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Author Topic: Holy Pools and Deity Relations  (Read 637 times)


Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« on: May 31, 2007, 02:36:22 am »
Hello all! I just wanted to drop this friendly reminder (and notification to some who may not be aware).

When creating Holy waters, please consider what holy pool you use carefully. The rule of thumb is using only pools that are friendly or better (friendly, ally or the actual character's temple). When using a temple not of your own faith, please look at the prospective god/ess' pool and make sure they are also of friendly or better relation to your own, elsewise they will most likely toss out your PC for desecrating their holy pool. For ease of usage, at the bottom of all deity descriptions there is a listing of status from the perspective of that deity, and they are linked so that you can check the other side of that coin as well.

Thanks and have fun RPing!
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Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 02:52:08 am »
I guess I may have been guilty of this...

What if I am neutral with the holy pool I use.. and they are friendly to me?


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2007, 03:03:31 am »
I believe that in this instance while the friendly deity might not mind your own wouldn't be terribly happy with you. Generally that could lead to a zapping or removal of powers, depending on your deity's style I suppose. Hehe. Of course they are always going to prefer that you use their own holy pool when possible. They are kinda choosy like that.


**edit** I just wanted to point out, as a result of some comments, this isn't directed at anyone in particular, more an effort to inform and educate.


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 04:31:07 am »
Where was my friendly warning? *grins* I got zapped on my 2nd day of the server!!! I was making holy water pots in hlint and BAM...dead! I haven't been back there in over 3 years, even with Weeblie trying to drag me over there!



Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2007, 12:24:00 pm »
*looks for the Grandite pool*

*none to be found*

*looks for the caduzite pool*

*it is covered in rubble*

*looks for the Corathite Pool*

*a mysterious force prevents him from sailing or portaling eastward*

*looks for ANY pool that's friendly*

*Cannot access Shadon's because of the state racism of Hempsteed*

*gives up altogether*

On that note, please don't punish people who want to craft when their temple is on a server that they are restricted from visiting due to the OOC level rules.  There's a fine line between maintaining good rp and setting up the sheer physical locations of pools/temples in a manner bordering on entrapment.  ESPECIALLY when some said temples are demolished/non-existant.

On that note, Sulterio has no allies...  I think he even hates himself.

If enforcement of this is to be fair, then we must make certain that players of all faiths have reasonable access to said friendly pools.  (perhaps some neutral pools?)  You can put up a sign that says "don't walk on the grass", but it doesn't exactly help to dig up all the pavement and plant more grass in its stead.

What this pretty much indicates is that if one worships Grand, Caduz, Pyrtechon, Vierdra'ira or Sulterio they can't make holy water until they're powerful enough to visit Firesteep or East, just to begin to learn enchanting.  Shadon likes some of them, but Hempsteed doesn't even allow monstrous races...


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2007, 12:32:32 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
*looks for the Grandite pool*

*none to be found*

*looks for the caduzite pool*

*it is covered in rubble*

*looks for ANY pool that's friendly*

*gives up altogether*

On that note, please don't punish people who want to craft when their temple is on a server that they are restricted from visiting due to the OOC level rules.

I've have wondered about that...does the level restriction apply to Arnax?  I frequently have to jump to Arnax if I want to get my ox from Mistone to Dreagar without running afoul of Stumpys Minions.  I've always made the assumption that I could be in Arnax without breaking rules, so by my colored logic, being in Arnax for crafting should be acceptable.


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2007, 12:54:38 pm »
Level Restriction applies neither to Arnax or the great library.


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2007, 12:54:55 pm »
Arnax is fine. Beyond Arnax is not, however.


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2007, 01:10:42 pm »
What's the in-game monetary value of an enchanting pool?  I want to save up for and make an evil one and put it right next to a campsite like many of the goodie goodies have.  That way I can just cast/sleep/cast/sleep/cast/sleep like an unchecked Aeridenite, Ilsarite or Katian.

On that note, what's the monetary value of a campsite?

We're thinking of this one way; bringing the people to the temples.  How about bringing the temples to the people?  ;)


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2007, 02:09:13 pm »
Three things.

One, while monstrous races aren't allowed in Hemp by the Hemp authorities, if you're going to go disguised, there's no problem. That's what disguises are for. ;)

Two, I would lean more towards the idea of deities who are Neutral to each other reacting to the use of the pools according to their alignment/dogma. For example, an Aeridinite using a Rofireinite pool (or vice versa) I don't think would be terribly amiss, as Aeridin would be happy that potions are being made, and Roffie wouldn't be upset as long as the Aeridinite stayed out of the way of the usual temple duties.

Three. As said before, Arnax and the Great Library are both fine for any level character to go to... Though perhaps not so much Arnax, if there's no way to/from it without going onto Central. In which case it's still open to anyone, level 8+.


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2007, 02:26:55 pm »
Orcs can't disguise.  I look like I wear a loin cloth even in full platemail.  Neither can halfgiants or ogres... they're still 8 feet tall.

That being said, Arnax doesn't really fulfill the concept of "reasonable access".  I have no choice but to build a temple.  Either that or raze Hempsteed to the ground and sacrifice its townguards after eating their wretched hearts.

Those are my Three Options... Travel thousands of miles just to make holy water, destroy all those who stand in my way or build a temple.

The latter seems most practical.


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2007, 02:46:54 pm »
Sorry bud, but that's the choice you make when playing a monstrous race....or a follower of an evil/not-so-popular deity.  There's no IC reason why Ilsare, for example, would say "Oh, look, a cute little Grandite using my pool.  Isn't that sweet? It's a shame that game mechanics makes things difficult for him..."


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2007, 02:49:31 pm »
Which is exactly why it's necessary for me to make a new temple...

Most preferably upon the rubble of one of the many goodly ones. ;)


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2007, 05:41:31 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
Three. As said before, Arnax and the Great Library are both fine for any level character to go to... Though perhaps not so much Arnax, if there's no way to/from it without going onto Central. In which case it's still open to anyone, level 8+.

I haven't been around Kartherian in a long time, but I'm pretty sure there is a boat from there to Arnax (just like there is one from Arnax to Kartherian).

If there isn't, I don't think anyone would be faulted for sailing from Kartherian to Lor and making a quick ship change to Arnax.


Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2007, 05:58:56 pm »
Arnax to Katherian, yup, there's a boat. Any portal can take you to Arnax as long as you go to East...
Plus from Mariner's Hold, it's not that far of a walk.


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    Re: Holy Pools and Deity Relations
    « Reply #15 on: June 01, 2007, 07:17:03 pm »
    Quote from: lonnarin
    Which is exactly why it's necessary for me to make a new temple...

    Most preferably upon the rubble of one of the many goodly ones. ;)

    Bordak will of course aid Kor in the razing of a temple for the building of a new one :)