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Topics - Xirion

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General Discussion / hey...
« on: December 22, 2007, 04:44:04 pm »
[SIZE=24]...just popping in to say hi and to wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year![/SIZE]


The Dragon Storm Campaign / rumours spread around hempstead
« on: November 14, 2007, 11:16:47 am »
*with a hand covering his mouth a citizen speaks in a low voices to another. Before he starts he looks around and gets closer to the second man. The words can hardly be heared*
"You know... ....? .. year ago... ...... dragon.....!! ..... .....walls...!"

*The eyes off the second mand widen and he looks at the first one with an open mouth, after a while he comes to words*
"Here? the Dapplegreens?"

*the other man nods once*
"Aye, it's true... and not a little un! Even killed one famous wizzard.... ripped it off!"

"The adventures thought it would be wise to keep it secret... panic... They were afraid of panic..." *the first man ads with another nod*

*the other man shakes his had in disbleief, but the expression on his face obviously shows the fear he feels*
"just.... a stone-throw away from the walls..."

*he wanders of and shakes his head frequntly murmuring to himself*
"A black dragon... adult... just a few feet away from the gate... a dragon..."

*in total confusion he walks in the direction of the mug, probably ordering more than one ale this evening...*

//sorry for the dely could be even more than one year IG ;)

Fixed Bugs / Snake to close to AT (spirit dunes)
« on: October 28, 2007, 08:15:51 am »
Description: After the transition ported me from the Ire mountains in the Spirit Dunes I was attacked by a yellow snake. The snake is that close to the transition that it reacehs you in a few seconds, without any chance to prepare. I dout this is wanted. I think it was even mentioned once before and was handled but somehow it sems as if this happens again

Location: Entrance of the Spirit Dunes (coming from the Ire mountains)


Reproducable: Don't know if it happened only once, by chance, or everytime. My PC nearly got killed and I dont want to risk it again ;)

Trade and Market Hall / More aloe
« on: October 28, 2007, 07:40:47 am »
I am selling again a full box of fresh gathered aloe leafs.

The price is as usual 2000 true, delivery immideately ofcourse.

If you are interested please leave a note below,

~Eander Shalynn~

Trade and Market Hall / Needing glooves of the scout
« on: October 20, 2007, 04:23:15 am »
I am looking for the above named glooves. If you have them for sale please leave me your name and the price below.

I am also willing to trade against resources if I can provide them but will pay ofcourse in true, too if you wish.

~Eander Shalynn~

//l think there is a bracer/gloove wich provides +1dex too, I would buy this aswell

Trade and Market Hall / Fresh aloe!
« on: October 18, 2007, 09:04:13 am »
I am selling a box full of fresh aloe leafs.

Price: 2000true

Delivery immideately.

~Eander Shalynn~

Development Journals and Discussion / Recent Happenings (Eander Shalynn)
« on: September 30, 2007, 03:48:33 pm »
//whereas the other CDT deals with Eander and Saira and the events with a strange darkfigure hunting them this one is about, as the headlind say, recent happenings in Eander's life

*After a few empty pages this one follows with again some text on it. The headline says*

[SIZE=24]Recent happenings[/SIZE]

*At the small pond near Port Hempstead Eander laughs to himself. With a book and a pen in his hand and a grin on his face he starts to write*

Well, today I met an elvish girl called Sugar *he crosses the last word chuckling a bit* Silver. She calls everyone Sugar and so I called her so too but she introduced herself as Silver. Actually it was the second time I met her. last time was when she sat with Sallarin and Tegan in Hempstead but I had not talked to her very long. Somehow she had left a remarkable impression and as I saw her today sitting around in Hempstead again I talked to her again.

She is such a happy nature, I never seen that before. Naerly constantly she is smiling, it is incredible. I really enjoyed talking to her. She is in some way captivating. Cant say why. It is not like the feeling I have when Saira is with me but...
*he looks to the pond for a while thinking of the right words*

Dont know. I just can say that, allthough she has a very different point of view about love and maybe life in general, it was a very exciting talk with her. Cant say if it is her open style or her constant flirting that affected me but it is refreshing to have her around. Well, its not like I am in live with her or that I would be unfaithfull to Saira. She is just someone I would like to be friends with due to her happy and open character, she is able to remind someone off the good things in live.
*he grins to himslef widely as he wants to close the book but goes on to write something more*

Allthough I dont know what I would have said to her offer if I would not be in love with Saira. Sugar is really an atractive and seductive girl, the kind men can hardly resist.
*now he closes the book slowly looking around sheepish*

*As the sun sets eander sits at Stormcrest with a book and a pen in his hand. Several times it seems he wants to write something down but he pulls back his hand everytime before the pen reaches the book. After a while he takes a deep breath and starts to write slowly and a bit unsure*
Maybe I am not the guy to write diary, but thr recent happenings force me to write one. Well, I just dont know what else I could do to hdnle this mixture of good and bad things.
It all started sometime ago, maybe two month, when I sold my old bow to a woman called Saira, I never met before.

*smiles as he thinks of this moment*
Well, I never even met someone like her before. From the beginning on I was captivated by her, allthough I wasnt even ablr to see her embrace. Her hood was pulled very, very deep into her face, but I sensed there was something about her, something I never felt before. However, she told me she is hiding a big scar an so I did not questioned any further.

Next day I ran into her again and I was happy to accompany her, though I hided my feelings, not knowing what she felt and to be true I wasnt entirely sure about my own feeling either. I helped her with some trouble in the crypts of Vehl and we had some fun, really. Deep down in the crypt we found a woman caught in a web.Saira nearly buned her

 *laughs a bit*
Well, we were unable to cut her free and so Saira wanted the fire to burn away the web, what works really good but she forgot that the womans cloth are burnable, too. I poured all my canteens at her and it works, she is alive!
As we escorted her upwards we were ambushed by a horde of Skellettons, which were really tough, not as the one lingering around normally. After a hard fight we were able to defeat them and make our way to the exit, but the door was locked... and in the shadows I saw even more of these creatures.
To cut a long story short, we managed to defeat the horde aswell and made our way back out to the surface. The woman was thankfull and left after a short talk. I really hoped Saira would stay... and she did! After a rather long talk about nearly evrything and everyone she asked me what we would do next!
Because I had heared about some troubles in the gloomwoods we decided to go there and have a look at it. On our way we met Essel who decided to accompany us aswell. The halfling at the camp was indeed looking for someone to find a creature called Zamin and the three of us went out and after some heavy fights with more undead creatures we found the creture fitting to his description of the Zamin. We returned its head as the halfling requested and after another break we  decided to move on but suddenly Saira stopped an gestured me over into a dark corner of the wood, even darker than the rest of the forrest. She said she has something to tell me and that she has not told me the whole truth. Though I didnt know what she wanted to point out I felt... I dont know... paralysed and I knew something big would come. I am not able to explain it but it was somehow a mystic moment. I looked at her anxious to say or do just anything and than she started. It seemed to me as if years have past but it was probably only a break of an eye.
"Eander" she said "I have not been entirely honest"
And I closed my eyes briefly in order to prepare myself for that what would come,or atleast I tried.
As she removed her hood she told me "I am a drak elf" and her obsidan skin became visible. In this break of an eye all of the moments we spended together rushed through my head. It seemed to be as if aeons passed before I was able to catch myself and give an answer to her. I was so unsure what to say. I saw how she helped others, she never harmed anyone innocent or did anything bad, but she still is a dark-elf.
I chose to put her personality above her nature which she hopefully left behind. I have seen how bad humans can be and I had sworn to not harm anyone without a reason and to help others, regardless of their race. After some stuttering from myside I finally found some words and told her that I would keep her secret aslong as she does nothing... Well... dark-elf-like.
Those were not the words I told her. I said nothing bad I think. But at this moment I had so many thoughts in my head, I cant remeber the exact word anymore.
Somehow this moment even increased my feelings for her. Although she is an dark-elf and I know it, I feet somehow warm and safe everytime she is near to me.

*eander looks up to the nightsky and after he looked to the stars absent minded for some time he closes his journal with a single sigh and puts it away deep into his pack*

General Discussion / Best song ever?
« on: September 20, 2007, 12:57:48 pm »
Well the title say it... If you had to name one song, what would it be?!
(allright if it is completely impossible a short list is fine aswell ;) )

I have one song in mind but will have to listen to it and some others first to ensure myself hehe


General Discussion / Highest Level?!
« on: September 15, 2007, 11:19:02 am »
Well... this question is a burning issue to me for quite a long time now and so I thought it can only solved by asking it hehe:

What is the highest lvl a PC ever reached? Is there someone that ever reached lvl 40 maybe?
I think the highest level I ever saw on the ServerStasus was 36.
I would like to know just out of curiosity,

thanks for reading

General Discussion / Advisable Music-CDs
« on: September 11, 2007, 10:33:15 am »
Hey there,
I was inspired by the new (ok it is from 2006 I think but I own it for around a week) Icubus CD Light Grenades and I just wanted to share my thoughts on this. Maybe a nother one knows another one to recommend, maybe we can get a thread were anyone can share his thoughts and let the others out there know what great stuff is a "must have" (or maybe not :p)

So to "Light Grenades" :
Well, at first I liked the single "Love hurts" and only because of that I bought this album, now I have to say the song is good, but nothing compared to the rest.

I really have to say this is probably the best what I have heared for a long time. The music is ambitious with a changing Aragement, far away from the ordinary "stanza-refrain-stanza... sceme" With nice breaks and intresting changes within the songs. Not only that the songs are complex they are very different, no song on the CD is like the other. Some slow and quire songs, some hard ones and something in between a really good mixture of soulfull parts, groovy ones aswell as very "rocky".
Though the music is quite diversified and compex it is not difficult to hear because it is full of nice melodies, a solo or an intresting break or unusual rythm.

From the 13 songs there is only 1 I mislike, the rest is really great, not good, -great-...really have to say that. Surely it is no music for someone who just listens to classic ;) No, it is clear that this is for someone who likes just pop music nothing of intrest, one reason is the complexity. It is more complex than avarage rock music, though everyone who likes that kind of music should listen to that CD and give it a chance.

I have to say its is a really great CD with Extraordinary songs, intresting song structures and extremly talented artist. Some sound like a endless Jam Session and one is really able to fell the crativety and the fun they put in their songs. Great!

My rating would be 9/10
Why 9 after such a review some may want to know? Well... 10 is reserved for DreamTheatre and Death...maybe some very rare others (e.g. Pink Floyd or LedZeppelin) so just 9 ;)

Rumour Has It / A bard is looking for Alantha
« on: September 10, 2007, 02:47:59 pm »
All across Msitone A bard, dressed in red and dark grey can be seen. Talking to commoners, adventurers and authorities, asking if they know where a dark elf called Alantha can be found.
He gives not much information away about why he is searching for her. Some say he mentioned a dark elven woman, others speak of a man being mentioned.
The bard is deribed as young and handsome with drak hair. All say he seems to be in a hurry permanently, looking around anxious as if something follows him...or someonen?

EDIT: Only a few  think to know the name "Eander" they say...

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Sword and Bow
« on: September 04, 2007, 10:02:23 am »
*this not hangs out at Hempstead, Vehl and Hlint*
I am selling my Iron Longsword, which is hardly used aswell as my Longbow made of Oak.
If you are interested in any of this, feel freee to contact me and we can work out a real good deal.
Leave me a note below, at the Crafting Hall(//PM) or send me a bird(//tell)

Eander shalynn

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for lesser gloves of ogre power
« on: August 26, 2007, 05:19:07 pm »
My name is Ian Wrath, Paladin of Toran and I am looking for a pair of gloves.
They are called "lesser gloves of ogre power". If anyone has them avaliable I would like to purchase them as quick as possible.
Please leave me a note below.

~Ian Wrath~

Fixed Bugs / Ox merchant
« on: August 23, 2007, 11:31:43 am »
Description: I bought two oxens since the new updateand in both cases I had to relog before the ox appaered.

Location: Hempstead,Ox Merchant


Reproducable: yes, I think so. At least it worked two times in a row

Fixed Bugs / Gloom Wood sound
« on: August 23, 2007, 11:24:58 am »
Description: The sound issue when entering the Gloomwoods indeed seems to be fixed, but now it appears when entering the Deep Gloom least at my Comp.

Location: Deep Gloom Woods entrance

Verified: no

Reproducable: yes, worked everytime I entered, but I dont think a GM would here that sound :/

General Discussion / For all DM's out there
« on: August 22, 2007, 02:22:23 pm »
...well, a thread was here recently closed before I was able to answer it and it was not my plan start to flame or a discussion.
I just wanted to say:
"Good job!" All GM's I met were kind and creative. Everytime I met one I had fun and a good time!
I normaly send a tell after that like thanks for your time you invest here to make this world for the players even more enjoyable.
Now I wanted to put this in a place where every GM can read it.
Thanks you do  a good job. A good job for free and I wanted to thank you for doing this for the players. Just that you know there are players that appreciate this.

Thanks for reading

Ask A Gamemaster / Talents
« on: August 14, 2007, 07:15:54 am »
Hi there,

I have a question about paladins again, hehe.
When do I get talents? I thought every to levels (1,3,5,7...) but I havent got any at lvl 5

Thanks for reading

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for Iron eqipement
« on: August 14, 2007, 03:30:13 am »

I write this to all crafters and merchants.
My name is Ian Wrath, Paladin of Toran. I have recently arrived the gates of hempstead and need a better armor and a better blade aswell.
I would be glad to recive any offer for:
-A greatsword, made of iron. I would be glad if anyone could offer me quickservice for that
-maybe an ability ring or amulet aswell

May the allwatching guard your path

Ian Wrath

Ask A Gamemaster / Just a question...
« on: August 13, 2007, 01:31:09 pm »

I just wanted to ask it, bit I wont be upset if this is not possible.
As I wanted to buy a cloak I realised there are none for sale (except the cloaks useable at lvl 5 which cost 1750)... But I describeb my PC in the bio with a cloak, so I was just wondering if it would be possible that a GM might add one to my inventory (of course without any features). Sorry that I have to ask it but I really way convinced that these cloaks are for sale... and as I said no problem if thatis not possible at all :)

Thanks for reading,

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