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Messages - Chuckles_McChuck

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Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: July 10, 2024, 02:13:05 pm »
Lia scans the inventory and upon seeing what she was looking grabs the bag and drops off a large sum of gold

1 x Malar Bag = 22936 gold paid in full
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler

A Dance of Friendship and Aspiration

After a hard day's work at the Saddlebag, Lia sits at her desk, her gaze fixed on a flask containing a peculiar liquid. Snapping out of her trance, she pulls out her bound journal and begins to write.

Ah, how the tides of time ebb and flow, weaving new faces into the intricate tapestry of my life. In these recent moons, I have had the luxury of spending time with three intriguing souls whose company I find surprisingly delightful.

First among these is Charlee, a warrior of remarkable prowess. Despite her self-deprecating remarks about her simplicity, she reveals herself to be clever and capable. Her strength and prowess are matched only by her refreshing candor. In combat, her movements are a dance, each strike a graceful step that I find both mesmerizing and instructive. While I may never match her raw strength, I study her fluidity and rhythm to refine my own skill with the sword. Our partnership has become something I look forward to, not only for her companionship but because, as a duo, she challenges me, pushing me to elevate my abilities and adapt to new strategies.

Then, there is the inseparable duo – Hank and Tipsy Oak. While Hank’s unwavering faith constrains his full potential, it makes him predictable and comforting to be around. True power must stem from oneself, not from an entity that demands unwavering loyalty and often much sacrifice—a lesson I learned long ago. Still, he is very kind and helpful, traits I believe are genuine to the individual and not necessarily because their god demands it. Tipsy Oak seems to be a closed book of sorts, but he has a good sense of humor that keeps me engaged. I once inquired why he chose such a peculiar name, to which he responded with nothing more than a roll of his eyes. One day, I hope to extract that story from him; I deserve as much after being grandiosely dubbed "Ghoul Face" by the pair. Our conversations, often light-hearted and filled with jests, sometimes take a turn towards the bizarre, such as the story that cropped up while hunting for the pirate keys and our speculations that the Captain is a lich and perhaps the lass his—lover? This conversation, of course, is never to be repeated, but we can never seem to help ourselves.

Despite the enjoyment I derive from all their company, I remain wary of forging close bonds. I still bear the scars of past betrayals that serve as a stark reminder of the treachery that often lies beneath a facade of camaraderie. Thus, I tread cautiously, masking my true ambitions and, I admit, arrogance behind a veneer of geniality and charm. My yearning desire for revenge is confined to these pages, for in a world where only the appearance of goodness is rewarded, revealing my darker inclinations could prove fatal. I navigate this treacherous landscape with prudence, allowing only these pages to glimpse the full spectrum of my inner world.

Speaking of ambitions, I recently realized the need to diversify my skills. Returning to my roots as an enchantress, I have been employing spells of manipulation, yet I recognize the necessity of mastering non-magical approaches to influence if I am to secure a noble title. Additionally, my lack of expertise in illusions has become a glaring weakness. This shortcoming must be addressed, for the art of illusion is a potent tool that I can no longer afford to neglect. Circumventing this deficiency will require careful planning and diligent study, but in what, I know not.

In the end, my journey is one of constant evolution and adaptation. With each new encounter and challenge, I refine my abilities and expand my repertoire. The friendships I cultivate, though genuine, are tempered by the lessons of the past. It is my own wits and wisdom that shall guide me to the greatness I am destined to achieve. Time unfurls like an intricate tapestry, inviting me to seize every opportunity and weave my destiny into a glorious tale. The world shall soon bear witness to the magnificent rise of my name.
The following users thanked this post: Riven, willhoff

Trade and Market Hall / Re: SADDLEBAG Merchants chests
« on: July 26, 2023, 08:26:22 am »
Lia is in need of raw sapphire!

For any adventurer willing, Lia will buy raw sapphire from you.  She is paying from her own earnings, not from the Saddlebag coffers, so you will be paid the full price of 250 gold pieces per raw gem.

If you go into the Saddlebag Pawnshop, there is a back room for members only located behind the portal.  Within that room is a chest labeled "Lia's Chest".  I have placed 25000 gold in there.  Everyone has my permission to access that chest and take the appropriate amount in payment after placing raw sapphire gems in that chest.

I only want the gem in its raw form, so please don't leave dust, cut, polished or enchanted versions in the chest for payment.

Thank you
The following users thanked this post: Riven

          Relaxing in her corner of the Saddlebag Pawnshop, Lia opens a familiar bound book and begins to write.

          In this recent entry, I once again delve into the captivating concepts of destiny and ambition but let us not dwell solely on ethereal musings. Instead, let us revel in the tangible achievements that lie ahead. Mere dreams are pleasant companions, but the true measure of my brilliance lies in my ability to craft a formidable plan that transforms fantasies into reality. Within these pages, my grand aspirations shall find form and flourish like the most enchanting spells.

          Foremost among my objectives is the acquisition of a distinguished title within a Kingdom – that of a Lady who commands not just beautiful lands, but also the hearts and minds of its people and military.  Oh, dear reader, you must understand that I am no ordinary soul. With breathtaking beauty, an intellect unmatched as a wizard, and now refining skill with the sword, I have become a wondrous fusion of talents. I once served the merchant marine, and once again I embark upon the thrilling path of an intrepid adventurer, amassing wealth and acquiring combat expertise. Such endeavors shall surely pave the way for me to lead a formidable army or perhaps even a navy.

          Indeed, some may argue that marrying a nobleman could be an expedient means to secure nobility, but I cannot be content with such mediocrity. To bind myself to someone else's rule would be an insipid endeavor, stifling my ambitions and curbing my potential. Alas, it is an option I must consider, but I shall tread with caution.

          To further my goals, whether through matrimony or other means, I have ventured forth and joined the esteemed Saddlebag Pawnshop – a bastion of prosperity, catering to the needs of daring adventurers. This affiliation shall serve as a stepping stone to amass the wealth required for my ambitions. Moreover, I shall utilize the resources at the Saddlebag to hone my alchemical skills.

          Also, a stroke of fortune smiled upon me during a quest, gifting me a flask of raw magic in liquid form. This potent magic, when harnessed correctly, could bestow immense power upon me. The ingenious Tinks created a marvelous device that converted magical energy into liquid, but alas, it is lost forever. Still, this precious sample in my possession beckons me to meticulously research and study it. With time, my prowess in the arcane arts and alchemy shall mature, and I shall transform the remaining contents of the vial into a spell focus of unparalleled potency. A rapier infused with magic, a gem radiating arcane energies, or perhaps a set of intricate runes etched onto my very being – the possibilities are endless. Such an accomplishment could earn me not only the counsel of kingdoms as a magical advisor but even trepidation from the fearsome Black Wizards. However, I must remember that true power knows no shortcuts, and I must be wise and cautious in my every move.

          Another alluring option beckons: the establishment of a formidable navy that would captivate the covetous desires of a kingdom. My gaze rests upon the enchanting island of Vanavar, where Miranda's own endeavors inspire admiration. A plutocracy, I dare say, offers the perfect means to rise from obscurity. The island's desperate need for a navy harmonizes with my expertise in shipmanship. Moreover, the brilliant mind of Tinks could prove invaluable in engineering revolutionary vessels, unrivaled in all of Layonara. To add to my advantage, Angelica owes me a considerable favor for dispatching the nuisance named Corso on her behalf.

          Indeed, this is but the beginning of my extraordinary journey. Time unfurls like an intricate tapestry, inviting me to seize every opportunity and weave my destiny into a glorious tale. I am destined for greatness, and soon, the world shall bear witness to the magnificent rise of my name.
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Thank you for your prompt response Jebediah.

Recently I took a gander within the Angel's Guild Store and discovered that they improved upon their spell stock and through it I ameliorated my own spellbook.

I'm always looking for more spells if you wish to compare and trade or sell more spells.

-   Lia Di’Makiir
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler

((Decided to make a thread that I can update with new requests versus making a new thread every time.))

Lia pins a poster on the board:

Seeking a scroll of See Invisibility.  Please provide your name and where to locate you on this parchment if you have possession of such a scroll or are capable of creating it.

- Lia Di'Makiir

The following users thanked this post: Chazzler

General Discussion / Re: Returning player - locating password
« on: July 07, 2021, 07:50:43 pm »
The following users thanked this post: Zark the confused

Trade and Market Hall / Re: SADDLEBAG Merchants chests
« on: April 14, 2021, 08:57:55 pm »
Lia revises the list in the chest ((and forums))
The following users thanked this post: willhoff

Calendar Events / Re: How about another Low Level Romp & Adventure?
« on: April 14, 2021, 08:54:30 pm »
Now that my computer is running smoothly, my wife and I will be playing together again every Thursday starting from approximately 7:30pm
The following users thanked this post: Riven, davidhoff

Roleplaying / Re: Corso Escapes!
« on: March 29, 2021, 01:33:23 pm »
Once Lia hears news of Angela's further interest, she thinks to herself, 'I wonder how many more favors I can attain from our notable pirate queen.'

She then considers quietly, "Perhaps Eileanora does have reason to fear me.  I will have to start getting cozy with her."
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: SADDLEBAG Merchants chests
« on: March 26, 2021, 11:16:38 pm »
It has been decided that the Saddlebag will now provide:
 - Lia's chest: Normal credit + 50% of credit in True's from the chest if you donate into it.
 - Riven's chest: Normal credit + 25% of credit in True's from the chest if you donate into it.

Lia requests:
Greenstone Dust
Ginger Root
Dust of Aventurine
Purple Mushroom
Dust of Sapphire

The following users thanked this post: Riven

Roleplaying / Re: Rebuilding the village of Vale
« on: March 18, 2021, 02:00:33 pm »
Lia waltzes into Cailomel's shop and drops off 30,000Tr into one of the donation chests

"Well, that should cover what I owe and more.  Thank you Ferrit for agreeing to this.  Oh, I should leave a note."

Courtesy of Lia Di'Makiir.

"Why be subtle after all; though, I admit it's a small amount."
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, Hellblazer

General Discussion / Re: Current state of Layonara?
« on: March 11, 2021, 07:02:36 am »
Welcome back Polak!  I'm sure we met at some point in the early days, I look forward to seeing you in-game sometime soon.

Layonara has been beautifully evolving since switching to NWN: EE thanks to the efforts of our current team and the current community is very friendly and supportive as well.

Milty and Lily are also being active DM's at the time, throwing in unique adventures every once in a while for added excitement.

It's a good time to return  ;D
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Lia Drops off:

19 Glass

100 Gum Arabic

Takes appropriate amount of gold out of chests
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, Hellblazer, davidhoff

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: November 13, 2020, 03:03:54 pm »
Lia Takes:

Adamantium Short Sword

Leaves 5000 in adamantium chest
The following users thanked this post: Serissa

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: November 13, 2020, 03:02:01 pm »
Lia takes:

Cold Enchantment III

Leaves 7960 in payment chest
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer

General Discussion / Re: Stopping by the forums to say howdy.
« on: October 27, 2020, 04:28:12 pm »
You really need to check it out.  They've been updating some of the maps and they are gorgeous.
The following users thanked this post: Guardian 452

Bug Reports / Re: Can't find my character
« on: September 20, 2020, 02:59:00 pm »
Characters are back. Thank you!
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Emeralds for Auction
« on: May 19, 2017, 09:19:04 am »

Notices are posted throughout the taverns and notice boards in both the towns of Center and Port Hempstead, revealing beautiful calligraphy in purple ink.

Emeralds for Auction

            In my possession are two of the rarest and finest of gems in thier purest form.  The auction will start at 20,000 tr for each raw emerald.  Let the bidding war begin, it will only last for a week.


((The final best bid before Friday next week after the RR will have the gems.  I should be able to make that RR, so if the winner happens to be there I will give them the gems when we finish the RR event))

The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle

Forum Discussion / Website not touch screen friendly
« on: April 06, 2017, 09:44:37 am »
Not a huge priority, but I sometimes find myself wanting to examine the lore, forums or any other aspects of Layonara while on breaks at work or maybe on the road (any situation I don’t have a computer with me).  The problem is when I do this, I only have my phone or tablet with me and the top menu's occasionally (more often than not) do not want to cooperate with me, forcing me to select the top option (such as Lore) before being able to select anything in the dropdown, making those menu's completely unavailable to me.I’ve tried working around it, but I can't find any other means to access the other menu's and it’s just overall frustrating when you quickly want to look something up and you know where to look, but the only way you know to get there becomes a game of how fast you can select something after selecting something else (which doesn’t always work even when you think you won).
The following users thanked this post: willhoff

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