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Author Topic: A Quiet word passes by...  (Read 665 times)


A Quiet word passes by...
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:39:06 am »
[SIZE=18]An old DragonCalled, by name of Sallaron Tempest, who seemed to hold some reknown as a carpenter, has died of old age in his house in Haft Lake.
He left behind his wife, two sons and a small fortune in his will was given to various charities.

During the funeral, friends and neighbours were astounded to see a mass of people attend, many seeming to be Ex-slaves rescued from a terrible life, whilst others appeared to be those of great rank and standing from various organisations.

Neighbours were noted to have been amazed by the massive attendance to the funeral, stating " He seemed like such an ordinary man. "[/SIZE]


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2010, 11:42:15 am »
A certain fellow, hidden in a tree's shadow and shrowded in an illusion to make him seem as though he isn't there, watches the funeral, eyes bright and intelligent and deep red. He speaks a whisper, and no one is near to hear save perhaps the dead man whose life is remembered.

"How I loved to hate you, Sallaron. For all your strength, you played the coward.... and yet, time tells a different story. It reveals things unseen at the moments of decision. This world would be a truly different place without the likes of you, old carpenter. Another generation has gone with your passing. Goodbye, my enemy and friend."

The mercenary departs soon after; as with many other places, he is not welcome there.


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 04:20:38 pm »
Wren attends the service thinking on times past, old friends missing and passed. He says a quiet prayer to the great wolf.


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2010, 05:04:04 pm »
"Never understood why the man refused to go down fighting." Hardragh shrugs slightly at the dockworker he was talking to. "Surely would be preferable over that slow descent into an everlasting dream."

Before the dockworker can speak in Sallaron's defense, Hardragh is seen boarding a vessel, soon sailing away from Hurm and away from the gathering around Sallaron's grave.


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2010, 07:44:30 pm »
*Beli gets up in front of the large group attending the funeral. In a loud dwarven voice he begins*

I've known Sal since just after he became a Dragon Called and before he could swing two swords. We where at the Fall of Prantz together *glances over at Tegan*, I was there to see both of his sons raised. He helped me when I needed it and I him.

He loved to get into trouble. He wouldn't admit to it but it never took much to get him into it. I should have known when he saved that White faced Belinarian monkey you all know as Screech from the circus, that he would not stop there. It led to his greatest contribution to this world, the fight against slavery and the freedom he got for all those slaves.

*raises a large mug of ale*

To you Sallaron Tempest

You have done great things and set a standard for the rest of us to achieve. May you rest in peace. *quietly* You will be missed.

*throws back the ale drinking, letting some spill in an attempt to hide his tears*

Lance Stargazer

Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2010, 10:49:56 pm »
Argos is seen around the burial place, with a heavy look on his face, the young man walks with deep respect, attaired in a blue turncoat aproaching to the funeral arrangements. He's seen chatting along with a young bard aproximately of his same age, once some words are exchanged beetwen the two old friends.

Once The condolences has been given, the man with his flowing long blonde hair, presents a single wooden one handed sword with some markings, he places it with respect *

Farewell Mister Sallaron, thank you for all . .

*With those words he goes again to speak with Jurn of the old times when life was easier *


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2010, 11:53:33 pm »
*Tralek walks by the funeral site and shakes his head*  "Going to miss that one there.  Never seen anyone talk as much as he in the middle of swords and spells.  The guy was a real riot to run with and adventure."  *Tralek looks at all the respectable attendees and nods.  He walks off and kicks a loose stone as far as he can*


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2010, 12:48:39 am »
*A large group arrives with soldiers bearing the livery of Liwich. In their midst a middle aged woman of striking bearing and saddened face. Her guards pause and allow her to go forward to the coffin.

"Never was there a more sensitive and determined carpenter in the world. You lived and loved by your heart. Rest easy Lord Reaver, Liwich will never forget you."

Angela Liwich, ruler of Liwich stands back and returns to her guards.


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2010, 12:53:15 am »
*There are a few murmurs and startled looks, some frowns and some open animosity towards the next figure who moves forward to pay his respects.

A ragged looking goblin covered in scars and missing half an ear but dressed in fairly fine clothes moves forward hesitantly and eventually reaches the coffin.

"Yeah, well, took the easy way out hey, worthless cur. I knew you had no backbone you son of a motherless goat. Guess I'll see you soon in whatever pit you end up in you dogsbottom licker."

Observers notice the goblin wipe a tear from his eye after the odd parting words before he steps back and seemingly disappears into the crowd. no one truly remembered him arriving and noone sees him leave.


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2010, 01:01:24 am »
Out of those assembled two figures stride forward. One a finely dressed middle aged man of seabearing stature with the look of a man originally from somewhere in the Rhodez alliance. The figure next to him a hulking brute of a half orc seemingly emanating pure ferocity and covered in scars and tattoos.

Blood Circle Captains both, in service to the Admiral Red Bear of Hurm, Captain Lion the Brutal and Captain Han Wai Clawfist stride forward to the coffin and both salute.

"All will remember this man, he was a great man, Lord Reaver. We will not forget, the Blood Circle salute you, the Red Bear himself wishes you smooth seas and fine sailing in your journey beyond."  Captain Han Wai says a quite prayer to Mist for Sallaron then together they withdraw.


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2010, 04:00:44 am »
*Vrebel stays on the outskirts of the funeral area watching as people from all walks of life come to pay their respects.*

Fine feller if ever I knew one.  Fast on his feet and even faster with his tongue.  Never realized he did so much fer so many folks.

*grins to himself* Funny, last time I seen him he was diggin' clay over by Corax.  

Well guess this is the way he wanted ta go out. *grunts* coulda used him gainst them drachs.

*With a solemn nod Vrebel departs the same way he came in*


Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2010, 05:01:02 am »
*In a quiet office in Vehl, half a world away, word eventually reaches Arkolio of his friend's passing. For long minutes he stares off into space, a coin dancing across his knuckles in a display Sallaron had seen (and mocked) many a time. An attendant, a thick sheaf of parchments in hand, hovers uncertainly at the entrance to Arkolio's office.*

"M'lord Arkolio. The dispatches you requested ... is it a good time?"

*Arkolio slowly raises his gaze to his attendant.*

"A good time? Quite the opposite."

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2010, 01:47:41 pm »
* The dressed body is laid out in order to allow friends and family to say their last good byes.

As the last people in attendance are about the leave, something happens that makes them turn and cry out in astonishment.

A soft glow seems to be emanating from a centre point on Sallaron's chest. The glow increases in brightness and soon flames appear as they burn a hole in Sallaron's clothes. The flames continue to increase in ferocity and soon the entire corpse burns.

More spectators arrive and some atempt to extinguish the flames through use of water or even magic - but to no avail. Within minutes the entire body of the former adventurer has burned to all but ash.

Later, when questioned, some of the witnesses claim to have seen a fiercely glowing rune in the shape of a claw on the corpse's chest. They tell that this must be what started the fire... *


A Quiet word passes by...
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2010, 05:40:25 pm »
Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the lord

"Thank you Captain for loving me, for our life together, for the many adventures we have had, you will be with me for always and never be forgotten. May you find peace with the Longstrider, learn the paths and wait for me to help point you in the right direction."

*After the softly spoken words the woman finally steps away*