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Author Topic: *Near Lake Dantuc North*  (Read 8958 times)


"Yo know... hif the purpos
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2017, 03:53:18 pm »

"Yo know... hif the purpos hof this ritual was teh syphon Hal'noth, hit would hav had teh tak hit from somwhere right?  Seh what hif we treh teh direct hall this henergeh back teh the water?  Hif hit his halreadeh syphonin from the water hand weh direct hit back, well the hexplosion might not deh much harm, has the henergies will not be hable teh hexist hin the dead harea."



The stranger turns to face
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2017, 12:56:15 am »

The stranger turns to face Lia now, and the features of his face that aren't shadowed seem to pull into a bit of a smile.

"Yes!", he says to Lia with enthusiasm. "Direct it back. Now you're thinking! And there is a second anomaly...a dead one under the water, as you expect. The two are linked, and one feeds the other, or so it seems. Oh, and for the record, I would like to avoid any explosions of magic, if at all possible."

Still directing his gaze toward Lia, he continues "So to reverse the flow, hmm?"



"Well thehy hare linked, seh
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2017, 12:42:45 pm »

"Well thehy hare linked, seh the circle should halreadeh have the happropriate hinstructions.  Hif weh find hit then hits ha process hof turnin pull teh push, hor replicate the hinstructions teh push back, makin ha loop.  Then breakin the pull."



*Orn looks from speaker to
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2017, 12:27:44 pm »

*Orn looks from speaker to speaker, in the end she just shakes her head slightly and goes to lean against the wall* I am well out of my element here, I said my peace. I don't know how else to help here. If not needed then, I think I am going back to the poor frightened man to tell him we have an idea what is happening.



"Yes, perhaps," says the
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2017, 02:21:00 pm »

"Yes, perhaps," says the stranger. "Do we know if the conduit between them is only one way? If not, maybe just stopping the pull, as you call it, will be enough, and the excess will return toward the absent on its own."


Lance Stargazer

*Upon looking at Orn then to
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2017, 02:28:57 pm »

*Upon looking at Orn then to the mushroom splatted before the gnuman speaks*  I do believe that it would be better to stay here, we don't want that man to get hurt by .. well the things outside, not to mention that ... well. . we'll need your help, there is strenght in numbers.   *Shrugs*  Of course i can't force you to stay. .. just saying. . .  *the gnuman goes back to the work after a couple of seconds while still painting to the pattern he resumes* 

- In regards of changing the flux direction, There is a part of this pattern that was not designed efficiently, and this part currently its flawed and non operative. as intended,   It was not worked efficiently, but I believe that in order to first give some stability to the pattern the containment should be fixed first, *He stops a moment to examine something in the pattern , either the parto he is working on and some other connections to other areas to the pattern * 



Concentrating on the stranger
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2017, 10:22:06 pm »

Concentrating on the stranger first, "Yo will hav teh hask Harmand hehr habout the hintricacehs hof this circle, Hyi'm ha little rusteh hon noticin the finer details hof harcane writins."  Looking slightly apathetic she adds, "hif hit was halreadeh set hup teh geh the hother way has well, Hyi doubt weh would beh hin this situation.  Hyi'm guessin weh would nehd teh hadd that hin, hor fix that portion hif hit was halreadeh hincorperated."  

With the same expression she looks to Armand and then back at the stranger, addressing both of them, "Meh companion hehr his stubborn though hand Hyi doubt weh will beh doin hanethin helse huntil the barrier his fixed.  Hyi honestleh think hits ha waste hof time hat the moment has Harmand halreadeh hinformed hus that this circle his seh hunstble that heven with the barrier fixed, hit will hexplode, which Hyi personalleh don't want teh beh haround for.  Correct meh hif Hyi'm wrong Harmand."  She pauses for a bit, "habout hit hinevitableh hexplodin hon hus, not habout meh wantin teh beh hehr for that."

She appears to show a bit more ambition now, "Seh hif weh can deflect the henergeh back, Hyi suspect that would deh ha better job hat himprovin stabiliteh then placing ha barrier, since blockin the pull will hensure hits not drawin hanehmore Hal'noth, then haddin the push should hopefully send the hexcess Hal'noth back to where hit came from."


Lance Stargazer

*Without stopping the work,
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2017, 12:02:26 pm »
*Without stopping the work,  he replies* 
-  The problem is that the pattern part that serves to move the energy from one side to other is already broken, and awfully designed if i might add,  Theoretically , when we reach to that part of the fix, we could make it to work in "reverse" alas that woud be changing the original design which some how has its own allure, Not something that concerns me much till the first part of the plan is finished.
As for how sure its that it will explode, Its not for sure that it would explode, but just most likely, to be honest there are several scenarios to consider, first that the whole system doesn't stand the presure of the energy being pushed into it and well it produce a surge of energy with in the academic point of view interesting results, As i said before it could just pop up plenty of bubbles around or turn air into fire .. to say some examples..  or do nothing. .  
In my opinion the very posibility of what might happen is reason enough to worry.  
*he continues on the work *  


Seeming pleased with Armands
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2017, 12:31:27 pm »

Seeming pleased with Armands reply, "Hyi honestleh believe that settin hit teh reverse should beh prioriteh.  Hyi know yo want teh hexamine hit further hand thus hav little desire teh change hits purpose, but hif hit makes yo fehl better, Hyi remember seein ha crumbled wizards tower hin the harea whose howner might hav created this.  Could beh worth hinvestigatin hif weh desire teh delve dehper hinteh this mystereh."


Lance Stargazer

*The gnuman replies  after
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2017, 12:52:30 pm »

*The gnuman replies  after another inking* 

- Despite my academic interest, that is not my only motivation to work with the energy acumulation part, i believe that if the containment part is fixed the energy will stop pouring into the enviroment and would give us more time to work in the problem itself, Granted, its a gamble as well, casue the very effect of the battery -might- in theory cause a surge in itself as the same as casting a spell,  I've not managed to do a calculation of the chances of this, so just letting you know.  

- That of course would also happen if we had tried to fix the reverse part first, As per i see, the design of the mechanism to pull energy was too stressfull to itself,  And the quantity of energy lost on its funcion its ridiculous , so if we work with the "original" design, we have the risk to suck too much energy in theory , or again .. could do nothing .and the very same loss of energy could be part of the equation ... That is indeed interesting.   Let this be clear, its my intent to have this problem solved, and that is my priority here, but i don't see why one can't learn about it or improve it in the process.   *He continues on the task at hand *



Letting out a slight giggle
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2017, 07:13:58 pm »

Letting out a slight giggle Lia replies, "Seh what Hyi mehn.  Well neh point hin standin haround hand watchin.  The sohner this gets done the safer Hyi will fehl, hand Hyi doubt meh hassistance will himpede him."

She gets down to assist Armand fix the barrier, and while on the floor she asks the stranger without looking at him, "Hyi happreciat yor hinsight hand help hin this.  Hyi will not trouble yo with questions hon yor hown hinterest hin this matter, but Hyi would like teh hatleast know hour hassistants name."



While Armand and Lia talk and
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2017, 08:46:40 am »

While Armand and Lia talk and debate, the stranger moves over toward the anomaly and crouches down to more closely examine the magical constructs that led to the formation of this anomaly, attempting to discern its original purpose and the actual function of any remaining and intact magical constructs. Somewhere in the midst of all this, he mutters something to himself about it all being "...a big mess..."



// More response coming soon. Last couple of days have been very full, and also verifying a thing or two with Acacea



Lia joins Armand in his
« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2017, 12:24:00 pm »

Lia joins Armand in his preparations, inking the ritual lines that will become a new containment field - though neither seem to be proceeding yet with the any magic that would be needed to begin rebuilding it - while "the stranger" crouches instead to examine the part that is still intact. Everyone with pockets feels them suddenly grow heavy. 


Lance Stargazer

*As he is finishing the last
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2017, 03:41:23 pm »

*As he is finishing the last ink he smiles proudly*  Well.. well.. this part is ready.. now to turn on the spark of. . . er. . wait?  

**he opens up with some curiosity the investigator pouch he carries noticing the extra weight, to see what is happening*  



It... it seems to be filled
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2017, 03:50:06 pm »
It... it seems to be filled with salmon.

Lance Stargazer

Well ... at least now we
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2017, 04:37:55 pm »

Well ... at least now we won't starve . . *Said nonchalantly*  

*Then looks upon the rest of the one sin the room*  Er.. Did any of you managed to do magic ? even for detection?  

Its alright if it happened, it would be better to know, that way we'll know if was a reaction, or someelse is doing something around here. . or the thing just burped salmon to us  .... 

**he just checks if the salmon is alive or dead*  

**He seems to be putting his thoughts in order then he adds*  Ah .. by the way ... As i said.. the containment part is ready, so... this might be interesting to say the least, as you know for the ritual to be completed it has to be ignited by a spark of magic, which might lead to well... some other surprise. . .  **he waits for a reasonable time for them to reply...,*  



The salmon is still alive...
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2017, 04:55:51 pm »
The salmon is still alive... for now, though it seems to be having a hard time of it. Someone else's pocket thrashes with fish.

Lance Stargazer

**Upon noticing something he
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2017, 06:04:17 pm »

**Upon noticing something he ran towards the edge of the underground water lake ( being careful to not to disturb the previous drawings and does his best to empty his pockets of fish, trying to return the probably confused fishes back to the water,  after some minutes and one fish anwarkedly and umprobably getting insie his tunic, with the equally akward moment to take it out and some juggle with it , it finally lets it back to the water  * 

....  *clears his throat*  As i was saying. . . Time to spark this thing and hope for not to .. well.. something weird happen . . *he looks at the rest of the actors of the particular scene* 



Observing the fish in her
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2017, 08:39:45 pm »

Observing the fish in her pockets, Lia also moves to the underground water source to dump the fish, then sarcastically adds, "Hyi lohk forward teh hit."



"Waaaiiit.....!" says the
« Reply #59 on: January 26, 2017, 11:21:35 pm »

"Waaaiiit.....!" says the stranger suddenly and with a bit of volume, holding up a hand from his crouched position. He maintains this pose for a few moments, and probably a few beyond when he might have everyone's attention. When he moves again, he pulls the salmon from his pockets sets them casually to either side of him, and then makes a brief and confident adjustment to part of the old deteriorating structure.


