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Messages - Dezza

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The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: May 24, 2012, 06:33:53 am »
The next morning after his arrival several horses thunder out of the Fort through the Eastern gate leading to the Orsgaunt Mountains. A gate that rarely opens anymore.

In the lead is Jaedon Siphe, to his back a small unit of Third Rank Siphe Garra, hand picked men and women, sworn to secrecy on pain of death.

As the gates close the dust settles from the passing of their horses hooves on the dry eastern passage ground.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: May 24, 2012, 01:55:37 am »
As the column re-enters the Forts grounds and the soldiers are dismissed they take with them the rumours of the shadows and the warning to those who didnt go on the journey.

Within hours heralds throughout the fledgling city announce curfews and only those with special passes can go outdoors at night anywhere in the Principality.

Additional patrols are ordered to the borders and warnings sent to Castle Hilm to the North, to Briardusk in the west and Sundance in the south to be wary of shadow attacks.

Meanwhile in Fiorez City, Sovereign Lord Jaedon Siphe has announced that within days his people will know everything that is going on.

*Several pages of scribbled notes and comments in regards to numerous experiments and observations continue until.*

Test after test completed with near on negative results. However this does communicate a lot. I think I can now confirm several key aspects of my studies.

Firstly, that insects are not affected by the damaged crops.
Secondly, when healthy plants are brought into contact with unhealthy plants they also become unhealthy.
Thirdly, there is no apparent affect on omnivores.

This leads me to suspect it is some sort of wasting disease of poison causing the problems. this is in itself also problematic due to the apparent limited field of affect.

However, I have been able to ascertain a few other key points of information from discussion with several individuals.

Firstly, that it has been reported that chickens have laid unfertilised eggs and secondly that some births have resulted in sick infants. When I put these pieces of information together with the notes I have made regarding the status and apparent malformed dormancy in the seeds of the unhealthy plants I can only reach one conclusion at this point in time.

Whatever the disease of poison is and however it is passed on, it affects the fertility centres of the plants or creature it is absorped by.

One issue I have at this time is that humans are also omnivores and yet it seems they, or their offspring are potentially affected which is not supported by my findings so far which says that omnivore creatures are not affected. It is possible that due to diet the affects in humans and potentially chickens or other creatures we are not yet aware of may be lessened.

I shall conduct an experiment to test this theory by mixing traces of meat into the meal of an affected creature and observe the results.

The symptons align somewhat with a form of wasting disease, so to test that theory at the same time I will culture three plantings and use cure disease, lesser restores on two of them and fresh soil and cure disease as liquid growth on a third. If these fail then I shall add blood and bone to a forth to assess any changes.

While these are growing it will give me time to study a collection of insects and rodents taken from a site of famine.

Rumour Has It / Re: Castle Mask
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:52:00 am »
Word has filtered back to Castle Mask that several of the Hunters have found and stormed one the hiding place of a bandit group operating in the forest to the north east of Castle Mask. The rumours are unconfirmed at this time.

Meanwhile the Baroness has called up additional levies to the local militia to help keep order as food stocks in the city and market places start to get low. Prices in the market place by some unscrupulous merchants have already started to climb.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Letters from Taur'en
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:46:08 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
c/o Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Dear Samantha,
I must admit this letter is being written somewhat hastily. Some recent events here have drawn me into the midst of them and I am not yet sure what they will lead to. In a very short time I must leave my room here and journey into the city to the Mayor's office at his request. You are no doubt wondering what is happening and I can only say its been quite unexpected.

You might remember that my father asked me to deliver a letter to a friend of his working in the mayors office here. Upon my visit I discovered that this friend of my fathers was one of the Mayor's chief staffers in charge of amongst other things security for the Mayor and his family.

We chatted for a while after I had given him the letter. As it was late in the day many of the staff had gone home by the time the Mayor realised he was going to be caught up with business late into the evening.

My fathers friend was caught short at this time requiring guards to escort the Mayors wife and daughter back home and asked me to join with the two other guards to see that they got home safely. Of course I said yes knowing also that Westerngate has a low crime record.

The mayors wife however proved to be a bit difficult upon leaving the offices demanding that we walk home instead of taking the carriage. By this stage darkness had fallen but once again I was not particularly concerned, nor were the guards that worked for the Mayors office and often did this.

Alas, on the way home there was an incident where a random and rare attack came from a small group of brazen bandits. One of the guards suffered several broken ribs and the other a serious blow to the head before we mananged to run them off. The mayor's wife and her daughter were shaken but unhurt by the attack. Local militia arrived within minutes of the attack and were well organised in setting up procedures to catch the bandits that escaped. I heard earlier that they had already caught two of the three that got away, the remaining three having been subdued by myself and another of the guards at the time.

After the attack I saw the Mayors wife and daughter home without further incident but was asked to remain at the house while word was sent to the mayors offices of the attack. Fortunately the efficient militia had already sent word and it was only an hour or so before the Mayor arrived with the head of the Militia and several more guards.

I must admit the mayors wife was overly descriptive of the event and my part in it, somewhat embarrasingly so to be truthful. The Mayor thanked me personally and has asked me to attend his office this morning for a more public thank you for looking after his family. I tried to tell him I had no need for such and it was reward enough to know that everyone was safe and no lasting effects and that the bandits had been caught but he would not have it.

So now I have to attend the Mayor's office once again. I will write again this evening to let you know what happened.

However, I suspect my so called adventures here pale somewhat in comparison to the important work you are undertaking over there in Taur'en. Know that as always I remain immensly proud of your efforts and sacrifices for the people of that nation.

May the Dragons wisdom flow through you and grant you clear sight and vision in your duty.

*several pages contain sketches of crop plants, seeds and parts of the plants in detail complete with descriptions.

Dozens of samples have now been collected and I am ready to begin my study of them to ascertain whether some form of posion has been used to damage the crops. This is as per Nastor's request since he will soon be returning to his homeland for a time. My initial phase of supposition will revolve around the assumption that poison has been used. Making ascertions that the means of dispersment of the poison would have to be based on several different forms;

airborne agent - designed to spead by air to poison the next plant, specifically designed to target edible species of plant, this would mean specifically cultured with in depth knowledge of plant genus and acute knowledge of poisons as well to create a substance able to fulfill this prospect.

ground water poison - Given the locales where the contagion is affecting this seems unlikely but if we are supposing it could be this then the poison substance would need to be delivered in vast quantities into the natural water basin beneath each continent. The problem with this scenario is that such widespread delivery would surely mean all plant life would be affected but to date the problem seems to be limited to edible food crops leading once again to the assertion that an agent of force is behind the situation.

War based event - Given the nature of the war against the Cult in Kuhl and the widespread usage of poison by the Green Dragon Cult it is not impossible that soldiers in Hilm were affected by fall out from the dragon poison and have inimically taken elements of the poisons unknowingly back with them to their countries of origin. Upon return the remains of the poison has entered the enviromnent causing the current crisis. Given that the main affects seem to be human crops it seems logical based on this scenario given that most soldiers would return to civilised lands and enter such regions where crops are raised and other areas would seem to remain unaffected where few people travel.

Natural event - It could just be a natural cycle of events, a slight lessening of rainfall, a change in weather patterns, there are any number of randomly occuring features that may or may not trigger a weakening of food stocks.

Alnoth - Given research at Spellguard it seems possible in my mind that an agent of one of this worlds dieties or possibly a singularly powerful individual or group might be capable of creating such an event as is occuring. Should this be the case there must be some motive for this to occur or there will be signs somewhere in the world to indicate such is the case. This is no small feat for such not to be so. Determining this aspect will require careful observation and investigation.

Further speculation is probable however before doing so a thorough inspection and analysis of the samples must be undertaken to detemine if residual foreign elements exist within them. Results of such will follow.

*Several pages are left blank to record findings of the samples*

*Several sketches appear of a gem*
The emerald supplied by Nastor has many unique qualities. That is has been enchanted is unmistakeable, that it is also hollow is indeniable. It does not fit the natural convention of the growth of crystals that a gem of this nature can be hollow, thus Al'noth has caused it to be so for the soul purpose of it being the repository of the liquid contained within.

The liquid within, dark, murky in appearance, clouds of black, dark grey and near black appear when the liquid settles or is moved. It appears also to give the impression of having a vapourous state, or at least some element of it is.

Use of such a poison seems problematic without an effective method of delivery that contains all elements together within it. I would suggest that extracting the poison without drawing the mixed elements in the right quantities will render the poison ineffective or reduce its capacity.

For now I will place the gem in a secure location and focus on Nastors immediate request which is to determine if a poison is being used to create the famines and if so who may be orchestrating such an elaborate scheme. No small task assuredly but he knows the value I have placed on the gem and its contents he has given me.

Rumour Has It / Re: Hlint crops wilting
« on: May 17, 2012, 07:05:47 am »
At some point a farmer, lamenting his failing crop is walking his fields and sees someone crouched amidst the dead wheat. Outraged at the intrusion on his land he rushes over demanding the trespasser leaves.

Leisa uncoils herself from the ground, already several jars sit around her on the ground, each one carefully labelled. A few contain soil, some have seeds collected from the dead wheat and another with samples of the wheat stalks themselves.

The farmer stops dead in his tracks glimpsing the brief flash of steel within her cloak.

"This is my land and yer trespassin'." Shouts the farmer, not quite as loud as before. The woman in front of him may not look like much but she carries herself with an air that tells the farmer to be tread carefully. As if oblivious to the farmers demands Leisa regards him with emotionless eyes.

"I am collecting samples of your dead crops, then I will leave. Do not get in my way."  The words are said matter of factly yet the farmer feels unsure and a bit nervous. He decides confrontation, alone out here in his field isnt good for his health.

"I'm not going to leave until your gone!" He says bravely.

Leisa gives a brief shrug and goes back to collecting the last few samples she needs. When she is done she puts each jar into its place in her bags then turns to the farmer and flicks him a small pouch of coins.

"Thank you for the samples."

The farmer catches the pouch and glances inside. Gold glints in the sunlight from the coins within and a smile touches his face. He looks up again and the woman is nowhere to be seen. Frowning at her sudden disappearance the farmer quickly clutched the pouch of coins to his chest as if they might also disappear and hurries back to the farmhouse to show his wife and tell her of the odd encounter, the only proof he has that it happened the pouch of gold in his hands.

Thanks RollinsCat, discussion has begun on your application. We'll get back to you as soon as its done.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: My Diary - Sasha Tomyris
« on: May 09, 2012, 09:55:37 am »
*Many years later the old and tattered diary is found amongst some old papers and dragged out once more*

So much has happened over the last ten years I really dont know where to start. It's all Razeriems fault really. Had I not recelved that letter from him the other day I would never have gone through my old stuff. I was content being Marshal in Lor and now this, after several years he sends me a letter asking for help.

I thought I was over this adventuring business, goodness knows there are enough issues to keep me in Lor for a hundred lifetimes. But he has appealed to my honour and....our friendship. I cannot say no to the latter. Before I knew it I had penned a letter to the mayors asking for a leave of absence for an extended leave of absence. Ten years in Lor and barely a day off and now I ask for a full year. I was suprised they granted it, and granted it so quickly. I will leave the place in good hands for a time, and I shall go and help my friend.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Letters from Taur'en
« on: May 09, 2012, 09:48:37 am »
Protector Samantha Merritt
c/o Bydell Castle
Taur'en Kingdom, Alindor

Protector Samantha,

It is comforting to hear from you and know that your wisdom and reflection of Rofireins divine will is being recognised by those around you. I never had any doubt that this would be the case. You ceaseless dedication does you proud.

I met with your mother the other day and she promised to write to you the moment I left the house so I imagine by now you already know what we discussed and what her response was. I must admit I was more nervous than when I went into my first duty as a raw army recruit in Try Song. You mother wasnt too hard on me I dont think in hindsight. Its good to know its finally out in the open. I look forward to seeing you again in person, I know both I amd Josephine miss you although I suspect the latter has become fairly content with the distractions around the Cathedral.

Written a week later on the same letter:
I am sorry I didnt get to send the letter sooner. I was granted some leave and went to visit my parents so I finished the letter there.

I have finally travelled to see my parents. They were both very excited to see me again, mother even invited half the neighbourhood to dinner to meet her son. It was a bit overwhelming I must say but on the other hand I am fortunate to have such loving parents. I told them of your mothers response to my request and mother cried. She wanted to go straight to Westerngate and speak with your mother, it was very embarrasing. Father wants to meet you as soon as possible too. He wanted to know all about your family, your father, your brothers, everything. No doubt he will want to ask you these things directly, he is very understanding usually about these things and I have no doubt he will care for you as I do once he meets you.

No doubt within a few days of my return to Westerngate half of Try Song will be waiting on your arrival if my mother has anything to do with it.

Be safe in the Dragons gaze,

May the Dragons wisdom flow through you and grant you clear sight and vision in your duty.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: May 09, 2012, 09:34:47 am »
Within days of the attack word filters to Hilm castle of a similar attack on a Siphe Garra outpost at the southern edge of the Siphe Principality.

Rumour Has It / Re: Castle Mask
« on: May 04, 2012, 03:25:09 am »
The group camps outside the cave in the foothills several days north east of Castle Mask.

In the meantime the Mayors in Lor have assembled almost two score ex soldiers from the Hilm-Kuhl conflict to form additional militia for Castle Mask. It's been announced that their training will be undertaken under the watchful gaze of Lors Marshall before being disatched to the Castle.

Thanks for your patience Aerimor,

You have been approved to make a WLQD attempt. Please contact a GM to arrange for this to occur.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: April 30, 2012, 08:24:56 am »
As the tired but steadfast cavalry remounted to begin their travel north to Castle Hilm one Toranite cavalryman leaned towards his colleague riding alongside him and spoke softly.

"Did those shadow things look vagualy dragonlike to you?"

The seasoned veteran, also a member of the Order of the Shining Hand glanced back.

"Far too much so for my liking, there was an ill wind today my brother, something terrible happened this day and I am not entirely sure we understand fully what it was."

They rode along in silence after that, each lost in their own thoughts.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: April 26, 2012, 07:09:04 am »
Several hours into the roughlands on their journey north again Lances column had made good time but as dusk was but an hour or so away Lance was keen to put as much ground beneath his peoples hooves as he could.

Suddenly his senses reeled with the feeling of impending evil, his horse felt him stiffen and whinnied in response slowing its forward pace. Lance turned in time to see shadows arising from the clefts and gullies of the rugged terrain around him. They closed on the column and chaos erupted.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:27:19 am »
Within an hour of the confrontation Jaedon Siphe, followed more slowly by Sir Lance emerged from the pavilion where their discussions had taken place. Both bore serious expressions.

Jaedon Siphe drew on his gloves and took his swords back from his Third Rank Bodyguard who had stood at attention outside the pavilion the entire afternoon.

"Order the groups to form up I want to be inside our lands within the hour."

The Third rank nodded to a sixth rank nearby carrying a silver horn. The man raised it to his lips and blew three short bursts, the sound carrying across the clearnings where both groups were encamped. A flurry of organised activity ensued as the Siphe Garra assembled to leave.

Jaedon Siphe saw Daniella striding towards him purposefully and before she could speak he frowned. "I'm leaving in the next half hour, I'll give you that long to speak to him." He indicates lance who was talking to some of his own men outside the pavilion. "You make your decision who you are leaving with after you speak to him." With that he moved towards where his own men were breaking down their temporary camp.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:17:28 am »
The Ninth he addresses looks back at him with a grimace. "You're green, you'll learn. We fight for our land, our families and our Lord." He looks over your shoulder. "Heads up, a Fourth approaches."

Moments later the Fourth Rank that had fetched Daniella originally  called out orders for them to move on.

Rumour Has It / Re: Castle Mask
« on: April 24, 2012, 06:56:17 pm »
An elderly farmer leans against the wall outside the main gates of Castle Mask watching a mixed but powerful group of gathered adventurers and bounty hunters move onto the road towards Golden.

"You reckon they gunna do any good Elroy?"

Another skinny and bent elderly man spits onto the ground.

"You mean like them that stirred up a hornets nest with Rael all them years ago?"

The first speaked glanced at the bent and hunched older man Elroy.

"You always got to go and bring that up don't you Elroy, you gotta let it go."

"Why, those stupid venturers made me loose everything, they think they are sooo high and mighty and all they do is interfere and make life harder for us little folk. Look at all them famines, I reckon they did it with their meddlin' in world 'fairs."

The first man snorted a laugh. "You're a doomsayer Elroy."

Elroy grunted and spat again. "You mark my words, Drew. That boy Saric, he's got black murder set in his heart, he's a smart one that one. All these venturers going out, some of em are gunna meet the Mother and we're gunna pay too."

Together they watched as the last of the adventurers disappeared out of sight.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:58:36 pm »
Within seconds of Daniella's sharp voice cutting across the commotion both sides fall back. Many red faces are apparent on both sides, some from anger and others from embarrassment at the lapse in discipline.

Officers from both sides salute Daniella as she moves between them.

Lieutenant 2nd Toranite Cavalry Bain Alrid spoke first, "Commander, it was a minor incident that was taken out of context by the Siphe Garra and things degenerated from there. One of my men, Cavalryman Odgen knows Toranite Marion MacMurray, now of the Ninth Rank. He went over to talk to her and she told him to return to his own camp. Some of the Ninth rank Siphe Garra assumed he was hastling her and confronted him. A scuffle ensued Commander as his friends came to extract him from the Ninth."

Fourth Rank, Kreager, who had stood at attention the entire time the lieutenant had spoken added. "Lady Commander, I concur with the Lieutenant but wish to add that the Toranite in question became hostile when asked to leave and some of the Ninth were offering to escort him back to his own camp so he would reach there unharmed. As they attempted to do so his comrades came racing up bearing arms."

The entire camp had come to a standstill it seemed, soldiers and servants on both sides had come to a halt watching the confrontation where Daniella was right in the middle.

Peace may have come to Hilm for now but memories of the past had a way of clouding issues.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: A situation arises...
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:32:16 pm »
Several hours pass with no one entering or leaving the tent until finally Sir Lance appears briefly to call for some refreshments to be brought.
Lady Daniella, having spent much of the time pacing outside, frustrated at being barred from what was transpiring within quickly hastened over to be turned away yet again by Sir Lance who returned inside once more.

obviously agitated by the events occuring without her Lady Daniella walked away again her back stiff with growing frustration.

As she does so a Fifth rank Siphe Garra approached her saluting her in their fashion and addressing her directly.

"Lady Commander, there is a situation in the camp. One of the Toranite officers has struck a Ninth."

Sure enough as Daniella entered the camp a loud commotion and gathering of soldiers from both sides was occuring near the Toranite horse lines. Officers from both sides could be seen trying to restore order.

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