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Author Topic: Kudos for great roleplay  (Read 38639 times)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #160 on: June 24, 2007, 04:18:12 am »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
I want to give Kudos to someone who I will miss...  Hawklen...  For everything he's done, bad or good, aggrivating or invigorating, Kudos to you Hawk, I will miss you...

I agree with that wholeheartedly :(


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #161 on: June 24, 2007, 05:15:20 am »
Take a dedicated Rofi warrior and add a certain Mistite Priestess and you have a volatile mix.

Sasha and Muireann faced off against each other the other day and for all intents and purposes I thought this is it..this is going to be a pvp event for sure. They have a history of antagonising and niggling each other which I thought had finally come to a head.

Even those gathered withdraw fearing what was about to occur.

I must say I have to give Kudos to DMOE for a great piece of RP that actually had my character Sasha literally stunned!

One minute they are about to let everything rip and the next Muir turned things on its head in typical chaotic Muir form.

By the end of the encounter they both agreed that while their opinions, beliefs etc would probably never see eye to eye they had a newfound respect for each other.

It was one of the awesome piece of RP times that only come along every so often but that really help establish your character.

My thanks to DMOE!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #162 on: June 24, 2007, 08:01:22 am »
New found respect? *wicked grin* Oh found respect for each other *nods sagely while making a bluff check*

Well Muir likes to challenge peoples perception's and her mood and whim do change much like the tide or a storm blowing up.

Her main aim is to educate the 'unwashed' masses to the fact that chaotic is NOT evil so thank you to Dezza for having a character who is actually open to have their perceptions changed!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #163 on: June 24, 2007, 10:59:30 am »
Shiff and Valmara for enduring day by day Lino's annoyance.
Last night was fun, Lino took a bath in their new room's tub..

And Kudos for Clarissa, Kalin, Rose, Krys and Omer for dealing with the weird spiders on the swamps and on it's nest, after we located it.

And Kudos for the DM who was concerned he'd "pulled a Tanman" after Omer died to the 46 AC creature! Oh god! That was funny.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #164 on: June 24, 2007, 03:38:19 pm »
Quote from: Odranoela
Shiff and Valmara for enduring day by day Lino's annoyance.

. . .

And Kudos for the DM who was concerned he'd "pulled a Tanman" after Omer died to the 46 AC creature! Oh god! That was funny.

Firstly, last night was great with everyone at Shiff and Vals place.

Rose:  <3 Shiff is Sowwy
Omer: -_-  Leave Shiff alone =oP
Valmara: <3<3  RP is always great
Talia:  Come play more!
Lino: R-E-S-P-E-C-T Shiff and Val's privacy =oP
Who else....
Kinai: ="(  Poor Kinai...  <3

If I missed someone sorry.  Last night was fun though, lots of Good RP

And to the DM that played with Lino and his crew last night.  Be nice to the Tanman.  He may be evil and after our souls, but he keeps things interesting ;) ...


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Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #165 on: June 24, 2007, 08:13:31 pm »
Just wanted to thank a few friends : )

Shiff: Sometimes little sisters are a pain *grins*
Omer: Always fun to Rp with you...even when a joke goes wrong *smiles*
Valmara: Always good for a laugh.
Lino: You are the comical relief.
Kalin: *laughs* for being Kalin
Krys: Crazy monk. I think we should put a speed limit *Giggles* Hasted monks are insane.

Tanman....why is it always you? Every time. ; P Thanks for your time and putting up with us.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #166 on: June 24, 2007, 09:35:48 pm »
Kudo's to the three dwarves,

Beli 'Stonewill' Tenker, for leadership,
Kuguar Deepvein, for dry wit,
Gothim Shieldbreaker, for the cute halfling.

Thanks for the fun adventure.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #167 on: June 25, 2007, 05:35:20 pm »
Kudos to Beli for good RP near Hlint and a sweet dungeon crawl on Storan's.
It was the second time someone actually hired Lino to do some roguish work!
After I replied to his add on the forums we ran into each other in-game and Beli hired Lino on the spot, it never got to the silent and boring part of the hunt, when it's too long, we Rp'ed all the time and I had a blast. Thanks Beli!

Later that day, Sallaron, Grenna, Oma, Beli and Lino went to some swamps cause they had another lock n' traps issue for lino to deal with and I also had a blast, especially when Grenna got stuck on a hill and we started calling her Rockclimber and trying to catch her fall.. She squashed Lino [obviously], who had used a wand of Bulls and attempted to catch her but then she managed to jump down [ thanks to the GM ] and we moved on to the hunt... Oma, Sal and Beli were brilliant aswell. Yerterday was a good layo day.

Lino out.

Sorry if I got the wrong name or for typos..


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #168 on: July 06, 2007, 09:26:01 am »
Kudos forall the people of the last "session" in the desert with Eliza.

Kudos fo Lance for the really nice scene on the waterfall, and the talk with the mercs in the cave.
Kudos for Daniel Moore, for being a young warrior, and all the cutesy of floating on the lakes!
Kudos for Ean....the archer! Great rp of the giant, giiiiiiant scorpions.
Kudos for the two brothers whose names I do not remember, for the mage hitting Eliza with a magic missile and the warrior for all the "hurm hurm hurm" laughs!
And kudos for the warrior whose name I forgot, the one who solved the problem with the mercs that the Witchdoctor put to us, and that made the great phrase: "Hmm...I'm still in armor and ready in case, you know...someone attacks us from surprise." while everyone was playing all talking on their underwear inside the osasis.

Oh yeah, and the wild chicken-fight and the surprise battle while still on underwear were just GREAT! Has MUCH fun this night. Kudos for all!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #169 on: July 07, 2007, 05:58:04 am »
Quote from: DiegoBastet
Kudos forall the people of the last "session" in the desert with Eliza.

Kudos fo Lance for the really nice scene on the waterfall, and the talk with the mercs in the cave.
Kudos for Daniel Moore, for being a young warrior, and all the cutesy of floating on the lakes!
Kudos for Ean....the archer! Great rp of the giant, giiiiiiant scorpions.
Kudos for the two brothers whose names I do not remember, for the mage hitting Eliza with a magic missile and the warrior for all the "hurm hurm hurm" laughs!
And kudos for the warrior whose name I forgot, the one who solved the problem with the mercs that the Witchdoctor put to us, and that made the great phrase: "Hmm...I'm still in armor and ready in case, you know...someone attacks us from surprise." while everyone was playing all talking on their underwear inside the osasis.

Oh yeah, and the wild chicken-fight and the surprise battle while still on underwear were just GREAT! Has MUCH fun this night. Kudos for all!

I fully have to aggree. Fighting Scorpions in underwear was quite funny :D
By the way the Archer was Eander (me), the Fighter solving the problem with the mercs( villians ;) ) was Seth Kenton, the brothers were named Balzag and Zarneth Vildron


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #170 on: July 12, 2007, 07:09:34 pm »
Kudos to the quest earlier, Assassinations - Rumors.
with about two hours of quest I had an emergency and needed to bail out, my roommate was throwing up lots of blood, I had to take him to the hospital immediately, I stayed with him for a while until he could get some rest.
I thought I'd explain myself to the GM and Players present.
I'm sorry I left in the middle of it all with little explanation, I was having fun with the whole mystery, but I had no control of the situation...
Quick kudos to Brualot, the elf druidish lady [ Aryanna maybe?], Eander, Clarissa and Rhynnala [ I hope I got the names correctly], everyone else too. All interesting, well played characters. The GM with NPCs and stuff, didn't catch his/her name but there were fair rules estabilished at start, good organization and it was fun too.



Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #171 on: July 12, 2007, 07:17:55 pm »
The GM was Innocence You may know her as Dorena.
x.x and ack, don't thank me I had to leave to do chores for the family. I swear if I miss ONE more quest Im going to be upset =P


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #172 on: July 20, 2007, 08:37:46 pm »
Great RP from Eander, Seth and Leisa last night in the giant caves in the Brech Mountains.

I confess to being in a somewhat silly mood (even sillier than normal) and my little impromptu could have been a fizzler if the players were not willing to RP with good humour. They were and a fun time was had by all as a result.

I laughed and laughed when Leisa was creeping up behind the giantess that was trying to convince Seth to let her keep Eander as her 'pig-mee man pet to keep her nest warmies' and the giantess had an attack of flatulence, Leisa rolls a one on her fortitude check and the emotes that followed.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #173 on: July 23, 2007, 11:07:18 am »
Hi, me again!

Before I head off to bed, just wanted to say well done and amazing job to all those on my quest tonight. One part of the quest involved the PCs standing around and boasting of their fantastic deeds, real or invented, in order to win a competition. Not easy in front of close to 20 people, including 5 GMs, everyone watching you, no other distractions from what you are typing, can be bloody intimidating for new and old players alike, especially those where English may not be one's first language.

Bravo to those that got involved and gave it their best shot!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #174 on: August 03, 2007, 11:25:27 am »
To Taislin and his new orc PC.

He did such a good job using his familiar, the Ice Mephit, that I was convinced that a GM was behind it.  And the great RP we had after his orc cornered Laaren at the fire in Hlint.  I thought she was dead for sure!

Well done!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #175 on: August 03, 2007, 12:00:24 pm »
Quote from: merlin34baseball
To Taislin and his new orc PC.

He did such a good job using his familiar, the Ice Mephit, that I was convinced that a GM was behind it.\\

Well done!

That was him!  Then I must say Kudos!  You had Shiff scared half to death some evil crazy mage was after his baby girl...


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #176 on: August 05, 2007, 06:37:52 pm »
To Calvin Norsemen (osxmallard), for a great scene last night (lots of inexpertly executed flirting, and rejection...) and to Peanut (mooneyes), who was there at the beginning and end, and added her usual flair.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #177 on: August 06, 2007, 05:11:27 pm »
Kudos to everyone at Dezza's quest earlier today. The one with the Satyr tribe.
Oh boy, I laughed so hard at times, that i had to look away from the screen. A few of the highlights are:
 -A human male, that was polymorphed into a chicken popped -out- an EGG.
 -When there's nothing else to trade, bribe or offer... Some people on the party actually considered giving Katrina to the Satyrs..
 -Kat and Angela calling each other names.. Dunno why, but they used funny names.
 -When the party contemplated what if there was a half-chicken, half-human race, but someone stopped and said "Wait, there's Ark" [pseudo] .
 -Lino thinking the eggs come out of the chicken's "behind" , someone was like, "no dummy, it's not out of their behinds!" I still think, it's gotta come out somewhere...

if anyone can remember any more moments, go ahead an post them.
It wasn't the most serious world changing epic giga quest, but it was pure fun RP, great combat and, despite the serve being broken at the time, a good DM.

Side note: I have to congratulate and thank pseudo and dezza for these one-shots for the people that have an inconsistent play schedule.
If it wasn't for them i would still be feeling real bad for never making into DM quests. You two rock.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #178 on: August 06, 2007, 07:52:12 pm »
Quote from: Odranoela

 -When the party contemplated what if there was a half-chicken, half-human race, but someone stopped and said "Wait, there's Ark"

For starters, someone has to safeguard the rear. It is as important a job, some would say, as being one of the frontline fighters.

Secondly, the PC who said that chicken line was Angela and I think she was trying to flirt with him ... kinda like when kids throw rocks at each other when they like someone. *nods*

Thirdly, when he runs around in combat hiding behind people, it's not cowardice, it's tactical maneuvering.

Two of my favourite bits last night actually came in tells. One, Ark was running around trying to avoid the Ferocious Werewolves (they've gotta be >CR20?) shouting "What am I doing here? I'm a lover, not a fighter!" and I got a tell from someone (who shall remain anonymous) saying, "he'd want to be a bloody good lover, cos he's a really hopeless fighter."

Two, there was a bit when Ark was trying to hold back Shamur from reacting )when a satyr cracked Muireann over the head) and Darkus Tornado sent a tell saying something along the lines of "You realise you couldn't really hold him back don't you?" Hey, sometimes the wimpy 12 Str rogue rolls a 20 and the 36 Str fighter rolls a 1. There was a chance!



Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #179 on: August 13, 2007, 11:41:50 pm »
Surely I can't be the only one to keep encountering fine and noteworthy Roleplay??

Last night on the baby quest;

Arynne for RPing her low will save. Often, low rolls are way more fun than high ones!

Acacea, for making me laugh with her reactions and emotes upon being handed one of the babies. I had a really clear picture of her holding the baby at arm's length regarding it with a very dubious expression of wary suspicion! God help the poor little foundlings who have been subject to her bawdy nursery rhymes.

Lino, whose suggestion of feeding them pie when the newborn babies started squawking was quintessentially 'male'.

Sasha, the stern Knight of the Wyrm, who was eventually caught going 'cootchy-cootchy-coo' to one of the babies when she thought no-one was looking.

Seth and Pendar, who volunteered to storm the orc-filled mountains, facing certain death, in preference to holding one of the babies.

And AnnaLee, for taking charge, ordering the boys to face the other way, organising the towels, suggesting it wasn't ideal to leave the newborns lying around on the battlefield (in the rain) and providing them a home.