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Author Topic: Roleplay Aeridin style  (Read 635 times)


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2007, 03:54:12 pm »
Huh, well it was a nice thought. At least to make Aeridan worship simpler, but alas, I was wrong.

Though I do have to ask, does that make transmutation magic bad in Aeridan's eyes? And for that matter, magic in general? What sort of alteration counts as "alteration," and what alteration (like bleaching cotton fibers to make white robes) is acceptable?


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2007, 04:26:39 pm »
The way I had it explained to me by Pankoki was that one should not have the big modifications to one's Astral Keys.

In other words... turning yourself into a rabbit is "wrong" (shapeshifters, druids turning themselves into animal form... etc...). Tweeking oneself temporary with a Bull's Strength spell is fine (there are of course zealots in this topic too... banising the whole school of transmuation... but that's not required). Tweeking oneself permanently is "wrong" (no potion of eternal strength!). :)


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2007, 04:37:18 pm »
Quote from: Weeblie
The way I had it explained to me by Pankoki was that one should not have the big modifications to one's Astral Keys.

In other words... turning yourself into a rabbit is "wrong" (shapeshifters, druids turning themselves into animal form... etc...). Tweeking oneself temporary with a Bull's Strength spell is fine (there are of course zealots in this topic too... banising the whole school of transmuation... but that's not required). Tweeking oneself permanently is "wrong" (no potion of eternal strength!). :)

Correct. (And actually it's Astral Locks :)

And yes, there would be Bull's Strength is no-no zealots!


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2007, 04:48:26 pm »
.... I was actually thinking Locks but typed Keys... :p


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2007, 08:02:37 pm »
Well thanks everyone, I was expecting a reply or two but did not know it would get this response.  I think through all this I actually may have gotten one or two answers anyways.  Thanks again and may the force be with you.


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #25 on: November 29, 2007, 08:59:22 pm »
Pseudonym's take on Aeridinism - I think I just invented a word ... but I like it! :)

Darkness falls. The pockets of light grow fewer and dimmer.

Conflicts of faith interpretation - ever fun!

Q. Why would a Priest of Aeridin possibly want to take take a life?
A. As a last resort. Pretty simple really .. though not so simple in a game where one 'advances' through taking lives.

One of my favourite quotes that I always had in mind when I tried to reconcile the actions of my Aeridinite Priest was from David Gemmell: "To protect the weak against the evil strong" .. to him, -that- was the last resort point. What is the answer for a priest of Aeridin who feels as if he is not doing enough in these dark times?

Protect the innocent.
Preserve the sanctity of life.
Do not judge.

Which of these edicts takes priority when they are in conflict?

To me, it is a question of the morality of righteous defence.
To me, it is a question of not taking the 'easy way out' of the stereotypical pacifist. Healing others so they can fight versus taking the fight to the evil-doers himself ... I ask, what is the difference? Buffing a fighter so that they are a more effective killer and the priest does not have to swing the killing blow himself ... how does this end up with the opponent being any less dead? Aeridin looks more favourably on this? Wouldn't have thought so. To me, to be a Priest of Aeridin on must continually strive to confront difficult questions of faith interpretation.

Can one combine the two roles - that of armed protector and that of healer - whilst adhering to the principles of the Aeridinite faith?

There is no right or wrong (to me anyway) with one's answers to these questions. I think a decision to accompany a 'typical' party on an adventure across the landscape of Layonara - in order to advance ... in order to better protect the innocent - is something that he should NEVER be able to reconcile. He should NEVER cease to question the rights and wrongs of his actions. The day that one becomes comfortable with possessing and using skill at arms or greater ability through his Divine gifts against a living foe is a day that one ceases to be a priest of Aeridin.

Always ask yourself, is this the 'right action in the 'right way' for the Lightbringer? Look at the paladin order of the Light Bringers. They believe that the Light of Aeridin must be taken to the Dark places, rather than just playing a supportive role ... is this right? Nah, many Aeridinites would frown on this yet Aeridin abides this order to exist. Interesting, huh? Using violence should bring no joy to be the instrument of Aeridin's will in such a manner. Such deeds should bring about a profound sadness whenever this necessity is upon you.

Interesting, huh? Should we make a distinction between those who commit evil and those who stand by and do nothing?

Hey, i'm a GM but I sure don't have the answers.  I cannot make any grand claims to wisdom or great knowledge of the Lifegiver over and above what you more than likely already possess by reading the various sources available to us all. I can only offer you my humble opinion on your concerns, whether my opinion comes from a vantage of experience and wisdom or ignorance and lack of enlightenment - who can say?

All I can say, after battling with similar issues of this faith myself, is that, to my mind, there are very few absolutes of right and wrong. Wrestling with questions such as you have posed, and questions others will throw at you, might make you lose sight of why you were chosen by Aeridin to be his instrument in the first place. Maybe we should make use of the bindstones and maybe we should not? Raise dead good or bad? Disinfecting lonn's bacteria in the wounds - an abomination? :) Who knows? I would like to think that Aeridin is more than capable of seeing your motivations for choosing either course and He would then approve our choice with His blessing, or, forgive our choice, again with His blessing.

I believe you asking such questions means that your intention to do the will of Aeridin is pure and, in my opinion, it is THAT intention which is by far the more important thing. To question one's self ensures that your character does not grow proud and always strive to better himself and further the message of the Light Bringer.

When the moral sense of people has, in effect, been blunted or sapped by the Godless masses and by rebels against Aeridinite doctrinal and moral teachings *points at lonnarin* :), the result is moral intimidation leading to the silencing of all too many Aeridinites. There is silence with respect to the most outrageous sacrilege, blasphemy, violence and perversion which no longer receive public censure from too many within this church. There is no longer moral outrage that is proper to offenses committed against Aeridin and Aeridin's law. The sayings of this God are even twisted and perverted in the interests of such moral intimidation.

The fear of rendering any more judgment regarding a sinful act (clearly condemned by Aeridin's saving teachings) can be truly inhibiting and paralyzing. It really means, of course, an abandonment of the intellect Aeridin gave your character. It means sin does not matter. Either it does not exist or exists only to be excused by that oozing love and compassion typifying a "feel-good" religiosity.

Continually grieve over other's sins and how they mislead others to similarly break the Commandments of Aeridin. Do NOT not lack sorrow and compassion toward sinners, you must must be even willing to die for them, but it would not explain away the awfulness of sin or deny the connection between sin and punishment, in this world and in the next (Read Ed's wonderful Cosmology stuff - an amazing concept and thought provoking read). The hard stance concerning sin, judgment is more relevant to an Aeridinite than other supposedly more easily RP'ed priesthoods. The inane "I'm okay, you're okay, Aeridin's okay" philosophy dear to some is not that of the intent of Aeridin IMO. It obliterates the essential difference between good and evil. Again, IMO the judgment Aeridinites are to refrain from is judgment concerning the eternal fate of anyone. Leave intentions, motives, and final worth to Aeridin. Don't confuse the judgment of the actions of people with sitting in judgment over them as to their eternal fate. But reluctance to make judgments concerning sinful acts is to produce that type of paralysis and inactivity that has brought many Aeridinites to their present plight.

Violence stems from that place beyond logic, the realm of the emotion. By it, we are simultaneously repelled and attracted, frightened and excited. To me, this question of how best to deal with it, has been wrought with complexity. As cultural violence in society increases, we are prevented by paranoia, censorship and ethical demands from asking, and sometimes even posing, some of the most important questions. How is violence best dealt with? What or how much of it do we need to resist the cultivation of fear and the encouragement of dependency? Is violence a tool, a process or a result? Is violence of any description justifiable? As intellectual exercise, ritual, or spiritual enhancement? Is violence an action, reaction, or reflection?

Aeridin ain't easy. You WILL make mistakes. You WILL NOT be the perfect Aeridinite. It is inevitable that you WILL fall short of the example set to the community by Aeridin and his stated dogma.

I personally believe Aeridinite violence is about fighting 'back'. You go as far as it takes to stop the aggression but you do not go beyond that. You go as far as required to get someone out of your home - but you don't attack him after he has left. You don't keep going on with it - only if you are attacked, only if there is an oppression applied to you. The idea is that justice prevails. You don't fight because you enjoy fighting, but because there is an oppression.

By embracing the life of a Priest of Aeridin and making a commitment to making this world a safer place you have undertaken a lifelong mission in which some level of violence is inevitable.


I hope my answer, in some way, helped with the question.



Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2007, 09:48:23 pm »
One of the best and most thought out views I have seen about the Aeridin dogma and self questioning.


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2007, 11:19:24 pm »
I must truly say YOU ROCK.  That really is a true answer and one I am truly thankful for.   need to say it again YOU ROCK!


Re: Roleplay Aeridin style
« Reply #28 on: November 29, 2007, 11:49:33 pm »
heheh, thanks.

Had to post this PM publicly, made me laugh.

Quote from: Polak76's PM
I gave you a thanks for your post.

The topic bores me and the length of your reply is daunting.  I have given you a thanks just for successfully preventing me from reaching the end of your post, despite my best intentions when I started reading.



