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Author Topic: *Near Lake Dantuc North*  (Read 8983 times)


The fish thrash about,
« Reply #60 on: January 27, 2017, 12:24:24 am »

The fish thrash about, gasping out their last seconds in the world, wondering too late if fish have souls, if the Harvester of Salmon will truly swim upstream to gather them, if -- and then they wonder no more. If they wondered anything. 

"The stranger"'s adjustments are to the intact portion rather than what Armand (and Lia) have been rebuilding... and nothing seems to happen... 

*looks around*



"There..." he says  before
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2017, 08:43:20 am »

"There..." he says  before standing but keeping his eyes trained on the anomaly and its surrounds. "That should take care of the surges....unless someone tries to use magic around this thing, of course."


Lance Stargazer

*Armand moves to the area (
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2017, 02:10:54 pm »

*Armand moves to the area ( or areas ) where the "stranger" did the modification and examines it thru* 

- Mmmm ... What did you do?  *tilt his head a bit looking at the glyphs or runes or changes* 

*After a small time observing the changes his eyes loosk a bit brighter*  ah i see!  Interesting,  *he says something in gnomish, as if making some note to self, then continues*  Quite interesting application sir, i must say . .  Now .. Lets see if the whole plan continues to function as intended.

*He returns to certain area where he finished his last preparation, and instruct Lia for another place near the pattern, then asks Orn to be ready for whatever happens, with this he gives the pattern he did, a spark of magic ... trying to activate his pattern * 



Armand has consulted his
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2017, 03:02:00 pm »

Armand has consulted his notes and analyzed the parts remaining which were devoted to siphoning energy and, recognizing the underlying principles and implications, concluded he had the knowledge and experience to rebuild the blown containment field the gathered energies were once held by. After preparing to rebuild this mini-ritual (as if from scratch, not making minor adjustments to an existing one) for the last some time, once proceeding he uses his familiarity with the fundamental principles (at times referencing specific tomes) to direct Lia as well, though there is some confusion as his invocations are in gnomish and explanations in Common somewhat scattered... 

Lia, however, has a long -- if dusty -- history in wizardry and the confusion is soon resolved by her recognition of basic principles of energy and familiar ritual gestures, and is able to assist as they begin the process that will periodically require magic -- both understand the risk of surges at a few different points coming up, but also that there's a good chance they will be only side effects and that eventually they will get through it.

Lia in particular being familiar with ritual magic also understands that stopping partway through once begun would risk a surge in normal conditions, it's fair to guess the same is a risk if suddenly halted. All of the original three have seen the result of several surges since they arrived, however, so... it's not new, either. Depending on the effect, concentration is certainly a factor, so dealing with the results will certainly fall on Orn (and possibly the stranger) if it manages to continue. 

The stranger has his own opinions.

All involved parties please acknowledge proceeding so we don't talk over someone :) Also please feel free to correct characterizations, just trying to give a better understanding of what was already happening, not signing anyone up for something new.



Acacea wrote:The stranger has
« Reply #64 on: January 28, 2017, 04:44:34 pm »

Quote from: "Acacea"&cid="2762189"

The stranger has his own opinions.

// This is an accurate characterization. Carry on!



Apologies -- in the interests
« Reply #65 on: January 28, 2017, 09:20:59 pm »

Apologies -- in the interests of both representating the sustained effort of ritual construction and moving along I have made several rolls on your behalf ;) and summarized. Unfortunately, no one was transported to the plane of fire, nor did Orn's armor begin attacking her... not that anyone would wish such a thing... *toes ground*

Armand and Lia begin their ritual with the first portion and excellent initial results - the beginnings spark to life, forming the foundations of containment without any noticeable side effects (unless one counts Lia speaking veery carefully, that is...). Encouraged by this, they move seamlessly into the next, Armand's words in gnomish blending with Lia's in ... ahem... whatever Lia is speaking in...

Fortune seems to favor them, as the next layer is completed without any shenanigans noted by the observers... however, both casters suddenly become invisible to their own eyes (but not to one another or the party in general!), which proves extremely distracting. The gnuman's voice slows as his attention is divided by this unusual event, but Lia grimly ignores the strangeness and keeps her attention on the work, allowing Armand the space to refocus with renewed determination and no small amount of concentration.

This proves fortunate, as once the portion devoted to relinking it to the "siphon" is initiated, steam begins billowing from their arms as they command unstable energies to conform to their carefully plotted desires. The metal-armed wizard is somewhat accustomed to this, but being invisible while it happens is new. Neither has the space for second thoughts, however, as they were all in once begun, and so maintain their sustained efforts through this. 

Some time has passed by now, and before they have even initiated the final piece there is a huge crack of thunder from above as the chaotic energies rebel against their sustained effort, so close that the ears of the party are spared mostly by the layers of earth above them. The sound rattles Lia and she falters in mid-invocation. When she picks it back up, her every word flops to the ground as a live fish, each of which (of various varieties) promptly begin thrashing their way to the water, nearly knocking over candles in their heedless rush, almost as if they didn't care about a very delicate situation unfolding. 

Together they rush through the rest, anchoring a field in place to serve as a receptacle for any energies gathered in the future. The candles expire at once at the conclusion, and as if as a final act of defiance, all woven cloth fabrics in the area become invisible. No doubt the armor-clad cleric feels vindicated, though thankfully there's quite a bit of wet steam in the air, by now. Sweating, the two wizards survey their situation (with perhaps some averted eyes, ahem) -- Armand, still exuding steam and invisible to himself, mentally notes that his improved containment experiment was a resounding success.

It is at about this time that Orn smells the smoke. 



The stranger watches and
« Reply #66 on: January 30, 2017, 12:35:16 am »

The stranger watches and examines their efforts, or perhaps something very close to their efforts. His expression remains one of focus and evaluation, and he changes his position several times. He stays back and out of the way of the others working the containment ritual and his expression turns pensive as the surges wreak their usual havoc upon their surroundings.

When their ritual is complete, the stranger gives some focus to the results and responds in a somewhat approving, "Hm..." and a subtle nod.

In the next moment, he moves in close to the anomaly again and crouches down near where he made the minor adjustment just a few minutes ago. He alternates working for a few moments with moments spent in consideration, evaluation or calculation. During these, he sometimes mutters to himself, occasionally talking loud and clear enough for a few out-of-context words to be heard. Over the entire course, he removes and rebuilds an important section of the pattern, disconnecting from and reconnecting to (but not interfering with) the containment portion that Armand and Lia worked to re-establish, and he brings the necessary magic to bear upon the newly-established patterns...



((As the background things
« Reply #67 on: March 06, 2017, 12:43:29 pm »

((As the background things lapsed, I decided to merge these back together and let them go as they will :) Sorry for delays and this rambling summary, as I am feeling a bit under the weather... hehe.))

After a few moments planning, 'the stranger' begins his own ritual reconstruction, and his focus is given entirely to rebuilding a more streamlined version of the siphon without blowing himself up. He is faintly aware of things happening around him, but gives them no attention. 

Behind him, shadows in the gathering vapor spewed from the arms of Lia and Armand, the others get their bearings following the effects of the previous attempts at rituals, which the next seems to avoid, for now. The stranger is conscious of the movement of others across the room, and the redoubled prayers to Toran fill the cave and then dampen, as if all the others were underwater. 

Armand moves to join him, the wet steam billowing constantly from him briefly obscuring runes about to be connected -- ink smears as it goes just slightly off course, gem dusts sparkle in wait to trip him up. As the gnuman studies the work in progress, considerately staying well out of the way physically, the stranger carefully repairs what he was doing, holding his progress with steely concentration until he can continue.

As he does, his stomach lurches; though he tries to ignore it, he finds himself in the next moment crouched in mid-gesture with the lake beneath him instead of his work. Inside his field of vision, he sees a man in a long coat, leather dyed a deep blue, still at work. He also sees a red-haired elf (who has decided to take up mostly-naked ladder-climbing!) letting the trap fall once more, and her words are slurred with the same underwater tones, "--maw hofeertekooon, ssssssshophiiis honfoooor!" Ha-ha! Look at all those fish falling from her mouth, smacking to the stone below! More dinner! Dinner for days!

Nothing seems particularly urgent. The man in the funny coat is still doodling and chanting funny words. The elf's hurried progress down the ladder is marked by the clouds of vapor floating down with her. It's all very entertaining. 

Oh! She's still making fish! Hee! "--eeeenfiiinahwahy hou!" And then she turns, and points directly at him, and he feels a stirring of surprise before the sensation of nausea doubles and his blurred vision is once more on his work, somehow further along than he specifically recalls, but he adapts and continues on without losing the thread. 

There is more movement and talk around him as he proceeds, setting in place his simpler version of the siphon. Armand, having studied the old version, quickly gets the idea of the new, as it is both reversed and more efficient, but he also forms questions he can't get answers to -- specifically regarding its linking back to the new containment field, like how does he intend to funnel energy into the field in order to go out again? -- until it is over, either by seeing the effect or asking the stranger once he is free. 

Once the stranger is finished, it lies inert but full of new potential, and faster-paced current events crash back into him. The nausea and slightly blurred vision persist, but other than that he seems to have escaped catastrophe. In fact, his morale is quite high !  

//Free-for all ! Please note, current conditions are:

  • Lia cannot see herself.
  • Lia has clouds of steam coming from her arms.
  • Lia has fish falling from her mouth every time she speaks.
  • Armand cannot see himself. 
  • Armand has clouds of steam coming from his arms.
  • All woven cloth in the immediate area is invisible, be it flag or tunic. Leather and raw fibers are all safe. 
  • Connor is nauseous.
  • Connor has 37 bonus HP. 
  • All food Connor carries on his person is now toxic to dwarves. 
  • The shop above you is on fire.




When the stranger is done, he
« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2017, 11:00:16 pm »

When the stranger is done, he says where he is, plants one hand to the ground and keeps his head lowered and his eyes closed. For the next minute or so, he turns his focus to something else...his breathing. He tries to breathe slowly and deeply to ward off the nausea or at least to be able to function through it. Eventually, he lifts his head and blinks his eyes in some feeble attempt to clear them. He gazes around the chamber at the lingering oddities, finding surprise in none of them.

"Well..." he says to himself. "No time like the present..." And with that, he activates the new magical construct...


Lance Stargazer

*Armand is unable to stop the
« Reply #69 on: March 08, 2017, 12:51:40 pm »

*Armand is unable to stop the multiple train of thoughts that had come to his mind due all the proceedings, Steam from his arms, in a very diferente way, this time it was as if himself were turning himself into the steam that had gotten out by the arm in several times, he wondered upon a thousand theories on why or how his matter would turn into a steam and if he actually was experimenting a change of matter himself, he wondereded if he would lost weight or height once the whole situation had  stopped   .... if it stops eventually , which lead to a very diferent array of troubles derived from his actual situation. . .  Well if he turns out to dissipate in the form of steam at least he would not be able to see himself disappear. . .. small victories he thought . * 

*His derived attention goes from his thoguhts to the situation happening on the pattern, he observes with trained eyes on how the pattern work beetwen one and other, can't help to see what the stranger movements and hand signs are being done, trying to understand the proceedings that happen on the whole new and eficient pattern* 

*He can't help but to absently kick one fish that trashes near him, after a quick look towards the red haired elf, but this doesn't distract him from the proceedings with the pattern, .... this trip certainly had become a very learning experience,  the class about this would be extraordinaire indeed.  ... *

*He then speaks to the stranger*  - Indeed, the present time is usually the best for actually doing things,  For academic case, what is the expectation you have for the changes on the pattern created?  I see that is more efficiently done, yet i fail to see the connection with the original containment part. . . Could you expand on this?  

*He waits for the stranger to reply while observing the pattern reaction, holding his bag tightly* 




*Orn is lost and confused
« Reply #70 on: March 08, 2017, 03:31:30 pm »

*Orn is lost and confused about what is happening, let alone even know where to begin to help Lia. She moves to get out of the way and let the others handle whatever Toran knows is happening.*



After the stranger speaks,
« Reply #71 on: March 08, 2017, 06:47:54 pm »

After the stranger speaks, Lia desides she no longer wishes to be a charity for the hungry and keeps her mouth shut.  She waits to see what happens and for an answer to Armands question before deciding what her next course of action will be.



The stranger activates the
« Reply #72 on: March 08, 2017, 10:58:03 pm »

The stranger activates the rebuilt construct, and... nothing immediately changes. Armand observes and then addresses him while Lia and Orn look on. As the gnuman finishes asking his question, the surface of the water ices over in a wave of crystallization. The chill is so sudden that it is felt deep in the bones and burns the lungs to breathe, even as air becomes more precious, consumed as it is by the flames above. You exhale in clouds of frost. Armand and Lia become blizzard machines, the wet steam blowing from them becoming snow flurries in the air. 

Additional condition:

  • It is very cold! 


The stranger remains crouched
« Reply #73 on: March 08, 2017, 11:33:25 pm »

The stranger remains crouched down, though rests back a bit in a posture of observance. He doesn't really look up at Armand, but he does speak directly to him.

"Well..." he begins. "This and the other are linked through here..." The stranger gestures at the anomaly in the room, something more distant in the direction of the lake and a portion of the magical construct in order, before pointing back to the portion he rearranged. "This part took from the other and brought it into this chamber. I deactivated that part, and left to its own this all would calm back down on its own...eventually. But, in the meantime, it causes me...problems...and I am impatient. This...."

He gestures again at the reformed portion of the magical construct. "This will help it all settle back down further, ridding this chamber of its excess magic and returning it to the void under the lake. Quite simply, I have no desire to contain this anomaly. I desire that the damage caused by repaired and that Magic is restored to its proper state."

Absently, the stranger rubs his hands together as a thin defense against the cold.



In the middle of the
« Reply #74 on: March 08, 2017, 11:43:29 pm »

In the middle of the stranger's explanation, streams of dust and small pebbles fall onto the ice from the earth above, for some reason.

Additional Condition:

  • ?

Lance Stargazer

*Armand eyes open wide for a
« Reply #75 on: March 09, 2017, 04:09:53 pm »

*Armand eyes open wide for a moment into the realization , as if he had seen an epiphany, this last for a moment just before the air is stolen from his lungs after the sudden change of the temerature, coughing hard he goes and press something on his arm, stopping just in time to prevent to activate the weather protection ( Endure elements ). remembering the strange situation he is in now.... *

*After recovering the air and kind of hugging himself due not having any clothes on himself, he nods to the stranger*  

I see,  Indeed i saw the connection you did , there and there, And the changes on the original conditions is what make hard to decipher if the balance would be restored in the room ...   

And now the we are experimenting oh thermodynamics in action, somehow the fire up its pulling the heat out .. as expected of course and this thing  *Gestiring to the construct * Its probably just accelerating the time it needs for the exothermic beheavior .. *he continues rambling in gnomish pseudoscience terms till suddenly he gets  interrupted by the pebbles falling into the ice *  

*The gnuman resumes his watch and study how the pattern works and if indeed the balance is being restored * 



At first Lia would appear
« Reply #76 on: March 09, 2017, 07:17:56 pm »

At first Lia would appear slightly anxious, giving the stranger a piercing stare given the new circumstances.  However, after everything is explained, she takes in a calming breath and sits down cross legged.  Once sat, she carries on with her notes and speaks quickly, "Then Hyi suggest... weh beh quiet... hand conserve hour henergehs... hand hopefulleh... this will fix hitself... before weh hare hout hof... hair."



In the stillness of the
« Reply #77 on: March 11, 2017, 11:15:19 am »

In the stillness of the frigid cold, the hungry flames can be heard above you. Burning. As fires do. Something creaks and then crashes above. Melted ice drips from the heat above, only to freeze again. The wood in the trap door smolders. //Listen checks.  

As Lia sits, there is a whistling, then moaning sound, followed by a sharp crack, and then silence again. Near the circle is now a furry green ball on four squat legs. A... footstool, or... It waddles a few inches, emitting a faint coo when in motion. 



//Orn rolled a 13 listen
« Reply #78 on: March 11, 2017, 05:04:19 pm »

//Orn rolled a 13 listen check

The little green ball gets Orn's attention, her first thought was "aww how cute", then Orn continues to use her divine magic sense with everything happening around her.  She still tries to stay out of the way of the others, but she watches what the little green ball with legs does/do?


Lance Stargazer

// Armand Rolled a 14+3 = 17
« Reply #79 on: March 11, 2017, 05:48:02 pm »

// Armand Rolled a 14+3 = 17 on the check.

*Armand atention looks beetwen the exchange on the temperatures while still checking the on the Changes in the room, while looking up at about the fire on the top *