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Messages - LordCove

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 82
Layonara Server / Re: Congratulations Ycleption
« on: July 27, 2009, 01:55:34 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: July 26, 2009, 02:39:41 am »
Happy Birthday!

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Pony question
« on: July 21, 2009, 07:18:56 pm »
One pony.. answering to the name Poanzz .. is escorted near the memorial.

The clones removed to pony heaven.

Well.. I've roamed around a little now.
Seems everyone thought I was dead.
Got to admit.. I'm bloody loving all the Gasps and wide eyes and... "!" when old friends recognise me.
And... some not so much...
Phyress knocked me out.. literally... a sharp knee and Im on the floor flopping about like a wet fish.
And bloody hell.. Uncle Ark.. I thought he was gonna cry right there and then.

Still.. straight off.. the old Tempest charm came into play.

*he stops to grin and straighten his collar before he continues writing*

Some.. Gala thing I got an invitation to.
Pallena... strange lass. Heh... once she's in smiting mode with that bloody beating stick of hers... I half expect her to go " Ugh.... me Smash!"
Then next minute she whippers out words of wisdom that seem like common sense.
Heh.. lets see how she dances without the stick in her hand.

Funny how you can be away for so long, but once your home... it suddenly feels like you never left.

Still.. with it come the old worries and thoughts too.
Not much time to contemplate stuff clambering out the Deep... but once you have time to sit and soak up the sun under a grove of oaks, it all comes flooding back.

Cardin or "Hair" is reminding me. His whole attitude to his worship of Katia and protecting the land.
I mean... I do that too.. obviously. But ... I just start to wonder if thats for me anymore. If I'm even the right sort.

*with a small sigh he slaps the journal closed, lay out in his back garden and catching himself a tan*

Rumour Has It / Re: Giants of the Great Forest
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:19:53 pm »
The stereo type of the typical " Dumb and brutish" giant is now truly being called into question.
Displaying increasingly effective tactics and leadership, rumours of fully armoured giants are now a cause for more concern.

Rumours state in an attempt to build a new base of operations for the Giant hunters flocking to Hilm's north gate and the Great Forest, a massive attack was launched against its construction.
Organised waves of giants poured against the hastily constructed barricades, and fully armed and armoured giants not seen before smashed through them like they were kindling.

These sightings support the other rumours of giants being witnessed actually mining in ancient and abandoned ruins recently discovered.

With the Druids of the Great Forest now openly opposing this build up of forces arrayed against the new Giant clan, all eyes now turn to the East, where it is rumoured the home of these new "HornBlower" clans is rumoured to be found.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Maran's Clearing out Sale
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:57:13 am »
Lvl 9 Summon Creature Scroll - 20,000

// With the current availability of scrolls / items within this Loot Tier dropping and being passed around, and the lack of use this particular spell receives in comparison to new "upgraded" LvL 9 spells from the recent update.. I feel this price reflects nicely for "this particular spell".

If however others also feel this price is below standard "for its ability" please PM and I will amend accordingly.


Trade and Market Hall / Re: Maran's Clearing out Sale
« on: July 12, 2009, 02:52:44 am »
Mr Durgen

Alas, no more Sigil Bracers. Though should I find another, I'll let you know.

Miss FireFly

The Cloak is yours. Im pretty certain its not made from real nymphs.

Mr DragonHeart

I suppose a few diamonds should cover the cost.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Maran's Clearing out Sale
« on: July 10, 2009, 12:38:37 am »
Quote from: Pseudonym
Master Maran,

I would be pleased to purchase the Bracers of Sigil at your soonest convenience. When next I travel to Vale, I shall seek an introduction.

*An ornate C set into red wax*

Alas, first noted first served Mr C.
Those Bracers go to Miss Emry.

I have another set I'll no longer have use of soon, I'll hold onto them for you.


Trade and Market Hall / Re: Maran's Clearing out Sale
« on: July 09, 2009, 05:58:43 pm »
*a penned note*

Find me at any time when available... or... I might find you.


General Discussion / Re: Honesty and Objectivity
« on: July 09, 2009, 09:37:33 am »
There are certain weapons...

I'll use for example Sall's sword.

It does 1d6 Fire dmg vs Chaotic ( This replaces Silver and Titanium. Adding either of these over-writes this damage )

1 point of Divine damage

and then 1d8 Acid ( as per the Elemental Rod )

Adding to this, as mentioned above, could be Paladin spells, Holy Sword, SpellSwords abilities, Deafening clang.. and even a standard Flameblade spell can be added to this sword to give it 4 amounts of damage.

All weapons are capabale of the 3 ( Silver / Titanium ... then Elemental Rod... then spell effect )
Rare weapons might offer the extra Divine damage.

General Discussion / Re: Reminder to the player base
« on: July 09, 2009, 09:29:49 am »

Those are mine and won't despawn.. but certainly shouldn't be near any transitions.
Likely someone has attacked and ran off.

Agreed. If this occurs, please PM me.
Though these encounters are designed for groups to encounter and deal with.
Solo'ers may have some problems... and might want to avoid the area as per

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Item in need of oxing?
« on: July 08, 2009, 01:22:23 pm »
Another that might need to be oxed is the Shelid of the Lost Run Clan.
Seen two versions of that.

But as I understand it, when oxed, the item will be reset to whatever it "should" be.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Raise Dead Scrolls
« on: July 05, 2009, 06:52:52 am »
Would like to swap 10 raw Diamonds for 5 Scrolls please.

Maran of Vale

Rumour Has It / Re: Giants of the Great Forest
« on: July 04, 2009, 06:31:10 pm »
The reknowned and well fortified camp The Foot... has fallen.

A well-known centre of operations for Giant hunters and Rangers, the camp was all but destroyed by the joint efforts of two different clans.

The last few survivors are now resting comfortably within Hilm castle, possibly now rethinking their chosen career.

There are rumours of course, that a second camp is being considered to be erected, primarily for the purpose of finding and eradicating this new alliance between the two Giant clans.

But with the fall of the Foot ... and no rallying point for most of the Giant slayers to gather ... the Great Forest is now more than ever a most hazardous place to venture

With what can only be viewed as extreme reluctance, cursing and grumbling to himself as he goes, a man in a brown coat and black curly hair is seen picking up the trail of those that went into the HammerBound.

He keeps a fair distance for awhile, until night falls and the group exchanges words... before he very miserably walks into the light of the camp fire and sits on a log.
He gives everyone a quick look, before just bowing his head sadly and staring into the fire.

General Discussion / Re: A message for the "Gim-Reaper":
« on: June 30, 2009, 02:50:10 pm »
Happy Birthday!

The door to the Tempest's house was left wide-open.

Stepping inside, muddy foot prints could be seen leading all through the house.. up the stairs, into the basement, the front room.. everywhere.
It genuinely looked like the place had been robbed.

Following one set of the muddy boot tracks, they led down the hallway and into a small closet, where a figure rummaged and searched in a small chest, muttering to himself as he did so.

His coat was on the darkest green, almost black, but not quite, and a thick hood covered what seemed to be black curly hair. He seemed pretty thin, but not starved, despite the fact the long dark coat hid most of his features.

After a few minutes of searching, he stood up and gave a sharp kick to the chest.
"Where's my bloody journal!"

Rumour Has It / Re: Great forest giants
« on: June 17, 2009, 12:24:25 pm »
Further reports come in from the Great Forest.

Large bands of adventurers trekking into the wilderness have reported gruesome remains of previous Giant hunters.

It seems that, when attacks on Clans are discovered by other Giants, the sound of blown horns fill the air and they swiftly group for both protection and attacks against intruders.

Rarely seen Giants carrying large horns, often accompanied by giants with detailed tatoo's, seem to be responsible for the new communication between clans.

The area has currently been deemed a "Avoid unless necessary" area.

Rumour Has It / Re: Great forest giants
« on: June 14, 2009, 03:58:52 am »

Reports from traveller's and adventurers passing through Hilm Castle and Sulkin from the Great Forest warn of horns sounding in the night, and gruesome warning posts placed seemingly by the Giants themselves.

Several reknowned and capable Giant hunters that often roamed the forests are, as of this time, reported as having been missing for sometime.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Jurn's Diary of Sad Songs
« on: June 11, 2009, 03:47:24 am »
I'm a terrible song-writer.

I had the fortune to meet a fellow musician named Aylana.
She was... amazing! The sound of her voice mixed with the quickly-thought up but perfectly matched lyrics!
I could just gawp as she came up with verse after verse of soft song to tease Pretty Polly with.
I tried... I stood and racked my brains to come up with something just as good.
But as dad would say... El Zilcho.
I guess song-writing just isn't my thing.

Still... I've been working on my voice. Trying to use the Al'noth to wrap an emotion around it and throw it.
Its taking some work... and I'm forced to drink large quantities of this honey tea mom made for me... since my throat gets sore and hoarse after awhile.

But it did work once!
I concentrated, summoned my voice, yelled with all my might.. and the thing turned and ran in fear!

Okay... it was a badger.
Not really something remarkable.
But still... its getting there!

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