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Author Topic: Accents.  (Read 221 times)

Jearick Hgar

« on: July 30, 2007, 11:05:13 pm »
Those who have emt any of my chars in the past know i enjoy throwing in accents to give my character's voice. That said, i made a drow today but i have no clue how i should sound as a drow speakign common. Thinking ont hat i began wodnerign about all the accents. Gnomes have an accent and so do halflings and dwarves, however i've yet to see an official elven accent or a Drowish accent. what would a Drowish accent sound like? i know in most settings the Elvish accent is pretty much a high english accent. so what's the word?

Script Wrecked

Re: Accents.
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2007, 03:49:02 am »
If you take the Tolkienesque view that the elves are the uber-humans, then the reason they don't speak with an accent (or, in "high english"), is because they speak the common tongue *better* than the humans (probably in soft melodic tones).


Re: Accents.
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2007, 12:01:50 pm »
Somehow I would assume the Dark elves to have a sharp accent.

Seriously its pretty open.

Give him a speech quirk

Turn all the Ws into Vs ;)

Its up to you; as far as I know the Deep and the Dark Elves are still a working process as is so much with Layonara; itll turn out all the better for it


Re: Accents.
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2007, 09:05:09 pm »
@Jearick. I don't know if there is right or wrong or a definitive answer to your question. I like Lynnjuniper's idea of speech quirks for characters from a different race but would say that each player should have the freedom to come up with his/her own than be limited by someone else's ideas. Your PC, Tath, for instance, has a far more unique and interesting 'sound' for the accent you have given him than if you had been told, 'he should talk like xyz'.

Additionally, nurture over nature would be more influential in determining accent where anatomical issues are not at work I guess. Much like people in RL, Dark Elves from two far distant areas might very well have entirely different accents. The RP you come up with of why s/he speaks this way in particular is a lot more fun than any generic reason you might be given.

Having said that, I always 'hear' in my mind a really nasty sibilant sound, full of unspoken menace and venom when I read the drow or dark elf tongue being spoken from various sources. :) But that's just me!


Re: Accents.
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2007, 12:44:58 am »
All of my Drow had strong German accents.

All one of my drow.

