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Author Topic: Kudos for great roleplay  (Read 37124 times)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2007, 11:39:27 pm »
IceDragon for playing a really interesting NPC on Jacc's WL quest
  There were many classic moments of great roleplay during this quest and I want to give kudos andthank you all for the effort. But one of the manythat I wil surely remember is IceDragon playing the NPC, Raldir, a wolf/dog/werewolf/shapeshifter or something else, still not sure really. This was a classic character played extremely well. Talking in riddles and running around biting and licking people was great entertainment. I hope this NPC will make more appearances in the world of Layonara. Some moment of interaction listed below.
   Raldir: *his tongue flops out, it is massive and drooly, he licks Jacchs face*
   Raldir: *he runs over and licks each person*  Katrien Hommel: [Party] *can help but grin*  Angela Swann: [Party] eww *wipes it off*  Jacchri Abianca: [Party] *watches him with a smile*  Daeron Stormcloud: [Party] *makes an icky face when he has gone to the others*
   Raldir: *he acts a bit surprised that Jacch gets it.. almost facetiously so*  Raldir: rangers a dumb but men in dresses are dumberer *he looks to Daeron*  Daeron Stormcloud: [Party] Yes yes.
   Raldir: no fish maker yes but more than he  Raldir: fishmaker make fish fish catalyst to maker of deader things  Raldir: maker of fish lives on death land  Raldir: maker of death does not  Raldir: maker of death makes death maker live  Raldir: you get it?
   Angela Swann: [Party] *moans* my head is starting to hurt  Raldir: *he runs over and sniffs angela* you moan loud ok you are?  Raldir: *he sniffs her and grabs her arm* you touch fish too?  Angela Swann: [Party] no no   Angela Swann: [Party] its nothing really   Raldir: Raldir checks for fish infection *he brandishes his teeth*  Angela Swann: [Party] if you bite im gonna kick  Jacchri Abianca: [Party] maker of death makes death maker live.....*repeats it to himself*  Raldir: Raldir not mind kick *he bites her arm*  Raldir: *then quickly wipes the blood*  Angela Swann: [Party] eip *kicks his shine*  Raldir: you kick like lttle girl kick  Jacchri Abianca: [Party] *looks down at the fish*  Raldir: *he licks his hand* you not deader though  Angela Swann: [Party] *grumbles* maybe because i am a girl   Angela Swann: [Party] *sighs a look at the bite mark* ill prolly catch some disease from this   Raldir: you keep close for day even you turn little  Daeron Stormcloud: [Party] Doubt it'll be worse than the one I carry  Jacchri Abianca: [Party] Daeron....anyway we can ward this stone fish in a bag or something to lessen the effect?  Raldir: raldir not turn blood be strong wolf blood  Raldir: Raldir not diseased little girly kicker  Angela Swann: [Party] i know kat but sadly we still need to hear him out and his not making much sense a kick to -that- wont improve his speaking   Raldir: Raldir make sure you not either you thank wolf man  Katrien Hommel: [Party] *tosses her some powdered silver just in case * put this on it  Raldir: fish to strong for you  Daeron Stormcloud: [Party] *consideres it*  Raldir: *he glares at jacch* too strong....  Angela Swann: [Party] thanks *catch the powdered and smear a litte on the wound*
   Raldir: you all stay far from ranger man  Raldir: he smells bad yup?
   Raldir: *he smacks Jacch* you think harder!  Raldir: Raldir now goes  Raldir: you no bother him more  Raldir: take death fish
  Well done Ice!!!!

gilshem ironstone

Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2007, 02:04:39 pm »
To all the dwarves for having a raucous debauched time and managing to RP gettin gdrunker and drunker with each passing hour... And to Rhynn for egging us on!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2007, 02:14:15 pm »
Well done lads...good Rp by the dwarven event...


RE: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2007, 03:33:43 am »
Corba met a gent named William Punter in the Hlint crypts last night, and the player not only RP'd a delightful, gentlemanly fighter, but kept up a nice banter while we explored the crypts deeper.

Kudos to a very new player (three days, was it?) who protected Corba and did some fun RP with her as well!


RE: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2007, 09:43:13 am »
Gothim Shieldbreaker for taking in very good jest the conversation Jeran and Muireann had in front of him about the fact that no, Jeran was not allowed to keep the dwarf as a pet.
  He not only took it completely in the spirit it was meant but also had fun with it too.
  Was a very enjoyable little moment.

  Gothim Shieldbreaker: oi lass  
Muireann: Yes?
Gothim Shieldbreaker: oi be lookin fer a gem crafter be yer knowing one? Muireann: Yes thank you
Gothim Shieldbreaker: what yer thankin me fer?
Gothim Shieldbreaker: aye yer dats right  
Gothim Shieldbreaker: I be Gothim  
Muireann: *laughs* Simply a turn of phrases as people say
Muireann: I am Muireann, Priestess of Mist
Gothim Shieldbreaker: *scratches his head in confusion
Gothim Shieldbreaker: hmm yer be der one wid der temple near leilon aye  Muireann: Aye
Gothim Shieldbreaker: so yer a long way from 'ome den  
Muireann: Not that far
Gothim Shieldbreaker: ei guess  
Muireann: Well acutally....a long way from home but not the temple
Jeran Valhaikor: Oooh, a new friend?
Muireann: So it seems
Gothim Shieldbreaker: where be yer from den lassy?
Muireann: Bastil
Gothim Shieldbreaker: hmm dont remember 'earin of dat place which continent is it on?
Muireann: It's across the straight from Krashin
Muireann: Up North
Gothim Shieldbreaker: oh up north dats a strange place by all acounts  Gothim Shieldbreaker: oi lad i be gothim what der day call yer?
Jeran Valhaikor: Strange? I like this one, can we keep him?
Muireann: No pets I'm afraid love
Jeran Valhaikor: Not even a kitten?
Gothim Shieldbreaker: urrno awa our' ziazr thrhaazg ziaganajat  
Jeran Valhaikor: And I'm Jeran, don't mean to be rude
Gothim Shieldbreaker: Jeran aye well oi didna tink yer were rude aye  
Jeran Valhaikor: *Grins* You haven't been around me that long, I'm sure I can change your mind
Gothim Shieldbreaker: har har har yer talkin ter a dwarf aye
Gothim Shieldbreaker: wait till the dwarfs 'ead ale starts goin round
Gothim Shieldbreaker: den we'll see oos rude  
Gothim Shieldbreaker: *chuckles*
Jeran Valhaikor: **laughs quietly* I really like this one love
Jeran Valhaikor: Just one pet? I promise I'll even feed it and take it for walks and everything
Muireann: And where would it sleep?
Jeran Valhaikor: Hmmm...good question
Gothim Shieldbreaker: *sigh*
Jeran Valhaikor: I tried Gothim...sorry
Muireann: I don't like owning and ox....what on earth makes you think I'd want a pet!
Jeran Valhaikor: Pet's don't smell like oxen dear
Gothim Shieldbreaker: yar better niot be a talkin bout me yer long leggers or oi bes turnin yer inter dwarves wid me axe  
Muireann: **looks at the dwarf, then at Jeran* And you think it bathes how often?
Jeran Valhaikor: Not you...specifically....
Gothim Shieldbreaker: *grins*
Jeran Valhaikor: More in general...
Muireann: You can try to turn me into a dwarf with your axe
Muireann: No pets
Jeran Valhaikor: I don't know love, you could always ask him...but I have to go spend my ill begotten True, so I'll be right back
Muireann: Of any description except Dog or big green
Jeran Valhaikor: Bah, you're no fun
Muireann: I'll remind you of that later
Gothim Shieldbreaker: well t was inerestin I still be a lookin fer a gem smith  Muireann: Salleron Tempest I do believe is the name of the gentleman I use Gothim Shieldbreaker: aye thanks ter be shure does yer know where oi can find im?
Gothim Shieldbreaker: [Whisper] yer man is a bit strange no offence meant of course  
Muireann: He was around earlier Muireann: Try sending him a bird maybe Gothim Shieldbreaker: ei will do tank yer fer de ....strange but 'elpful conversation
Gothim Shieldbreaker: May de father of battles look kindly on yer  
Jeran Valhaikor: Oh, I'm sure he does


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2007, 09:49:37 am »
I'd like to say that Tadge did an awsome job.

Weston spent hours with him doing his very best to pass on as much magical instruction as a Sorcerer can to a Wizard (since Weston was schooled by a wizard).

Everything from a Mages place in battle to lessons in Counter Spelling... even going so far as Weston teaching about Lucinda and Honor

After two hours of RP he was still asking "Do you have another lesson?"

gilshem ironstone

Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2007, 07:50:18 pm »
I had to go digging for this post, but I wanted to give hats off to Varka during his CDQ.  He plays an excellent barbarian who has been "civilized". This is my quick label for it, but he displays so many different facets of a at first glance one-dimensional killing-machine. To boot.. He works his pants off for the dwarves and deserves a huge pat on the back.

P.S. Anyway this thread can be stickied?  I think it would be great if we constantly were encouraging great RP.


RE: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2007, 12:02:04 am »
There are plenty of people that I could spend hours on congratulating, but the first amount that come to my mind are these guys...At the same time though, I think everyone who I've ever roleplayed with are amazing and usually give me a good laugh or at least keep me very entertained! So, here's a brief list, and for those who I've roleplayed with before, you probably know darn well if I had fun...I usually come back if I do!  So... I have to give out credit where credit is so due...Of course, since it's 2:39 A.M. here as I look at the clock, I'm going to use character names. Sorry, just can't be motivated enough to run out and find the login names :P  Czukay, you have by far one of my most favorite characters to roleplay with. Yep, he's a nut case, but that's what makes it fun! I've always been a girl who liked the strange, and your character keeps me laughing. Not only that, but you play a pretty darn well-rounded character while still maintaining the "evil" title so many people like to label you with. Obviously, Kinai knows more about "Czu Czu" than the others, so I guess my opinion of him is slightly different :) Either way, you do a great job on both your CDT and in-game roleplay, so keep it up!  Steel, I already told you this, but you do such a good job of roleplaying a silent character. They say actions speak louder than words, and you proved this the most out of anyone I've ever roleplayed with. You don't explain a thing about what Steel means in his gestures, yet oddly enough, the more you spend time with him, the more you find yourself understanding. That's a rare find, and I'm so glad I got to roleplay with you. I have to say, you taught me a thing or two about using more actions and descriptions than straight dialogue. Character insight is still just as important in bashing creatures!  Krys, I haven't roleplayed with you a LOT yet, but enough to say I think you do an impressive job yourself. You roleplay the character's accent well and also give him a sort of life that's rather difficult to find in Layonara. I've never seen a monk roleplayed as well as you roleplay yours! It made me a very happy girl when you mentioned ki and such, as it is definitely something I think a monk should know! Anyhow, thanks for bringing a warm spark into the roleplay world with your character, and kudos to you for knowing yourself what your character should know so well!  Dur'Thak, how can I ever forget the tiefling? :) I'm sure you hear this plenty of times, but I have to say it again! You do so well on the Sigil cant! Combined with that and the realistic character (rude with a reason yet has layers underneath!), Dur'Thak makes for a fun character to roleplay with. He reacts in ways that keep you on your toes, yet not incredibly so. Either way, great job on the character. He's tons of fun.  Tath, need I really say more? Your entire array of characters I have met are fascinating, and each of their backgrounds are in-depth and well thought out. You and Stephen's character Lin Xu had be absolutely surprised with the other languages I KNEW there couldn't be ears for (although, well, you guys could have been using one anyways :P I just doubt it)... Anyhow, I love all of your characters I've roleplayed with, and I can't wait to meet that bard I keep hearing about!  Celgar, I know I don't roleplay with you much compared to others, but I swear, I never laugh so hard until Kinai is either getting imploded in the arena, mimicked, thrown into the water, or otherwise going through similar interactions with Celgar. "Kiss her feet! Do it! DO IT!" Honestly though, sometimes people do get a bit carried away in the game, and it's always nice for some of those silly things to happen to remind everyone to hey, lighten up! Keep up the fun roleplays, Celgar!  It's nearing the 3 A.M. mark now, so I'll stop gushing as much and just start listing names...   Tadhg (Kinai's Hlint buddy!),  Ozy (the all-knowing one as I refer to both in and out of game!),  Farros (insanity comes in many is one of them),  Demitri (a different perspective on difference and insanity), Al (putting him together with Tath makes for the best crew ever),  Skabot (semi-dashing squire),  Koppig (you roleplay all of your characters amazingly well...'nuff said!),  Witch_Hunter (love, love, love the different personalities and traits you think up of for each and every one of your characters!),  Talia (the greatest cleric Kinai has ever seen to live),  Zergon (the huggable drow),  Sallaron (one of the most realistic characters ever),  Pyyran and Karn (a new difference into Layonara that is amazingly fun to follow along in CDTs and ingame roleplay),  Daralith (by far one of the most chilling characters ever).  I know I couldn't cover each and every person who has ever impressed me with roleplay, but all in all, these are the first ones my exhausted mind could think of, so I sort of jotted them down onto here. In the end though, I think each and every character in Layonara is unique and interesting in their own way, and it's up to me to make Kinai go and run into every one of them for more roleplay. Sorry for those I left out, you know I'd give kudos to you too if I had the chance! I just need to cut the list off here and go to bed...  Keep up the good work though, everyone~!


RE: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2007, 06:27:21 am »
Just thought I'd drop a note and say that the rather big session yesterday, was absolutely amazing. Despite our quite large group (I think I counted thirteen people), there was still a great amount of superb role-playing, especially involving Shiff and Seidahn, somewhat rivaling each other, trying to protect "the little ones" (Ariel, Cederic, and Amra); thoughts going to Lord of the Rings thanks to Shiff's amazing comments that could be heard every two minutes. There was a superb amount of in-character talking as we were making our way through treacherous ice caverns and barren snow fields. After, some of the group remained behind to swap stories around the campfire, with in particular Pyyran who told tales of great deeds and legend. We later went to a house he had access to, in ordet to continue the . Unfortunately, this is where I tuned out as the local time now was 7:30 AM (Cederic passing out from having a too big sip of Xeenite Wine). All in all, it was a great evening, night, and morning for all, with a great group dynamic that I hope will live on for future adventures.
  Thank you, everyone.
  PS: Amra is adorable!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2007, 01:44:56 pm »
Kudos to eightbit. Always a great time, also larissa, Rhynn and ozy. And you others out there I cant remember


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Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2007, 04:33:03 pm »
Tath.  He chews on the orc basher shop while he's a bear, and has a great accent when he's not a bear.  Really, I couldn't explain it, but his style of RP is really pretty fun.


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    Re: Kudos for great roleplay
    « Reply #31 on: March 04, 2007, 05:39:36 pm »
    I'm sorry to say, I forgot the name of the character.. but there is a ranger, who helped my Wemic find his way to a druids grove. There was alot of RP in between.. but overall, I'll just say.. I think Ranger is my favorite class. I've probably played it more than any other class.. and he still RPed his ranger better than I do. It was some good fun.

    Thanks to whoever you were.. sorry I forgot your name.

    Praylor Falcus

    Re: Kudos for great roleplay
    « Reply #32 on: March 07, 2007, 02:38:43 pm »
    I belive the ranger you speak of is Armolas Folian, one of the many great Rp'ers on the server, bit of a loner but that is what makes him great. As nothing makes for great rp than to have the silent hero step from the shadows and save the day, only to vanish again while all are relishing thier near death experiances. These are the meat and potatoes of the rp experiance, and how legends are born, not scripted.

    Witch Hunter

    Re: Kudos for great roleplay
    « Reply #33 on: March 09, 2007, 02:06:06 am »
    Alright! So here is my list (as I've only posted 1 person before)
    In no particular order

    Ardelis Rukrym/Abiorn Rukrym – Raht, will this is perhaps the funniest pair I've yet to encounter! Their random actions (from climbing on each other and falling to random Rahts with no reason at all) usually keep a smile on my face If not a laugh… Very fun to play with and both play their characters great.

    Tath – If it wasn't fuzzy wuzzy… Hehe, good guy and great roleplayer… plays both sides of Tath well (one being a bear, the a savage!)…

    Pyyran – One of the best roleplayers in the server, in my honest opinion – both in depth actions and mystery and all that mumbo jumbo… He gets some wheels turnin' in that rusty head of mine.

    Karn/Elz – Whacko pirate stuff here… Karn is always fun to not listen to :p
    And I can't even begin to explain how fun it is to have Tahl and Elz argue :)

    Sally – Aunty sally had an oxen fra la la la… Always fun to tease, and always fun to be teased by! The amount of foul word exchange he and Hector had during his drunk days was beyond great.

    Muireann/Ireth – I think both characters scare me as a player, yep, very scary.
    She plays the badass type quite well!

    Dur'Thak –  The best plane-touched character out there no doubt, a cant blood :O

    Elohanna – Tahl's favorite person, and one of the nicer people overall… very fun to play with, especially hearing about her love triangle!

    Caelte/Ameli – both are fun to play with, especially considering they're both rather new to Layo and still prove to be amazing… Also good to see an old face, Ameli being a DM on a server I played on 4 years ago!

    That’s all for now, probably forgot a bunch so don't kill me!


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      Re: Kudos for great roleplay
      « Reply #34 on: March 09, 2007, 06:22:43 am »
      hte best rp ive had is on layo , everyone i meet knows how and does it well


      Re: Kudos for great roleplay
      « Reply #35 on: March 09, 2007, 03:48:31 pm »
      To everyone who attended my quest last night: Clarissa, Lex, Jennara, Honora, Kyle, Ferrit, Galen, and Jil.  You all played your parts exquisitely, the planning was excellent, and even the role each of you took in the party.  It made a 3 hour information gathering session interesting to DM.  Even though the questions came very fast at times, the nature of them never made it a chore or even difficult to keep up (for the most part, heh :) )


      Re: Kudos for great roleplay
      « Reply #36 on: March 11, 2007, 08:57:00 pm »
      Just wanted to add Hawklen to this list. 'Don't think I've ever laughed so hard till tonight.


      Re: Kudos for great roleplay
      « Reply #37 on: March 11, 2007, 11:08:30 pm »
      Here's a few more simply because of recent events....

      Hawklen....yes....Sall hates him.... but only because he's so good at being bad. When your character actually hates another character, it means they're doing a bloody good job role-playing them.

      Valaria....*nods*....*nods slightly*....had a lot of fun adventuring and RPing, trying to get a joke or smile out of her. Good RP in the consistency of it.

      Tegan.....the descriptions of actions are great and witty one liners. I find it hard to keep up. Great fun.

      All this stemming from the whole....Fight with Hawklen....arguement by the monument night. That one night was some of the best RP I've had.
      The classic moment was Rhynn and Hawken stood watching the arguement, sharing a bag of popcorn whilst my char got ear-bashed of Val.


      Re: Kudos for great roleplay
      « Reply #38 on: March 11, 2007, 11:30:59 pm »
      Hmm, Thinking on this: Dezza

      I think I have the right person anyway. Anywho, He played (I think) a character named Serahlin, who was virtually the first character I met on my first character the first day I got here. The Rp between Serahlin and Kailyn in the crypts about 'the whispers' was amazing and I knew I'd like this place lots since then.


      Re: Kudos for great roleplay
      « Reply #39 on: March 12, 2007, 04:32:34 am »
      If LORE weren't down at the moment, I'd look up who was behind him.  As I don't - Kudos to the player who plays "Steel", another tiefer.

      Why he doesn't speak, I don't know, but he does a tremendous job of not speaking.  He catches another character's attention, and then (all in stars, no less) mimes whatever it is he wishes to convey.  He doesn't cheap out with gestures that miraculously explain everything - he points, he looks pointedly, he gestures to eyes and ears and uses what props he has.  I find him an engaging character.  Again, Kudos!

