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Author Topic: Refugees in Rangley  (Read 1059 times)


Refugees in Rangley
« on: June 20, 2012, 11:49:32 pm »
A ragged crew of men, many of them injured and near death crawl from the forest surrounding Rangley.  They bring dire warning from Vale.   The town is all but destroyed by a raiding party of dark elves.  The attack happened at the last double new moon.  The survivors that make their way into the town tell a horrific tale.  Men, women and children killed.  The priestess of the Katian temple strung up and tortured with her followers.  Those that did manage to escape claim they only did so because travelers to the town warned them that dark elves had been spotted in the forest and brought back the remains of a ranger scouting party that appeared to have been ambused and killed by dark elves.  Some of the residents were prepared, but sadly many others were not.
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Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2012, 11:54:03 pm »
The same night the refugees arrive, a startling change occurs in the night sky.  



Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 07:07:40 am »
In Leringard, a seer looks up at the sky and shudders.

"Red stars... the lands turn to waste and all die... the dragons circle overhead the battlefields.... while the red stars burn..."  She pulls a shawl around her against a chill.  "This is real."

gilshem ironstone

Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2012, 07:43:08 am »
A face of ashen stone sees the red stars as he treks across the Great Desert.  He bows his head in concentration for a moment and then suddenly changes course, heading for the coast.


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2012, 09:23:18 am »
"... Curious..."


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2012, 09:59:11 am »
Somewhere in the wilderness of Dregar, Ni'haer and his retinue all watch as the skies suddenly change. The sorcerer now fashions a look of genuine concern as he confers with his lieutenants.

"Anira aleleala ilma anilgoelv anee celv. Kya cailela elsta anira stastca oelelairala. Lieanirmecwylaan ilkyileanla yla."


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2012, 11:32:00 am »
An aged and cloaked figure arrives at Vale, a noticeable hump appears hidden under his garb as he surveys his surroundings. He moves east to the temple and places a palm in a pool of blood as he kneels down in prayer. He massages his bloodied hand into the grass and looks into the twinkling red spots in the night sky before speaking to no one in particular.

"Well, well. Is this your work Milara? If it was your intent to gain my attention your mission has been accomplished. If it was not, whoever you are, you will regret stirring me from my nest."

With that he stands up straight with the help of his staff and unbuttons and removes his cloak. He raises his arms to the heavens and expands his wings with an almighty stretch before lifting off north into the dark sky.


A short while later the winged man returns with herbs and potions as he begins tending to the injured and ill, often looking up into the night sky. He enlists the aid of some of the able survivors to help him gather any clues to the attackers' affiliations and to piece together the entire assault.

He inquires of each, "Where did they come from? What were they wearing? Describe the leaders. How many were there? Did anyone look out of place?"


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2012, 07:55:21 pm »
SehKy, discovers two bodies in the Forrest near Vale and alerts Protector Merritt and her companions who are exploring a cave nearby. Phelicia gently takes the bodies of a human child and elven woman to the ruined temple in Vale. Struck to his core by the destruction and violence, the shaken SehKy sadly explores Vale searching for survivors finding none.  SehKy prays to Ilsare for the souls of the dead.
- Madd


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2012, 08:35:37 pm »
Sehky finds no one alive in Vehl to aid.  Any surviviors have probably since scattered.  The Katian temple is in ruins, buildings burnt to ashes and decaying corpses, some of them mutilated beyond recognition.

(Should the server reset and I not get a chance to remake the changes - this is the physical state of Vale until otherwise stated)


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2012, 11:42:22 pm »
Not an hour after Phelicia and Sehky brought the bodies from the forest to Vale and stood gazing at the destruction Cardin wanders in from a deeper part of the forest.

His hair slightly more crazy than usual, bedraggled and many sticks and leaves stuck on his clothes he stands near the Temple taking in the scene. His mind takes some time to ponder the scene when he sees Phelicia and Sehky trying to stand up one of the broken statues from the temple.

When Phelicia sees him it is evident she has been crying for some time. She runs over and throws her arms around him and sobs into his chest. Cardin pats her lightly on the head a half finished mushroom in his hand.

"Who tried to fertilise us Phe?"

Through sobs Phelicia tells him what she knows, and how a woodsman who just left had reported it was dark elves who did it.

For some time Cardin stands amidst the smoldering ruins, confusion clearly evident on his face. Idly he takes another bite from his mushroom and speaks suddenly.

"Well! We have to do something Phe! We have ummmm...fertilise them! Yes thats it, we need to fertilise them!" He steps away from the upset druid and gesticulates wildly around the area for a few moments before stopping.

"Oh, I suppose we better get things in order here first. Dig over the soil, so to speak, start a new crop. Yes, thats what we need to do."

He glances past some of the debris and see's Plenaruis helping several people.

"Oooh, Phe! The Bird man is here, he'll know what to do. yes, We'll help here, it'll all regrow. Then we speak to Bird Man, then we...fertilise."

His eyes take on a feral gleam, pehaps aided by the multitude of mushrooms always on his person. Quickly he moves to help take down the tortured priestess's body as Phelicia continues to help trying to restore order.


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2012, 11:45:13 pm »
Phelicia watches Cardin gently taking down the priestess whom he had so regularly visited and provided mushrooms for over the years. Somehow she feels better with Cardin around, the oft times eccentric Cleric of Katia so opposed to being a hero and always ready to help others.

She called forth several animals to help her begin moving some of the heavier debris away from the temple site. More help would arrive soon, surely.


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2012, 05:53:47 pm »
After days of tending to the wounded and performing burials Plenarius takes to air above the forest and looks around. Spotting a few Folian rangers below the canopy he swoops down and approaches them with a gentle tip toe.

"Gentlemen and lady, word is you performed admirably in your aid to evacuate Vale. My enduring thanks for your courageous efforts."

The three rangers nod solemnly while their faces remain stoic.

"I'm afraid I must enquire to just how such a force evaded your patrols. Not that I place blame, I'm just attempting to piece together the attack."

The older ranger speaks up, "Plenarius, the stealth under which they coordinated their attacks was legendary. It was not until a patrol picked up some distant screams that we had any idea."

Plenarius nods and appears to make mental notes before continuing. "Did anyone report any certain confirmations of a leader and their affiliation?"

The younger female ranger appears eager to speak up but is interrupted by the elder.

"The leader was female with long white hair, deadly beautiful and petite..."

The elder ranger is cut off by the female suddenly as she can't hold back her discovery.

"She was mounted on a demon horse!! Pure black with red eyes and a horn growing from its head!! I froze in fear for what felt like an eternity before Jonas grabbed my arm and we dashed to the northwest."

The two other rangers appear ashamed by the younger one's outburst before turning their glances to Plen.

"What she says is true", the elder continues. "Moreso, many of the attackers clothes featured images depicting this very demon horse."

Plen nods and grows quiet for a half minute. Finally he speaks up, "Come, let us eat and we will talk some more."

Guardian 452

Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2012, 11:15:23 pm »
Traveling through Vale on his way to visit Folians Temple Enzo hears of and then sees the remaining effects of what took place. He would help out as best he could before going on to Folians Temple deep in the Forest of Mists. He would ask the healers and others at the temple to aid Vale in any way they could.

Enzo will remain in the area assisting with rebuilding, and if asked to... assisting in any investigations or tracking being done to find the attackers.


Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2012, 01:28:04 pm »
*After receiving word from her daughter from what she saw of Vale, Jil heads there to see for herself.  Seeing the destruction she is devastated.  She wanders the area, talking with anyone she comes across to get a clearer picture of what happened.  If she crosses paths with Enzo, she will assist him.*


Re: Refugees in Rangley
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2012, 11:22:36 pm »
Annalee arrives to aid Plen and does some sketches.  This is one shown to a group assembled to discuss the occurances


