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Messages - LordCove

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 82
General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday
« on: February 27, 2009, 09:32:34 am »
Happy Birthday!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Alatriel!
« on: February 26, 2009, 02:24:23 pm »
Happy Birthday!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: February 24, 2009, 07:45:18 am »
Happy Birthday!

General Discussion / Re: baby
« on: February 20, 2009, 10:01:41 am »
Congrats mate!

Hehe... oh... enjoy!

General Discussion / Re: Hey Tod!
« on: February 19, 2009, 01:39:14 am »
Happy Birthday!

General Discussion / Re: A little something for Sol_seeker
« on: February 10, 2009, 08:18:23 am »
Happy Birthday!

Just for Fun / Re: Operation Manly Hamburger
« on: February 05, 2009, 07:50:18 pm »
.... Im hungry .....

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: February 05, 2009, 04:47:17 pm »
Happy Birthday!!

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Jurn's Diary of Sad Songs
« on: February 05, 2009, 03:49:52 am »

Mrs Tegan got me a new guitar! It's so cool... and brand new!
And it was easy... I onlys had to bat my eyes like I see Mr Tempest do... and say "pleeease" a few times.

Argos still hasn't picked a good instwument yet. But said he's going to sum special school's soon. Not for music though. Thats just silly.

Mrs Tempest tried to make me gets on a boat again to go to Mistone.
I couldn'ts though....
...I don't know why I'm so scared of sea and boats... but they scare the bejeeber's out of me.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Auction: Enchanted Mithril Heater Shield
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:30:37 am »

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Auction: Enchanted Mithril Heater Shield
« on: February 02, 2009, 03:52:15 pm »
That is merely it's title... as it is considered better somehow than ordinary Mithril. I'm uncertain as to how the metal is treated to be stronger than Mithril in honesty... I'd suggest speaking to the dwarf Fenrir for such information.

Sall and Tegan

// Simply it's title IG title
Has weight reduction and a "dim light glow"

General Discussion / Re: groups...
« on: January 29, 2009, 02:30:35 am »
Currently your showing as a member of that Discussion.

And only one post currently is showing there.. the "OOC Welcome" as this is a new forum. So that should be all that is viewable at the moment.

Link of this sent to Carillion.

General Discussion / Re: groups...
« on: January 29, 2009, 02:21:59 am »
Which group is it?
Or if prefer... Pm me which group

General Discussion / Re: groups...
« on: January 29, 2009, 02:12:03 am »
Click "My Account" ( Top Left)

Then Click "User Control"
Then right down at the bottom on the left hand side " Group Membership"

Find the Quest Discussion from the List you want to join... tick it... and click "Join Group"

Then wait for the Moderator to accept you.. and you'll have access.

Unless of course its this one:

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: January 26, 2009, 03:27:06 am »
Happy Birthday!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Half a Century to...
« on: January 25, 2009, 11:39:48 am »
Happy Birthday!

Rumour Has It / Re: War Effort Donations
« on: January 24, 2009, 10:35:43 am »
Collected from Angela and Alantha of Hempstead.

Acquired Item: Black Kumade
 Acquired Item: Frindahl's Battle Cleaver
 Acquired Item: Silver Foil
 Acquired Item: Adamantium Mercurial Longsword
 Acquired Item: Silver Foil
 Acquired Item: Silver Foil
 Acquired Item: Assassin's Parasol
 Acquired Item: Dorand's Helper
 Acquired Item: Brawlers Belt
 Acquired Item: Red Dragon Scale
Acquired Item: Archers Belt
Acquired Item: Ancient Dire Bear Leather Armor
Acquired Item: Greater Ladys Gift
Acquired Item: Welteel's Wrap
Acquired Item: Dreamers Mask
Acquired Item: Sash of Shimmering
Acquired Item: Athus Touch
Acquired Item: Tune of the Harper
Acquired Item: Lawgiver
Acquired Item: Greater Gloves of the Minstrel
Acquired Item: Tune of the Harper
Acquired Item: Dreamers Mask
Acquired Item: Darkened Unicorn Cloak
Acquired Item: Belt of Aquisition
Acquired Item: Hammer of Justice
Acquired Item: Leather Armor +3
Acquired Item: Dreamers Mask
Acquired Item: Cloak of Resistance +2
Acquired Item: Asp Flail
Acquired Item: Chainmail +3
Acquired Item: Staff of Curing
Acquired Item: Shield of the Old Guard
Acquired Item: Yew Longbow
Acquired Item: Bolt, Silver Tipped Oak Raven Tail
Acquired Item: Shark Bane
Acquired Item: Bow of the Guardian
Acquired Item: Adamantium Mercurial Longsword
Acquired Item: Silver Foil
[Acquired Item: Adamantium Mercurial Greatsword
Acquired Item: Shark Bane
Acquired Item: Black Rider Quill
Acquired Item: Ring of Foxs Cunning II
Acquired Item: Ring of Owls Wisdom II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Endurance II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Eagles Splendor II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Bulls Strength II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Owls Wisdom II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Cats Grace II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Foxs Cunning II
Acquired Item: Ring of Cats Grace II
Acquired Item: Ring of Protection +3
Acquired Item: Ring of Protection +3
Acquired Item: Talisman of the Defenders
Acquired Item: Dorands Favor
Acquired Item: Amulet of Endurance II
Acquired Item: Ring of Endurance II
Acquired Item: Exceptional Fire Opal set in a Silver Ring
Acquired Item: Diamond set in a Silver Ring
Acquired Item: Crow Feather Necklace
Acquired Item: Emerald set in a Bronze Amulet
Acquired Item: Scarab of Protection +1
Acquired Item: Bronze Adventurine Scarab
Acquired Item: Fire Opal set in a Silver Amulet
Acquired Item: Amulet of Cats Grace II
Acquired Item: Ring of Bulls Strength II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Owls Wisdom II
Acquired Item: Ring of Endurance II
Acquired Item: Ring of Endurance II
Acquired Item: Ring of Cats Grace II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Cats Grace II
Acquired Item: Amulet of Cats Grace II
Acquired Item: Dorands Helper
Acquired Item: Diamond set in a Silver Ring
Acquired Item: Snake Fang
Acquired Item: Bloody Lash
Acquired Item: Bracers of Armor +2
Acquired Item: Gloves of Miniscule Observation
Acquired Item: The Adler
Acquired Item: Boots of Striding +2
Acquired Item: Brawlers Belt
Acquired Item: Cowards Blade
Acquired Item: Greater Gloves of Spellcraft
Acquired Item: Light Yew Crossbow
Acquired Item: Iron Bullets
Acquired Item: Iron Bullets
Acquired Item: Iron Shuriken
Acquired Item: Ice Bullet
Acquired Item: Adamanitum Bullets
Acquired Item: Adamantium Shortsword
Acquired Item: Adamantium Light Pick
Acquired Item: Adamanitum Bullets
Acquired Item: Malar Leather Sling
Acquired Item: Iron Dart
Acquired Item: Iron Bullets
Acquired Item: Bullets of Smiting
Acquired Item: Lightning Bullet
Acquired Item: Iron Bullets
Acquired Item: Iron Bullets
Acquired Item: Bullet of Screaming
Acquired Item: Iron Bullets
Acquired Item: Adamanitum Bullets
 Acquired Item: Giants Bane
 Acquired Item: Giants Bane
Acquired Item: Adamantium Katar
Acquired Item: Adamantium Katar
Acquired Item: Yew Shortbow of the Hunter
Acquired Item: Greater Flight of Fancy
Acquired Item: Adamantium Goad
Acquired Item: Bow of the Guardian
Acquired Item: Bow of the Guardian
Acquired Item: Bolt of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: Bolt of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: Ice Dart
Acquired Item: Bolt of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: Bolt of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: The Destroyers Breath
Acquired Item: Arrow, Platinum Tipped Mahogany Stirge Tail
Acquired Item: Adamantium Dart
Acquired Item: Ice Dart
Acquired Item: Dart of Stunning
Acquired Item: Ice Dart
Acquired Item: Arrow, Iron Tipped Oak Raven Tail
Acquired Item: Tooth of the Viper
Acquired Item: Bolt of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: Shining Light
Acquired Item: Arrow, Silver Tipped Oak Raven Tail
Acquired Item: Arrow of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: Arrow of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: Arrow, Copper Tipped Oak Falcon Tail
Acquired Item: Ice Dart
Acquired Item: Adamantium Shuriken
Acquired Item: Shining Light
Acquired Item: Fire Axe
Acquired Item: Arrow, Silver Tipped Oak Raven Tail
Acquired Item: Bolt of The Destroyer
Acquired Item: Hamajis Fan
Acquired Item: Greater Gloves of Animal Handling
Acquired Item: Archers Belt
Acquired Item: Bracers of the Scouts
Acquired Item: Sash of Shimmering
Acquired Item: Gloves of the Scouts
Acquired Item: Enhanced Archers Edge
Acquired Item: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Acquired Item: Bracers of Armor +3
Acquired Item: Boots of the Militia
Acquired Item: Alaamiathelas Slippers
Acquired Item: Belt of Aquisition
Acquired Item: Gloves of Fury
Acquired Item: Parasol of Shock Redirection
Acquired Item: Greater Gloves of the Minstrel
Acquired Item: Amulet of Eagles Splendor II
Acquired Item: Cloak of Azatta
Acquired Item: Greater Boots of Tumbling
Acquired Item: Fezeeakas Slippers of Alertness
Acquired Item: Greater Gloves of Spellcraft
Acquired Item: Jaldrixs Boots of Vivacity
Acquired Item: Healer's Hug
Acquired Item: Leaves of The Great Oak

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to...
« on: January 17, 2009, 07:39:13 am »
Happy Birthday!

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« on: January 15, 2009, 10:07:50 am »
* Sall fidgets on the bed, journal in his lap, stuffing the cotton wool balls into his ears as he tries to get comfortable. In the background.. a hideous din of out-of synce drumming, out of tune guitar's and a screeching din of violin's can be heard from the front room.
The sound now as muffled and drowned out as he can get it, he picks up the quill and starts scribbling.*

This is reminding me of Trouble and his ohh-to-loud music box.
No wonder Tegan suggested Freldar's for Jurns "band practicing" music night.. she knew she wouldn't be here! Her bloody Temple visit night.
Jurn and Argos got the idea of starting a band... and Tegs being Tegs... oh yeah, we have to be supportive. So the kids got a few hours training from Dredick.. the part-time bard down the road.. and we bought him his first guitar.
Bloody hells... they need some more practice! What a sodding din!

I'd have joined her at the Temple.. if it didnt feel so wrong going there and praying to Folian anymore.
Everything seems to be going backwards. Those I used to trust in things regarding the Cult.. now look at me with mistrust and disdain. Seems some only see what they wanted to see... which hit again when I spoke to Abi.
He had it in his addled mind it was "me" who attacked when we took the tear!
Me?! I had my bloody back turned to everyone... they attacked "me"!
As bizzare as it is... Tegans side comment made the most sense. The most useful person I've come across in all this Cult malarky has been Fisty.

Still.. there's some others.
There's something we could try... but it means a poweful scryer... which means Spellgard... and Storold seems to have fallen from grace there.
Still... worth a try.
Ark's got something up his sleeve too... some Ruby that summoned some dark elven necromancer. Not that he seemed to know thats what it would do... but it did.
All thats lef.....

* his scribbling comes to a stop when he looks to the bedroom door and see's Jurn stood there, looking devastated.... the guitar in his hand with one of the strings snapped and drooping uselessly to the floor.

He sighs softly, smiling, and pats the bed... where Jurn grins and leaps up onto it... bouncing with a happy smile as Sall carefully restrings the broken string to the guitar*

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: January 10, 2009, 10:21:56 am »
Happy Birthday!

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 82
