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Messages - Nyralotep

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Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Zup's private journal
« on: September 09, 2007, 04:43:52 pm »

The other day Lal used the shadows and moved a bunch of us to where she was at.  That's neat!  I want to learn more of that!

She went with us into Thurnder peaks but had to leave before we went to the maze which was fun but long.  nasty things there in the maze but we managed to make it down there and back out with a good amount of stuff for crafting.  Ket, Lillian, Krys, Clarissa and me went into the maze and then back out and not a one fell in there!  Much better than last time!

Fixed Bugs / Re: Transistion Great Forest-Bear Den not working
« on: September 09, 2007, 10:24:16 am »
I know of at least one place that has ancient dire bears.  I know this because I just recently made the armor.  I'll send a PM to L about the location.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Rakshasa's eye
« on: September 09, 2007, 10:21:50 am »
I know where they used to be at.  And to think I used to sell them for 1 gp each.  I could be rich!  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Begging for coin
« on: September 09, 2007, 10:19:43 am »
Even with a cleric the amount of gold dropped is lower than replenishment of healing supplies.  After a 3 - 4 hour trip last night in the Thunder Peaks in a party of 5 I managed to pick up a little over 1600 gold.  Everyone in the party went through more than that just in healing kits to keep everyone alive, which was a cooperative effort.  And that was without having to heal Beasty and his ungodly amount of hit points.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Zup's private journal
« on: September 08, 2007, 11:37:13 pm »
Back to writing more.

Beasty and I have twice defeated some evil dwarven slavers from the underdark.  We barely managed to rescue Peanut this time.  I need to talk to Lal more, she can show me how she uses the shadows to hide.  That way I can help even more against things like them.  Maybe Bee can help as well learning about how to use the shadows.  That's what I need to do!

Just for Fun / Re: Joke
« on: September 06, 2007, 10:51:09 pm »
Heh, funny one!  :)

General Discussion / Re: What custom item based upon a PC you know?
« on: September 05, 2007, 06:49:40 pm »
Heh, For Bjonigar, Armor that, on a hit, Stinking cloud, that is when Bjonigar gets hit.  ;)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings from Polak76
« on: September 04, 2007, 09:39:12 pm »
Cute little kid!

And you're right, time does fly, mine is taller than me and 18 years old now.

General Discussion / Re: A Birthday Taunt
« on: September 03, 2007, 08:04:54 pm »
Happy B-day dude!

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Summons for Grannoch
« on: September 03, 2007, 04:06:25 pm »
Plus the arcane censor wont work for a Cleric will it?  I understood it to be a device for Mages and Sorcs and bards to get the same benefits a cleric does for their summonds and GFX of spells.

General Discussion / Re: Duergar, Drow, And Svirfneblin - What's In A Name
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:01:41 pm »
It's not Forgotten Realms but specific to Layonara.  I think a lot of it is covered in the upcoming handbook.  Plus I think Leanthar is trying to stay away from copyrighted stuff on Layo, but I might be wrong.

Layonara Server / Re: I Think of You Often!
« on: September 02, 2007, 09:37:50 pm »
Always thinking about Daralith, come back soon dude!

Rumour Has It / Re: Beware of Druegar Slavers
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:21:01 am »
*written below in very small letters*

We managed to kill one of these, they are not that tough or smart

Shooter of the Eye


General Discussion / Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« on: August 29, 2007, 10:57:07 pm »
Myself, I'm of two minds on the topic.  

First, I both would like to level faster because the fact of the matter is I really only have one day a week I know I can play all day and that's Saturday.  Even then it's not a full day.  The other days I can play a few hours here and there but nowhere near enough for a quest.  Now I like to level for much the same reason as everyone else, better abilities, better able to survive in difficult areas, the chance to go harder places for good loot.  

But level 20 is hard to get over if you only have a schedule such as mine and some here have even less time.  I mean I have 3 20th level characters but one is permed and one is virtually not played because the mechanics were changed and the character doesn't really fit me personally so I play Zup anymore, trying to get into whatever parties I can to grind past that 3 mil xp barrier.  I just have to make short goals, such as under 2 mil, then next when I hit 7 mil and so on.  And these characters are nowhere new, the permed one was from Beta 4 and the other 2 were made early on in '05, well over 2 years old.  

And on top of this is the knowledge that I will have to move soon, most likely to a new state so I don't know how much time I have left and how much I can play once I get there.

Now my second though is that I understand Leanthar's side too.  He didn't even feel comfortable opening up levels above level 20 for a long time but eventually did do it, for the player.  There was even a time when you couldn't go above level 20 without a ECDQ and even that was changed to where there is a barrier to overcome, but it can be overcome.  So in perspective, things are much more open then they used to be and things have continually gotten better for the player.

And let's face it, some people have more time than others.  Some of the people who had unlimited time before have had a little something called reality finally sneak into their life and they have had to find jobs and are now finding that they too don't have time similar to me.

The upshot is  that those who have the time will use relaxed limits to rocket up in level.  While those that have limited time will see a slightly better time leveling but will still be left in the dust by those that have more time to play.  The post 'For Those Fast Leveling Charcters' was made to address some people that I knew and adventured with from time to time and they did rocket up in level...but again they had the time and rules were different back then.  Leanthar and the team first appealed (as they always do from what I have seen) for the community to not do something just because they can.

And Leanthar doesn't want a whole sever of level 40's, it kind of cheapens the amount of time someone like Ozy has put in to get to where he is now.

Anyway, I'm rambling and need to get to sleep for an early day tomorrow where too much time will be spent on the bus.

General Discussion / Re: Happy birthday...
« on: August 26, 2007, 11:32:08 am »
Happy Bday!

General Discussion / Re: Weird and constructs
« on: August 25, 2007, 06:27:15 pm »
A fourth option is to do what some worlds have done.  Make TS give + to spot and to listen.  Then you truly have to be careful who you cast weird around true but it is another option.

General Discussion / Re: a problem with the new resting...
« on: August 22, 2007, 10:03:13 pm »
Take it all in context.  In Beta 4 resting was *much* different, you could actually rest in full plate back then and I don't think there was a timer either as I remember.  People bristled about those changes too.  We'll adapt and soon enough it'll be normal.

General Discussion / Re: Vacation time
« on: August 22, 2007, 09:59:51 pm »
Wait, people in Hawaii actually get vacations?  ;)

have a fun time!

General Discussion / Re: For all DM's out there
« on: August 22, 2007, 09:57:31 pm »
I've been here for around 4 years and I have never once had a problem from a DM and in fact have always been helped by them when they weren't otherwise engaged in a quest.  I've nothing but high praise for a job that doesn't get enough thanks for those doing it.

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