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Messages - Lilswanwillow

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Beilidel Awakenings
« on: July 08, 2007, 06:09:53 pm »
*Beil walks the dark halls,  quiet, her feet heavy.

She is touching her stomach, a slight smile on her lips.

She walks up to the altar and looks up into the darkness*

its two, I am sure.  One will be raised in these halls.  The other.. may he follow his father

I will bring them to you when the time is right, master Corath.  God of all.

*She then disappears into the night, slipping away as quietly as she came*

General Discussion / Re: goodbye-another one, huh?
« on: July 08, 2007, 05:45:07 pm »
pinkpowerbaits also.  
its not JUST this incident.  its many being piled upon one another.

as a repeat
I just made that post stating my feelings, and to say goodbye. not to argue a he said she said thing.

General Discussion / Re: goodbye-another one, huh?
« on: July 08, 2007, 05:39:13 pm »
I'm not here to argue.

as Inertia stated...  I just made that post stating my feelings, and to say goodbye.  not to argue a he said she said thing.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Beilidel Awakenings
« on: July 06, 2007, 11:09:38 pm »
I am strangely.. uncaring.
People can be idiots.  I stand surrounded by them, all the Rofierinites, Toranites, and... they mostly trust me.  Not completely, I am sure some have suspicions. But, they trust.

Betrayal, possible.  But others are unwilling, unwanting to move on this.  I cannot do things alone, that would be foolish.  I would not risk my life for one that does not care, either.

I plop myself down on my couch, listening to Zergon in the other room, shuffling through is immense amount of chests, mumbling to himself.  He seems so self assured, he knows something.

Not that I know what HE knows, but I am sure... it is too bad hes a dark one.  

My god may be pleased, I kill.  I have perfected my killing.  I challenge myself often enough.  Time to get up from the comforts of this couch, mayhaps I'll go talk to Zergon some more...  He does seem lonely.

The blood of my enemies flows weakly.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Meet and greet
« on: July 02, 2007, 03:34:23 pm »
sorry, forgot.. now here

And I can be there anytime, I'll bring some cheap booze, if someone wants to bring a pie, then, well...

//time is adjustable, or I can make multiple times, or heck, start at 8am est and go through the day if people are THAT interested//

General Discussion / Re: Layo clock is wrong??
« on: June 20, 2007, 06:53:57 am »
its correct for me soooo?

Rumour Has It / Re: An opportunity or two
« on: June 10, 2007, 03:35:53 pm »
*word passes that a woman has been sitting on the Haven benches for a full day and night.  Whenever someone comes up to her, she smiles, nods slowly and says "Waiting.  Riddles to be solved"*

on the second day of her fast, she is joined by a man in shining armor, but they sit silently, looking over the water, watching, waiting.

Rumour Has It / Re: An opportunity or two
« on: June 05, 2007, 05:43:27 pm »
//I can be there with Beil.  I just don't know what to do bout that last riddle.

Can those of us as players set up a time like, 2 hours before hand to try and solve it!!  I mean, this is a ton of thought that we need to do, and we really need to figure it out (at least, I want to ;)  )//

General Discussion / Re: Bad news!
« on: June 03, 2007, 07:24:36 am »
suurrreee... just when I found someone to throw other people over cliffs with me ;)

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Beilidel Awakenings
« on: May 29, 2007, 01:00:25 pm »
He stood in town, screaming for death.
I should have brought it to him, but.. hes hurt, broken.  I show weakness.  He showed more.  I walked away, free from him.

I rent a room now, I have many moons of rent paid forward.
Years even...  I have more thins to sell, maybe I can get more rent paid.. or save for a small house.. or something.

Thinking forward again.
Humans.. Dwarves.. I am sick of them.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: First Friday Fair at Stormcrest
« on: May 29, 2007, 08:22:00 am »
you may not want it spread out so much time wise...

Wild Surge Inn / Re: First Friday Fair at Stormcrest
« on: May 29, 2007, 01:21:37 am »
I want an umbrella..

painted.  red and black...

//Beil will be there for a little while to.. add to the excitement?

General Discussion / Re: Spontaneous, impulsive what is this post?
« on: May 28, 2007, 07:25:06 am »
ya'll are insane...

all those big cities.. bah humbug.  Small towns are where its at..

then again, I've never been to NY or CA...  I like my woods in the midwest ;)

Rumour Has It / Re: An opportunity or two
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:24:04 pm »
Beilidel walks out of the mountains, a slight limp in her step.  She is shaking her head, glancing back, murmuring about idiotic riddles.

"first its under Brech.. We went through the cave, under water, went to a coffin, and found.. NOTHING.. stupid stupid riddles...

how am I supposed to beable to figure out a riddle..."

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Beilidel Awakenings
« on: May 25, 2007, 04:44:47 pm »
The dark beast...

It dies from healing, light.. goodness.

I have seen it many more times than once, and there are many more than one.

I must think on this.

General Discussion / Re: Ox pack lying around
« on: May 23, 2007, 11:54:25 pm »
I killed my ox in that area.. it may have lost its pack sometime in the process before then..

if so, hmm, zap it?

oh, the world is less a bit of methane, I killed my poor stinky

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Beilidel Awakenings
« on: May 22, 2007, 06:53:04 pm »
a short story... as told by ozy.
I cannot verify the truth, it IS by ozy, all in all good story though.. and something to learn by.

Veriffay, the Dark Prophet, Greatest of the First, Sire of Nephoverden, Arch-Magi of the First etcetera. Coraths Strongest. Unless you have a penchant for truly ancient knowledge then you probably wouldn't of heard of him. *Smiles* I do however and have on two occasions dealt with him.*Coughs softly into his hand* Around him he saw his town in flames, people being cut down or burned. He flead the town and collapsed outside its gates. When he awoke it was to the smell of smoke.Bandits had invaded and were in the process of killing everyone. *softly laughs* Service to him, not casual time. *hums* The destruction set him on the path of a wanderer and adventurer.

As time passed his visions became more and more clear and accurate, unavoidable. Yet also he was able to take glimpses into the future of events of horror or destruction especially ones concerning himself, To the point where any vision he would receive would always come to pass less it was interfered with. Whilst at the same time no action against him would be undetected.
Necromancy and divination are a deadly combination, to each site of massacre he would travel and gather from the pain, the suffering and the chaos. Not as a monster for power or darkness but to learn from it and to learn more of his strange condition. He learned he could levy horrible curses and prophecies upon people and still his power grew and as did his experimentation. After decades of work and study he had reached the peak of his art he felt and retired to a simpler life.
Marrying and raising a family he was approached by the young church of Corath seeking his wisdom and power and hoping to manipulate him. He joined their ranks interested in what they might teach him and to their horror he used them much as they intended to use him. Soon he was in control of it completely more so then any to date have managed bar one.

 Once again his power flourished as his influence continued to grow, yet boredom was all that he truly found. Power was not his goal only a side effect, knowledge was his desire and the petty mongering of his minions was boring. His wife perished and for a time he despaired and delved completely into his magic and art, completing the greatest of his works. The Harbinger Necrossis; the original and greatest book of Corath. Also his spell book and journal in which all his notes were contained and all his knowledge. Not to mention much of his life force.
 He left the temple one noon many years later and chanced to catch his image in a reflection. Whilst he saw an old man he came to realize he far exceeded the lifespan of any human. He cut his hand then called forth a small amount of positive energy and found he had healed from it and not been harmed by it. Still alive, but ageless and eternal he considered what more he could learn.
 For five long years he remained still in the temple until the Rofirenite, Lucindite, Toranite and Voraxite churches aligned to destroy the budding and growing threat.
The siege was short and bloody the Corathinites were spread into the wind and Viereffay only fought briefly, destroying all that came near him as though snuffing out candles absentmindedly. In truth he simply gathered his belongings and left killing any whom got in his way. From there he disappeared into the realms, to a place of peace where he could spend his remaining time honing his power and studying.

He watched in interest as many beings came to his place of retirement in those most ancient of times and forged their existences.

They would fight, for various reasons they warred and harnessed natural energies of the land to make use of ancient and great portals. One of which he himself had used. He cared little, their corpses and spirits all flowed to him into his growing necropolis. His service to Corath was not truly severed nor was he linked to the church any longer. Instead he had become something more and darker.

However the quarrels of those creatures, fiends or otherwise grew to annoy him and they had learned of his existence no less. They planned to lay siege to him, perhaps not all as one or all at once but still attack him, the ruler of his dominion. He had little interest in that coming to pass for perhaps he was stronger then them even with their portals and powers yet they could prove an interest or a threat still.
 Taking the Harbinger to the highest peak in his dominion, above his great mansion home he enacted a great ritual using much of his stored power and that of the land itself. He drew upon it, and cast one of the greatest spells to be unleashed in the history of all things. Darkness fell across all the lands far deeper then what we face now.
 Eternal, starless, moonless night fell upon that realm. Those within it were quickly consumed, their life forces draining away and their existence in its own way ending.
 They remained trapped in the darkness seeking a way to leave it and consume the light, for off the light they survived. Viereffay returned to his mansion and laughed gazing around him. He noticed some things that the portals had withstood the force of his spell and shone with power and light giving life and order to the darkness.The quarreling races had been separated by the darkness, and thrived in the light even if it was only a tainted mockery of light in some cases. They would push the edges of darkness still anyway.

This created a twilight on the edges of the light and darkness, akin to the necropolis Viereffay had created. They regained contact with each other, but with new masters an uneasy peace existed between them. Viereffay stood within the heart of it all, returning to his studies and his works. In recent times Viereffay was disturbed, he had lost the Harbinger or perhaps it had lost itself to its own journeys, books can be like that. Whilst his one surviving son wandered.

That son learned of the location of the Harbinger, or I should say more importantly how to get it. He devoted decades to recovering it and enslaved a powerful and knowledgeable being attuned to such things. It resulted in a short but bloody war between some adventurers as Nephaoverden, where Viereffay was disturbed from his residence.

Viereffay was, annoyed. His son was seeking something that no one but he or perhaps one like him should possibly meddle with. Furthermore it was not for knowledges sake but for power being sought and power great was contained. He sent away the adventurers with a flick of his wrist, and they searched for Nephaoverden. Yet Nephaoverden had hidden himself well and it was not until he began summoning the Harbinger that his realm was disturbed.

 A dark and ancient crypt to Corath, the ruins of once the origional temple he enacted the ritual to call forth the Harbinger and to unleash its powers as he wished. The adventurers fought but Nephaoverden rose a shield of magical energies and completed his spell. He laughed softly and clutched the Harbinger in his hands. Viereffay appeared with an amused look on his face waved his hand and Nephaoverden disappeared, Viereffay catching the book and tucking it into his robes.

With a sigh of annoyance Viereffay opened a rift and stepped within, the adventurers followed. Their minds tortured by the magics and many forgot the last few weeks of turmoil as to have ever happening. For Viereffay had slain his son, then stepped to a time before all the chaos had begun and then killed his son once more to insure it would never happen. The adventurers went their separate ways, most with a splitting headache, most without any recollection of the events having happened.

 *turns a page* And that is the last we heard of Viereffay, the greatest of the First. No doubt he will be pestered again someday.

 I was one of the adventurers. I was also one of the two able to retain their memory. I'm used to having my time line torn to shreds. It doesn't, effect me.
 His son was foolish enough. Others have been. *shrugs*

 *turns a page humming* Well we met him twice durring that disasterous adventure.
*at this point, others ask questions*

 " we?"

 The adventurers that pestered him in searching for Nephaoverden. *softly laughs then wipes his lips* I was in it for personal reasons, Nephaoverden was under control of Randharavanna. Not to mention the Harbinger is unquestionably the greatest artifact I've ever laid my eyes upon. *softly laughs* Only the Bloodwell surpassed it. Even if the Bloodwell surpassed it many times over.
*coughs* I should say Randharavanna was under control of Nephaoverden, somehow the old vampire had gotten control over my Shadow but considering it was Ranhdaravanna. I'm betting neph wasn't the one in charge.
 To plant the seads to summon the children, to find the components and to guard the entryways.

" seeds of?"

Light and Darkness. *softly laughs* It is a foolish concept of the Corathites to think Darkness holds some great power. I suppose it does but light holds just as much.

"And more"

Only by using both and harnessing the shadows and the twilight can true magic of power be unleashed. Alas Light holds no more power then darkness. Darkness is just more lucrative for the impatient and greedy. Impatience results in mistakes and stupidity, coupled with ignorance and inevitably death. Thus the legends that light is greater then darkness. Only its users unfortunately.

"Darkness always flees from light, just as shadows do."

The greater the light, the greater the shadow. *hums softly leaning over nearly touching the flames with his hands* Light can focus shadow, twilight, and darkness. Something Viereffay learned and I am thankful few have since. I also speak of literal light, try it sometime. *softly laughs* *coughs into his hands*
 Suffice to say Nephaoverden was a beast of darkness and fell victim to light unlike his father. Now he is no more, neither is his consort Serahalla. Whilst my dear counterpart remains. Which worries me greatly, I suppose Viereffay left him for me to deal with. *sighs*

 I suppose though, we can all be thankful that Corathites don't follow Viereffays path and instead stick to stupidity. Or we would all be doomed.

" darkness eventually fails, turns on itself."

 I've seen light fail far to many times to belive that anymore. *stretches* So does light lad.  I've seen light slaughter itself as many times as I've seen darkness.

" So i have been told."

 Rofiren, Toran and Vorax all fighting with each other once they beat Bloodstone into the dirt as the divine layer of things. But smaller scale you see it as well.

MmmMmm which is why. *stretches* Light is not greater then darkness, just darkness has stupider followers in general.

//for those of you wanting the story re-copied from last night, there it is, names left out...  I didn't edit it TOO bad//

General Discussion / Re: Oxen....
« on: May 21, 2007, 07:41:33 pm »
thats why I asked!!! being moved ;)

General Discussion / Re: Oxen....
« on: May 20, 2007, 09:16:05 pm »
mines in the little pasture, is that okay?

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Beilidel Awakenings
« on: May 16, 2007, 08:52:53 pm »
I am almost happy here. It has been a few months.
I am alone here, noone to depend on me for my fists, my support. It must be better that way, and noone dies because of something I did.

This is wrong.

I am happy here: its been a few years.
I am with friends here, people depend on me for my fists, my support. People die because of my actions, or lack of.

Njord.  He follows Mist.  That may or may not matter in the future.  I can close my eyes, and just see his face.  He keeps it covered, I hate that. He must he says.  He hides, like me.  I just hide.. openly, he hides, by keeping himself covered.
I guess I just hide with the enemy.
We have.. gotten romantic.  We are renting a room together, from the angels.  What a name, two hellions living in the angels house.
Ironic, it is, yes.

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