant stand the old decor?" He spots a regular Queenie Ectra, she is ripping a torn dress shorter to provide make shift bandages. He is drawn to the new look still unaware of the past few moments "Hi Queenie I like the new look, hurrah!" There is a long silence, the preverbial true drops ever so slowly, painfully slowly and then up jumps Arfur in a whirlwind of belated and useless action he draws forth two fine rapiers of the finest quality and slaps an elegant boot onto his seat. "These blades are at the disposal of the Buckle, now what in the name of the Muse is going on here?"

Rumour Has It / //We have no special dibs on
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:22:32 am »

//We have no special dibs on the quest or time. If you come up with another time before Sunday  carry on we will try and make it...if it is next Sunday could be about 3-4 hours later too for me.....sunday always going to be hit and miss for me so don't let us stop anyone.

Rumour Has It / A bedraggled, bloodied, ice
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:29:00 pm »

A bedraggled, bloodied, ice burned, and somewhat frozen Magnus and Gisom are put ashore at Leringard. Breaking open two bottles of Dwarven Head brew Gisom remarks to the Captain  "You're gonna need a bigger boat!" 

"Whadya mean you daft Dwarf?" the Captain replies.

"Cause we're comming back fella, and we'll be bringin' a braw big army to fill yer boat there - thats how.! We found them giants but they're still staundin' and thats naw a guid thing."Gisom explains.


Ancients Legacy / Foresta breaks from releasing
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:40:47 am »

Foresta breaks from releasing some moles underground. Quite what she expects them to achieve is masked in her smiling expression as she turns back to Acacea "I'm not assuming anything about anything. It is likely any fragments will only confirm what we can plainly see in the sky - however if not then perhaps this site is nothing special. When...the Why...this wall was created as you say is the thing." She shrugs "But if another fragment  shows some other aspect of what someone at some point in history thought might thats interesting right...if they got one thing right, such an unusual thing, well if they have drawn something else well yeah I'd be interested in that, you?"

She prods about the site looking for  clues, musing over something and eventually asks another question "About the missing, I mean in the big circle of things someone with a vested interest who didn't want us finding anything were to tip the balance away from the centre of things, maybe it might cause us to run about to the edge of the circle, away from where we need to be. Normally I'd say let things balance out, take the long view. But I'm just not so sure here time seems to be important sometimes! Should someone go find why they went missing?"

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