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Author Topic: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed  (Read 524 times)


Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« on: October 22, 2006, 01:06:55 am »
I'm very sorry everyone but I've just got in from work after being up all night, it turned out to be very busy after all - mainly c'sections and a patient transfer.  I'm really sorry but I can hardly think straight and I need to get some sleep.  

I'll change the quest time to next weekend at the same time, but I'm actually free both saturday and sunday mornings so if you want to post in this thread, your preferred time.  However be aware that I'm actually trying to time this quest so that its conveinent for both Brits and Auzzies...although all are welcome of course :)


Re: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 03:00:38 am »
Get some sleep ,sounds like you earned it :-)
Same time would be great but saturday would be a better day for me since there is a WLDQ run on sunday at the same time that i'm participating in.


Re: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 04:43:32 am »
I'm really very sorry everyone...I've got to pospone this again.

Last weekend I had a few twinges of pain in two of my teeth and over the week both of these developed into severe toothache radiating over the right hand side of my face, whcih is why I've not been online all week. Because of the total collapse of NHS dental services in this country its taken me a week to actually be seen by a dentist, even as an emergancy.  I managed to eventually get to see one late yestoday afternoon.  Apparently both of these teeth have abcessed and he won't extract them until I've had a few days antibiotics inside me, so at the moment I'm on a lot of of which is Tylex which has sent me a bit woppy.  Its taken me 15 minutws or so just to write this quick note.

I,m on call next weekend so it may be a bit dodgy running it then as I might have to leave halfway through the quest, but I can run it the week after.  I'll sort it out though when I can think better.

Again sorry about this.


Re: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 05:06:58 am »
NHS Dentals - I had aching toothache....and it took me nearly 3 weeks to get in the Dentist and get it ripped out. Worst pain there is!! Get it ripped Steve!


RE: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2006, 02:44:53 am »
Hmmm... showed up at 0530 US-Eastern with Shamur and Sallaron... no one there.  Is the timing right?


Re: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2006, 04:27:37 am »
Yep I was there but no one was there either..we must have just missed each other I think. Dont think the quest was running though...


Re: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 01:29:25 pm »
Ahh this is getting repetitive...but sorry again.  I was in getting discharged from hospital on Sunday morning.  Unfortunately when I'd finished the antibiotics after getting the teeth pulled,  the pain came back again along with the abscess.  It appears that I had an area of infection within the bone of my jaw which had to be removed, *sighs* along with another two teeth.  So now I'm just on two types of antibiotics and a feeling that I've just been punched in the jaw, but at least most of the pain is now gone.

I should have posted to let everyone know, but well with the pain and the fact that I was high on Tylex again, I didn't.  So I'm sorry for that.  Anyway the quest will definitely definitely happen this weekend.


Re: Dragon of Mystery - Posponed
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 02:02:32 pm »
No problem... your health and well being is the most important thing.  I was just wondering if I missed it due to daylight savings issues.

