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Author Topic: MISSING -- Information Requested  (Read 70 times)


MISSING -- Information Requested
« on: July 17, 2005, 07:53:00 am »
* Posted in towns all around Mistone*

Oclar 19, 1386

Estelle Belvinta, alchemist and long-time resident of Krandor, has gone missing.  Estelle is described as an  81 year-old human female, with silver hair and green eyes.  She has been in declining health recently and seemed to be experiencing changes in personality and memory loss, which may have led to her disappearance.

She was last seen in her family home in Krandor.  Her son, Baker, reported her missing this morning when she did not come to breakfast and her room was empty.  No sign of foul play, robery or other criminal activity was found.

If anyone has information related to this disappearance or has seen this woman, please notify the local authorities as soon as possible.

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: MISSING -- Information Requested
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2005, 05:37:00 pm »
*Lalaith Stepping from the shadows reads the note quickly.  A look of worry spreads acrossed her features*
  "She is on the move.  Its time we move as well..."
  *Lalaith slips back into the shadows, ignoring the call to send word to the authorities. She hurries to the inn and begins to write to a small group of adventurers, letting them know the time to act is now*


RE: MISSING -- Information Requested
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 06:08:00 am »
*Posted around Krandor*

Welcome Home Estelle!

To celebrate the safe return of Estelle Belvinta, her friends and family are throwing a party in her honor on Jular 10, 1387 in Krandor.  All friends, family and acquaintances of Estelle are welcome to attend.

// Note:  this is not an actual event, just a final tie-up to The Cage quest series.

