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Author Topic: Looting Policy  (Read 1305 times)


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2010, 06:31:10 am »
I have to agree with Dorganeth. Common sense should prevail and i see no reason why someone would roll for an item they cant use just to pawn it and get maybe 3% of its value or whatever.

I've ben on long excursions set up by 2 characters where they say at the beginning the iron or gems found are theirs and thats fine. Generlly everything else gets split. Insnt society based upon agreements, negotiation.

However, if folk want to roll for a shield they cant use then why not. How about a bit more RP with them saying why? If they say they are greedy so and so's who just collect stuff and/or want the coin well fair enough but it becomes part of their Characters traits and they not get invited next time. You reap what you so dont you  (Gawd i've turned into a proper Rofie).



Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2010, 10:45:04 am »

Two points. First, if you don't like this policy, run your own trips, with your own loot rules. I've been on trips where the organizer has said "I get first pick." I've been on trips where there has been RPed stealing of loot (with OOC agreement first). Nothing is wrong with those things - but a lot of players agree with the rationale underlying this particular agreement, so it tends to be the dominant way of handling loot.

Second, to quote L from [lore]handling of loot[/lore]:

One thing I want to throw in here, this is a game clearly but what if it were real? What if you were in a jungle (as an example) with 3-6 people, climbing the mountains, cutting through the trees, fighting those creatures, healing and protecting each other day after day. I guarantee in that case you would definitely put need before greed and I would bet you a good amount of money that even the 'greedy' ones would do it as it would allow them a better chance to survive in the long run. The party dynamics would be quite different than a 'game' because you would have to put need before greed and I feel that is what you should do in the game.

Guardian 452

Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2010, 10:57:44 am »
I dissagree, If I were to join a group and the pre-start statement was that every person here had equal rights to every item dropped reguardless of... level, class, Need, or Greed etc etc.

*leave group* and go get my lowbie toon
*rejoin group* and hope my dice are lucky... WooHoo!!!

Quote from: Ravemore
If they are going to sell it for coin, gives you another chance to be the buyer, no? :) I agree it would be very disappointing to not win the roll though, but hey, rolling the bones is the fair way to do it, without all the who has what in their inventory, who's what level, and who's what class hubub... just my 2 cents. What amounts to a legal document regulating looting seems ludicrous to me.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2010, 11:20:23 am »
Basically what it boils down to is that when going out on a "run", the party should agree on what their "loot policy" is going to be up front in order to avoid discussion and contention at the end.

So it doesn't matter what the selected policy is, as long as everyone who's coming along is fine with it. So if you don't like it, don't tag along and if somebody breaks it, don't invite him/her for the next run. :)


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2010, 12:07:42 pm »
And remember to bring up in an IC manner that your character can actually use item X !! :)

Would be ludicrous for someone to not say that "hey, I can actually use that item X!" and instead just go "they just pawned the item X :(" <--- a little rough on the edges of a scenario sketch, but you get the point :D