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Topics - Laldiien

Pages: [1] 2
Fixed Bugs / Druid Quest Bug
« on: April 17, 2007, 05:50:43 pm »
[SIZE=16]Bug Report[/SIZE]
 Description: Legodia mentions "Sielwood" several times in her speech about the Great Oak.
 Location: Whithorn Forest
 Verified: Yes

 Reproducable: Yes.

Forum Discussion / Banner page
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:29:11 pm »
In an effort to support Layo, would it be possible to create a Banner page that would have this months subscribers in one place?  

Reasoning:  I was to shop @ Wal-Mart or  I know they are there, but I would need to hit refresh several times for it to comes up.  If the banner page was in place, I could go there, click the banner and start shopping.

And another suggestion, but would rather someone PM me if there is interest.

Fixed Bugs / Hurm -> North Point boat travel - TO BE ACTIONED
« on: March 28, 2007, 09:43:38 am »
I just tried to use the boat from Hurm to North Point.  The conversation was on target, but no action after my ticket was taken.

Introduce Yourself / Howdy
« on: March 11, 2007, 02:38:02 pm »
Just wanting to say hello (and twiddle with the interface).
Name is Derek, 34 years old, never had any experience with RP or D&D, short of mocking it. Wife got me involved last year and I rolled a character that I had created in EQ. Turns out, I couldn't RP him and it was just not fun. Add to that a rather unpleasant experience with a GM and I left for other games.
After seeing my wife continue to have fun, I decided to create Galen and he's a much better fit. Much more enjoyable. Enough of me that I can be him, different enough that he's a challenge. Still learning, and stillmaking mistakes. Fortunately, I have met a group of people that I enjoy playing with and that are positive role-play role models.
Looking forward to meeting more people here and hopefully learning enough to be a role model myself.

Trade and Market Hall / Tweed's Trifles
« on: February 24, 2007, 01:54:32 pm »
Up for auction:
  2 1boxes of farm fresh eggs 3 boxes pure honey
  Attach your bid to this notice should you be interested.

General Discussion / My thoughts on PvP
« on: February 24, 2007, 04:30:54 am »
[SIZE=16]Rather than keep the monstrous races thread alive, I want to start a new one for the discussion of PvP. [/SIZE][SIZE=16]For me personally, I have never, not in 20 years of gaming, had a positive experience with PvP. I have seen immature children exercising their might; I have seen grief-gangs running around, torturing lower levels; I have seen players unhappy because they were mocked because they didn't want to engage in personal combat against someone that knew they could never beat. [/SIZE]  [SIZE=16]I don't like PvP in any incarnation; I never have, and I never will. The only possible exception is the Arena, and even then, with a very limited scope. Dorg mentioned opening up PvP in the hopes the community would be mature enough to handle it. In less than a month, the GM's on the boards have chided the community for meta-gaming, keeping it civil on the boards, what have you. The only *possible* way for this to be fair is to remove the challenge rating from a characters description *AND* to allow the possibility of a lost Soul Strand, with no chance of reimbursement. (Using this as as example only for illustration) Jareg decides he wants to run the foul Half-Orc Honora out of town, he should not know her challenge and he should accept that he may have his butt handed to him with a lost soul strand for his efforts.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]My opinion: Opening PvP is a mistake. It will exacerbate the communities existing internal strife and create more. For those saying there is none, Read the "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Why don't druids get any respect[/SIZE][SIZE=16]" and "[/SIZE][url=thread-view.asp?tid=34982&posts=46&start=1][SIZE=16]Monstrous races[/SIZE][/url][SIZE=16]" and "[/SIZE][url=thread-view.asp?tid=34816&posts=3&start=1][SIZE=16]Rumors and Suppositions[/SIZE][/url][SIZE=16]" threads. This community has fractures. They are not large ones, most are just the normal "I'm right, you're not"mentality that comes when you put any group of people together. But make no mistake, it will increase. Ingame and out, this will breed tension.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]All this being said, the Team has said "This is what we are doing". I don't like it, but I will live with it. Thisis the world they created, and I want to stay. But I honestly feel that the decision is ill-considered and will likely be removed due to player complaints within 2 months of deployment. I'd like to be wrong.[/SIZE]

Just for Fun / Pronouncing your name....
« on: February 21, 2007, 07:09:21 am »
[SIZE=16]This has come up from time to time, but say your character has a long elven name with apostrophe's and glottal do you pronounce it? In Honora's WLDQ app, she gives a phonetic pronunciation (Honor-Ah) rather than what we have heard (ah-NOR-ah) Granted some names are simple to guess (Zug) While others can be a bit confusing (Tath Zo'layum - Za'kodum) Nothing wrong, but I would llikely murder it if I tried to pronounce it?[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]So how do you pronounce your characters name? Those odfus that are mundane (Galen Tweed), well, we need some help.[/SIZE]

Forum Discussion / Selective avatar blocking
« on: January 31, 2007, 10:48:32 am »
Is there a way to selectively block an avatar? I found where I can turn them all off, no problem, but I'd like to know if there is a way to just avoid one specifically. If not, no worries. I'll turn them all off.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale...
« on: January 22, 2007, 08:15:47 am »
*Posted on the notices at teh local trade halls & pubs*
  FOR SALE Rings of Sorcery, third circle Rings of Divinity, third circle  Contact Galen Tweed for pricing, usually found around Hlint or Spellgard.

[SIZE=16]I think I have fallen in love. We’ve known each other a while now, and I miss her when she is not near. We’ve spoken of many things, some trivial, some of great importance. We’ve traveled together, we’ve fought side by side, and we’ve sat and talked. I feel she knows me. She has told me a few of her secrets, they worried me, and I love her anyway. I hope to see her again soon. [/SIZE]

General Discussion / bored while driving
« on: January 08, 2007, 10:58:03 am »
Could someone start an interesting, insightful and beneficial thread?  I have a looong drive and need something to read. I've tried license plate bingo, riddlely-ree and making up limericks. (They all start with "There once was a girl from Nantucket..."). I need mental stimulation.*edited for formatting

Just for Fun / Ok...I'm sort of a dork...
« on: December 15, 2006, 08:40:06 am »
...But does anyone else think this would just be darned handy to have?
  Yummy. Makes me all tingly inside.

Trade and Market Hall / Tweed's Trifles
« on: December 05, 2006, 04:42:02 pm »
*Tacked on the walls in craft halls*
  For sale: Free:
  1 box of Ring molds 1 box of Small molds 1 box of Medium molds 1 box of Necklace molds
  No resonable offer refused.
  See Galen Tweed, of the Spellgard Tweeds if interested. I am usually found around Hlint but most messenger falcons can find me.

Fixed Bugs / Unable to send a bird.
« on: November 23, 2006, 05:12:25 pm »
I would like to send a bird, but LORE only hasmy old (deleted) character available for me to choose. That being said, I am now using a different copy of NWN than when I first registered my public key. (Originally, I purchased the CD Gold set, but when I rebuilt my new system, I used a new Diamond install. When I created Galen, it was done on the old PC so I am not sure if it's relevant.

General Discussion / Gathering Gaffes
« on: October 29, 2006, 12:09:43 pm »
Picture this: You are battling large group of enemies. You and your party are getting hammered, but you persevere. One of your Party falls! The cleric was too late! The fighters are getting hammered, you look for someone to support you, you look to the other trusted members to back you up.....and you see them picking over the corpses of what you just killed, looting the shiny stuff.  
What is that all about? In the middle of a battle, looting the gold, items, gems, Sword of Pwnage, has no place whatsoever. It's rude at bestand shockingly bad RP. I am all for looting. I like gold. I like shiny things. The concept of looting *WHILE YOUR PARTY IS STILL FIGHTING* is reprehensible.  
You know who you are, and if you are reading this, shame on you.  
 Edited for spelling.

Bioware Issues / A happy kind of Death
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:26:47 am »
I got myself killed this morning, and when I respawned, I go tthe standard "You are encumbered" message. I rested, and when I stood up, I had no negative stats, and my streanght was right where it always is. While I am not at all displeased, this is different from the norm and should be reported.

Trade and Market Hall / For sale:
« on: April 19, 2006, 10:43:23 am »
** Tacked to the message board in the craft hall**
  I have a box of large molds and a box of greenstone dust available for sale. If interested, please leave me a message here. You may also find me lounging about Hlint.
  Laldiien Ter'Valien

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Clay Pipe
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:08:33 am »
Having an Oak pipe is splendid...BUT! If we look at the assumed time period, a clay pipe makes sense as well. They would not be especially difficult to craft, but they would break fairly quickly. Being an RL pipe smoker, the idea of pulling a draught through an oak bowl and stem makes me queasy.
  Say 2 bags of sand for the casting mold, 2 lumps of clay for the pour, and (God help me, I am shooting my own foot) sandpaper to smooth the finished product. The unfinished pipe would have a chance of breaking during the sanding, of course. If you want to go with realism, after 10 uses, it would need to be placed in the fire for cleaning. (Yes, that's how you clean a clay pipe!) But again, they could break.
  Just a thought.

Wild Surge Inn / Found
« on: April 01, 2006, 04:46:19 pm »
**A note is tacked to the wall**  A bag was left sitting beside an ox in Hlint with several items in it. I noticed one item of notable value. Please identify the item and it will be returned promptly.
  Laldiien Ter'Valien

I am very annoyed.  The journals I have been keeping for so long have become a sodden mess.  Volumes one and two are completely ruined, with the pages that are not stuck together being torn.  To add insult to injury, the merchant that sold me this notebook gouged me on pricing!  BAH!  No point in bemoaning the lost.  I will put down on paper what I can recall from the last few weeks, as they have been a whirlwind of activity.  

I finally tracked down Aubret, only to find that he had passed away.  He was quite old, for a human, and thus I did not get to honor him one last time.  I did, however, learn that he had taken a student!  

I located her, and she turned out to be a half-orc!  Normally, half-orcs are beneath contempt and should be given a mercy killing, but this one seems to have a good heart.  None to bright, but basically decent.

The most recent even would have been my joining the Arcane Alliance in Port Hampshire.  I have been tasked to study gem crafting, so now I have become one of those poor sods squinting over a table I previously mocked.  Fate is not without it little cruelties.

I will write more as it comes.

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