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Author Topic: Occurrences near Rodez  (Read 211 times)


Occurrences near Rodez
« on: April 10, 2006, 05:55:36 pm »
*Addison cautiously posts a notice in the Wild Surge Inn in Hlint*

Fellow adventurers:

Something is afoot in the cave near Rodez.  A small party of adventurers came upon some
animated chests which attempted to slow our descent into the cave.  They were obviously
not of this world and placed there as a warning or guardian to something big.

I have spoken to Ozymandias and apparently there is a gateway to the plane of Pandamonium
there.  Some type of evil has been set free and it took the form of some sort of strange
elemental being.  I do not know which party set this being free, but an Avatar of Mechanus
stated that Glenn Thendor, Quantum Windword, and Kharl Drake may have unknowingly
unleashed it's power.

This being has already caused a great fear to manifest itself into Rodlin Serim, and he is not
acting proper.  He is scared of things that used to not make him even flinch and seems
extremely paranoid in his dealings with the world.  There is no telling how many more are
affected to the same degree as Rodlin.

I propose a meeting between any adventurers that may know or have been to this place
in order to facilitate a plan.  This plan should include actions to return this being to the
plane and rid Layonara of it's presence.

I assume that we have also met the Avatar of Pandamonium, Kakorawyn, who is not quite
as talkative as the Avatar of Mechanus, Bao.  In fact, she did not speak a word... just started
killing everyone that she spotted.  Ozy said that she is mostly insane... her actions justify
his assessment.

A call to aid is needed and prompt action warranted.

- Addison

// If you are involved - post below with suggested meeting times (location will be Wild Surge Inn)
this Saturday, 15 April.  Prefer 0900 PST, 1200 EST, 1600 GMT.

// I know IC that myself, Quantum, Glenn, Rodlin, Esimon, Riley, and Kharl are involved somehow
in this quest.  Any others please show up at meeting or post below to get everyone together.


RE: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 12:19:54 am »
*tacks a note at the bottom of the original notice*

I, Rodlin, have been having severe nightmares that I cannot describe. I do not wish to discuss this anymore on this note. I would just like the nightmares to stop.


RE: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2006, 12:55:42 am »
*a note in flowing script is added to the bottom*
  There was an incident in the Rift involving a large group of people some who haven't been affect and others who have.
  I know Angela, Kloss, Ael and I have been affected and wish to do somethinh about it.
  I will do my best to attend your meeting.
  Ireth Telrunya


RE: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2006, 02:01:27 am »
Acacea pulls down her hood to look up at the note and sighs, seeming to consider whether or not she should actually reply...  What was released from Pandemonium feeds on your fears even as it causes them; the terror that the nightmares give you, is used for munchies by it. For the most part they (initially) seem to be only illusions... well okay "only" is a hard word to swallow when they are the worst fears ripped from your soul and all that, but as you believe and are frightened of them, they only grow more real.   To be perfectly honest I've no idea whatsoever how far disbelief goes to work against them, if at all, but I do know that turning into a jibbering drooler about them is really not the thing to do...  On a sidenote, if so many are being affected, there has to be some guy waddling around town with a horrific fear of ducks or something ridiculous... I'm sure it's terribly mean to laugh at someone being tortured with their own minds used against them, but do let me know if anyone spots a guy running around, flailing his arms at some imaginary quackers, please!  She hops back down from the chair she was standing on, leaving the note unsigned either out of forgetfulness or lack of necessity.  I need a drink...I mean drinks! How silly of me to leave you out, you abandoned little plural-maker, you...


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Re: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2006, 01:22:59 am »
*a small note tacked below the original note*
I'll be there.



Re: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2006, 07:26:39 am »
// I'm involved, but I won't be able to make it on any saturday.


RE: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2006, 08:38:30 am »
*Inscribed on a small piece of fine parchment in calligraphy that is flowing and graceful, yet austere.*

I wish to help rid our realm of this fell creature, yet I will not be able to make it to a meeting at the time you propose.

Ael Rynthien d'lil Maethra

//The meeting conflicts with a quest:

Can we meet later that day, say 21:30 GMT, to accomodate those on the quest?


RE: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2006, 06:42:00 am »
*on a small note sprawled hastily under the original and all the others*



Re: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2006, 07:59:46 am »
*glances at the note for the hundreth time. she look at the note from Freldo and back up at the note hanging on the wall. she takes out her quill and blue ink and pens:* Annalee shall attend.

Lord of the Forest

Re: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2006, 08:30:01 am »
//I'm sorry but I cannot make it this saturday, due to RL issues. I will be not there almost all the time. I could make it from 6am GMT to 2PM GMT, but not any later. Sorry.


Re: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2006, 08:51:15 am »
// This event is now on the player calendar and times changed to accomodate those on the quest.  (2130GMT)


Re: Occurrences near Rodez
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2006, 01:05:36 pm »
// Venue change to the Courthouse