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Author Topic: *Near Lake Dantuc North*  (Read 8936 times)

Lance Stargazer

Oh.. the relativeness of
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2017, 10:24:40 pm »

Oh.. the relativeness of things. . . Its new or maybe its not due the mysterious nature of the problem itself, and as for responsable , i guess it might depend of what is "it" . 


But for the sake of clarity, if you mean the living water outside or the sudden rush of energy in the area, the reply may be no, we are not. 

*As he continues to continue on the work of the restoration, then asks as if comming to a realzation* 

Er.. . Are you?  



"Am I what?" the voice asks.
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2017, 10:29:47 pm »

"Am I what?" the voice asks. "Oh, responsible for it? No....well, in a way, but probably not in the way you mean. Why do you ask?"


Lance Stargazer

*The gnuman replies without
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2017, 12:29:21 am »

*The gnuman replies without malice and with calm and calculated voice* 

I guess to be able to hold from some point of view an even ground, since you are asking if we are responsable for it, and in my viewpoint we are not, its not far fetched to think that the actual responsable of it could return.. the same as it could not return. . So if you are responsable in a way,...  That is the why .   

Aside that... Once we have reached to the ... particular reply of the same question on both sides, could you please expand a bit more on the problem that lead to this conversation originally?  



"Yes well...I am quite sure I
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2017, 11:17:22 pm »

"Yes well...I am quite sure I did not cause it," says the voice. "and you say you did not either, so that is a good start." A hood-covered head pokes partially through the trap door and looks below, though the face remains largely shrouded in shadow for the moment. "As for the problem that led to this conversation, you seem to be standing in front of it. Has anyone turned into a chicken yet?"



*Orn looks to Lia and sighs,
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2017, 11:40:15 pm »

*Orn looks to Lia and sighs, Orn then turns to look at Armand and sighs harder and longer* I am out of my league Toran, *she sighs again mumbling to herself looking up towards hopefully her salvation in this place* I could use a little guidance and help here, if only to keep my sanity and not turn into a penquin.



As if to answer Orn's prayer,
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2017, 12:15:57 am »

As if to answer Orn's prayer, a small colony of mushrooms near her becomes mushroom people all at once. As their first act in this new and confusing world, they rush to attack the ankles of the priestess. There's an instant of an unsettling sensation, and then the (now taller) attacking mushroom people are aiming at her knees instead of her ankles.

Needless to say they don't do much to damage the plate at this time.



Rubbing her temples Lia
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2017, 07:36:40 am »

Rubbing her temples Lia mutters to herself, "Just when Hyi thought this dahy could not get hanneh mor strange."

"Neh chickens yet sir, but weh hav walkin mushrohms down hehr.  Can yo get teh the point?  Yo sehm teh know som hof what's goin hon round hehr."



"Perhaps!" says the voice
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2017, 09:35:08 pm »

"Perhaps!" says the voice before the hooded head pulls back out of the trap door opening and disappears from their sight. A few moments later, a foot plants itself on the first rung of the ladder, and soon the full form of a man in a long, dark blue coat descends in to the chamber with Armand, Lia and Orn.

When he reaches the bottom, he turns around and faces everyone, though his face remains at least partially shrouded in shadow by the hood. "I suspect at least one of you knows what you have here," he says. "but the question is...what do you plan to do about it?"



She points to Armand, "Hask
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2017, 09:24:56 am »

She points to Armand, "Hask the hanomaly hover here, he his the one takin charge hof this whole peration.”


Lance Stargazer

*At the moment the gnuman
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2017, 12:38:05 pm »

*At the moment the gnuman seems content to work on the restoration of the pattern, while Lia talks to the newcommer, once the elven lass points to his name, he makes a brief stop, once he is sure the current trace is completed and takes note of what were he is stopping following a careful and analitic method, then he speaks to the the newcomer* 

- Well.. again with the perceptions, its always hard with magic to give the objetive answer about what is what or how we percieve it, this might be indeed percieved as diferent things right now , or might be not  .. **nods sagley as if said the last part to himself,  upon noticing the growing mushrooms near Orn's leg he says * er.. we might do something aboutn those before grow into something that actually can hurt us no?  **he gestures to his metalic arm to them, and then adds*  And i rather not become a pinguin until after this is fixed  *he adds * 

- As for what would we do with it.. we are trying to balamce the energies in the area for the anormality start to cease slowly, this pattern here  **he gestures to the pattern that has been made in the ground* got disrupted, causing a sudden burst of energy in the area, which is causing . . well. . people turning into chicken, .. Water and plants comming alive to .. well. try to kill people .  and the like.  

As for what to do.. well...  Of course trying to rebalance the energies restoring the containing part of the pattern, so the energy transmision goes back smoothly and without a violent effect into the enviroment. . .  this is if- - and only if. .. we manage to do it before it explodes of course. . **nods sagely at the last bit, then resumes the work * 




"Turnin people teh chickens?
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2017, 01:59:20 pm »
"Turnin people teh chickens?  Weh hav neh proof hof that that Hyi hav sehn. Yo better not beh makin thins hup hotherwise Hyi will beh questionin the ligitimaceh hof yor plan."

Lance Stargazer

*He smiles at Lia* Well, i am
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2017, 02:21:18 pm »

*He smiles at Lia* Well, i am glad that you are turning into the inquisitive mind, instead of a quick-to-destroy type, To be honest i don't believe for a second you had been convinced of my plan before, so questioning is always good, as long as the questioning does come with a solution and not just for the sake of interrupting a work in progress  ....

As for the proof you ask, All i am saying is that it -could- happen, or you can turn in other things, or we could   lose our voice. . or be sucked into another reality .. its not easy to know for certain , for the characteristics of the anomaly,  But i seem to have explained this before . . **he then turns his atention to Orn*  And still have the problem that the mushcooms could theoretically keep growing,  . which trusting the operation here or not is still a problem  

**speaking all with calm voice he continues on the work *



Her eye twitches slightly,
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2017, 03:08:42 pm »
Her eye twitches slightly, "Horn, next tim yor hinclined teh smack him.  Deh hit hextra hard hand sahy 'This his for Lia'."


The newcomer waits patiently
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2017, 04:10:33 pm »

The newcomer waits patiently as the others talk and banter a bit back and forth. Though she talks the least of the two, the newcomer's shadowed gaze seems to fall on Lia more than any of the other two, based on the turn of his head. When they are done talking, his head turns toward Armand.

"So your plan is to make it better before it gets worse," he says. "This is a good idea...but it is not a plan. Have you figured out what caused it yet? Oh and...let's leave the smacking for later, I think..."


Lance Stargazer

*To the newcomer*  It caused
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2017, 05:10:18 pm »

*To the newcomer*  It caused on its own as per my understanding, This pattern was placed here long ago, with this said, it had a lot of layers of compexity, I haven't been able to determine the initial intent of it, but i am quite sure that one of the parts that it composed was to store or acumulate energy, .. magic energy nonetheless.. . What caused this is in my experience the tampering of the containment part of the said pattern ..  What caused this tampering?  Well. .. So far could be either made by animals, vegetation or on purpose by someone..  

Upon further observation, the anomaly is leaking the said energy into the enviroment, with this said. . it affects any effect that is perfomed by "inducing magic" into it and changing the said effect, So under this reasoning,. this pattern of containment is failing to .. actually contain becasue this leak .. In theory if we close the leak and reduce the energy being thrown into the enviroment, the situation will start to balance itself in time... and most importantly. .. the containment pattern is on its last, it has been under a lot of stress and won't stand much more on its own devices, I strongly suspect that if it fails as that, a major surge of energy. . or magic will be pushed into this pit .. with.. well. . not pleaseants results. 

Our work here is to "close the leak" by restoring the containment part of the pattern.. Once that is done i intend to figure a way to actually defuse the energy and smoothly defuse the energy so the pattern can be disolved more easily.  .. that or making a huge battery for warming up water. . i had not yet decided which one...  but that plan has to be get on hold till... well. .  it actually stop from exploding. . . 

*Another draw here and there * 



I still feel it needs to be
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2017, 08:37:14 pm »

I still feel it needs to be destroyed, innocent life in all forms is at stake. Couldn't you know create some magic bubble around the circle to contain the energy? Capture it somehow or redirect it somewhere of our choosing? For all we know the person who created this could have been in the same mindset as you, seeing what science could do, and in the end couldn't control it. What makes you think you can control this thing once you've put it back together?


Lance Stargazer

*To Orn*  Oh... That is more
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2017, 09:54:47 pm »

*To Orn*  Oh... That is more or less what i am trying to do for starters yes, to make it contain itself so the area around could not be affected as bad, .. Well  .. yes again with posibilities,  What you mean is true, it could be someone with the mindset, but also couldn't , we are especulating about who the creator was,  and sadly at the moment we don't know what was the original intent of it.    

IF it helps to calm your concerns , i am not trying to recreate the whole thing, just the part that contains the energy so its more workable later. .  




The newcomer listens and
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2017, 12:01:40 am »

The newcomer listens and manages to not interrupt the whole time Amand and Orn speak, though his jaw clenches a few times. He takes a breath and looks to Armand before speaking.

"The way your mind works is fascinating," he says. "and the plan is...interesting. I wonder though how you will form a stable shell in the vicinity of something as unstable as this." He points to the anomaly, though clearly no such clarification is necessary.

"You do know about the other anomaly, right?"



While everyone includes their
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2017, 03:48:59 pm »

While everyone includes their thoughts, Lia simply stares at the circle contemplating on the situation.  She quickly concludes the stranger is speaking of the instability of Al’noth in the area, ‘but what does he mean by other anomaly?’  She muses quietly within her own mind, ‘Other than Armand of course.’

“Deh yo mehn the potential hof dead magic hin the lak hitself?  Hyi theorised this hup rise hof nature might be tryin teh fleh hit, hence the spreading hand perhaps hostiliteh.  Hyi could find neh proof hof hit though, nor hof hits connection teh, well.”  She points to the circle, “this.  Hunless somehow the dead magic hin the lak, hif there his any, his growing has this energy becomes more hunstable.”

//Heh, realized I typed this out accent free


Lance Stargazer

*The gnuman seems content
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2017, 03:41:58 pm »

*The gnuman seems content with the reply that Lia gives for the moment, he takes a couple steps to the right and pulls out a  huge monocle to keep working on the next part of the pattern, once he makes some quick calculations he reply * 

- We have not diserned any other Anomaly, as Lia promptly said,  I tend to coincide that there must be a zone where the magic is either diminished or non existent near here, or maybe somewhere esle,  But no, haven't not seen or located i. if that is what you mean . . 

*As he continues with the new part of the old design * 


