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Author Topic: Dig Site  (Read 4472 times)


Dig Site
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:09:10 am »

The area of the site stretches across four horse lengths by another four. The ground has a low incline, appearing almost level compared to the rest of the surrounding mountainous land. Within the dig site, there is very little marked. A cloth has been pulled over a patch of land and folded up, revealing a wall segment. It juts up fromt the rest of the land like a partially buried boulder - however, the surface is somewhat smoothed. On its leftmost side as one faces the rock from its buried bottom, the edge of the rock cuts across some carvings, making them indecipherable or incomplete (as is the wall, obviously), but the pattern of four of the seven constellations currently in question remain visibly carved firmly into the wall by some unknown hand. Goran, Lucinda, Deliar, and Aragen, appearing in the places they might in the sky at this time. 

After they've spoken for some time, and Katelyn has suggested her plan, Acacea rubs her cheek and looks around.

So... just to recap before you try that! There was probably some kinda wall somewhere before the Breaking, whether a temple or a shrine or even just a wall standing by itself to look neat, and it had the latest constellation patterns on it, which only became interesting when became the latest constellation patterns on it! Probably all seven, though we're guessing 'cause Shindy, Dorand, and Prunilla have not made it with the rest of the wall... all blown up and such... See, what DID make it intact is like the sky right now! Or would be, were it dark! So a pretty good guess!

But things were flung from all over and valleys became mountains and there were volcanos and there were landmasses broken and islands sunk and all sorts of stuff in the Cataclysm, so we don't know where this wall was before, that we could look more into to see if there was some kind of prophecy stuff happening there!

So! The cat person said it most probably came from down and not up, and we'd have to go down. Ferrit's granddaughter (I need something shorter!) wants to try using the Couple's connection to see if we couldn't find where Prunilla went, though hopefully she's not just sand at this point...

Myself, I do not really have much else here, I think. The casters said it wasn't magic - maybe it was magic when it was whole, MAYBE, but it's not now, and I don't really have anything to go on, either! My other thing is that I was hoping there would be some magical hint here that tied the goings-on with the missing people. All we could divine ...or... they... could divine... She sighs. was that at least two were alive, and the recent boy is somewhere dark, maybe below. I'd like to know how the other one the lady looked at was 'different', too.

Even if these are not connected, I would like them found safe! There might be more we could look for by finding more missing peoples and trying to work backwards or combine focuseseses. So I think we've only got more questions, so we might as well hop to looking for things that might point us towards some answers... Whether hand-holdy holy water prayers, missing persons hunts, pre-cataclysmic map hunting, digging, legend hunting, and so on!

She smiles brightly. Unfortunately, a lot of that is, from what I hear, things people have been trying to do already with the stars changing, with no luck so far. So! Carry on...


Foresta watches at Acacea
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2014, 06:57:13 am »

Foresta watches at Acacea recites her summary and conclusions before speaking to the group in general and adding "Yes I think this wall seems to have been pushed up, but there is nothing nearby worth digging for. We might assume the journey was longer. Whether the important missing fragment lies further below, or in the hands of others is beyond our ken for now. I will have nature's finest little diggers dig deep around this site to confirm this, but I think our wall parts are further afield. For the missing, and for the greater quest, time may be short. Their untimely dissappearance may be connected to things I daresay - maybe others have been searching too and these missing got in the way or stumbled upon something! If we are to find things intact I think, probably someone ought to be hot footing it to somewhere or of course maybe not. Things will balance out in the movement of many, or of the  quicker movement of a few, and then it will all become clearer!......probably." Without another word she sets off to recruit some animal diggers to work through and under the dig site, intending to get shifted and muddy herself in the pursuit of prefect balance.



Having over-indulged in the
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2014, 08:39:05 am »

Having over-indulged in the ale he spoke of so fondly during the trek to Brenuth, and awoken after the group departed, Andrew strugggles for some time to follow the tracks left by fifteen or so people to the wall. Provided he is able he then asks for a recap on what they've discovered so far.



This may not work, but it
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2014, 09:12:22 am »
This may not work, but it won't take much time, and I think it's worth a try.  *grins*  Prunilla and Deliar have been together a very long time, and I think that like any long-married and happy couple, one isn't quite complete without the other.

*gets out 10 bottles of Deliar's blessing and 3 of holy water*  Do you have any of Prunilla's blessings or holy water, Quenton?  If so, let's use them, too.  *She mixes some of what they have into her clean eating bowl.*
Let's see...Quenton, why don't you touch Deliar's constellation and the broken edge, too?  Then I can touch you and sprinkle our offering on the broken edge.  Those who want to help can gather close and offer prayers or sincere wishes that the image of the godly couple be joined together and our intent to find the stone that will make it so.  I think that intent is important, too, especially since we hope for some clue as to the location of the missing part of the mural.
*If Quenton is willing to help, Katelyn gathers the rest of those willing to participate, spends a few minutes in devout prayer to Deliar and then splashes the bowl of potions onto the broken edge, trying to make it touch as large an area as possible.*


RollinsCat wrote:Having
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2014, 10:24:54 am »

Quote from: "RollinsCat"&cid="2755242"

Having over-indulged in the ale he spoke of so fondly during the trek to Brenuth, and awoken after the group departed, Andrew strugggles for some time to follow the tracks left by fifteen or so people to the wall. Provided he is able he then asks for a recap on what they've discovered so far.


((Apologies, I meant to include description as well, and have edited accordingly. Barring DM objection you might have either just shown up for Acacea's version or she'd at least repeat that again, not having much to add, heh.))

Keeping a little away from Katelyn's ritual so as not to intrude, she asks curiously of Foresta, "I guess I would like to know why we assume there's an important missing fragment, too. It's not that I don't want to find the rest, it's just the 'rest' could be ... enormous! Or part of something much bigger... has anyone sensed or found anything that implied there's anything to be gained from finishing the pattern? I just kinda assumed it was eroded or exploded or some of it is marred by that rock, too, so...

She shrugs, palms up. I guess I'm more curious about where it used to be than where it all is, now. On the other hand, we have enough feet that anyone could do what they liked, so I don't wanna hold anyone back! I'm just wondering if someone got something I did not, hey? All of the information! I want it! She grins, making a "gimmie" motion with her hands.

I agree on the other thing. Myself I'd rather be on the missing persons team... well... I would REALLY like to check out where this might have come from, but... it is interesting, and probably important, but I don't want to leave 'napped people alone in the dark. For all we know they accidentally zapped themselves down the 'lels or something!



Foresta breaks from releasing
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2014, 11:40:47 am »

Foresta breaks from releasing some moles underground. Quite what she expects them to achieve is masked in her smiling expression as she turns back to Acacea "I'm not assuming anything about anything. It is likely any fragments will only confirm what we can plainly see in the sky - however if not then perhaps this site is nothing special. When...the Why...this wall was created as you say is the thing." She shrugs "But if another fragment  shows some other aspect of what someone at some point in history thought might thats interesting right...if they got one thing right, such an unusual thing, well if they have drawn something else well yeah I'd be interested in that, you?"

She prods about the site looking for  clues, musing over something and eventually asks another question "About the missing, I mean in the big circle of things someone with a vested interest who didn't want us finding anything were to tip the balance away from the centre of things, maybe it might cause us to run about to the edge of the circle, away from where we need to be. Normally I'd say let things balance out, take the long view. But I'm just not so sure here time seems to be important sometimes! Should someone go find why they went missing?"



    Mangus stands there still
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2014, 11:55:58 am »

    Mangus stands there still and quiet. He is looking off  to an unseen space, the ether, as if his attentions are drawn to a different place. "in deh village..." he mutters to no one in particular, "dey had er wall. Me gramma said it was to keep deh bad things out." He flinches as he is hit by a  memory. A cast shadow of some grave event from his past that somehow the gunk of his mind, manages to conceal from his inner awarenes. A blank cover blocking out his own reckoning of that horrible event. The only way to free himself from those thoughts. To function.

    The mechanism within him staves the memory away yet again and he grunts Orcfully.

   " Mebe diss wall was built....all dem years keep something out too? ...To keeps out deh bad things?"



*Quenton stands with his
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2014, 02:45:25 pm »

*Quenton stands with his right hand covering his mouth and looks to be thinking hard. His attention turns to Kat when she speaks and scratches his head in thought to what she proposes.*

Well, I suppose it's worth a try! I'm no Lucky Clover or anything, I mean... Prunilla gives me a few tricks and sends me a doggie or a bear when I ask, but I don't usually communicate directly with her or nothing... I do have some holy water on me, but I got it from Celador the wizard and I don't know which temple he got it from so hopefully it might work *big grin*. OH I got a couple of these communion wafers too, maybe I should nibble on one while we do this? Ok let's see now, you just want me to put my hands here and over here? I'm not sure if I can reach that far. I'm only this big *holds a hand up at a height just slightly taller than he actually is* (( 2 foot 8 inches so I'm not sure if he can reach both spots)) But let's try! 



Stygian considers a few
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2014, 03:55:12 pm »

Stygian considers a few things, and on a hunch decides to walk a few miles away from the rest of the group and explore the feasibility of the block being moved to its current position by a glacier or other natural geological means. He shape changes into a red dragon and takes flight and covers great distances into the surrounding mountains looking for ruins, or areas of stone of the same type as the block. He uses the topography as a guide.



Daniel unloads several picks
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2014, 06:28:13 pm »

Daniel unloads several picks and shovels from his pack and sets them aside for anyone to use if they are inclined.  He then gets out of the way unless asked to help with something specific. 

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Iri makes a rough sketch of
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2014, 07:57:27 pm »

Iri makes a rough sketch of the wall on a small piece of paper, showing the constellations' and broken edge's locations, while Acacea talks. At the end, she gasps a bit.

"Oooo! I'm going to be a legend hunter! I have a great idea! I'll be back! No! Probably not! Unless you plan to dig for forty years, in which case I will certain return before that is very far along at all! But since I think you won't, then we'll meet somewhere else, probably! We'll let the birds gather us! I'll bring a story of a legend! Maybe! Anybody want to go for a walk?"



*watches what each group
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2014, 09:17:28 am »

*watches what each group group is doing*

I'm not really a devote to Prunilla, but I'mma HUGE *raises her arms as high as she can over her head and tip toes* contributor to the church. If I can provide something', I'll surely do it.

However, I also don't like bein' in one spot and diggin' is just not my thing *mouths the word "boring" drawing it out for several syllables*. I wanna go find Jaden *pauses* and another uprisin' of a big ol' piece of wall stone.

If this piece of rock came from the large crater caused by an explosion *pauses again as she mulls it over* I wanna go THERE! *emphazises "there" and bounces a little as she states it* Its another mountain range too. Can a rock move under an ocean? Anyways, too much to think about, just wanna go see.

If some folks are goin' to go look for the missin' people, I wanna go with them too.

And finally, I'm thinkin' about goin' to go hang out with the Jaden's uncle, Mister Albertas.

"Goran, Lucinda, Deliar and Aragen's star formations carved firmly into the wall..."

That leaves Dorand, Prunilla, AND Shindaleria, who can help get a rock across the oceans?!



The blond woman in the red
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2014, 11:51:36 pm »

The blond woman in the red wool riding coat does not remain long at the dig site and heads back toward the town.  She spends a short time at the Inn/tavern before she is seen to head off down the mountains toward Vehl.



It takes some time for the
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2014, 10:16:25 am »

It takes some time for the hung-over man to get traction. Aging is a cruel mistress to frivolity. Finally, after much talking and moving about by the team and some departures - he notes the wizard, who sits uneasy with him for reasons he can't quite call to mind, and the blonde woman who also sits unwell with him for reasons he's much more cognizant of - he moves to the wall and walks it, sketching as Iri is sketching. He adds details on the wall's composition and thickness, careful to trace the broken edges. He includes a map of the greater landscape and scale. Finally, he takes a sample of the wall from a few areas along it's length. To him it's a piece of rock - to a dwarf, a miner, perhaps one with ties to his new friends in Lusaxon as a way of introduction, it could be a marker for how deep. The boy is "down, dark, alive". Maybe the wall will tell them how far down, and a general location. 

Of course, the gnome is right there. "Pertti - what do you know about how deep this wall might have been? What kind of rock is, or was, it before it started the long push upward?"



"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," he says
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2014, 02:10:23 pm »

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," he says thoughtfully and then is silent for a few moments, "Well the truth of the matter is, I've cleared it down this far and found no sign of an end to the piece. Could be in the next foot or maybe it's fused in a way I can't tell to more of it's kind. As to the type...." he pauses a moment to read the likelihood of comprehension of the technical answer then starts again, "Really this is not an uncommon rock to find in a mountian or deeper into the ground. The shunting of it upward really, like other rocks you might find worn down to, han't scathed it much. Lucky for us!" He grins a bit, gesturing at the markings.



Quenton and Katelyn prepare
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2014, 01:34:32 am »

Quenton and Katelyn prepare their prayer ritual with care and attention, and when ready, they combine their voices and efforts together to the singular purpose. Outwardly, there is not much to see beyond Katelyn's more ecclesiastical approach next to and contrasting Quenton's less practiced but heartfelt approach.

Those sensitive to such things take note of the magic that is brought to their ritual surrounds them closely and gently, encompassing the carved portion of the stone as well.  It seems, by all outward appearances, to be a well-constructed effort.

Yet despite all of this, by the end of their prayers, nothing seems to have changed at all.  The stone did not mend itself, nor were the presumed missing pieces somehow revealed to them or anyone else.



cbnicholson wrote:Daniel
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2014, 11:43:28 am »

Quote from: "cbnicholson"&cid="2755262"

Daniel unloads several picks and shovels from his pack and sets them aside for anyone to use if they are inclined.  He then gets out of the way unless asked to help with something specific. 

A woman in a shell-shaped helmet wearing purple tinted goggles and a leather coat grabs a shovel and waits for insturctions.



Foresta spends most of her
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2014, 01:54:08 pm »

Foresta spends most of her time preoccupied with a small collection of digging animals. She slips away herself periodically. She returns to the camp fire one evening having missed the whole 'blessed' thing. She sits down, looking somewhat windswept and bedraggled,  as if she has only been away a few minutes and just in time to see the leather clad, shovel holding woman topped with a sporty shell shaped helmet and complimentary purple tinted goggles. If she is surprised in any way she does not show it. Instead she talks about the wall with such a lack of drama and interest you would think she was discussing the evening meal. "The wall, or what we can see of it is merely the tip and it seems unfortunately reasonable that there could be more drawing further down the wall which actually goes down under the local rock here. It may be wise to hire some Dwarves, or even gnomes to get digging here. Maybe we could fund such a dig by sharing the burdon." She shrugs uncertainly and continues. "There is little natural about that wall popping out here I'd say making it too reckless to just ignore the possibility of managing to locate more writing or the origin of the wall. What is for tea?"



Daniel hands Foresta some
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2014, 02:16:40 pm »

Daniel hands Foresta some trailbread and busies himself with a chipped pot, boiling water. "Tea is what is called for precisely."  Cup in hand he studies the partially buried wall for a time silently as he sips. "Dwarven diggers is a fair idea, I could invest a few thousand true note to such an end, if it were called for.  Although, I am not certain as to whether such activity is prudent at the moment." The last directed at the goggled woman. 

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*Quenton stands up just after
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2014, 02:26:04 pm »

*Quenton stands up just after the ritual is finished and looks confused* 

Well... I never dun that before! It felt warm! But.... that's all... Not a peep from Prunilla. I guess since my tracking skills were fer not in finding them missing folk I better start digging! Oh what if I changed form into a mole! or a Badger! 


