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Author Topic: *Near Lake Dantuc North*  (Read 8930 times)

Lance Stargazer

*Near Lake Dantuc North*
« on: January 07, 2017, 12:52:22 am »
*Armand Dawson engineer extraordinaire is seen knocking on the door instintly for some time* - Hey excuse me, you  mister, don't worry i am  not KLOSD, and i don't see him around. . I wanted to tell. . . Oh.. one moment !!*The gnuman goes away from the door, and maybe some minutes more returns and knocks the door again, the ones that might look at him would surely see that he is a bit more wet than before * - Where i was. . oh yes. . Mister , you have some elemental problems in your ship, you know?  I've dispacched them a couple of times, but .. apaprently more have come to occupy their place. . its .. safe .. for now. .  **he gestures to his well beheaved golem to remain vigilant a bit away of the door * 
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Of course, it is fortunate
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2017, 12:59:11 am »

Of course, it is fortunate that he adds "for now", as while he is declaring the area safe, more water flows over the piers and sludges about in a generally ill-tempered and discourteous fashion. The quavery voice within is having none of it. 


Lance Stargazer

Oh this is going to take
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2017, 01:14:25 am »

Oh this is going to take awhile then - 

*He puts the golem on guard a bit forward as he focuses on the area around the first ship, trying to discern thru the changes in the ambient, if this creatures might be comming from somwhere else or if is as it apper just the water being .. alive now*  

// I understand that might be a bit far from the action , but basically trying to do a Detect magic in the area, to see if he can catch a glimpse of any sudden changes in the al'noth . Still its the first probe. 



Assuming I correctly
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2017, 01:29:27 am »

Assuming I correctly understand your intent,

Armand's probe of the Al'Noth in the area indicates that the elementals are not actively being summoned from beyond Layonara, but rather reforming after being dissipated by his golem -- sometimes into more than there were, before. It's hard to say at this time when it started.


Lance Stargazer

*Upon observing the situation
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2017, 11:32:29 am »

*Upon observing the situation and with his current observations Armand lets the golem cover the retreat as he heads a bit south of the lake towards the Outpost of Center*

*Once he reaches there, after some rest, he is seen asking around for able bodies to help to solve the situation around the lake* 




I'll help you Armand, all I
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2017, 02:03:58 pm »

I'll help you Armand, all I ask is you remembering what I want you to call me, alright? With no justification, or explanation, it is what it is. *nodding firmly when Orn is reassured from Armand, goes about helping him*


Lance Stargazer

*Armand snaps back to
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2017, 11:27:42 am »

*Armand snaps back to reality, as Orn approaches, apparently having a very interesting conversation with himself about some strange wonder that probably would not make sense to the people in this reality, after hearing her he scractches his head* 

- Course always good to count you on,  I fail to see the relation beetwen one way to call you, and the people in need of this outpost , but that is probably common tongue's fault -  *he mutters something in gnomish * 

- But anyway , there are  some developments on the lake near here , a poor ferrymen family, well not to mention the whole place filled with elementals. . . we need to do something..  . For SCIENCE!!! ... er. .. and. . . . justice.   yeah . 

*The gnuman looks around a bit shy, noticing that probably he raised his voice a bit too much * 


Lance Stargazer

*As the evening goes, the
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2017, 11:36:25 pm »

*As the evening goes, the constant sound of the water echoing thru the underground area, reminds the group of the constant danger, the situation get tense as the time passes*

*The gnuman speaks*  Its not to put us in a more tense situation than we are, but i firmly believe that we need to try to restore the area to its original unperturbed state,  Its simply put.. think on it as a Dam, a .. dam of energy. . This dam has been gathering energy for the gods know how much time, and right now imagine that this situation has been created by a leak in the dam, If we manage to close the leak, or the crack, the whole area would become calm again.. and then we'll have time to see how we can remove the dam altogether without causing a huge shock that would be to just break one of the gates of the dam .

While its theoritecally true that there is no proof that removing the dam at all would put more energy into the enviroment, there is no proof that it won't , In my point of view, I believe that if we fail to restore to its original state, we could theoretically to destroy it later, its not the same as if we destroy it first, since we have not the knowledge of creating it from scratch, it could become quite a task . .

So my opinion stands in saying that we should try to restore it. ...  

*He looks to the other two as wanting to hear the opinion of Orn and Lia* 



While Armand speaks Lia
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2017, 01:51:47 pm »

While Armand speaks Lia continues to examine the circle, she hears every word before she contributes her thoughts, “The problem Harmand his that yo don’t sehm the hunderstand how lon hit takes teh mak rituals hof this compete…”  She reconsiders before continuing, “Well, hits not hexpertleh mad, but Hyi’m sur hit performed hits hintended purpose, seh yeah… competence.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing, “Teh recreate hit will tak hours, mahbeh dahys dependin hon what weh hav hon hour persons teh hactualleh complet hit.  Weh halseh want teh deh hit right hand has yo formentioned yo don’t know how hit was mad hand haneh hinformation contained within could hav behn destroyed hin the yehrs.  Which mehns weh would hav teh guess hon the final product.  Hyi hagreh that hit probableh won’t mak thins worse, but hif weh don’t deh hit right hit won’t fix hanehthin hand then weh wasted hours haccomplishin nothin hand weh hall hagreh tim his hof the hessence hehr.”

Her expression is empathetic, “Teh deh hanehthin hehr weh nehd yo Harmand, seh hin the hend hits yor call, but with the himpendin danger hof stayin hin hehr and the lapse hof tim hallowin this teh continue spreadin, Hyi just hask weh seh hif weh can destroy hit without causin mor harm.”



*Orn listens to the
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2017, 01:01:20 am »

*Orn listens to the conversation between Lia and Armand, deep in thought as they speak, jumping in when she can.* I may not have full knowledge when it comes to magics, my strength is with the divine, naturally. But my sense in all this is to destroy it before anymore wild magic is set loose. It makes sense what Lia is saying, I know you want to do whatever it is you want to do for Science Armand, but I do not think we have the time for what it is you want to do.


Lance Stargazer

*Armand listens to both and
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2017, 12:01:54 pm »
*Armand listens to both and first replies to Lia* 
Oh i fully understand the time it takes to create , yes, I simply don't see a problem with it, all the contrary I see an oportunity to create something better, we have the base of it and the point is that its actually working ... somehow, and you have mention it yourself, you are no expert either, so your observation of the time might be not exact too, anyway .. I fully understand that I have not seen the original, but we know that we want  it to do, purpose is the first thing a creation need. 
Also to destroy it could just make it worse as well, Its not like simply removing it from existance as if it never was there, ...  *He then says to Lia* There is no guarantee that if we disturb it more, and destroy the final would not cause greater harm, bieng me here or not..     *he gathers his thoughts as he hears Orn as well on that* 
*He replies to Orn*  I am not doing this recreation for just the science , granted it brings an special interest to me,  i am trying to accomplish a more soothing return to the original conditions, magic energy is a fickle thing, if we change things too fast as a destruction of a magic changer could be, we might bring a violent wave of energy that may make things worse, .... or not, In my mind always have been best to work thru the methodical way observing safety,  I am also a bit curious about how the enviroment will react to a sudden interruption of the efect, with the previous remarks about avoiding explossions i was hoping you both would prefer a safer way to proceed  *grins*  And we could even get an explosion of this that might actually teach us something.
*he sighs a bit replying to both of them now. *  It seems that i am overvoted here, since it appears that you two are set into the destruction of this ... masterpiece of work. .  then it has been decided,  Not much to do about it. .. I said it before, and for the sake of my concience I have to say it again,  Once we do this there is no turning back, since the ritual would be way more incomplete than before and we couldn't recreate it again.   
Now .. About destroying it... We'll have to be as careful as if we were creating one, alas its always easier to destroy than to create  *says it as if he was cursing at himself* So .. i concede that might be a bit faster. 
*The gnuman tilt his head a bit, as he examines the pattern througtly, as if looking for something specific* 


While Armand is caught up in
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2017, 06:06:51 pm »

While Armand is caught up in his examinations, the others cannot help but notice the sudden stream of large bubbles that float upwards from the water. They eventually reach the ceiling of the small cavern and pop, raining confused fish back into the lake.


Lance Stargazer

*By the time this happens
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2017, 04:08:31 pm »
*By the time this happens Armand as completed his second walk around the area of the pattern, examining the situation, he seems unaffected by the water that had gotten him partially wet now, his gaze in deep introspection examining part of the pattern, now and then, he distractedly kicks one poor fish that had fallen into the ground back to its happy watery life, after completing the round around he shakes his head a bit and finally speaks again* 
- I am sorry, but i don't agree that the destruction of this has the least chances to cause an inmediate danger, more taking in account your previous dislike about explosions,  The ritual its already on their last, its going to destroy itself soon, and even if the consecuences of such raw power unleashed are a genuine academic intrerest , i'd rather not risk to be sucked into another plane of existence or becoming a pink Hippo. So no.. I am still in the idea that a more smooth transition would happen, one has to work on the ... *he seems to be looking for the right word as if repasing several gnomish words that apparently doesn't quite fits what he wants to say till he finally says.* ... Contention.    
**He looks at them both,** I hear your concern and somehow understand your thoughts, but in the light of what i see here, i rather try to fix it and calm the effect around than shorten the duration of the contention of the pattern due a miscalculation. .. Anyway *As he says that he opens his hand back for samples taking out some vials*  ... There is no way to know what would happen here with one or other, But i consider ... in the light of a study case, if we force it and destroy it in a fast and efficeint way it could  .. theoretically fix the problems on the area, but one thing i am sure about,, if we do so.. there is going to be a surge of power in the mean time it gets balanced, and that could either suck us into another plane of existance, summon a pit lord for watever or turn pink our eyebrows, and who would like to have pink eyebrows ? Now  blue... that would be a color to try if only one could pick... *he wiggles his red eyebrows at them **
One thing i can tell you here is that, the problem with the overflow of magic leading to the change in the magic casted in the area is not solvavle by now, No matter if the pattern is destroyed or fixed, the problem with the magic alteration will remain for some time at least...  Heck .. even fixing it could make a very ... academically speaking  . .. interesting effects to happen on the area due the very same function of the contaiment. 
On the other hand  *smiles a bit to Lia* If we fail to fix it in  time , we'll get the same result, eventually the pattern will destroy itself causing the aforementioned results. 
*With this he start to pull out the ink and preares to work on certain areas of the pattern with the ink, he seems particularly happy about something in general, while saying to the other two *  We have to learn from explosions,.. there is no funniest way to learn...  And that is what we are trying to avoind of course. .   *The last remark maybe was a bit less reassuring than what the gnuman intended to * 
//   Armand will wait for a considerable time for replies before  he start to work on the "contention" part to fix it according to the theory.


All of the leaves on a growth
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2017, 11:41:36 pm »

All of the leaves on a growth of ivy tremble and become leaf-winged butterflies still attached to the vine. The leaves flutter and the vine writhes as they attempt to fly away, to no avail. 



"That last part his
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2017, 05:36:23 pm »

"That last part his worrehsome Harmand.  Har yo seriousleh confident henough teh fix hit hin tim before hit hexplodes hon hus.  Thinkin hon the posibilites that yo mentioned, well, Hyi hav ha large distaste for demons."

She considers for a bit before continuing, "Halso, hif the hexplosions har himminent, we should warn the fohl ferrehman teh habandon this plac quickleh."


Lance Stargazer

*He smiles at her*  But of
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2017, 06:43:45 pm »
*He smiles at her*  But of course i am not confindent enough that I'll be able to fix it time before the explosion.  Certainity never has been a prequisite for innovation,  i am prepared enought to work with high chances of success, but well... if this were a sure thing, where would be the learning, the improving and the knowledge?  Even with this. . there always can be misscalculations.  
Mmm.. .  I can tell you as before  before, the pattern has stood so much stress, and might fall very soon to its own pressure,  As for the questions,  if I can guarantee that i can fix it before it explodes?  No, I can't guarantee that, If i can try to do so?  Sure thing i can.  If it end being better than the original ?  Its highly possible too.   
Leaving would be diametral to our interests, I need help to protect the work and an ocassional help with the magic crafting effort, I can't stress this enough, Its imperative that no spells or magic is weaved while we do this, otherwise it would harness the energy in an unexpected ways. But if we want to have any slim chance to success we need to stay put, And if something comes out of the pool. .. well.. it might get bloody, , , .. wonder if we could see a mixure of fish and water creature next?  **he is lost in thought for a moment*  
Course i can't force you to stay either. But i am staying to work on this.. and who knows .. if we succeed we may even end with an energy battery that would serve for something more .. . If there is a Turniporter machine, based on momentum and the use of turnip oil that allows teleportation, its not by far a chance that we could actually build a energy source here . .. .   Oh the posibilities. . . 
*After this his mind travels far for a couple of seconds, before he snaps back to reality, then opens some ink of the vial and a piece of cloth and a feather and start to work on the damaged areas of the conductor * 
// With this said.. he'll start to work on the pattern of the contention, trying to recreate it as per the theory studied, he seems to be smiling in delight, with autentic academic interest. He'll use the inks as helper to conduct the energy thru back to the shape that the container had, Creating ways for the energy to be channeled into a more balanced form, and in thus trying to be lowering the leak of the container and restore it to the original intent of this pattern .,


Lia looks to Orn, "Lohks lik
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2017, 08:03:39 pm »

Lia looks to Orn, "Lohks lik his mind his mad hup.  Hyi nehd teh help him hif there his haneh chance for success.  Hyi'm guessin yor doctrine requires yo teh help hinsur this harea his clehr.  Just return has sohn has yo get that hold fohl hout hof hehr.  Hif thins com halive sohn, Hyi don't know how well weh will fare halone down hehr."

Lia then moves to assist Armand with the recreation.  Taking note that she will be censorious if she catches him making a mistake.  ((Evil grin))



Up above the chamber, a
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2017, 09:59:14 pm »

Up above the chamber, a series of quiet footfalls, likely belonging to a single person, sound on the floor of the shop. They move around the shop slowly but with purpose and gradually near the trap door, where they pause and go silent.

"I don't want to alarm anyone down there," says a male voice through the trap door's opening. "but at least one of you may have a problem."


Lance Stargazer

*Armand notices the sound up
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2017, 10:06:24 pm »

*Armand notices the sound up and doesn't pay much attention till the trapdoor actually opens, then replies* 

- Oh , that has been a common thing thru all this trip.  What is this new problem that we have?

*The gnuman asks with genuine curiosity , he thougt of asking about names, but the definition of things itself probably was not that important as finishing that trace that he has done on the ground * 



"I suppose that depends on
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2017, 10:14:17 pm »

"I suppose that depends on how you define 'new'," says the voice. "I suppose the question is...are you responsible for it?"