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Author Topic: Impromptu Quests  (Read 893 times)


Impromptu Quests
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:13:07 am »
when a dm is running a impromptu,it is not the right thing to send out invites in tells to have your friends join.  Large parties can be fun, but 20 people with spells on, makes for a very laggy adventure. Some people also have issues with large parties and crash due to their computers, so please. Everyone likes to be part of the action, but have enough respect of your fellow players, and  let the ones being lucky enough to be in the right place enjoy the quest.

Lord of the Forest

Re: Improtu Quests
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2008, 11:19:38 am »
Besides sending out invites by tells is pretty much OOC and metagaming, keep that in mind. You are either there or not.


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2008, 11:56:43 am »
What's about asking the DM first?! He is the one who runs the quest and has to keep it balanced... quite difficult if suddenly the party grpws from 3 to 8 for example.
And he can tell you if he has a problem with the OOC-action (sending tells) or not.


Re: Improtu Quests
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2008, 12:03:06 pm »
Quote from: Lord of the Forest
Besides sending out invites by tells is pretty much OOC and metagaming, keep that in mind. You are either there or not.

*points to the bit on Lord of the Forests profile that says "Gamesmaster"*

That is a DM telling you


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 12:06:43 pm »
Think you completely missed Xirion's point there DMOE. And I agree with him, in the end such control should be with the GM. Check with him first, a single tell to the gm doesn't take much time and prevents complete chaos.


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2008, 12:10:54 pm »
*laughs* yeah, I know he is ;)

But GM is not GM and it also may depend on the situation, e.g. 3 people are involved and only one other person is at the server, maybe the GM allows it then... maybe not?

However :p


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2008, 12:23:10 pm »
like with anything else, it comes down to common sense. Would the player ic be able to reach the team and so on, having someone run half the world makes very little sense ic, since what ever happens would be over long before the player get there. So in general ooc invites should be avoided, if you have someone you really want there then rp it out and ask over the dm channel as well


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2008, 12:53:45 pm »
When in doubt, I say ask.  It doesn't hurt anything to ask and if the answer is no, roll with it.  It won't always be no.  Not everyone is a heartless, black blooded, evil bugger like me.  :)


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2008, 01:11:02 pm »
Quote from: Xirion
*laughs* yeah, I know he is ;)

But GM is not GM and it also may depend on the situation, e.g. 3 people are involved and only one other person is at the server, maybe the GM allows it then... maybe not?

However :p

He? He? Dang I had a sex change and no one told me!!! :rolleyes:

Thing is, that the DM doesn't always know that X person who was in the right time and the right place so to speak has a PC that can't handle 20 characters and spell effects so might happily say yes, seeing no problem from a DM perspective and then X person has to quit because their PC isn't up to it and everyone else had to have there friends along....

So I generally don't ask those not there along UNLESS there is like only 5 people on the server and having checked with the DM first.....But then...I've not hit an Impromptu in ages *pouts*


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2008, 01:42:04 pm »
Quote from: DMOE
He? He? Dang I had a sex change and no one told me!!! :rolleyes:

Think he was talking about the GM when "he" was used.

I don't see what it hurts to send the GM a tell asking..."Hey is it okay if I tell "he or she" to head this way and run into us?"  Every GM is different so you never know.


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2008, 02:06:32 pm »
Quote from: DMOE
He? He? Dang I had a sex change and no one told me!!! :rolleyes:

Quote from: Lynn1020
Think he was talking about the GM when "he" was used.

yep, indeed... oh, and if here are any female GMs... my apologies this wans't meant do discriminate... or was it?! :p ;)


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2008, 02:09:42 pm »
This seems like one of those things that can easily cause trouble because everyone does just a little, which happens to be just enough.  If only one person asked if a friend could come along, that would be one thing, but if everyone asks if a friend can come (only fair, right?), then suddenly a happy, serendipitous event for a few people can become a burden, such as DMOE's example.  

So, no, there isn't any major harm in asking the DM if someone else can join, but yes, it can end up getting out of hand in a hurry and spoiling an otherwise nice, small event.  And, as cool as any sort of dm'd quest is and as nice as it is to have all your friends along, small events are an amazing, rare treasure.  So, y'know, be a little selfish, maybe, heh.


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2008, 02:16:43 pm »
Quote from: Xirion
yep, indeed... oh, and if here are any female GMs... my apologies this wans't meant do discriminate... or was it?! :p ;)

Oh that's a relief then.....I thought you meant me! :)

And we do indeed have a few female DM's on the server

And yeah....what Gulnyr said


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2008, 03:12:17 pm »
Yeah... Akata and DMOE and Gulnyr are wise sorts of people. I would personally add, that rather then simply sending a tell and then inviting someone so they can "randomly" happen across your group, try to give some IC rationale... [ insert tooting of my own horn here]. Keeping that communication is important, both IC and OOC.


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2008, 03:24:09 pm »
Speaking for myself, if I want to involve the whole server (or at least give the opportunity), I'll shout.  Otherwise, I'm expecting to only deal with the group at hand.  I don't expect everyone to get on their medieval cell phones and call all their friends to just magically show up from all points of the world.

That's my personal feeling on it, of course. The best thing to do is to roll with it and treat it as a private event.  If you feel the need to invite others, as has been said, ask the GM.

It's all about fun, and while everyone deserves a chance at fun, so does the GM. When the group gets too large, the fun goes down for everyone and it becomes just another XP slog.


Re: Impromptu Quests
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2008, 09:47:46 pm »
Speaking as a former 'all-the-time' player, and as a current 'still plays a bit' player, I always thought some of the most fun quests I ever got involved in were the ones I didn't know about til the very moment I happened into them.  It's more natural, for one, and thus allows a more natural IC response to what you happen along to see and/or hear being discussed by the other players.  There've been a few times when I've happily RPed my way right in and out of such adventures without a clue til after that they were even really going on.  The best quests are those that take everyone by surprise, or at least with only moderate suspicions...  That's my opinion anyhow.

Another aspect to think about before you decide you might want to invite your normal buddies along is that, it could be a DM has singled out a few folks they've noticed don't get much attention, or who get 'pushed to the quiet corner in the back' during other quest sessions and that they're trying to give those folks who are less out-spoken the chance to have a grand and enjoyable adventure of their own.  Personally, I've been irked a bit on more than one occasion when I've been involved in some wonderful impromptus that lead to a longer quest, only to be bull-dozed over by the regular 'Squeaky-Wheel-Gang' that feels they have to be involved and dominant over every quest possible at the first session advertised on the quest calender.