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Author Topic: RP regarding the Corath Temple  (Read 4029 times)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2007, 12:37:35 am »
Quote from: jrizz
@Dorg, my post came to me based on the above statement. If anyone of those tiny handful of characters is of "good" alignment or counts themselves on the side of good in good vs evil then the cat should be out of the bag. If not then they have done a great job in keeping the temple secret.

I see....though just because someone is of "Good" alignment doesn't mean they'll be in a hurry to turn over Corathites to the Toranite and/or Rofireinite "authorities"....or blab it to the rest of the "Good" team.

As a note: one of them should make a new PC named "You never found this door". Then make that PC the owner and lock it and give out keys.
Hehe!  Best idea yet! ;)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2007, 12:44:50 am »
Osx and Dorg stated it well.  Many of us have spent countless hours plotting, schemeing, saving our little pennies and almost been permed in the pursuit of having this temple.  To give you guys some sort of indication it took us over a year of full dedication and once we got this achieved it was by far the greatest feat we have ever accomplished.  From the moment it was erected we were negotiating ways to avoid metagaming it's existence and believe me when you play a character everyone loves to hate you get used to metagaming on a regular basis.
Originally we had it locked but as agreed by L and the team we leave it unlocked as it's a place of faith for all Corathites known and unknown as well as it's allies to use (points to Ionnarin).  It was never meant to be a house for ourselves so the plan was leave it and forget about it.

Now in my travels I've seen all manner of metagaming it's existence.  In all these cases though I have never been irritated or nasty as I can imagine it would be difficult for many players to withstrain themselves from using what they know OOC in the game.  Secondly many new players have no idea about the history or unspoken rule about it's existence so we really can't blame them for pointing it out In Game.  I will commend however, that in all circumstances where people have been reminded about not metagaming, its been dismissed with with a brief nod and 'she'll be right mate' attitude and this circumstance was no different.

As to anyone that knows about it from a reliable source In Game, firstly I commend your ability to gather this information as I've got no idea how you could.  Maybe thats what makes it so intriguing.  If these players ever wish to use this information and mount an attack or something we'd be more than happy to play this out.  Never has it been written that we are invulnerable.  We welcome any conflict so long as it was planned from information gathered in the game.  This temple is not just for us, it's something that should benefit the entire server.  It's somthing that should create brilliant new quests for both good and evil.  If it should fall than it falls.  Such is life.  I am sure I can speak for the others when I state that we are not afraid of losing our characters, being permed or failing the Dark One himself.  Even our High Priestess Chanda was lucky to survive a recent quest.  Before it took place Aragon was quite happy to lose Chanda so long as it was done in the right manner, and thats a character thats been around for as long as I can remember.  We're all the same.  We lose one we make another.

Also I like Halfwits idea about traitor Corathites being hunted down and killed.  Pseudo start running!

Anyway it's a shame most of you don't get a chance to have a look inside.  It's really quite beautiful.  The team couldn't have done a better job and we're very proud of it.
If you ever do get to have a look inside with your good characters, we hope it's in shackles being lead to the torture chambers or better yet the sacrificial alter.




Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2007, 12:54:35 am »
//HAve to say I DID see the insides once, though IC I will not be claiming to know anything about it.  Must say...  CREEEEEPY!!!! AND HUGE!!!


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2007, 04:10:13 am »
I think some of the people before may not have been metagaming so much as being ignorant of how hidden the temple was supposed to be.  I know personally this is the first I heard about it being so secret and I had been inside and told people about it and RP'd knowing where it was.  I didn't intend on metagaming.  I just didn't know it was supposed to be so hidden and secret.  It makes sense now that someone has explained.  I do think it should be made permanent somehow to make sure it is well known to people in the future.  :)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2007, 04:40:55 am »
This is not having a go at any one in particular so please no one take it personally...

I do agree that some mechanical way of knowing that the temple should be secret would help but as players I think we have to apply a bit of common sense too....

I mean....why would the Temple of Corath sit there totally in the open? How would a Toranite or any other no-coranthite for that matter be allowed to enter?  All Temples have guards.....Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.....Like the thousands of people who live in Hempstead.

These guys KNOW that they are outlawed and if the Temple wasn't secret then why haven't the Toranite church just gone and arrested the lot of them and razed it to the ground as is their legal right?  If you can't answer that question IC then to me it's a good indication of something you need to clarify before RPing you know about it.

With the Temple of Corath, as with many things people need to stop and think as players...."Hang on a minute, what would the RP be for this" and if your not sure.....Ask!

Just because the mechanic's allows it....doesn't mean it is so and taking the time to ask a DM or another community member before RPing it as working isn't that outrageous a thing to do.

L has stated in another thread that "This world is about RP and our decisions when doing things should focus on the RP side of things"

So while I know it can be hard and confusing when mechanics allows something that RP wise it shouldn't let's try and focus on the RP :)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2007, 01:54:42 pm »
I think the best solution would be to move the temple entrance away from where it is and hide it somewhere else. Somewhere far away from that easy-to-spot place. No matter how many people agree on the terms of it here, there's the other half of the server that will say.. "We have a forum? Since when?!" :)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2007, 02:10:00 pm »
Quote from: Eight-Bit
I think the best solution would be to move the temple entrance away from where it is and hide it somewhere else. Somewhere far away from that easy-to-spot place. No matter how many people agree on the terms of it here, there's the other half of the server that will say.. "We have a forum? Since when?!" :)

New Players, though they do NEED to be on the forum in order to sumbit a PC, may never see this thread once it disappears from the main page's "Recent Post/Thread" List.  So if its not difficult, I know of an excellent place to put the temple thats NOT far from the current place, and also still within the context of being where it's supposed to be . (removed location of Temple, Tanman)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2007, 06:02:29 pm »

There is an opportunity for some really good roleplay here.  There are some really good idea's in this thread.  Jrizz is right on the money

1) The owner of the house should be changed to "you never found this door".

2) The door should be locked.  

3) The keys should be handed out in game.  After all what is the point of a secret society if you can't in game recruit and add new characters.  This adds a real element of value to the game.  After all not every new Evil character will know about it.  They should have learn and gain access to it in game.  Remember anyone with a key, not just the owner, can make a copy of the key.

4) If possible the entrance to the 'house' should be moved to a different location at next update.  This will give a chance for both 'good and evil' characters to start fresh.




Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2007, 09:03:33 pm »
Quote from: stragen

There is an opportunity for some really good roleplay here.  There are some really good idea's in this thread.  Jrizz is right on the money

1) The owner of the house should be changed to "you never found this door".

2) The door should be locked.  

3) The keys should be handed out in game.  After all what is the point of a secret society if you can't in game recruit and add new characters.  This adds a real element of value to the game.  After all not every new Evil character will know about it.  They should have learn and gain access to it in game.  Remember anyone with a key, not just the owner, can make a copy of the key.

4) If possible the entrance to the 'house' should be moved to a different location at next update.  This will give a chance for both 'good and evil' characters to start fresh.



Some answers to your comments:

1.  Sounds like decent idea.
2.  Had this discussion and it's not gonna happen.  Was locked once with a few of us having the keys.  This was dismissed and now it's open for all.  I actually agree with having it open.
3.  as above
4.  I didn't think there were going to be any further updates.  Secondly it wasn't our prefered choice in the mountains yet we're still happy with it.

Anyway I'd like to add that this is starting to turn something that is relatively simple into something overly complicated.  All it takes is some maturity and common sense.  If someone makes an error all it takes is for someone to correct it OOC.  I think we'd be wasting time trying to change what we've got.  I can count on one hand how many times people have made critical errors OOC with the temple over it's entire existence.  Each time it was rectified appropriately.

Also I actually like when people make a blunder, be it new characters or characters that stumble and wander inside.  They get to see how intriguing and mysterious it is before they're told to stay away from it OOC.  Then the lure to explore this secretive world influences them into making a Corathite.  We could always do with a few more.

Anyway thats my sales pitch.



Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2007, 09:36:41 pm »
Quote from: Polak76

Anyway I'd like to add that this is starting to turn something that is relatively simple into something overly complicated.  All it takes is some maturity and common sense.

Oi! Start bandying ideas like this around and you'll make 90% of the forum redundant!



Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2007, 10:51:46 pm »
I guarantee if we move it, someone would find it again and we do this all over again.  We're definitely not going to go down that path.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2007, 12:18:26 am »
I guess its my turn to weigh in a bit on this issue and provide a bit more background since I am one of the principle contributors to the creation of this thread.

The temple of Corath on Mistone is not easily arrived at, due to mechanics and the fact that many areas on a server equates to serious lag; it was decided by myself and the GMs to place the temple where it is now.  It is out of the way and unless you are looking for it your not normally gonna stumble upon it.  This being said, I disagree with moving the temple to another location, #1 - as soon as it is moved there will be people who disregard RP and will go hunting for it, #2 - To move this temple location will take too much precious time away from the Builder staff that already is back logged with updates and changes they are bringing forth for our enjoyment, #3 - Why should the Corathites be punished so to speak by having to move thier temple because others are not RPing their characters?

Personally I can only think of two people that are non-corathites that have ever been taken or lead by mistake to the temple.  Both were part of an abduction attempt where one person was "invited" to the temple and the other followed invisible.  

No Corathite will ever take you to the temple if you are not a Corathite - plain and simple.  Additionally, initiates are not taken to the temple until after they have proven their worth in the eyes of Corath and Chanda.  So don't think you are going to pull a fast one on us ;)  Also, as stated above this temple while it appears to not be guarded it does in fact have guards.  Due to an agreement that I have with Leanthar, those guards are not inplace on the server to lower lag and to prevent other problems that could arise by them being their .. namely faction issues.

CpWindancer, Polak76, and myself spent countless hours and over 2 million in gold to have this temple built, it took us over a year of saving to gain this amount of gold.  To even be allowed to have this temple I had to agree to certain provisions and terms, for example:

1 - The door will not be locked.  It is not a player house, but due to the game mechanics someone had to purchase the deed.  Thus, the deed belongs to Chanda.

In response to the Pyrotechron above, if your character were to find out the location of the temple then after a brief consultation with Chanda you may be allowed to use the font for potion making.  Here again, allies would be welcomed to the temple under normal circumstances, but due to the secrecy of the location and the implications of the temple being discovered I doubt it, use Arnax.

I appreciate the efforts of all those who have RP'd their characters IC and continue to do so.  It is what makes this game enjoyable.  If you think your character may know of the location of the temple then ask dorg or myself we can help provide you with guidance.  I speak for the whole Corathite community (except you psuedo .. we are still coming for you, oh and you too Mich, Clarrissa, and crew (not you Steel)), oh and Plen and the rest of you goody-goodies ..... sorry I digress) when I say that we have enjoyed every moment of being evil-minded and enjoy the RP you goodies bring for us.  

And you who took my key ... and the other person who took my finger ... just wait until I get my other 4 fingers on you.  ;)

Bottomline - Please RP, don't ruin what CPWindancer, Polak76 and several others spent a very longtime creating.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2008, 05:32:36 pm »
Made sticky and bumped for visibility.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2008, 08:08:17 am »
Bumping again for visibility


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2008, 04:18:53 pm »
You mean I can't sell maps to it, anymore? *sighs*