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Messages - LordCove

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 82

Trouble felt like an idiot.

Looking down at himself, he just sighed and rolled his eyes, fishing a small rubber ball from his pocket and bouncing it as quietly off the wall as he could.
It wasn't quietly enough, and the elven lady, dressed to look like a farmers wife, opened a single eye amidst her meditations and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" Fine... fine... I'm gone" he muttered, and flashing a weak smile at her, slipped out the Inn room and stood in the passageway, bouncing the ball off the far wall and catching it on its return.
Had anyone been passing, they may have wondered at the man, who stood in the obvious dark clothes, and filthy tattered working apron of a farm man, and what he was doing in the passageway bouncing balls off the wall.
But their wasn't anyone passing.

The inn they chose at Phall was certainly not the most extravagant, but nor was it a complete dive. It was however, quiet.
And with Drach's patrolling and stood on guard in every corner of the streets outside, quiet and low profile was probably a good idea.

As he sank into his familiar routine of throwing and catching the ball, questions came to him from the wall, and as always, he sighed and rolled his eyes and cursed at the wall for even asking them.

" Well what did ya expect? You said I should get bloody involved... well here I am... dressed up like a sodding potatoe farmer, in a town overun with Drachs... and not having the slightest bloody clue what Im doing here!" he murmured to the wall.

A moments silence passed, as he tilted his head and listened to... what appeared to be... nothing.

" Yeah... yeah... I know.. history repeating an all that ... I know Pops did this same bloody thing years ago.. yadder yadder yadder... " he makes yapping motions with his free hand to the wall, " ... but at least he knew what he was bloody doing! I mean what.. I get told I'm a selfish git, eat some bad cheese, and then what... I take a walk in the woods an grow a conscionce! An now what... I'm doing my bit supposedly, an I somehow end up in the lions bloody den... an worst of all.. I dragged her into this somehow too!"

He frowns and thunks the ball off the wall again, hardly and loudly as his irritation vents, and it almost shakes the wall. Catching it on its return, he squeezes it tightly, listening once more, then snorts and rolls his eyes.

"Oh thats great.. uh huh.. those supposed to be pearls of wisdom?! Watch and see? Lot of bloody help you ar...."

He stops suddenly as the room door opens and Ell peers from within, looking at him in concern and confusion. Her tead tilts up and down the passageway, and seeing no one around, looks at him steadily.

"Who are you talking to Trouble Sir?"

"Er... " Trouble flushes a little, pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning on and tucking the ball back in his pocket.
" Er.... I was .... er... anyway... aint you supposed to be mute? No talking!"
And with a wry , teasing grin, he ushers her back into the room, following behind her, but not before he gives a final, annoyed glare at his nemisis, the cause of all his troubles....
... the wall.

General Discussion / Re: Exploration into the depths of the Underdark
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:37:40 am »
* Trouble grins and rolls his eyes, shining an apple on his shirt and crunching into it.*

Guess I'd best go just ta make sure I don't stumble over their bones in the dark an break my bloody leg. *he chuckles a bit arrogantly, and signs his name*

You got a guide if ya need one.


General Discussion / Re: Adventures again again
« on: October 17, 2009, 07:51:01 pm »
"Mate... " a half sozzled Sall raises his glass in salute to the Innkeeper, "... thats exactly what I was bloody saying... exactly! But did they listen... Oooh nooo... no no no... didn't listen to a bloody word! "

// There.

General Discussion / Re: Trip tonight?
« on: October 16, 2009, 01:39:58 pm »
That one I should be able to do!

General Discussion / Re: Baby girl
« on: October 16, 2009, 03:24:00 am »

General Discussion / Re: Adventures again again
« on: October 08, 2009, 01:14:47 pm »
" Nuh uh! No way! It's bloody nuts sweets! I aint going up there... that's where Voon fell ! I seen it! " Sall grumbled, his back against the front door, arms outstretched to keep it from opening.
" I aint moving from this bloody spot.. an neither are you! anyone who tries to drag me.. is gonna lose their arms!" he spouted defiantly.

Tegan smirked, and folded her arms, tapping her fingernails across her bare arm.

// Will be there.



Trouble stopped mid stride, turning slowly, letting his eyes scan in a circle the woods around him.
The sun beat down through the gaps in the trees, the branches swayed gently in the breeze, making shadows and shafts of light appear and dissapear across the leaf covered ground.

For a moment though, it all went silent.
The breeze seemed to die to a whisper, the birds ceased their chirping, the gentle swaying of leaves and bushes froze as though holding its breath.

Trouble did another circle, turning slowly, looking for whatever it was he thought he heard... whatever it was he felt niggling in the back of his mind.
Seeing nothing around him, nothing to explain it, he closed his eyes, taking deep breaths in and out... in and out...

... and then he sighed, almost sadly and... as though in defeat.

" Fine... fine... I'll... I'll do what I can." he murmured, opening his eyes and looking to the sky.
Wrapping his coat tighter around him, he turned right around and began walking back the way he came... each step with that little more purpose than the last one he took.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Can an elemental speak?
« on: October 05, 2009, 03:28:44 pm »
*raises a hand*

I'd believed this to be a grey area.

And so... figuring the Druid being mentioned is me.. then yes.

None of my Elementals can speak.
The main 2 I use.. Water and Earth... don't even have a face.. never mind a mouth. *shrugs*

But I also believed its to peoples preference whether they speak or not.. unless told otherwise :)

General Discussion / Re: Well.. welll.. wellll....
« on: October 02, 2009, 11:15:19 am »
Happy Birthday!

General Discussion / Re: Hi Ho Silver!
« on: October 02, 2009, 05:10:42 am »
Happy Birthday!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Eggs for Sale
« on: September 28, 2009, 06:17:56 am »
I'll take them.


General Discussion / Re: *gasps*
« on: September 25, 2009, 02:56:19 am »
Happy Birthday!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: things to sell
« on: September 23, 2009, 03:12:14 am »
Moved to Appropriate Forum.

* The pawn shop attendant grins at Kaail*

They am I always out of money? Because I get fifty adventurers like you every day selling me everything from fish to rat skins.

* she smiles sweetly and promises to have more True in her coffers soon*

3,500 True Aquired for the Red Fang tribe.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Question about quest..
« on: September 22, 2009, 02:13:47 am »
If it's me..... and you get no response after a minute or two.... Poke me again with a repeat of what you are after.

I'm sure a lot of people know Im not the greatest when it comes to keeping up with and replying to 10 simultaneous requests for information.
Like Pankoki above, I'll never ignore a request for information with an emote and a skill roll... but I may miss it.

If no response, gently poke them again.

General Discussion / Re: Avast, Me Hearties!
« on: September 20, 2009, 03:42:41 am »
My salute to Pirate Day has been inserted in character.

Apologies to those who might have wondered what the hell was going on! :)


Tegan and Sall burst into the house in a flurry, a variety of curses escaping them as one quickly began throwing foods and traveling equipment into a bag, and the other began quickly tidying up.
They seemed a fluster, and not in a good way, Sall muttering and grumbling and Tegan shouting various orders at him, going through her mental checklist.
" Food... clothes... Clothes! Gah! ... oh... travel tickets... and don't forget the bank forms!" Tegan shouted out to her husband as she began collecting certain clothing from the laundry pile.
An arm full of various clothes, she hurried to the bedroom with them, bursting inside.


With a gasp of shock and surprise, Tegan leapt out the bedroom, slamming the door behind her and leaning against it, stunned, as the pile of clothes fell from her arms to the floor.
"Oh my god... Oh my god..." she murmured, her hands covering her eyes as though she'd just seen the most nightmarish and horrid thing imaginable.

A moment later Sall came hurrying over, grumbling.
"What? I got the bloody food... I... er..." seeing her expression, he frowns and looks at the bedroom door.

Shaking her head in disbelief, stunned beyond recognition, she steps away from the door, turns around to face it, and sighing, she knocks.
Sall raises an eyebrow at her, then looks at the door curiously as though it might suddenly shift into a person or start floating from its hinges.

Instead, slowly, very slowly, the door opens ajar just a little, just enough to see candlelight from inside the dark room, and then suddenly, his face flushed and embarresed, and resplendant in his mothers pink dressing gown, Trouble slips through the ajar space and closes the door behind him, facing his mother and father and looking like a child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

" Er... ahem.. Hi er.. pops... hi mom. We... I... I er... didn't expect you back for... for... a few days yet." he stammered, tugging the lovely pink dressing gown tightly around himself and tieing the frilly cloth belt in a nice little bow around his waist.

Tegan frowned, the oh so familiar look of dissaproval on her face as she folded her arms and glared at her son.
Sall however, took a few more moments to understand what was going on, and when he did, it was all he could do to bow his head behind Tegan and chew on his tongue to stop himself rolling on the floor and laughing.
Eventually, a few sharp elbows to the rips from his wife brough the seriousness out in him.

" Just WHAT is going on here young man? Hmmm? Care to explain why She is in OUR bedroom? Hmmm" Tegan said softly, but with no disguising her obvious anger as she tapped her foot off the floor.
Troubles eyes flicked to his father, pleading for some backup. But Sall shook his head, biting down on his lip hard to keep from laughing whilst trying to look stern.
" You answer your mother son."

Trouble sighed, resigned to his fate. Nothing would get him out of it, he knew that.
So he shrugged, and a gleam came to his eye, as he stood defiantly before them.
" Ya want all the vivid details?"

Tegan gasped and promptly and gently smacked the top of his head.
" Don't give me that attitude Trouble Tempest! That is OUR room.. and I... bah! We don't have time for this!" she flailed her arms in the air, and stabbed a finger at Trouble, poking him in the chest as her face flushed angrily.

Now this was a tell tale sign for the Tempests... both Trouble and Sallaron knew it well. As soon as you got poked in the chest, you'd better start behaving. And so he stood up straight , prepared to take the brunt of whatever was about to come.

" Now you get your lady friend out of here... and get your things pack!"....
... and then... she whole expression changed. She sighed softly, her voice dropped to a soft, calming whisper as she looked over at Sall, and then back to Trouble.
This scared Trouble more than anything.

" Get your clothes and traveling gear together... and... send her home..." Tegan waved a weary hand at the door.
" We're traveling to Vehl, and Jurns meeting us on route...."
She reached out to put a hand on Troubles shoulder, who looked terrified at the sudden change in his mothers mood.
".... your Uncle... Arkolio... he's... passed away."

She might as well have stabbed him, stuck a tube in the wound and drained all his blood.. because thats what it looked like happened next.
All the blood drained from his face, his mouth dropped and his eyes widened.
He just stared straight ahead... stunned... for a long time... and it was only then mother and father realised what the Uncle had truly meant to him.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Raise dead scrolls
« on: September 16, 2009, 11:02:12 am »
I'd like to take 5! For 15 Diamonds.

Signed scruffily...

Trouble Tempest.

Rumour Has It / Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« on: September 13, 2009, 10:33:46 am »
No one knows quite how it arrived.

Rumour has it a carpenter and slaver-hunter from Hurm arrived within hours of the news by boat, making room in the market place with angry shouts and cursing.

Word tells of a silver haired sorceress who ensured the couriers transporting it made haste through the town, with fire and lightning dancing suggestively across her finger tips.

Once it had been set carefully in place, a young Druid in a dark coat sat before it, whispering and praying for hours at its base, gently coaxing and calling a variety of flowers... usually unseen in the gloomy town... to bloom up at its base.

Once done, another young man took out a guitar, and as crowds of wondering people began to gather to see, he began to play soft, gentle songs of loss and those that will never be forgotten.

When all was done, the four people stood before it, arms around each other, and took a long moment of silence.
And just before they left, the carpenter turned to almost glare angrily at the crowd, his eyes glazed with tears.

" This is so you people don't bloody forget!"

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« on: September 11, 2009, 02:59:16 am »

Trouble frowned up at the sign.

"Can't we make it Sallaron and Troubles Carpentry shop? Sallaron and "sons" sounds like Im still bloody ten years old."

Sallaron finished nailing the signpost to the wall and smirked down at his son.

" Sure. You go out... you do all the bloody work... you dig the sand and find the wood.. an I'll change it to Trouble."

Trouble frowned and folded his arms in his most stubbornest of expressions.

"Yeah.. I thought so."

Available on below date to sell weird and wonderful carpentry and tinkering goods from the master carpenter's shop.

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