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Author Topic: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thread  (Read 6570 times)

Lance Stargazer

// Discussion thread for Tyilaan, Andrew, Jilsephonie, SehKy and Cord. After the events of the village of Lilac and had moved further into the river of reflections heading over the Breath of the muse, Being escorted by a small group of Heartsong archers there, they seem a bit hessitannt and not that open as in previous times  ( to those who had traveled here before ). but they aren't openly hostile nor threatening.

*The group keeps moving beside the river for the next day, the Breath of the muse being still some days of trip, you eventually pass thru the place where the cotage was supposed to be, only the remanents of the old building are seen ( just the shape on the ground , no actual build ) and the base of what once seems to be the chimney, the cotage is just under the shadow of a small hill. about 500 meters away of where the river is ( and where the party is ), the sun is finally setting down and you find a good place to camp near the area, food won't be problem with the last stop at Lilac, and you have the water of the river as well. The heartsong archers don't travel with you, but a bit afar of your group, and you have the idea that they are changing patrols as you advance further into the river*

// Go on people. .
The following users thanked this post: Jilseponie Wyndon, Hellblazer, RollinsCat


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 05:25:46 pm »
*Tyillaans takes a moment to look at the ruins, getting closer to them and sifting through the rubles trying to figure out why it has burned out. Sensing for any remnant of al'noth that could be tied to the painting that had disappeared.*


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 10:45:43 pm »
*Sehky cooks venison stew, creativly flavored by herbs and seasons he purchased in Lilac talking about the Breath of the Muse with anyone who wants to talk.  When the stew is ready, SehKy walks over to invite the Heartsong Archers over for stew.*  //ready to roll *cooking check  ^.^

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 10:58:28 pm »
*The archers keep their distance, not coming closer to the group, they thank SehKy the invitation, but stay away as they keep doing their patrols. *


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 11:52:20 pm »
The bard takes out his sketching book.  He finds a spot near the cottage's foundation that has  view of the river past the chimney and settles on the grass.  The foundation he sketches as the outline appears, and the placement of the remains of the chimney; then he fills in what he imagines the cottage might have looked like, walls built of logs of the dominant trees found nearby, thatch roof, windows unglassed but with brightly painted shutters.

With some colored inks - not much of each, as the containers must by necessity be small to travel easily - he brushes in imagined shades, pale and dark yellows for the roof, the shutters a pinkish red wash, singing all the while.


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 06:36:07 am »
Cord plays her piccolo following how her heart feels, hateful of the dark elf she saw, angered by the memories of her captures, with a healthly dose of skepticism that any even Tyilliaan, trying to work her way through her own emotions.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 12:10:56 pm »
*The first couple of hour pass, with the sun reaching to the hidding spot, crowning a hill, the foundations of the former home, has been almost erased by the time passage, there are if any just some burnt rocks where once the chimney was, no other hint that there was a home there is found on this, As Chord¡s piccollo rings thru the nigth with a sad and almost violent yet beautiful music to make her mood expressed thru the sound of it.

The crickets on the field acompanying the music, As andrew finishes his "painting" on the Cottage that has formed on his mind, the smell of venison and spices fills the air *

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 12:25:30 pm »
*Jil makes her way to where the burned cottage is.  Thinking that maybe finding something personal among the ruins, may bring the people a bit more happiness, she begins a search of the area.  She pokes through the rocks for anything that might have been buried, looks for a possible root cellar and slowly circles out looking over trees for for hidey holes and/or marks/stray arrows that may tell who actually attacked/burned down the cottage.*


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 01:13:25 pm »
The sketch is done and inked and Cord's music winds around his soul.  Standing, stretching, he moves toward the smells of SehKy's stew and sets the artwork beside him to dry.  As the ladies pick across the ruins with fingers and magical senses, he speaks to the woman at the center of it all.

"That elf...I sensed true desperation.  As curious as I am it is just that - curiosity, not empathy.  But why did you walk away from him?"


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2012, 04:48:39 pm »
*Her sensing of the Al'noth revealing nothing to her she turns and comes back toward the fire. Hearing Andrew's question she sits at the fire*

"What could we have done? If we tried to free him, either we would have injured those guarding him, us, or we would have gotten him killed, faster. At least now he has a chance to be judged fairly, if they hold a trial. I should probably write a letter to judge Kirus, maybe there's something he can do.

Since from his says, he has no ties to the breath, they can't really help him either. And he seemed very adamant that they would kill him instead of helping him, for some reason.

So beside hoping for the best, any actions we could have taken might have ended up with someone being hurt, I'm no Aeridinite, but if I can avoid it I do so."

*She looks up at him gauging him and waiting for what ever questions or answer he might have.*


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2012, 05:07:31 pm »
"He's probably right that they'd kill him.  I wonder why he felt so strongly that the Breath would see him dead but not random strangers?"  The back of a violin is removed from a simple case; dust falls out with it, and sandpaper.  He examines a few squares and selects a piece fine enough that it resembles lamb's skin.  He sands the chiseled gold-and-red wood while he speaks.  "Keep in mind they probably won't open their arms to you even with the four of us vouching.  Interesting you mention lived with an Aeridinite for years, and I know because I live with her now."  A quick smile.  "Az'atta's doctrine could be considered closer to Aeridin's than Ilsare's, if compared, and you are a former Az'attan...and you speak of your own hesitations regarding the arts and love.  I asked this before, but I'll ask again, because they will.  Why Ilsare?  What does She touch in you?"  The words are underlined with the whisper of paper over wood.


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2012, 05:17:04 pm »
*She grins at his comment about Elly but then looks down*

"I'm not hesitant about arts.. I just don't know what I can bring to it, I'm not very artistic. At least in the ways most people think. I don't paint, or draw, or play music.

And for love, it's the more personal aspect of it, what you would refer to a lover. Friends are not the same in that way, yes they can hurt you and betray you but for the most part, they don't have that intimate connection with you. That's the part I'm hesitant about.

But I can appreciate the arts, I do find the beauty in them inspiring, I can relate the sense of your soul being moved through music and it changing how you perceive things around you. And with the years of living with Sehky and Keela, it has taken a new light and understanding. Maybe some would say that you don't have to be a Ilsarian to appreciate those, but when you understand how they make you feel and in a way changes how you look at things, why would you not want to give thanks to the mistress of the arts. And what a better way to give thanks than to follow her tenants? After so many years of feeling a whole in me where my faith used to be, and seeing how Keela and Sehky interacts with theirs in a daily basis, it drawn me to want to know more and feel it myself.

I hope that answers it better than I did last time."

*She concentrates a bit hoping to be able to catch some of the flames inside a magical bubble.*


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2012, 05:52:44 pm »
*Keeping his thoughts to himself, SehKy packs the food and cooking gear away.  SehKy sets out an ornate tea infuser and tea pot for use later in the evening and/or the morning.  Satisfied all is ready for morning, SehKy casually walks over to the Heartsong Archer camp in an attempt to socialize, talk archery, learn names, and peek at quivers to see if he spots any of his distinctive enchanted arrows in use.*


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2012, 09:20:34 pm »
He nods as he listens; finely dusted wood is caught up in the fire's drafts to dance with the embers and ash.  "Tenents."  A smile.  "Not something the Inspiration has many of.  But you did hit one squarely on the head - feeling.  Passion.  That is where you will find Ilsare in your heart; that's the tenent you follow, wherever it leads you.  There are no books to tell you how to act as an Ilsarian.  By contrast I could read the laws of, no I couldn't."  He laughs.  "Let me pick a different example.  I could follow Aeridin's faith very easily, given who I love and what I know.  I could follow doctrine and claim to be Aeridinite..."  For a long few seconds, he looks at the violin he's been sanding and quietly touches the wood, taps it thougthfully, then looks back to the dark elf.  "...and no one would have reason to doubt me...but me.  It's here -"  He taps his breastbone, then reaches to tap hers.  "- and here.  It's art and beauty, and love and passion, emotions, feelings, surrendering to them...and expressing it all, and encouraging others to express it.  How you do it and how well you do it isn't important.  Only that you do.  It's my experience, at least, that in doing so you draw closer to Her.

"And don't think because you're a little nervous about the trust involved in love that you're alone."  Wry smile.  "Ask my wife sometime how long she waited for me to figure it out..."


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2012, 11:23:00 pm »
*As he reaches to tap her own breastbone there's a slight hesitation but she doesn't move after that very slight moment, looking at where he taps and listening to his words she nods.*

"I understand what you mean as of passion in what you do and how you live and express yourself and emotions. It doesn't happen very often but I guess Elly and Argos got a wiff of my passions at times, in what I think and feel. And I guess that if one can see passion through archery, there might also be a place for it to be considered an art, well it is, at least for those of us who practiced it all their life to attain perfection. Even if in it self, perfection is not required, the drive, the passion to attain it is in it self an expression of that love and devotion for the art?"

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2012, 09:12:29 am »
*After a bit of time, Jil comes wandering back to the camp, her pixie Kyrie flying all about her in loops, chasing a drifting leaf or a passing bird, a high pitched tinkle that could be laughter coming from it.  A small bit of rope still hangs from her pack, glowing quite brightly, begins to fade as she approaches.*  

I smell stew ... any left?

*She walks over to Ty and squats down next to her, a dirty and tarnished necklace.  She holds it out to Ty.  The necklace, once opened, shows a small painting of a  woman doing a painting. It's surface and contents are damaged and diminished due the exposure to elements but other than that, well preserved.   The painted woman is blonde (or red-haired perhaps ), with pale skin and serene  expression*

Nothing much left of the cottage and it's property.  Found this in a sort of Root Cellar just a short ways from the where the cottage stands.  Hopefully its an heirloom or something of emotional value, that if you were to return it, perhaps it may ... change her view?

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2012, 09:58:45 am »
*SehKy is greet again by the archers whom despite being cautious doesn't spare them to be kind and polite to him, they take the stew, and share it beetwen themselves, finally the one leading this patrol aproaches to him, he mentions that his name is Ke'lduran, and has been serving alongside the rest of the heartsong Archers from some time ago, he said that he personally has 100 years in the service of the protection of the Breath, his quiver is covered and yet made of precious manufacture, the feather of the arrow, shows a wide variety of colors, they being carried with great care and concern.*

*After some time ( an hour perhaps ) , the heartsongs request SehKy to return to the campsite of the guests, he is willing to do chat though *

( aka  . The hour given is in case you have questions or you want to discuss specific situations with him )


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2012, 11:55:43 am »
*Tyillaan looks at the necklace with care and smiles a little*

"She seemed really into her painting, you think it's the mother of that woman at the caravan?"

*Tyillaan notices the heartsong archer and Sehky coming toward them and she pulls her hood down a bit more to cover her*


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2012, 11:59:30 am »
Setting the violin base aside, Andrew motions toward the necklace.  "Might I see that?"  He picks up the painting again and digs for his brushes and charcoals.


Re: *Towards the Breath of the Muse * ... Post Tyiilaan CDQ thre
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2012, 12:34:04 pm »
As the time passes the sad song changes ever so slightly, the tone full of her own emotions, though the mood changes from the underlying and obvious anger to a more thoughtful tone, at the edges of her eyes she holds back as much of her emotions she can and finally lowers her piccolo thoughtfully, and moves closer to the others to catch a glimpse of the necklace.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

