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Topics - Filatus

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NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / v3 Spell Suggestion - Abjuration
« on: November 30, 2006, 04:47:56 pm »
Here are my gems again, for better viewing. Don't take the Antimagic Field too serious, it's more there for my own amusement. :)

Antimagic Field (6th): Negates magic within 10 ft. (every scripter's nightmare I'm sure)

Repulsion (6th): Creatures can’t approach you. (scriptable perhaps in some manner akin to sanctuary?)

Imprisonmen (9th): Entombs subject beneath the earth. (great spell, should be doable if you leave out the possibility for a Freedom spell. And I do not think it's unbalancing considering it would end up like a ninth level finger of death with a will save instead of the fort and no damage on a succesful save)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Modifying Great Thunderclap
« on: September 29, 2006, 12:12:46 pm »
I always kind of liked this spell, despite the fact that is relatively useless compared to others. Can't have a wizard with a last name like Stormcloud without casting this of course. :)  And the following  OotS strip gave me an idea that might be interesting.  Why don't we add some sonic damage to the spell. It affects partymembers so it shouldn't be too unbalancing. And it is a type of damage wizards are currently lacking, especially if they don't want to cast Wail.  Perhaps combine it to the deafness effect of the fort save that it has.  I don't think 10d6 sonic damage, half on a succeful save, would unbalance things.

General Discussion / To those on Varka's WLCDQ
« on: September 24, 2006, 12:03:49 pm »
Sorry that I all of a sudden dissapeared. Apparently there was a power outage somewhere in the city and I lost both internet and television for four 'very' long hours.

I'll try to get updated about what I missed.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale - Great Thunderclap
« on: September 16, 2006, 02:39:43 pm »
  [SIZE=13]For all those aspiring mages out there, I have a scroll of the 7th circle for sale. The spell is called [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Great Thunderclap[/SIZE][/url][SIZE=13] from the school of Evocation. A great all round spell, which happens to bypass any spellmantles a rival mage may be warded with, be it lesser or greater.  The minimum price for this scroll is 36,000 coins, preferably Queen's Gold. You may leave an offer here, but anonimous bids are also allowed. Just send it by mail if you wish to remain anonimous.    Daeron Stormcloud 104 Hlint Mistone  [/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale - BOOTS OF HARDINESS +1
« on: September 16, 2006, 02:32:45 pm »
[SIZE=13]On a recent venture into the underdark, the group I was involved with came across a most excellent set of boots. Quite rare in their own right. The boots are generally referred to as "Boots of Hardiness".  They are a great addition to any adventurer's gear and will allow the wearer to move better and will increase his or her"hardiness".  You may leave an offer here, but anonimous bids are also allowed. Just send it by mail if you wish to remain anonimous. Offers lower than 50,000 coins, preferably in Queen's Gold, will be ignored. If one wants to raise the bid, the minimum allowed raise will be 5,000 coins.   Daeron Stormcloud 104 Hlint Mistone  /// Boots of Hardiness +1 Constitution +1 Dodge (AC) +1[/SIZE]

Fixed Bugs / Software Error when trying to access Parchment Folders
« on: September 04, 2006, 04:56:27 pm »
I can't access Daeron's Parchment Folders for some reason. Might it have to do with me using Internet Explorer 6?

Software error:
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' at /home/danscott/domains/ line 52.

General Discussion / Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« on: August 14, 2006, 05:44:32 pm »
Some of you might wonder what I'm meaning with the title of this post. It is something that has come up before, but lately it seems to have been forgotten by most players. There are always complaints about lag, particulary on West server. After having spend quite some time there lately, I've found out that a lot of the big lag peaks coincide with players logging in and off. These same players generate the same amount of lag on Central, so it has nothing to do with West.

Bad inventory management is probably the reason behind this. If a character is carrying lots of gemdusts, the server will lag when they log on and off. I've seen players cause 12 seconds of lag logging on and off. Playing on West, where this happens the most, would be greatly improved if people would take greater care in making sure they don't have several boxes filled with dust.

I've had several moments in the past two weeks that I was in the middle of a fight and a player probably loaded with lots of gemdust, logged on and caused a 10 second lag peak. Everyone knows what such lag can lead to in tough fights. And the fact is it is so easy to avoid. All it takes is storing excess dusts in crates or selling it off.

I've often wondered before whether I should let players know whether they are lagging the server when logging. Until now I've never done this, since I didn't think it would be proper to start sending tells to people, because reall I'm just another player here.

So as you might have noticed by now, this post has two points. The first being a reminder to the players to refrain from carrying too many dusts around. Please keep a clean and tidy inventory, it really helps making the servers more fun.

The second being a question to the Team about whether it would be a good idea to let people know in-game they lag the server when logging in and off. I ask this question, because the player in question would probably not notice he's lagging the server. Thus the only way he could find out about is by letting him know. On the other hand, perhaps there are multiple reasons that can cause this lag apart from the gemdusts, causes that might be out of a player's hands. The funny thing is, for all I know I might even be lagging the server. If I am and removing some dusts would cure this, I would like to know it.

Fixed Bugs / Summoned creatures not giving xp
« on: June 28, 2006, 07:13:15 am »
In one of the older Bioware updats, not sure which one, they changed things so that also summoned enenmy creatures provide xp.

Not sure since when, perhaps the last update, but they don't give any xp anymore.

Is this something Layo has changed or is it a result of the latest Bioware update?

Fixed Bugs / Bad trolloc spawn on East
« on: June 14, 2006, 03:14:04 pm »
There might be one spawn for those critters on east that is on a transitionpoint, or someone has lured them there.

It is one area away in the Great Forest from the one where you can find skullcap leaves.

Trade and Market Hall / Armour of the Old Guard for sale.
« on: May 05, 2006, 05:52:46 am »
Recently I have acquired a set of dwarvish half plate armour during an expedition in giant territory. Its protection is comparable to a platinum half plate, but the quality far surpasses an ordinary suit of platinum.

It is my intention to allow open bids for this sale. I will ask a minimum price of 25,000 gold pieces. The bidding closes next Wedlar at the setting of the sun. (10th of May at 22.00 GMT as on the website clock)

Daeron Stormcloud

EDIT: In light of item recall this auction is closed.

General Discussion / NWN and NWN 2 server transition
« on: April 27, 2006, 10:14:40 am »
I think there was said that for a while the old server will probably be hosted alongside the new layonara in NWN 2.

My question is whether during that period events that take place in the old version, could still have an impact on the NWN 2 server with the future Layonara.

General Discussion / finally online
« on: March 28, 2006, 02:47:17 pm »
Took long enough. *sighs*


Check this out

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / Week's Notice
« on: March 28, 2006, 05:37:16 am »
To the highly regarded management of the Leilon Arms Inn,

It is with deep, sincere regret that it is time to inform you that I will be leaving the Arms. Of late I found myself hardly ever making use anymore of my room, so I decided that the money can be better spent.

This by no means that I did not enjoy my time here at the Arms. Except for the occasional burning kitchen and drunk guests scattered over the floor in the morning, the service and hospitality of all personel has been warming.

I do wish you luck with your future endeavors and I will in the future certainly be present again at the open nights on Freas.

I cleared my chests already, so if you'd be so kind to inform me of the rent that is due, I will leave that with the key in the smaller chest.

Best Regards,

Daeron Mendt

This spell, which is seventh circle, needs a cut diamond to be cast if the caster didn't eschew.

Mineral diamond can go for about 10,000, so that makes this component ridiculously expensive compared to others.

In Lore it says that the handbook price is 500 gp, could it be that the original intention was to use diamond dust?

Cut diamond
Vendor Price: NOT FOR SALE
Handbook Price: 500gp
Stackable: Yes
Spell: Protection from Spells

My suggestion is to change the component to diamond dust.

Just for Fun / Teaser
« on: March 01, 2006, 01:33:05 pm »
I'm packing my bag for a trip to Dublin, but before I leave I'd like to put this little teaser here.

The official NWN 2 website will be opened this week... hopefully. It was already opened on friday, but they closed it again to remove wrong information etc.

From what I read in posts from people who checked the website last friday, there will be a lot of images from creatures on the website and other screenies.

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / *note pinned to his door*
« on: March 01, 2006, 11:46:34 am »
I'm away for a while, but I have left something in my chest for Kobal Bluntaxe to pick up. Please allow him acces to my room if he asks for it.

-Daeron Stormcloud-

Fixed Bugs / Wrong picture... I hope
« on: December 05, 2005, 06:13:00 pm »
I don't think Buttercup's picture does her justice. She can be found in a house in Lar.

Trade and Market Hall / Oak shafts wanted
« on: December 05, 2005, 05:29:00 pm »
I am in need of oak shafts. I will pay 50 gold per shaft to any willing to craft them for me.

-Daeron Stormcloud-

Trade and Market Hall / Mineral emerald
« on: November 17, 2005, 02:48:00 am »
*written on a parchment hanged at guildhall doors and various crafthalls across Mistone and Dregar*   Emerald For Sale

  I'm desiring to part with a dear friend of mine, a mineral emerald. Therefore I will hold an auction to determine my mineral's next owner. Highest bid is highest bid, no favouritism. I don't care who you are. I don't care what you are. If you bid, you're in. If you're bid is the highest, you've got it. Except for Blood of course.. so Blood, if you're reading this... Pike off!  If the amount proves to be lower than 60,000 gold coins, I retain the right to withdraw the emerald from auction.  -- Daeron Stormcloud --  // The auction ends on monday the 21st of November at 23.00 GMT evening, or 11.00 PM as given on the websiteclock.

Wild Surge Inn / Found something
« on: November 08, 2005, 07:33:00 pm »
// OOC
I found something somewhere today in the crafthall in Hlint. So, to the people who know they lost something on the 9th of november around 20.00 GMT, send me a PM.

And if by some miracle this post makes you suddenly remember that thing that you can't really remember, but certainly lost at that place which you can't remember precisely....... well please do not bother me with it.

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