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Author Topic: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion  (Read 2830 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« on: February 10, 2008, 02:23:53 pm »
Before the next session we need to settle on one of two paths. Read below.

Quote from: mixafix
as the game stopped just before a decision point, I will pass thta decision to you in this format, so next session can start a little further forward.

Grohin and Tobias are found in thta section of dungeon. at the bottom of the levels 2 teleports are present. They have not found any other way out during their time.

the party has one green teleport bowl left.

they report on the SE teleport a green bowl will take the party out the dungeon and back to the Ire Mts (this is what happened last time Kobal was in)

the NE teleoprt takes the traveller to what the party believed was a pocket plane, nature based, it held food and water, and some nature based creatures which still roam. There was some treasure (the things they were looking for) and some Slaads - they were destroyed. They searched the area and did not find anything else. They believed roads that left the area were illusions and something of another plane lay there, the mages did not want to go there they felt it could just be death. They left by teleport  - the rest used a gold bowl and Grohin used a green bowl. (these had been found on the pocket plane and all were taken)


I need to know which teleport you will use to set up the next session? it will let me prepare only one story...they would turn out quite differently

Kobal doesn't know enough to make the decision (nor does he want to) and would hear the views of the individuals in the group. Especially Grohin and Tobias, who have gone farther, should be heard.

Whether you wish to do this IC or OOC is up to you - either is fine with me.


Black Cat

Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 02:31:44 am »
We 'now 'ow ta get out from 'ere.
Da question is... do we 'ave a clue 'ow ta 'elp Clarissa an' Co?
Ah beloive dey chose da 'rong bowl.. since ah don' see 'em wit ya dey mus' be trappe' elsewhere.
Dey use' a golden bowl... an' 'ave anodder one still. Ah don' 'now if dey 'ave odders bowl too.

We won' be able ta use da teleport me tink.. we don' 'ave da bowls... an' we will be trappe' ta.

We cannae leave 'em in wha'ever dey be. But ah see only ta choice fer us.

Ta get out an' try ta get 'em out from outsoide.
Ta get back ta da pocket plane an' use da road der an' see wher it lead... be it death or freedom. (Usin' da teleport will only put us back wit da oders.)


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 11:53:09 am »
//Just trying to get my brain around how this is happening.  Were Grohin and Toby able to get out or are they communicating with Kobal from inside the tower complex?  As far as finding Clarissa and the others it seems that anyone who gets to the first level of the tower would be able to discover them in the cell they are in since they would surely call out to anyone they heard entering the tower that sounded the least bit familiar.  This would just have to be factored in so that a friendly group entering the tower's first level would hear calls for help coming from the cell area on the first level.  Heck they might even call out to just anyone knowing that the wizard isn't coming home any time soon.  :)   Thanks for the clarification.

Black Cat

Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2008, 01:42:59 pm »
//Kobal led an expedition and got as far as where Grohin and Tobias were. So yes, we are all together down there...

Now, I'm sorry to say but, you shouldn't have posted your 'location' here. It kind of spoil the whole thing. Now, I, for one, will have a real hard time not to choose the 'right' thing to do. :(  //


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2008, 01:48:55 pm »
We came here to resque all people, not just the dwarf and the sneaky one. We came to honor the treaties between out faiths. Although i don't like to be trapped in this crazy maze, just leave them  behind to save our own behinds is wrong. I will follow the group if they decide its too dangerous to move ahead, but my vote is to keep searching instead of running for the nearest exit.

Serissa Windword, Priestess of Rofirein


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2008, 01:57:13 pm »
//Reading Grohin's post, I'm rather glad I didn't read much of Clarissa's. XD//

Pyyran speaks up, the adventurer's gleam in his eyes.

"Well, you lot should know my choice; I'm all for going all the way. Fair or foul, we set out to rescue the lot of them, and if nothing else, we've got a bigger group, better suited to figuring a way out from wherever they're trapped... Just in case we, too, get trapped.

"It's risk it, or leave them to die. I, for one, am not much for leaving them, after all this trouble we went to to get here."


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2008, 03:32:46 am »
Well my bloody bowl's gone... and we've found Grohin... so my main reasons for bloody coming are gone now.

*he sighs*

But... not like Im gonna get much sleep if we just leave the rest of 'em here.... so....

*he seems to roll his eyes as he speaks the words, already regretting them*

Lets get out of here. "All" of us.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 04:20:00 am »
* Kobal has been silent until several have voiced their opinions. *

Mattar of fact Oi donnae see a choice left ter us 'ere. From wha' Grohin an' Tobias 'ave tol' us dere is nay escape from dere nature world. Deh bowls dey foun' dere be gone an' deh roads leadin' off it were tricks ter deh eye. Bu' OI wager we can go dat far, since deh warlocks left from dere through a portal withou' usin' a bowl, roigh'?

We got one bauwl left, bu' it wont do us much good as OI see it roigh' nauw. Iffen we use it in deh nature place it'll bring us back ter w'ere we be nauw. So it wont accomplish anythin'.

So OI donnae 'ave much hope ter foin' deh odders. OI be willin' ter go ter deh nature realm - iffen deh warlocks can verifoi dat a portal goes uhtsoide from dere.

Odderwoise OI wont risk deh necks of odders dauwn 'ere nay more. Aye, dere be odders caught 'ere - we think at least. Dey coul' be dead or elsew'ere entoirely. Bu' we be still aloive an' we done our best 'ere ter foin' 'em. Dis is more dan anyone coul've asked fer.

So, Oi sugges' we take der portal ter dah nature realm nauw... iffen we can git back uht from dere dat is.


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2008, 05:03:28 am »
*looks up at kobal* it could be with that realm as with the cubart. If you return there the bowl will be back. I know its a longshot, but it could be...ermm like a reset or something.
I can't go back that easy as you people...i have reason to believe my husband is in that other group. *looks at her feet again and ponders*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 01:33:34 pm »
* He sighs *

Oi've made a decision. It's meh own choice an' ye donnae 'ave ter follow meh.

Oi'll use deh green bowl ter git uht from dis dungeon 'ere an nauw. Oi've thought on deh matter of deh nature realm an' Oi misunderstood sumthin' ter begin wit'. Ye cannae leave dat place withou' a bowl, an' since dose dat were dere 'ave been taken, Oi aint leadin' a group dere dat will nay be able ter git back uht.
Oi got responsibilities back 'ome... ter meh kin. Oi cannae throw away meh loife loightly.

Derefore OI'll go uht an' see iffen odder bowls may be foun' instead. Den, hopefully, return in toime.

OI be sorreh ter dose who feel dey cannae follow meh, bu' OI've made deh decision fer meh.


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 06:29:10 pm »
A note in our temple asked for honor the alliance between rofirein and vorax and toran. Many came to help to honor that alliance. Yet at the first hurdle you wanna leave the alliance for what it is and choose your life over the importance of this aliance to the temple. You are a rofireinite, you are honorbound to honor the alliance, not just the alliance between rofirein and vorax...but also the alliance towards toran. We have one vorax priest, but this is bigger then your kin. Politics are inportant too. This is our chance to show the temple of toran, we rofireinites are still true to our words.
Our own brother rofireinites might be in there as welltogether with the toranites.
Don't walk away from this.


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2008, 01:54:17 am »
*the voraxian savage grumbles a bit and then speaks*

We gotta git does Torans out, dat oi agree on. *varka become unfocused for a short time and removes a bug crawling in his heard; continues*

Bu da question be *looks to Grohin and Tobias* can we wit wha we ave nauw; save da toranoites and git out?
Or do we need to move out of da tower and foind some mere bowls again?
*after looking at Grohin and Tobias, Varka looks to the men in black as to hear what they have to say as well*

*varka makes now a wisdoms check and fails badly only to begin searching his bag for fire and acid bombs*


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2008, 02:06:29 am »
*varka eyes widden and suddenly he calls out* YARDISLAN!! *and smacks his own helmet* Why in ells didnt oi t'ink of dat befere *looks to the other and calms down*
Long ago an elf by da name Yardislan and oi came up wit a few clever t'ing. Well it worked back in da old days bu oi donnae know if we can make it nauw?

*looks to the priests in the group* dis be a long shot.
Can ye imbue ye oitem wit a praise from ye God and den still track it? De reason be simple in a matter of fact.
We use a bowl, activate a teleport, DEN we throw a oitem into it and ye *looks to the priest* try to track where it landed. We we can maybe, see if it be woise ter enter da teleport or nay. hauw does dat sound?
Does some 'ave one of dese Scorn stones? Dat was wha we used last toime,

//This is only an idea and must be of course confirmed by the GM.


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2008, 04:47:13 am »
GM note

only one green bowl remains with the party -  it is held by Varda.

If it was used to attempt to track an item, (which may fail in a place heavily warded against scrying)

then there would appear to be no obvious way out for the party or those needing rescued.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2008, 05:30:23 am »
Iffen dere was ANY loikely way ter rescue the odder, OI woul' choose it. Fact is dere is nay an' Oi aint throwin' away meh loife AND dat of deh odders, because wha' good am Oi ter 'em dead?

*he looks at Serissa* Consider yer options afore ye make claims abuht meh nay honourin' deh alloiance. Oi've always done so an' will evar continue ter do so. Whoi are ye 'ere terday? Because OI took it upon mehself ter help an' foun' dose bowls? Did ye grasp deh initiative ter help?

*He lets that question stand open and begins to pack his belongings.*

Iffen we throw deh bowl inter deh teleport Varka, we aint gettin' uhta 'ere. Dats a fact.


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2008, 05:34:05 am »
Eh think ehts certain fer now, tha' we lack the resources te carry on right now. Ehnd the risk on nay findin any more bowls down here be great.

Eh agree with Ko'. We have eh be'ah chance o rescuin' em with more bowls than possibly trappin' ourselves with em down here. The alliance would nay survive the loss o ehts greatest champions.

Black Cat

Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2008, 03:25:16 am »
**nods with Kobal words*

We been lookin' around me an' Tobby.. an' nay foun' any mer bowls... when ya use one it go poof... an' da portal close after a litl' toime. Ah can tell ya... 'ave seen it when da odders use' da bowl back der.

Da battle be at a stand point fer nauw... ah say we get out an' try an' foin' anodder way... mer bowl or waddever.


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2008, 06:03:52 am »
To move htis on I am going to take this as sufficently agreed, the party will take the SE portal and using the Green Bowl escape out...

PCs may  assume this will happened to allow the game to continue. However the whole event must remained ytime bubbled as a party is still stuck down there.

I will develop another related game.


Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« Reply #18 on: February 29, 2008, 02:09:37 pm »
Another game is planned

see an opportunity or two (next Tuesday) on calendar