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Author Topic: RP a kidnapping?  (Read 651 times)


Re: RP a kidnapping?
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2006, 10:19:49 am »
I agree with you FlameStrike. It's just that it would be odd that someone's soul would struggle against being raised but not against being respawned. I think this should apply to both bindstones and being raised. This would be in line with willfully ending your life, with the result that you are no longer respawned.


Re: RP a kidnapping?
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2006, 01:53:31 pm »
To return to the kidnapping topic - it could indeed be interesting and dramatic, if it were RP'ed properly... but the other important question would be: why?  Lawful characters would have no reason to kidnap someone - if they were removing a person from a situation in which they were disadvantaged (or, alternately, if they were evil, benefitted), they'd just walk in with the protection of the law and do it.

On another axis, good characters would have no reason to kidnap anyone.  Even if a chaotic good character sought to free an oppressed character, it would better described as a rescue than a kidnap.

Remaining, then, we have True Neutral, who, I suppose, could be persuaded to kidnap someone if it served the balance... but I would very much like to hear how a kidnapping could better serve the Balance.  As for the privileged few Chaotic Neutral and Evil characters on Layo, THEY might make with the kidnapping - but their intrigues are really not a concern for most players.

It's not a criticism of *ahem* "Pioneering new RP situations", it's simply an issue of plausibility, to go alongside the previous discussion of practicality.  A kidnapping would indeed have to be staged so as not to take (impossible) liberties with other players' characters - and none of the usual alignments would perpetrate a kidnapping anyway.  I'd agree that it'd be kinda fun if a GM kidnapped a character (granted, not for the kidnappee, but they could be good sports about it), cause it'd bring the kidnap closer to home if it wasn't a previously unknown NPC, but I can't see a good RP reason for it to happen between players (again, of the typical alignments.)

As an addendum, I'm not sure where the vitriol came from with regards to the GM response to developing such a plan.  I don't know how someone who was clearly engaged in conversation away from anything that might spawn in and kill them is camping - especially if they've say, made camp and are sitting by the fire while they plan their elaborate abduction.  And I've certainly never heard of a GM dropping a grudge monster on a player based on nothing but suspected camping.  It is, however, possible that your experience has been different than mine, and you're speaking based on past events, in which case, I apologize for the aspersion.



RE: RP a kidnapping?
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2006, 02:22:28 am »
quick roundup then:
kidnapping is for E/CN alighnments only, tell the kidnappee first, if possible cast darkness and ultravision, and for goodness sake remember to speak aloud every few minutes!

P.S. a Brownie kidnapping a Half-Giant/Half-Ogre, funniest thing possible!


Re: RP a kidnapping?
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2006, 10:53:20 am »
Well, as I said, prove me wrong- come up with a good reason for a different alignment to perform a kidnapping.  Darkness and ultravision would just be window-dressing.. the kidnapping could be carried out in whatever setting you like.  (And what's this about speaking aloud?  Again, there's no reason a GM would come down on you for not speaking aloud.  Some characters go in-game days without speaking!)

And barring the use of sleep poison on darts, spells, or similar assistance, a brownie couldn't kidnap a half-giant/half-ogre.  As with anything, you can't let game mechanics allow the impossible.


RE: RP a kidnapping?
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2006, 08:30:55 am »
Wraithdur - 8/25/2006  4:22 AM  quick roundup then:  kidnapping is for E/CN alighnments only, tell the kidnappee first, if possible cast darkness and ultravision, and for goodness sake remember to speak aloud every few minutes!  P.S. a Brownie kidnapping a Half-Giant/Half-Ogre, funniest thing possible!
  Better yet, ask and coordinate with the kidnappee first.


RE: RP a kidnapping?
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2006, 12:23:13 pm »
Etinfall - 8/31/2006 4:30 PM  
Wraithdur - 8/25/2006 4:22 AM quick roundup then: kidnapping is for E/CN alighnments only, tell the kidnappee first, if possible cast darkness and ultravision, and for goodness sake remember to speak aloud every few minutes! P.S. a Brownie kidnapping a Half-Giant/Half-Ogre, funniest thing possible!
  Better yet, ask and coordinate with the kidnappee first.
 A break through! :P

